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    GRE阅读复习方法小结 GRE阅读复习方法小结, 下一个高分就是你,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读复习方法小结 下一个高分就是你GRE阅读是很多考生GRE高分的拦路虎,那么怎样复习GRE阅读才能取得高分呢?找到正确的备考方法,往往可以取得事半功倍的效果。下面搜集了以下新GRE阅读方法:对*结构的把握*结构是做阅读题整体思路的关键。掌握了*结构就知道*大体的行文脉络,*的大体意思也差不多了。*的结构类型以及标志词,以及*结构类型和主旨题之间的关系,仔细分析一道主旨题的正确答案是怎么阐述原文篇章主旨和结构的,其实这个正确答案就是*的中心句的改写形式,最重要的就是找出原文中的中心句,这是帮助读者更深刻地理解原文结构的有效办法。对常考考点的熟悉程度俗化说,知己知彼,百战百胜。要想迅速攻克GRE阅读难关,就要了解出题者的思维。根据题目反推原文考点,题目都考了原文哪些内容,自己有没有关注到这些内容并做标记,这些内容都有什么可总结的规律、特征词。这样总结非常重要,如果坚持下去,很短一段时间后,就会发现一些固定的原文出题点,日后再读原文的时候也就会自然而然地关注它们了。对错误题的总结分析分析错题,做错的题一定不能放过,看它们与正确答案之间的差别在哪里,在分析错题的同时更要关注正确答案与原文定位处的叙述之间的改写关系,尤其是词与词的对应系。当然除了这三点外还有很多可以总结的,比如词汇、难句等,总结是提高的关键,特别是在GRE的阅读中,只有多总结,从总结中不段进步,不段提高,这样我们的阅读水平才会得到提高。上述就是针对怎样复习GRE阅读才能取得高分的问题提出的相关的备考建议,希望能够给大家一些启发,更好地准备GRE阅读。GRE阅读练习:Internet induced depressionA decrease in face-to-face social contact can precipitate depression. Time spent using the Internet cannot be spent in face-to-face social contact, so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression. Studies of regular Internet users have found a significantly higher incidence of depression among those who had recently doubled the amount of time they spent using the Internet than among those whose use had not increased. Hence, the psychologists speculation is correct.1. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?A. In general, the reason that the people in the studies had doubled their Internet use was not that they had earlier experienced a significant decrease in opportunities for face-to-face social contract.B. A sharp decrease in face-to-face social contact is the only change in daily activity that can lead to an increased incidence of depression.C. Using the Internet presents no opportunities for people to increase the amount of face-to-face social contact they experienced in their daily lives.D. Regular Internet users who are depressed will experience an immediate improvement in mood if they sharply decrease the amount of time they spend on the Internet.E. Before they doubled the time they spent on the Internet, the people who did so were already more prone to depression than are regular Internet users in general.答案:C解析:题目问*论证基于的假设。*中心结论是中间这句:so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression 增加上网时间会引起抑郁。*理由以该句结论为界,分为前后两个部分:前半部分理由看起来是一个链状推理:减少面对面社交会引起抑郁。用来上网的时间不能用于面对面社交。后半部分理由是一个对比研究:最近增加两倍上网时间的常规网络用户比没有增加的常规网络用户有更高的抑郁发生率。前后两半部分理由到结论各需要什么假设?或者,各自推理在何种情况下会不成立?先说后半部分。这个对比研究支持结论需要什么假设?对啦?实验前、实验中没有其他干扰变量啦!前半部分呢?看出来了么?它貌似一个链状推理,但它与严密支持结论的链状推理之间是有出入的。这样一个链状推理才是严密的,无懈可击的:理由1:减少面对面社交会引起抑郁理由2:增加上网的时间会减少面对面社交时间结论:增加上网时间会引起抑郁对啦!问题是:即使用来上网的时间不能用于面对面社交,但是否能增加每天其他时间的面对面社交机会呢?比如,俺上网用来dating, 上网之后意犹未尽,相约面对面热聊啦!如果出现这种情况,原文推理就不是我们需要的严密推理啦!所以,*推理依据的假设就是要排除这种情况。就是C选项啦!至于你所纠结的B选项,原文推理只需要一个充分条件:减少面对面社交一定会引起抑郁,不需要B选项所表达的必要条件啦!还有,A选项是针对*中哪一部分推理?对啦!后半部分!GRE阅读分析:Maximum loading capacityThe damage that trucks do to highwaysescalates dramatically with the weight borne per axle. New regulations increasethe maximum permitted vehicle weight; these regulations will therefore allowonto the highway trucks capable of doing even more damage than those currentlypermitted.1. The argument is open up to criticismon the grounds that itA. fails to establish that the level ofdamage done by trucks is a serious problemB. omits evidence about one of the tworelevant factorsC. ignores the possibility that carefuldriving can lessen damage to highwaysD. presumes that trucks are the onlyvehicles capable of causing substantial damage to highwaysE. presumes that something is bound tohappen just because it is allowed to happen大家注意:该题让找*推理最关键的漏洞。*结构很简单,说,货车对高速公路的破坏随轴(axle)载重量的增加而增加。新规则提高了允许的货车最大载重量,所以新规则将允许能对高速公路造成更大伤害的货车上路。选哪个呢?解析:答案:B解析:相信很多同学选的是E选项。很遗憾,选错啦!为什么E选项不对,B选项是正确答案呢?注意,E选项说,因为某事允许(allow)发生所以注定(bound to)发生,而*结论就到允许(allow)发生的层面,根本没有对于是否“注定(bound to)发生”的判断。千万注意,“货车一定会对高速公路造成更大破坏”只是我们的臆想,不是*的结论呀!B选项正确,*推理确实犯了B选项所描述的错误:忽略了两个关键因素中的一个。注意,*说,货车是否能对高速公路造成破坏的关键因素是轴(axle)载重量,轴(axle)载重量决定于两个关键因素:1 总载重量,2 轴的数量。新规定只是关于总载重量,遗漏了“轴的数量”问题。GRE阅读精选测试题与答案例题:Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brains memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a parallel, one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one. Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation. Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an objects features. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar. (151 words)12. The author is primarily concerned with(A) explaining how the brain receives images(B) synthesizing hypotheses of visual recognition(C) examining the evidence supporting the serial-recognition hypothesis(D) discussing visual recognition and some hypotheses proposed to explain it(E) reporting on recent experiments dealing with memory systems and their relationship to neural activityFor the following question consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply13. According to the passage, Gestalt psychologists make which of the following suppositions about visual recognition?A A retinal image is in exactly the same forms as its internal representation.B An object is recognized as a whole without any need for analysis into component parts.C The matching of an object with its internal representation occurs in only one step.


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