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    Navi1,新编英语教程(第三版)第二册A New English Course(Third Edition),Unit 1,Unit 5,Unit 6,Unit 7,Unit 8,Unit 2,Unit 10,Unit 4,Unit 11,Unit 12,Unit 13,Unit 14,Unit 15,Unit 9,Movie Clip,Inspirational Picture,Lean in-main,What characterizes the earth in the future?2.Where have all the people gone?,Movie Clip,Movie Clip,Watch the movie clip and answer some questions.,Questions:,The earth will be covered by garbage.,They all went to live in Axiom,the star liner.,3.How long do they expect to stay in space?4.Why is the globe covered with garbage?,Movie Clip,Five years.,Open question.,Script,Newspaper headlineToo much trash!Earth coveredOutdoor advertisementWALL.E,working to dig you out!Male voiceToo much garbage in your face?There is plenty of space out in space.BNL sky liners living each day.We will clean up the mess while youre away.The jewel of BNL fleet-the Axiom.Spend your five-year cruise in style.,Script1,Script,Waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew while your captain and auto pilot try to chart a course for non-stopping entertainment,fine dining,and with our all-access hoverchairs,even Grandma can join the fun.There is no need to walk.The Axiom,putting the star in an executive star liner.BNL CEO:Because at BNL,space is the final fun-tier.,Script2,Seine River,all-access hoverchairs:the chairs that float in the air and can go anywhere.This is a special device in which people lie and travel everywhere in the Axiom in this movie.,hidden,fun-tier:the frontier of fun。这里用了双关的修辞手段,一般我们认为太空是人类的frontier,而BNL的总裁故意说成是fun-tier,让人们相信太空是“欢乐的边疆”。,Inspirational Picture,This photo was taken in Linfen,Shanxi province.What does it bring to your mind?Can you describe the picture?,Inspirational Quote,Practice I,Practice II,LSP-main,Preparatory Questions,Language Structures,Practice III,Practice IV,Practice V,Language Structures,Language Structures,1.I would have liked to sign up,but I sprained my ankle.2.She should/ought to have had more oral practice during the term.She neednt have learned all the dialogues by heart.3.He may/might have gone without you.4.She cant/couldnt have gone to the library.She must have gone to the language lab.5.You may/might as well use my bike.,I would have liked to go skating with you yesterday,but my mother didnt let me.,PQ_1,Recast the following sentences using the following phrases:,Preparatory Questions,1.“would have liked to(do)”,I intended to go skating with you yesterday but I couldnt because my mother didnt let me.,Notice:would have liked to(do)is used with the first person to express the speakers wish that was not fulfilled.,I would have liked to take part in the basketball match yesterday afternoon,but I had a bad fall yesterday morning.,PQ_2,I would have liked to sit in on Professor Wangs class this morning,but I had an important meeting to attend.,2)I meant to sit in on Professor Wangs class this morning but I didnt because I had an important meeting to attend.,3)I intended to take part in the basketball match yesterday afternoon but I couldnt because I had a bad fall yesterday morning.,PQ_3,I would have liked to lend you my cassette recorder,but it was out of order.,4)I planned to lend you my cassette recorder,but I didnt,because it was out of order.,PQ_5,John should/ought to have come with us.,The exhibition was a good one.All of us visited it except John.,2.should/ought to+perfect infinitive,Notice:should/ought to+perfect infinitive,indicating a past obligation that was not fulfilled,PQ_6,Li ought to/should have attended the lecture.,2)We all learned a lot from the lecture,but Li didnt attend it.,The engineer ought to/should have taken an umbrella with him.,3)The engineer went to the research institute without an umbrella and was caught in the rain.,PQ_7,They oughtnt to/shouldnt have bought the book for Mary.,4)They bought a book for Mary but she didnt like it.,PQ_8,I neednt have written such a long summary.,I wrote a summary in more than five hundred words.But the teacher only asked for 200 words.,3.neednt+perfect infinitive,Notice:neednt+perfect infinitive,indicating something that was unnecessarily done in the past,PQ_8,Lin neednt have answered all the ten questions in the test paper.,2)Lin answered all the ten questions in the test paper.But we were only required to answer eight of them.,Mary neednt have gone to the station so early.,3)Mary went to the station an hour before the train started.,PQ_8,Yao neednt have carried all the parcels home herself.They would have delivered them if she had asked them.,4)Yao carried all the parcels home herself.She didnt know they would deliver them if she asked them.,He may/might have been very busy with his work there.,PQ_8,She may/might have gone there already.,1)Where is Susan?I want to go to the canteen with her.,4.may/might+perfect infinitive,Notice:may/might+perfect infinitive,indicating speculations about past actions,2)Its a fortnight since Sun went to the South and we havent got a word from him.I wonder if hes forgotten us all.,PQ_8,He may/might have returned the book to the library./He may/might not have finished reading it yet.,3)Sid told me hed let me have the library book after hed finished with it.Its a week since he said that and he still hasnt given me the book.,You may/might have lost it.,4)Ive been looking for my bicycle key for three days,and its still nowhere to be found.,PQ_8,It was here a moment ago.It couldnt have been stolen last night.,Where is my typewriter?Someone must have stolen it last night.,5.cant/couldnt+perfect infinitive,Notice:cant/couldnt+perfect infinitive,indicating negative deduction about past actions The first part of the response can be given to the students as a prompt.,PQ_8,I told him how to come and I even drew him a map.He cant have lost his way.,2)Keith ought to be here now.Perhaps hes lost his way.,Tims not that strong.He couldnt have brought it by himself.,3)Who brought the refrigerator upstairs?Perhaps it was Tim.,PQ_8,But her husband hasnt come back from abroad yet.It couldnt have been her husband.,4)A man answered the phone.I suppose it was her husband.,PQ_8,He must have enjoyed seeing it.,The film he saw last night was wonderful.,6.must+perfect infinitive,Notice:must+perfect infinitive,indicating affirmative deduction about past actions,He must have worked hard./He must have stayed up late last night.,2)He looks tired,doesnt he?,PQ_8,The children must have gone away.,3)The children were making a lot of noise until five minutes ago.Now it is so quiet.,James must have made a mistake somewhere.,4)James has checked all the figures twice over,but he cant get the correct answer.,PQ_8,You may/might as well go to sleep.,1)I am so exhausted after work.,7.may/might as well,Notice:may/might as well,used with the second person pronoun to express the speakers suggestion(s),Being so weak,you may/might as well see a doctor.,2)Im not feeling well.I think Ive got a cold.,PQ_8,Why dont you change it to another day?You may/might as well go to a movie today.,3)It is too hot for Karen and me to go for a picnic.,You may/might as well ask Lucy to do it.To get ahead on her job,she is willing to try new things.,4)Nick wont take up the additional work.He just wants to do his part.,Practice 1_1,I.Cues:,Practice1_ 2,A:,Everybody signed up for the sports meeting,but,B:,I didnt sign up.,B:,I would have liked to,but I sprained my ankle.,A:,A.,Listening to the recording,I didnt see your name.,Why not?,Practice 1_3,B.Substitution practice,C.More cues for practice,e.g.,Samples:,Practice2_1,II.Cues:,Practice2_2,B:,She should/ought to have had more oral practice all through the term.,A:,Lin failed in her oral English test again.,A:,She learnt all the dialogues in the textbook by heart,though.,B:,But thats no use.As a matter of fact,she neednt have done that.,A.,Listening to the recording,Practice2_3,B.Substitution practice,C.More cues for practice,Sample:,Practice3_1,III.Cues:,Practice3_2,A:,I wonder where Zhang can be.,B:,Did you have an appointment with him?,A:,Yes.He said hed meet me at half past eight and take me to the public library.,A.,Listening to the recording,B:,He may/might have gone without you.,Its about a quarter to nine now.,A:,Maybe,but he ought to have told me so.,Practice3_3,B.Substitution practice,C.More cues for practice,Sample:,Practice4_1,IV.Cues:,Practice4_2,A:,Is Liu in the gym?,B:,No,I dont think so.,A:,Can/Could she have gone to the library?,A.,Listening to the recording,A:,In that case,she must have gone to the language lab.,B:,I just saw her going out with a tape in her hand.,No,she cant/couldnt have gone there.,Practice4_3,B.Substitution practice,C.More cues for practice,Sample:,Practice5_1,V.Cues:,Practice5_2,A:,Its getting very late.I must be off.,B:,Oh,I didnt realize it was so late.,A:,I hope Ill be able to catch the last bus home.,A.,Listening to the recording,You might as well.,B:,Why dont you use my bike?(or,You may/might as well use my bike.The last bus might have gone.),Practice5_3,B.Substitution practice,C.More cues for practice,Sample:,Text Study,Retelling,Dialogue Study-main,Questions on the Dialogue,The old factories that were established long ago are usually not equipped with pollution control devices.,Questions on the Dialogue1,Questions on the Dialogue,1.Ask each other questions.,2.Answer the following questions.,Because since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956,the air quality is much better.,1)Why is London no longer a city full of fog?,2)What is the cause of air and water pollution in the city where the speaker A lives?,Open question.,Questions on the Dialogue2,They bring noise pollution when motorists blow their horns whenever they like.,3)What problem do cars bring?,4)What should be done to bring pollution completely under control?,We should make stricter laws and enforce them.We should also raise peoples awareness of pollution.,5)Do you think that environmental pollution in China has been effectively reduced?If so,please cite some facts or examples.,Pollution Control,A:So youre from London,Dave.A long time ago I read an interesting story about London fog.B:Oh yeah,I think I know the one you mean.Its about a blind woman leading a man with good eyesight to his home in a dense fog.A:Thats right.Since then,Ive always thought of London as full of fog.It must be terrible living there.,B:Thats already history.London is no longer like that.The yellow-black winter fog has disappeared since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956.Since then the average winter sunshine has doubled.And the Thames is swarming with fish.A:Wow!I wish we could do away with air pollution and dust here.Its been tormenting us for years.B:Its not as bad as that,is it?It seems fairly clean around here.,A:Ah,but this is a suburban area.Go to the industrial zone and youll be bothered by the air and water pollution.B:The factories must have been set up a long time ago.Old factories are usually not equipped with pollution control devices.That was the same in my country.It took us many years to make our industrial cities clean and healthy.,A:But the trouble we have is that even some of the newer factories didnt include pollution control measures when they were built.Besides,quite a number of factories were built in the middle of residential areas.B:Thats awful.New factories shouldve been built out of town.A:Yes.They shouldnt have been built in an urban area.And they shouldve been equipped with treatment devices to control smoke,dust,and water pollution.,B:And the noise pollution in the city should also be controlled.Every time I go downtown,Im irritated by all the noise in the streets.A:The honking horns?B:Yes.The motorists blow their horns whenever they like.And the increasing number of taxis and scooters have added considerably to the problem.Their drivers totally ignore the city restrictions on horn blowing.They dont seem to consider noise harmful or annoying to others.,A:True,but more and more people have come to know how harmful noise disturbance is.In some cities in China attempts have been made to reduce street noise and theyve been quite successful.B:Thats good.In some countries its against the law to blow car horns in any street in town.A:I think we ought to make stricter laws to that effect,too,and more importantly,to enforce them!,B:To be fair,perhaps its difficult to bring pollution completely under control all at once.It takes time,and it takes money.A:And yet progress is being made.The government has put a lot of effort into raising peoples awareness of the importance of environmental protection and has taken steps to control pollution.With any luck we can all look forward to living in a much cleaner and healthier city in the not too distant future.,t1,防 治 污 染 A:戴夫,原来你来自伦敦。我很早就读过一篇讲伦敦大雾的故事。B:哦,对,我想我知道你说的那个故事:在一个大雾天,一位失明的妇女领着一个视力没问题的人,把他送回了家。A:没错。读了那个故事以后,我就以为伦敦大雾弥漫。住在那里肯定很难受。,t2,B:那已经是过去的事儿了,伦敦再也不是那样了。1956年实施空气清洁法案以来,冬天黑黄色的雾已经没有了。从那时起,冬天平均日照时间增加了一倍。如今泰晤士河里鱼儿成群游动。A:哇!我希望我们这里也能消除空气污染和尘土,这已经困扰我们很多年了。B:还没那么糟糕,是不是?这里好像十分干净。,t3,A:啊,这是郊区。如果你到工业区去,会受空气污染和水污染的困扰。B:工厂肯定很久前就建起来了,通常老工厂也没有配备污染控制装置。我们国家也是如此,花了很多年才使我们的工业城市变得干净、健康。,t4,A:但是我们的麻烦在于,即使一些新工厂在建立之初也没有污染控制措施。况且,很多工厂建在居民区的中心。B:那太可怕了。新工厂本该建在城外。A:对,不应该建在城区,而且应该配备处理装置来控制烟雾、尘土和水污染。,B:还有,也要控制城里的噪音污染。每次我到市中心去的时候都很生气,大街上到处都有噪音。A:嘟嘟响的汽车喇叭声吗?B:对。司机什么时候想按喇叭就按喇叭。出租车和摩托车越来越多,加重了噪音污染。驾驶者完全不顾城市对鸣喇叭的限制规定,好像没觉得噪音打扰了他人或对他人有害。,t5,t6,A:的确如此,但是越来越多的人渐渐知道噪音干扰是多么有害了。中国的一些城市已经开始减少道路上的噪音,而且十分有成效。B:那太好了。在一些国家,在城市里任何一条街道上鸣汽车喇叭都是违法的。A:我想我们应该就此制定更严格的法律,更重要的是要实施。,t6,B:公平地讲,很难一下子完全控制污染。这需要时间,需要钱。A:但是已经有所好转。政府已经花大力气提高人们对环境保护重要性的意识,也采取了措施控制污染。顺利的话,我们有望在不久的将来生活在一个更干净、更健康的城市。,one of these days,It must be terrible living there.Living there must be terrible.The introductory it is a formal subject,whereas the-ing participle living is the real subject.,Another example,It is great fun boating on the lake.,It all depend,the Clean Air Act This was the result of the recommendations made by the Beaver Committee which was set up to inquire into the question of urban pollution in Britain.The committee was so named because its chairman was Sir Hugh Beaver.,a trade-off,the Thames is swarming with fish the River Thames is full of fish that move about busily.The names of rivers are preceded by the definite article the.,e.g.,the Yangzi River,the Yellow River,the Hudson River,the River Mississippi,one-way bus ride,treatment devices devices used to treat smoke,dust,and water pollution 治理三废设备,a john,more and more people have come to know how harmful.more and more people begin to know how harmful.The infinitive after the verb come expresses an action that takes place gradually over some time.,Another example,After working with Mrs.Brown,who appeared quite hard-hearted,in the same office for many years,Ive come to see that she has a heart of gold.,Incidentally,make stricter laws to that effect make stricter laws with the intention to forbid car horns blowing in the streets.The word effect refers to what B says in the preceding line“its against the law to blow car horns in any street in town.”,afford,“do away with.”ter


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