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    Unit 4 Information Security,In this unit you will:1.learn about the life of hackers and the safety of the Internet;2.familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit;3.learn to use these words and expressions;4.learn about types of journalistic reports and their features for a better understanding of news reports;5.practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials;6.learn to use the proper expressions and sentence structures to show agreement and disagreement.,Learning objectives,Part I Theme-Related Activities,Part II Listening Strategies,Part III Extensive Listening,Part IV Communication Skills,Part V Assessment Log,Part I Theme-Related Activities,Section I Interview,Section II Science Report,Section III Movie Clip,1.Have you ever wondered how talented hackers do their job and how intriguing and fascinating their life is?2.Have you ever been troubled by some hackers,for example,by their phishing emails or other hoaxes and scams?,Lead-in questions:,Unit 4 Part I Section I Lead-in questions,Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section I Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section I Word Bank,1.Joe Grands first invention was _.A.a computer game that sold well B.a software that can be used to hack into any computer C.a device that allows callers to dial out but prevents calling in D.a modem that made communication possible with his friends,Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.,Task,Unit 4 Part I Section I Task 1,2.The club was wanted by the US senate because _.A.the government needed them to crack a code B.they hacked the government computer system C.they wanted to know the state of government computer security D.the government needed to attack their enemies computer systems3.Terry Sandin and his team created _.A.a robot B.a show for children C.a new security software D.a new software for hacking,Unit 4 Part I Section I Task 1,4.Terry Sandin thinks his efforts paid off when _.A.he assembled a computer B.the software he designed became popular C.he successfully hacked others computer systems D.people,especially children liked the robot he made5.Terry thinks he can help society by _.A.teaching children how to make robot B.drawing out creativity in other people C.producing anti-virus software D.helping children overcome stage fright,Unit 4 Part I Section I Task 1,Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following sentences.,Task,1.Joe Grand teamed up with a group of guys to start a little hackers club when.2.The club members communicated with each other over.3.Back,Joe Grand and the club members from the Loft were asked to.4.Unlike most inventors who put their ideas on paper,Terry keeps them all.,he was 15 years old,_,the computer on modems,_,in early 2000,_,testify about the government s computer security,_,in his head,_,Unit 4 Part I Section I Task 2,5.Terry could see the whole thing assembled and know how things.,visually in his head,_,are supposed to line up,_,Unit 4 Part I Section I Task 2,1.What unique personalities do you think hackers have?Do you think these personalities can be acquired after birth?2.What role does creativity play in success?What needs to be done on parents part to nurture creativity in their children?3.What attitudes should parents take towards kids whimsical inventions?4.Tell about one thing you were proud of when you were a kid?,Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions.After the discussion,each group will give a brief report to the class.,Task,【Script】,Unit 4 Part I Section I Task 3,Script,Unit 4 Part I Section I Script,Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section II Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section II Word Bank,Task 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.,Task,Unit 4 Part I Section II Task 1,1.Diane Solomon was hijacked on her flight to Los Angeles.2.Someone assumed Solomons identity to open a bank account.3.Social engineering is a type of identity theft.,(Her face,name and information about her friends were stolen.),F,F,_,_,(Her identity was used to open a Facebook account.),T,_,4.One of Diane Solomons friends was cheated out of money by the hackers.5.Diane Solomon thinks it was a worm-monitoring virus she downloaded unconsciously that led to the disclosure of her information.,T,F,_,(No one lost their money.),_,Unit 4 Part I Section II Task 1,1.Where was Diane Solomon when her friends called her?2.How did the hacker persuade Diana Solomons friends to wire money?,Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then give a short answer to each of the following questions.,Task,Running a race in downtown Los Angeles.,The hacker sent an email as Diana Solomon saying she was in danger and needed money.,_,_,Unit 4 Part I Section II Task 2,3.According to Alice Tsujihara,why is social engineering so easy?4.What can we infer about Diane Solomon from her response to the identity theft?5.What do authorities suggest people do to fight against identity theft?,So much information is available on the Internet.,Change their password regularly,use anti-virus software,keep their personal information secure.,_,_,She has a strong sense of responsibility.,_,Unit 4 Part I Section II Task 2,Task 3 Watch the video clip again and make a two-minute comment on the topic of the clip.Prepare to answer one or two questions raised by the class or your teacher after your presentation.,Task,For Reference:,Unit 4 Part I Section II Task 3,【Script】,Questions:1.What benefits have we gained from computer technology?What risks have come with these advancements?2.Besides identity theft,what other cyber crimes do you know of?And what harm could they inflict on us?3.What could society as a whole do to reduce and control cyber crimes?4.Do you agree with the governments attempt to start up real name online registration?Which would you choose:a safe and well-disciplined Internet or a free and open Internet?Why?5.Suppose you are a cyber hacker,what will you use your talent for?6.How would you describe the life of hackers?,Unit 4 Part I Section II Task 3,Script,Unit 4 Part I Section II Script,Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section III Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section III Word Bank,Unit 4 Part I Section III Word Bank,1.Lightman went to see Mr.Kessler to _.A.surprise him with his fast progress B.discuss his attitude problem with him C.ask for a chance to take the makeup test D.get the password of the school computers,Task 1 Watch the video clip and chooes the best answers to the following questions.,Task,Unit 4 Part I Section III Task 1,2.Lightman and Mack argued over whether they should _.A.earn money by playing the games B.spend so much time on computers C.change their school grades illegally D.download programs from other computers without permission3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as proof of Lightmans hacks?A.Booking flight ticket.B.Opening bank account.C.Reserving rooms in the hotel.D.Hacking into computers in Sunnyvale.,Unit 4 Part I Section III Task 1,4.Jim was offended because Malvin _.A.turned a deaf ear to his warnings about secrecy B.was so dumb that he couldnt come up with a solution C.was impolite,poking his nose into what isnt his business D.acted rudely and failed to take others feeling into consideration5.To get into the system,Jim suggested _.A.going right through Falkens Maze B.learning some basic strategies first C.creating a new data encryption algorithm D.finding out the guy who designed the system,Unit 4 Part I Section III Task 1,Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then match the characters on the left with their understanding of computer technology and attitudes towards hacks on the right.,Task,1.Lightman2.Mack3.Malvin,a.No system is totally secure.b.It is impossible to get in a system containing the new data encryption algorithm.c.It is illegal to hack into school computers and change the school grades.,Unit 4 Part I Section III Task 2,,a,e,_,d.Finding back door is not a secret exclusive to hackers but a common way to get through frontline security.e.You can always find“help”instructions for complicated programs.f.It is impossible for the computer games company to design the program“Theatre-wide biotoxic and chemical warfare”.,c,_,b,_,d,f,_,4.Jim,【Script】,Unit 4 Part I Section III Task 2,Script,Unit 4 Part I Section III Script,Part II Listening Strategies,Section I News-Types of Journalistic Reports,News-Types of Journalistic Reports,Unit 4 Part II Section I,News reports can roughly be classified into the following typesreports,features,commentaries and columns.The news reports can be further classified into single event coverage,roundups,follow-ups,and in-depth reports.Common types of features include profile,locality features or travelogues,personal experience features and first-hand accounts.,Listening SkillListening for News Reports and Features Single event coverage focuses on a single news event.The standard coverage length is around 300 words.The roundups instead give a more multi-perspective and detailed account of a significant news event or a major social problem.Follow-ups are the further investigation and coverage of an important news event.During a certain fixed period of time readers can find a series of such reports.A perfect example is the follow-ups on the crash of the space shuttle Columbia.Reporters looked into the cause andaftermath of this tragedy from various perspectives in a series of follow-ups.The following instance is a short but complete piece from BBCnews.It focuses on a single event,that is,GMs car recall.,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Although it is brief,the report gives the audience all the details of the car recall.e.g.The American carmaker General Motors says its recalling about 1.5 million vehicles worldwide because of an electrical fault that could cause fire.GM conducted a similar recall in 2008 but says its come across new reports of fires in vehicles that have been fixed.Most of the vehicles affected are in the United States,along with Mexico and Canada.It follows a much bigger recall by the Japanese carmaker Toyota earlier this year.Features either have the most prominent or inspirational episodes of people in focus,or dwell on the cultural or historic significance of places.,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Rule of Thumb 1 While listening to or watching a news report(whether a single event or roundups),you should give due attention to the reporters style of covering the event.Multi-perspective roundups are widely adopted in on-the-spot TV reports.TV networks like CNN often send their reporters to hot spots across the world to interview different people and gather relevant materials and information to produce a more panoramic coverage.,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Rule of Thumb 2 While listening to or watching news features,pay attention to what distinguishes the person in question from the crowd or what makes a certain place so unique.,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Word Bank,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Task 1 Watch the CNN roundup news and then finish the following exercises.,Task,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 1,Answer the following questions1)Where was the earthquake epicenter?2)What did the earthquake register on the Richter scale?3)How did Afghanistan people try to rescue survivors?4)Where were most victims?,The epicenter was in the Kashmiri Mountains.,7.6 Richter scale.,They used their bare hands to clear debris.,_,_,_,They were in remote parts of the Himalayan foothills.,_,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 1,5)In order to cover the earthquake in South and Central Asia,how many states did the reporter travel to report?6)Besides the reporters own coverage,what other news sources did she borrow to use?,The reporter travel to three statesPakistan,India and Afghanistan.,_,She also used materials from Reuters and the AP.,_,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 1,2.Dictation 1)after tragedy struck South and Central Asia,the clean-up is already 2)in Islamabad.But this is what actually happened 3),a hundred kilometers away from the epicenter of the 7.6 earthquake,seconds after the earth shook,4)is all that can be seen of a multi-story building in Pakistans capital,Islamabad.This is Indian-administrated Kashmir.And this is Afghanistan.5)are reported to be worst affected.Reports are that entire villages,even towns,have been 6).No one knows how long it will take for 7)to get to such places.Road,More than 24 hours,_,under way,_,at the same spot,_,a massive cloud of dust,_,Far-flung areas,_,completely flattened,_,rescuers and aid,_,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 1,access is likely to be limited,8).Until then,like here in Afghanistan,people are using their 9)to clear debris.Too late for this ten-year-old girl.But the need is 10),unknown numbers of people are sleeping 11)and theyve lost everything.“Winter is approaching,this is the month of Holy Ramadan,these people need rations,tents,blankets as soon as possible,12)for their survival.”Back in Islamabad,a few hours ago,rescuers pulled one lucky man from the 13).Voices are still being heard in the rubble even here where heavy 14)is available.But most of the victims are in 15)of the Himalayan foothills and the final number of dead may not be known for weeks.,if not impossible,_,bare hands,_,overwhelming and urgent,_,in the open,_,it is imperative,_,nightmare,_,lifting equipment,_,remote parts,_,【Script】,Script,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 1,Word Bank,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Unit 4 Part II Section I,Task 2 Listen to the news report and then finish the following exercises.,Task,1.Listen to the news and retell one episode in Dorothy Heights life with the following clue.Episode:Denied Admission into Barnard CollegeFOR REFERENCE Dorothy Height won a four-year college scholarship,the top prize nationally in a public speaking contest on the Constitution.She arrived at Barnard College in New York City only to learn that an unwritten limit of two Negro students per year had already been met.She was denied admission on the spot because the college administrator did not know that she was not white.,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 2,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 2,2.Decide whether the following statements for Benjamin Hooks are true or false.,1)He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005.2)He served in France during World War II.3)He went to DePaul University in Chicago to study law.,(2007),F,_,(Italy),F,_,T,_,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 2,4)In the struggle for racial equality,he placed focus on legal activism.5)He served as the director of the NAACP for 10 years,(15 years),F,_,T,_,【Script】,Script,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 2,Task 3 Read the following passage after the clip.Pay particular attention to pronunciation and intonation.,Task,Unit 4 Part II Section I Task 3,But the need is overwhelming and urgent,unknown numbers of people are sleeping in the open,and theyve lost everything.Winter is approaching,this is the month of Hol


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