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    ,定语从句的牛鼻子,英语中,将在复合句中作定语,修饰主句中的某名词或代词的从句叫作定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,通常放在定语从句之前。,引导定语从句的引导词(也叫关联词)可以是关系代词(如that,which,who,whom,whose等)或者关系副词(如when,where,why等)。,引导词通常位于先行词和定语从句之间,它既起联系作用,又充当从句中的某个句子成分。,定语从句的基本结构是:先行词+引导词+定语从句。,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两大类别:,限制性定语从句是先行词必不可少的定语,与主句关系十分密切,如果被删去,则主句的意义就不完整甚至失去意义,书写时主从句之间不可用逗号分开。,非限制性定语从句是对先行词附加的文字说明作用,与主句关系不是很密切,如果被删去,也并不影响逐句的意思和完整性,书写时主从句之间往往用逗号分开。,定语从句这个语法项目中,最复杂也是最关键的知识就属关联词了。要掌握好定语从句的引导词的用法,我们必须从下面的这些方面入手。,一、判断定语从句引导词的一般规律:,1、关系代词,1)that既可用来指代人也可用来指代事物,在从句中充当主语或宾语。例如:Whos the boy that is reading a book?正在看书的这个男孩是谁?(指人,作主语)The man that you talked to is my uncle.和你说话的那个人是我叔叔。(指人,作宾语)The train that has just left is for Shanghai.刚发车的这趟列车是去上海的。(指物,作主语)Can you show me the photo(that)you like best?你能把你最喜欢的这张照片给我看看吗?(指物,作宾语),2)whose既可用来指代人也可用来指代事物,在从句中充当定语。例如:This is the girl whose math book is lost.这就是丢了数学书的女孩。(指人,作定语)The house whose windows are closed is mine.窗户都关着的这栋房子就是我家。(指物,作定语),3)which用来指代事物,在从句中作主语或宾语。例如:Look at the kites which are flying in the sky.瞧瞧那些在空中飞舞的风筝。(指物,作主语)The pen(which)Im using is pretty good.我正在用的这支笔相当好。(指物,作宾语),4)who用来指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。例如:Could you recognize the thief who stole your things?你能认出偷了你的东西的那个小偷吗?(作主语)The man(who)you want to meet has come.你要见的人来了。(作宾语),5)whom用来指人,在从句中作宾语。例如:Id like to make friends with the girl whom you are talking to.我想和与你说话的这个女孩交朋友。(作介词宾语)The man(whom)you want to meet has come.你要见的人来了。(作动词宾语),2、关系副词,1)when表示时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。例如:Could you still remember the time when the train left?你还记得列车发车的时间吗?Ill never forget the date when I joined the League.我绝不会忘记我入团的日期。,2)where表示地点,在从句中作地点状语。例如:Is this the shoe factory where your father works?这是你父亲工作的鞋厂吗?Please show me the place where the accident happened.请带我到事故发生的现场去。,3)why表示原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,其先行词通常是reason一词。例如:Do you know the reason why he was late for school?你知道他上学迟到的原因吗?Please tell me the reason why you wont come.请告诉我你不能来的原因。,二、关系代词可不可省略的问题,1、who,whom,that,which在从句中作 宾语时,往往被省略,尤其是在口语和 非正式文体中。2、关系代词who,whom,that,which在 从句中作介词宾语时,不可省。3、关系代词who,that,which在从句中 作主语时,不可省。4、关系代词whose在任何情况下都不能省略。,三、只能用that作引导词的定语从句,1、先行词指物时,只能用that作引导词的定语从句:,2)先行词前有all,little,few,much,any,every,no等修饰时。例如:There is little work that is fit for you.没什么工作适合你做。I have eaten all the food that is left.我把剩下的所有食物都吃了。,1)先行词是指物的all,little,few,much,any,anything,something,everything,nothing,none,the one时。例如:All that I can do has been done.我能做的都已经做了。He wont tell you anything that he has heard about it.他不会告诉你他所听到的有关它的任何情况。,3)先行词时what或which时,为了避免重复,多用that引导。例如:Which is the house that caught fire yesterday?昨天失火的是那座房子?,4)先行词是there be 句型中的主语,且指物时。例如:There are some apples on the table that are nice and sweet.桌子上有些非常甜的苹果。,5)先行词作主句的表语时。例如:Its a book that will help you a lot.这是一本对你有很大帮助的书。Its a sunny day that we are longing for.这是我们所渴望的晴天。,2、先行词指人时,只能用that作引导词的定语从句:,主句是以who开头的特殊问句时。例如:Whos the man that the teacher is talking to?和老师谈话的这个人是谁?,3、不管先行词指人还是指物,都只能用引导词that的定语从句:,1)先行词是数词时。例如:-I have two smart birds.我养了两只可爱的鸟。-Are they the two that you bought last week?是你上星期买的这两只吗?,2)先行词被序数词以及last,next等修饰时。例如:Its the last bus that you can catch.这是你可以赶上的末班车。He stopped the fourth thief who was running away.他把准备逃跑的第四个小偷拦截下来了。,3)先行词是名词化的最高级形容词,或者先行词被最高级形容词修饰时。例如:You can choose the best that you think.你可以挑选你认为是最好的。This is the best film that I have seen.这是我看过的最好的影片。Hes the finest men that I have ever worked with.他是我共事过的最好的人。,4)先行词被the only,the very,the last,the just,the same 等修饰时。例如:Youve the only person that I met here.你是我在这儿遇见的唯一的一个人。This is the very shirt that I am looking for.这正是我一直在寻找的衬衫。,5)引导词为从句的表语时。例如:Shes not the girl that she used to be.她不再是过去的她了。,6)先行词同时包括人和物时。例如:We often talk about the people and the things that we are interested in.我们常常谈论我们感兴趣的人和事。,四、先行词指物时,只能用which作引导词的定语从句:,1、引导先行词为事物的非限制性定语从句时。例如:My dog,which is now very old,became ill yesterday.我家的狗昨天病了,它已经非常老了。The pen,which writes very well,cost me RMB 20.这支笔花了我20元,它非常好写。,2、关系代词前有介词时。例如:This is the classroom in which we studied last year.这是我们去年在里面学习的教室。Have you ever been to a farm on which there is a small zoo?你曾经到过有个小动物园的农场吗?,五、先行词指人时,只能用who作引导词的定语从句:,1、关系代词在从句中作主语时,通常用who。例如:The boy who helped you is my younger brother.帮你忙的那个男孩是我弟弟。Is the woman who rides a red bike every day your aunt?每天都骑着一辆红色自行车那个女人是你姑姑吗?,2、先行词为指人的all,one,ones,someone,anyone,everyone,no one等代词时。例如:One who doesnt work hard will never get happiness.不努力工作的人,永远得不到幸福。Do you know anyone who can mend locks?你认识会修锁的人吗?,3、先行词是there be句型中的主语,且指人时。例如:There is a stranger who wants to see you.有个陌生人想要见你。Once there was king who was very silly.从前,有个非常愚蠢的国王。,4、在非限制性定语从句中。例如:His father,who was ill in hospital for a year,died yesterday.他父亲住了一年的院,昨天过世了。I know the woman very well,who often wears a red T-shirt.我非常了解那个妇女,她经常穿着一件红体恤衫。,5、在被分隔的定语从句中。例如:I know the woman very well who often wears a red T-shirt.我对经常穿着一件红体恤衫那个妇女非常了解。A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you German.教你们德语的新老师明天就会来。,1.Jim dislikes people _ talk much but never do anything.(09吉林通化)A.whomB.when C.whoseD.who2.I hate people _ talk much but do little.(09宁夏)A.whom B.whose C.which D.who3.Do you know the girl is from Canada?(09四川达州)Yes,her name is Helen.A.whom B.which C.whose D.who4.The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new math teacher.(09山东东营)A.what B.whose C.who D.which5.Peter,there is someone in the office would like to speak with you.(09齐齐哈尔)A.who B.which C.whom 6.I like the teacher_classes are very interesting and creative.(09甘肃兰州)A.which B.who C.what D.whose7.Ten months has passed,but Chinese people still remember those exciting days _ they spent during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Athat Bwho Cwhen,轻松面对中考真题,D,D,D,C,A,D,A,8.Do you know the boy _ is playing soccer there?(09恩施州)Certainly.He is a friend of my _.A.who;brothers B.who;brother C.whom;brothers D.whose;brother9.What should I do here?(09湖北武汉)Just put all the things _they were.A.where B.when C.whose D.which10.What kind of music do you like?(09湖北仙桃)I like music _ has great lyrics A、that B、who C、whose D、what11.The skirt _ is made of silk is very expensive.I cant afford it.(09湖北孝感)A.what B./C.that D.it 12.Is everything _ we need to do _?(09辽宁锦州)Yes.You neednt worry about it.A.which;has done B.which;doing C.that;has done D.that;done 13.This is the novel_ is written by Guo Jingming.(09山东德州)A.who B.what C.that D./,A,A,A,C,D,C,14.I dont know the teacher is talking with Miss Wang.(09山东淄博)A.what B.whom C,which D.who15.-Do you know the boy_is sitting next to Peter?-YesHe is Peters friendThey are celebrating this_ birthday.(09广东深圳)A.who,ninth B.that,nineth C,/,nineth D.which,ninth16.Disney is an amusement park _you can find all the normal attractions and Disney movies and characters.(09四川绵阳)A.which B.where C.that D.when17.The girl _you talked about yesterday was our monitor.(09广东湛江)A.who B.when C.which D.whose18.Is that the man _ helped us a lot after the earthquake?(09浙江湖杭州)A.whose B.which C.when D.who 19.The whole world is fighting against the H1N1,a disease _ has caused many deaths.(09浙江绍兴)A.who B.which C.whom D.what,D,A,B,A,D,B,


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