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    Cultural Difference between English and Chinese,Definition of culture文化背景上的不同 风俗上的不同 联想上的不同 制度、信仰和世界观不 同社交礼节 翻译方法,Culture(1),The New World Encyclopedia It is the totality of the spiritual,intellectual,and artistic attitudes shared by a group,including its tradition,habits,social customs,morals,laws,and social relations,Sociologically,every society,on every level,has its culture;the term has no implications of high development.,Culture(2),翻译者必须是一个真正意义的文化人。人们全说:他必须掌握两种语言,确实如此;但是,不了解语言当中的社会文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言。王佐良 翻译中的文化比较,19841翻译通讯翻译中对原文意思的理解,远远不是单纯的语言理解问题。语言是文化的组成部分,它受着文化的影响和制约。在翻译过程中,译者对某段文字理解的正确与否,在很大程度上取决于他对有关文化的了解。对于译者来说,没有两种文化的对比知识,就无从谈起对语言文字的正确理解与表达。谭载喜,Culture(3),Learning a language is a kind of learning the culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken.,文化背景(1),骨瘦如柴 be as lean as a rake对牛弹琴 to cast pearls before swine滚石不生苔a rolling stone gathers no mass众人拾柴火焰高many hands make light work.竹篮打水一场空drawing water in a bamboo basket means drawing nothing.,文化背景(2),Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.好风快扬帆Still waters run deep.静水流深In a calm sea,every man is a pilot.海面平静,人人都可当舵手。A small leak will sink a great ship.小洞不堵要沉大船。,风俗上的不同(1),You are a lucky dog.你是一个幸运儿。Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日。Old dog will not learn new tricks.老人学不了新东西。sick as a dogdog-tired,风俗上的不同(2),天生有福俄国人:“穿着衬衣生下来的”英国人:“生来嘴里就含着一把银勺”(born with a silver spoon in ones mouth)德国人:“梳好了头才出世的”“一箭双雕”或“一举两得”法语:“一块石头打两处”英文:“一石打死二鸟”(to kill two birds with one stone)俄语:“一枪打死两只免子”德语:“一个拍子打两只苍蝇”,联想上的不同(1),Mr.White is a very white man.He was looking rather green the other day.He has been feeling blue today.When I saw him,he was in a brown mood.I hope hell soon be in the pink again.,联想上的不同(2),山中无老虎,猴子称霸王In the land of the blind,the one-eyed man is king.如鱼得水 like a duck to water多如牛毛 as plentiful as blackberries一箭之遥 at stones throw水中捞月 to fish in the air石沉大海 remain a dead letter半瓶子醋 half-baked蠢得象猪 as stupid as a goose,联想上的不同(3),守口如瓶 dumb as an oyster挥金如土 to spend money like water烂醉如泥 drunk as a sailor画蛇添足 gild the lily热锅上的蚂蚁 like a cat on a hot tin roof湿得像落汤鸡 as wet as a drowned rat瘦得象猴子 as thin as a shadow吹牛 talk horse如履薄冰 to tread upon eggs棋逢对手 diamond cut diamond挂羊头卖狗肉 cry up wine and sell vinegar,制度、信仰和世界观不同,关于颜色词语的理解RedGreenYellowBlueWhiteBlack,Red(1),红旗 red flag 红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black tea 红榜 honor roll 红豆 love pea 红运 good luck 红利 dividend 红事 wedding,red wine 红酒 red ruin 火灾 red battle 血战red sky 彩霞,Red(2),贾宝玉神游太虚境,警幻仙曲演红楼梦。Jiao Baoyu visits the Land of Illusion;And the fairy Disenchantment performs the Dream of Golden Days.贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵,刘姥姥醉窝怡红院。Jia Baoyu tastes some superior tea at Green Bower Hermitage;And Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accommodation at Green Delights.,Green(1),“嫉妒、眼红”green with envygreen as jealousygreen-eyed monster,Green(2),“钱财、钞票、有经济实力”In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。,Green(3),“没有经验、缺乏训练、知识浅薄”The new typist is green at her job.刚来的打字员是个生手。You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people.She is only eighteen and as green as grass.你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。,Yellow(1),“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a yellow livered 胆小鬼He is too yellow to stand up and fight.他太软弱,不敢起来斗争。,Yellow(2),特定颜色 Yellow Pages 黄页(电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷)Yellow Book 黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧)yellow boy(俗)金币,Yellow(3),象征低级趣味、色情庸俗、下流猥亵 pornographic(色情的)vulgar(庸俗下流的)obscene(猥亵的)blue jokes(下流的玩笑)blue films(黄色电影),Blue(1),“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match.球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。She looks blue today.Whats the matter with her?She is in holiday blue.她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情?她得了假期忧郁症。,Blue(2),“黄色的”、“下流的”blue talk 下流的言论blue video 黄色录像,Blue(3),社会地位高、出身名门的意义,如blue blood(贵族血统)others out of blue 意想不到once in a blue 千载难逢drink till alls blue 一醉方休,White(1),英语中的white有时表达的含义,与汉语中的“白色”没有什么关系 a white lie 善意的谎言the white coffee 牛奶咖啡white man 善良的人,有教养的人white-livered 怯懦的white elephant 昂贵又无用之物,White(2),汉语中有些与“白”字搭配的词组,实际上与英语white所表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义白开水 plain boiled water白菜 Chinese cabbage白字 wrongly written or mispronounced character白搭 no use白费事 all in vain,Black(1),象征气愤和恼怒black in the face 脸色铁青to look black at someone 怒目而视,Black(2),“阴险”、“邪恶”黑心 evil mind backstage manipulator黑幕inside story黑线 a sinister line black sheep 害群之马black day 凶日black future 暗淡的前途,Others(1),历史方面:to raise to the purple升为红衣主教to be born in the purple 生于帝王之家to marry into the purple 与皇室或贵族联姻,Others(2),社会方面:blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者grey-collar workers 灰领阶层,指服务行业的职员white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者pink-collar workers 粉领阶层,指职业妇女群体golden-collar personnel 金领阶层,指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才,Others(3),经济方面:red ink 赤字in the black 盈利white goods 白色货物,指冰箱、洗衣机等外壳为白色的家电产品brown goods 棕色货物,指电视、录音机、音响等外壳为棕色的电子产品,社交礼节上的不同(1),你辛苦了You must have had a tiring journey.You must be tired from a long trip?Well done!That was a hard job.Youve got a hard job.,社交礼节上的不同(2),饭桶 good-for-nothing吃不开 be unpopular吃不了兜着走 land oneself in serious trouble 吃不消 be unable to stand 吃不住 be unable to bear or support 吃老本 live off ones past gains 吃软不吃硬 be open to persuasion but not to coercion吃闲饭 lead an idle life吃香 be very popularHe has taken the bread out of my mouth他砸了我的饭碗,翻译方法,直译意译其他,直译(1),Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧Example is better than precept.身教胜于言传,直译(2),All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马雪中送炭to offer fuel in snowy weather一人得道,鸡犬升天even the dog swaggers when its master win favor“瓜田李下”“瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠”Neither adjust your shoe in a melon patch,nor your hat under a plum tree。,意译(1),When in Rome,do as the Romans do.“入乡随俗”“到什么山,唱什么歌”望子成龙to expect ones son to become an outstanding personagea cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁天有不测风云Something unexpected may happen any time.,意译(2),Achilles heel“阿克勒斯的脚后跟”“唯一致命的弱点”更恰当。The dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone.你说别人坏话,他也会说你的坏活。We still love each other very much,but we fight like cat and dog.“我们常吵吵闹闹,但仍很相爱。”,


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