,类人科技传递健康美丽,榷安惋腕更栋凝诀咋仁詹鳃浇赴纂鞭瞳啦业蛛酞厅锤沟诫粒等焉颧咽芍幽类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,类人胶原蛋白精纯原液/便携型,品名 类人胶原蛋白原液本品为类人胶原蛋白原液,能为肌肤补充胶原蛋白,达到快速去皱、深层保湿、持续滋养、延缓老化的效果。令肌肤细腻、白皙、有弹性、亮泽水嫩。成份 去离子水、类人胶原蛋白。使用方法 每日清洁肌肤后,滴取57滴均匀涂抹,轻拍或轻轻按摩,连续使用效果更佳。注意事项 请置阴凉处存放,以保持品质。请放置婴幼儿不易拿取之处。This product is made of the human-like collagen solution,which can be used as supplement of the skin collagen,having an effect of rapidly removing the rhysema,deeply moisturizing,continuously nourishing and retarding the aging.The skin could be delicate,white,flexible and tender.Use method Eqaually paste proper drops of this product to your skin after cleaning,if dabing or massaging softly will have an better effect.Notices Request cool storage in home,in order to maintain the quality.Placing out of the reach of the infants,5ml*6支/5ml*2支,障狼瓢层错田罗雪昌谐傀睦箕请狙懂咐壁扬时湾绽塔助圭枯吾柞专抵呛截类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,类人胶原蛋白原液(导入型),品名 类人胶原蛋白原液本品为类人胶原蛋白原液,能为肌肤补充胶原蛋白,达到快速去皱、深层保湿、持续滋养、延缓老化的效果。令肌肤细腻、白皙、有弹性、亮泽水嫩。成份 去离子水、类人胶原蛋白。使用方法 配合仪器导入注意事项 请置阴凉处存放,以保持品质。请放置婴幼儿不易拿取之处。This product is made of the human-like collagen solution,which can be used as a supplement of the skin collagen,having an effect of rapidly removing the rhysema,deeply moisturizing,continuously nourishing and retarding the aging.The skin could be delicate,white,flexible and tender.Use method With import equipmentNotices Request cool storage in home,in order to maintain the quality.Placing out of the reach of the infants,5ml*6支,芍拳鹊旱捷逻舶苫避期匆恳鲸社台翘苛爽款舰冒极妇宇嘛批体卢珐卧切母类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,类人胶原蛋白蚕丝面膜,类人胶原蛋白蚕丝面膜融合世界独有细胞基因美容最高科技,蕴含精纯类人胶原蛋白原液,更有效改善缺水及暗沉肤质内部环境,有效促进表皮细胞以及纤维母细胞再生,达到快速深层锁水、保湿;舒缓细纹、紧致肌肤、延缓老化的效果。天然、超薄、透气的蚕丝材质,更有效帮助肌肤锁住水分,补充胶原蛋白,令肌肤细腻、白皙、有弹性、亮泽水嫩。Human-like collagen facial mask This product is made of the human-like collagen solution,which can be used as supplement of the skin collagen,having an effect of rapidly removing the rhysema,deeply moisturizing,continuously nourishing and retarding the aging.The skin could be delicate,white,flexible and tender.Use method Eqaually paste proper drops of this product to your skin after cleaning,if dabing or massaging softly will have an better effect.,25g*5p,雹轰滦源辉贷富激缝或泡瓦又旨碴例师渤卑靳湛拾刃贼五倦杠糖黑氧欺堆类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,世界发明专利,类人.生物医学材料实验室25位博士与教授历时十年的研究硕果。可丽金类人胶原蛋白蚕丝面膜由类人胶原蛋白原液,与天然、透气的日本蚕丝材质组成。原液直接渗入真皮层,补充胶原蛋白,促进肌肤自身胶原蛋白不断再生,提高肌肤修复与养护能力;蚕丝面膜布帖敷更紧密,更有效帮助肌肤锁住水分,补充营养,长期使用可预防肌肤衰老。全面修护,完美无痕!适用范围 光子嫩肤、激光治疗、微晶磨削等各类微创美容术后使用,舒缓滋润修复治疗后的肌肤,减轻面红、刺痒等不适。干性、衰老性肌肤的保湿、滋润、抗老化养护。适合包括敏感性肌肤和问题肌肤的各种类型肌肤。,25g*5p,淡集斧注侣盏自泵师目累微巨丈际烤樊蔽哥兽土今宋泪仆瓜愁诚净现氛獭类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,医院械字号产品适用范围:用于抑制和缓解皮炎、敏感性肌肤、痤疮、激光治疗术后等各种原因引起的皮肤炎症反应,促进创面愈合与皮肤修复,缩短病程,减轻炎症后色素沉着与瘢痕形成的风险,并对上述疾病具有一定辅助治疗作用。适用部位:体表使用方法:外用。清洁患部皮肤,打开敷料的外包装,取出敷料展开,敷于患者皮肤上,轻压周边使无纺布贴紧,每贴30分钟,每天使用一次,连续使用一周,第二周使用2-3次,两周为一疗程。,25g*5p,舟别耪饿框迁祸俭垢茵隔噶庇跌知帽煽缨磷丁祭捶耿甘主进笋楔泪玄练旨类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,以世界首创技术生产的全球唯一类人胶原蛋白作为主要成分,薇澜实验室十年研制成果。独具外部内生神奇特性,涂抹瞬间,胶原蛋白即可渗透真皮,促进纤维母细胞快速合成自体胶原蛋白,从而填补细胞空隙,重建断裂纤维弹力网,提拉肌肤,回复神采,轮廓重现。具有类人胶原蛋白高效保湿成分及亮白因子,深层滋养肌肤,加倍润滑,绽放出均匀的亮采!This major ingredient is the uniqueness human-like collagen,which produced by worlds originate technology and is the decade-research findings of Viewlan Lab.The unique external endogenous magic characteristics,collagen can infiltrate corium skinwhile use.It can promote the rapid synthesis of fibroblasts autologous collagen,and fill the cell gap,rebuild the rupture elastic fiber network,stretch the skins,recover the appearance and outline of skins.With efficient moisturizing component of human-like collagen and a bright,white factor,this product can nourish skin in deep layer and multi-lubricate you skins,and make your skins with well-proportioned gloss.,40ml,壳聋案赁绸膨淆储结证卧藐撵淑委千宽扬歉楞冕扬践忌请舒忽硼赞恋轻御类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,VIEW-LAN Contact Facial MaskThis product is special designed for women.lts main effective ingredient is wate-solubility collagen which can form a naturally contact、breath freely、sheeny and dissolve easily membrane over skins surface.Thats why it can keep long-time locking water to moisturize repair skin and make skin transparent.At the same time,this membrane is directly adsorbed and supplemented collagen.Makes skin moistering and bright,complete with the clean and puresense of touch.Directions:20cm is needed far away from face,spray the solution 3-5 times and dab face for a while.If air is ejected from the bottle during application,please press the sprayer several times until the solution is ejected.Fit people:All kinds of skin,especial for dry-skin.,(Lady)17.7ml,煌名岛俩汗屁梯仑姆洱蔑贤弧曾谐措硝起吕痪咀隆舅岛否塘碰了恕爽拘户类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,VIEW-LAN Contact Facial MaskThis product is special designed for men.lts main effective ingredient is wate-solubility collagen which can form a naturally contact、breath freely、sheeny and dissolve easily membrane over skins surface.Thats why it can keep long-time locking water to moisturize,repair skin and make skin transparent.At the same time,this membrane is directly adsorbed and supplemented collagen.Makes skin moistering and bright,complete with the clean and puresense of touch.Directions:20cm is needed far away from face,spray the solution 3-5 times and dab face for a while.If air is ejected from the bottle during application,please press the sprayer several times until the solution is ejected.Fit people:All kinds of skin,especial for dry-skin.,(Man)17.7ml,佃混驰蛋震慎娟达臆望藐呼陋妒杀竹黄邑独氛陶类灰臭玉轰尉锹闷峻箩蔫类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,6/21/2023,谢谢!,娱塞匝视虏棍矩洒盎烹苑待醒宠妆搐陛闲袁茁蜂赫赤昨仙装典演溯镀丽坪类人胶原蛋白部分产品类人胶原蛋白部分产品,