GRE阅读之这些方法与高分更配 GRE阅读,这些方法、资料与高分更配!我们看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读:这些方法与高分更配GRE阅读备考方法GRE阅读对于考生要求较高,词汇、长难句、逻辑结构等,缺一不可。因此做好备考计划,将有助于大家用较少的时间和精力取得更好的复习效果。下面就为大家介绍一下GRE考试阅读部分备考需要做好的一些工作,帮助大家更好的准备GRE阅读考试。强化长难句:GRE阅读,包括数学和逻辑中的一些题干的一大特点,也就是一大难点,就是充斥着一些或很长、或很怪异的句子,我们称之为GRE长难句。句子,作为任何阅读*最基本的阅读单位,其重要性不言而喻。换句话说,句子读不懂,想要读懂*,好比痴人说梦。可是GRE阅读中的句子之繁难,超出其他所有的英语考试的范畴,其长度更立人瞠目,往往读到句末,已经忘了前面在说些什么,令很多初学者困惑不已,不得不放弃真正读懂*的想法。建议考生一定要在正式模考之前把长难句拿下。现掌握了长难句阅读能节省很多的复习时间,之前需要一个词一个词来读的*,通过训练可以做到以段来理解。长难句的复习资料最好的是杨鹏GREGMAT难句教程,认真学完的话阅读分数能有很大的提升。量的积累:熟悉GRE阅读套路的最简单粗暴方法就是大量接触GRE的阅读。结束长难句的专项训练之后,大家就可以开始进行强度较大的阅读训练了,把各类能找到的GRE阅读真题和练习题都拿来作为积累阅读量的材料,有时间的话还可以看一些英文课外读物补充知识面,通过大量阅读的方式积累对于GRE阅读的熟悉程度。题目分类解析:主旨题:一定要做对主旨题,也就是一定要读懂*的中心,抓住中心就抓住了一切。细节题:看到有“According to”这样的字眼就一定能在*中找到对应的出处,找到了出处就能解出来。推理题:看到有“infer”"conclude""imply"以及类似的字眼,这道题需要从原文中找对应句子再经过推理才能解出来,*中不一定有原话,把它当做逻辑题对待就行了。结构题:这类题一般都比较简单,问某个词,某句话,某段在*中的作用。在理解全文的基础上解答基本错不了。其他题:具体问题具体分析,疑难杂题出现的概率很小,在此不做特别说明。考场时间分配:Verbal每个部分30分钟内需要解决掉20道题,其中阅读题往往占了一半,考虑到阅读*需要花费的时间,建议考生按照一题一分钟的节奏来完成做题。多出来的时间就留给阅读读*,这样阅读可以仔细一点,思考再多一点。迅速理解题意:这也是GRE考试中无论是数学、语文还是作文都要求的一项基本技能。如果前面4点的准备工作做的扎实,这项技能会有相当大的提高,考试就能得心应手,游刃有余。准备了一些GRE考生阅读部分的备考心得:1、GRE330学霸传授3点阅读提分复习心得!2、非牛,26天备考,GRE一战330分超强经验分享3、【备考经验】GRE一战162+168:大二的时候裸考托福100,大三在美帝交换了一年,看过的原版书差不多也十多二十本了,所以对英语阅读没啥恐惧感,像杨鹏的长难句阅读这种经典教材就没有看。考前三周,PP2第一次模考:V156,Q170,让我陷入焦虑的开始考前一周,OG模考第一套:V165,试题偏向简单,分数让我稍微安心了些;考前3天,OG模考第二套:V157,状态不太好;考前1天,PP2第一次模考:V160,事实证明这次的分数和结果最接近,结束后我大概比较确定考场上正常发挥的话V应该能拿1604、一位考生的GRE考试二战159+170+3完美谢幕的经验分享5、GRE备考经验:332.5分是如何拿下的?我准备了大约一个月,这一个月中有16天是全心全意备考GRE的,每天大约学习12个小时。因为备考时间较短,所以用的资料比较少。6、GRE从317到333的备考经验分享!从去年7月开始便备考G,前前后后拖拖拉拉考了大半年,从第一次的战五渣149+168+3.5到最后的163+170+3.5,一路下来在备考上走了不少弯路,现在将自己的经验和踩过的深坑分享给大家。7、一战309,二战327|GRE两次备考的经验分享:144+165,第一次考G在彻底的失败中落幕。第二次,157+170,虽然远非完美,也算不上高分,但足以对得起这40多天以来一边应付学校功课一边备考的辛劳。8、半脱产备考30天,一战329,GRE高分经验分享:我是在大三结束后才开始接触GRE。就我个人的感受来看,GRE其实没有大家想象得那么难。我之前的英语基础也很一般,托福考了3次才上100分(泪目),而且我周围其他同学大都也是花了一个月左右的时间集中攻克了GRE。新GRE阅读复习的材料如何选择?对于参加新GRE考试的同学来说,选择一本好的、可靠的复习资料是非常重要的,很多同学在复习新GRE阅读的时候会做一些GRE阅读理解真题,这样可以帮助同学们熟悉GRE阅读部分的考试节奏,但是对于新GRE阅读中有很多的难点不易攻破,尤其是长难句,我们要选择怎样的复习资料呢?下面为大家详细整理一下。一、GRE阅读基础类资料1、OG这是所有官方材料中最重要、最基础的一份。本书的内容包括考试的整体思想,考试各部分的介绍(包括各种题型的介绍)和若干练习题,以及两套完整的模考题。毫不夸张地说,这本书的正文至少应当被通读两遍,这本书里的每道题也都应当被彻底弄懂。适合人群:刚入门的小白们,对GRE阅读没有基础的考生2、Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice QuestionsETS官方出品,GRE语文权威备考资料,包含150道GRE语文真题,按题型、难度编排,全面备考GRE语文知识点。GRE分析性写作详解备考策略,涵盖真题及高品质范文,为GRE写作提供权威指导!适合人群:刚入门的小白们,对GRE阅读没有基础的考生3、GREGMAT阅读难句教程本书精心挑选了GRE、GMAT历年考题中大量让考生头痛,而且不易理解和容易出错的结构复杂、意思艰深的句子,以结构分析法,采用各种特定的标识,剖析每段难句,并附有译文和解释。为便于读者掌握分析意群的能力,还将原文做了意群标识。以实战的要求为目的、迅速读懂、利用语法但是不靠语法,学练结合、以练为主。适合人群:经常被GRE阅读长难句困扰,期望提升做题速度的考生上述资料已经全部做成了彩蛋,彩蛋获取方法见文末。4、其他:上述资料已经全部做成了彩蛋,彩蛋获取方法见文末。二、GRE阅读题型讲解类资料1、GRE阅读36套GRE阅读36套解析本书“导言”部分深度分析了“学术*的多层结构”,从单词、句子、句群、段落、*、论文、专著等各个层面,讨论结构化阅读的思维,并总结了“五大口诀”阅读方法:抓主干、抓修饰实义词、抓对比、抓因果、找等价。本书的主体部分“GRE阅读36套解析”针对网络经典备考资料“新GRE阅读36套”编写详细的解析,以满足考生长期以来的需求。适合人群:重点想提高GRE阅读答题技巧的考生2、GRE阅读制胜法则-多层结构法精选各类典型的GRE学术*素材,编写6套高仿真模拟练习题,进行深入透彻的多层结构分析,实现方法与练习的完美结合。应用多层结构分析法,从*、段落、句子以及单词各个层次进行详细解析,并科学归纳GRE阅读题目的题型和解法。适合人群:重点想提高GRE解题技巧和进行习题练习的考生上述资料已经全部做成了彩蛋,彩蛋获取方法见文末。三、GRE阅读参考书类资料1、GRE阅读39+3全攻略本书增强阅读实力和掌握阅读技巧两个角度出发,详细讲解了做GRE阅读所需的全部技能。作者在本书中穿插安排了21天具体知识的讲解,18天针对相应知识点的练习和3天模拟测试及试题分析,力求让读者在42天内迅速提高阅读速度和做题准确率。适合人群:想要一个月内,迅速提升自己阅读成绩的考生上述资料已经全部做成了彩蛋,彩蛋获取方法见文末。2、其他上述资料已经全部做成了彩蛋,彩蛋获取方法见文末。四、GRE阅读套题练习类资料1、GRE阅读全攻略同步练习本书从GRE阅读历年No题和国内题中有针对性地选取了51篇阅读*,就考生必备的阅读技能进行针对性集中练习,并对每篇*的词汇、重点内容进行了深入的讲解。适合人群:所有考生的必备练习GRE阅读题之动物的水上迁徙每日一练A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course. Birds, bees, andother species can keep track of time without anysensory cues from the outside world, and such“biological clocks” clearly contribute to their“compass sense.” For example, they can use theposition of the Sun or stars, along with the time ofday, to find north. But compass sense alone cannot explain how birds navigate the ocean:after a flock traveling east is blown far south by a storm, it will assume the propernortheasterly. Course to compensate. Perhaps, some scientists thought, migrants determinetheir geographic position on Earth by celestial navigation, almost as human navigators usestars and planets, but this would. Demand of the animals a fantastic map sense. Researchersnow know that some species have a magnetic sense, which might allow migrants todetermine their geographic location by detecting variations in the strength of the Earthsmagnetic field.The main idea of the passage is thatAMigration over land requires a simpler explanation than migration over water doesBThe means by which animals migrate over water are complex and only partly understoodCThe ability of migrant animals to keep track of time is related to their magnetic senseDknowledge of geographic location is essential to migrants with little or no compass senseEexplanations of how animals migrate tend to replace, rather than build on,one anotherThe author maintains that migrating animals would need a fantastic map sense (line10)to determine their geographic position by celestial navigation mostly likely in order toexpress:AAdmiration for the ability of the migrantsBSkepticism about celestial navigation as an explanationCcertainly that the phenomenon of migration will remain mysteriousDInterest in a new method of accounting for over-water migrationESurprise that animals apparently navigate in much the same way that human beings do正确答案B BGRE阅读题之黑人作家的烦恼每日一练The black experience, one might automatically assume, is known to every Black author. Henry James was pondering a similar assumption when he said: “You were to suffer your fate. That was notnecessary to know it.” This disparity between anexperience and knowledge of that experience is thelongest bridge an artist must cross. Don L. Lee, inhis picture of the Black poet, “studying his own poetry and the poetry of other Black poets,”touches on the crucial point. In order to transform his own sufferings-or joys-as a Blackperson into usable knowledge for his readers, the author must first order his experiences in hismind. Only then can he create feelingly and coherently the combination of fact and meaningthat Black audiences require for the re-exploration of their lives. A cultural community ofBlack authors studying one anothers best works systematically would represent a dynamicinterchange of the spirit-corrective and instructive and increasingly beautiful in its recordedexpression.It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers poetry to be which ofthe following?AA means of diversion in which suffering is transformed into joyBAn art form that sometimes stifles creative energyCA bridge between the mundane and the unrealDA medium for conveying important informationEAn area where beauty must be sacrificed for accuracyIt can be inferred from the passage that the author would be LEAST likely to Approveof which of the following?ACourses that promote cultural awareness through the study of contemporary artBThe development of creative writing courses that encourage mutual, criticism of studentworkCGrowing interest in extemporaneous writing that records experiences as they occurDA shift in interest from abstract philosophical poetry to concrete autobiographical poetryEWorkshops and newsletters designed to promote dialogues between poetsThe author refers to Henry James primarily in order toAsupport his own perception of the “longest bridge”. (lines 4-5)Billustrate a coherent “combination of fact and meaning” (lines 9-10)Cprovide an example of “dynamic interchange of the spirit” (line 12-13)Destablish the pervasiveness of lack of self-knowledgeEcontrast Jamess ideas about poetry with those of Don L. Lee正确答案D C AGRE阅读题之新理论的诞生It is frequently assumed that the mechanization of work has a revolutionary effect on the lives of the people who operate the new machines and on the society into which the machines have been introduced. For example, it has been suggested thatthe employment of women in industry took them outof the household, their traditional sphere, andfundamentally altered their position in society. In the nineteenth century, when women beganto enter factories, Jules Simon, a French politician, warned that by doing so, women would giveup their femininity. Friedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated fromthe “social, legal, and economic subordination” of the family by technological developmentsthat made possible the recruitment of “the whole female sex into public industry.” Observersthus differed concerning the social desirability of mechanizations effects, but they agreedthat it would transform womens lives.Historians, particularly those investigating the history of women, now seriously question thisassumption of transforming power. They conclude that. such dramatic technologicalinnovations as the spinning jenny, the sewing machine, the typewriter; and the vacuumcleaner have not resulted in equally dramatic social changes in womens economic position orin the prevailing evaluation of womens work. The employment of young women in textilemills during the Industrial revolution was largely an extension of an older pattern ofemployment of young, single women as domestics. It was not the change in office technology,but rather the separation of secretarial work, previously seen as an apprenticeship forbeginning managers, from administrative work that in the 1880s created a new class of “dead-end” jobs, thenceforth considered “womens work.” The increase :in the numbers of marriedwomen employed. outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with themechanization of housework and an increase :in leisure time for these women than it did withtheir own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool ofsingle women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire.Womens work has changed considerably in the past 200 years, moving from the household tothe office or the factory, and later becoming mostly white-collar instead of blue-collar work.Fundamentally, however, the conditions under which women work have changed little sincebefore the Industrial Revolution: the segregation of occupations by gender, lower pay forwomen as a group, jobs that require relatively low levels of skill and offer women littleopportunity for advancement all persist,-while womens household labor remains demanding.Recent historical investigation has led to a major revision of the notion that technology isalways inherently revolutionary in its effects on society. Mechanization may even have slowedany change in the traditional position of women both in the labor market and in the home.Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the Passage?AThe effects of the mechanization of womens work have not borne out the frequently heldassumption that new technology is inherently revolutionary.BRecent studies have shown that mechanization revolutionizes a societys traditional valuesand the customary roles of its members.CMechanization has caused the nature of womens work to change since the IndustrialRevolution.DThe mechanization of work creates whole new classes of jobs that did not Previously exist.EThe mechanization of womens work, while extremely revolutionary it its effects, has not,on the whole, had the deleterious effects that some critics had feared.The author mentions all of the following inventions as examples of dramatictechnological innovationsAsewing machineBvacuum cleanerCtelephoneThe passage states that, before the twentieth century, which of the following was trueof many employers?AThey did not employ women in factories.BThey tended to employ single rather than married women.CThey employed women in only those jobs that were related to womens traditional house-hold work.DThey resisted technological innovations that would radically change womens roles in thefamily.EThey hired women only when qualified men were not available to fill the open positions.Which of the following best describes the function of the concluding sentence of thepassage?AIt sums up the general points concerning the mechanization of made in the passage as awhole.BIt draws a conclusion concerning the effects of the mechanization of work which goesbeyond the evidence presented in the passage as a whole.CIt restates the point concerning technology made in the sentence immediately preceding it.DIt qualifies the authors agreement with scholars who argue for a major revision in theassessment of the impact of mechanization on society.EIt suggests a compromise between two seemingly contradictory views concerning theeffects of mechanization on society.正确答案A AB B BGRE阅读之这些方法与高分更配