,Listen to a chant and find:Whats it about?,Riddles谜语,Ive got a very long nose.,Ive got two big ears.,Im very big.,What am I?,Ive got two black eyes.,Ive got a fat body.,Im black and white.,Im a Chinese animal.,What am I?,I love pandas.Because they are Chinese animals.I love China.,Brian,I love China,too.I want a Chinese pen friend.I want to know some about traditional(传统的)Chinese things(中国物品).Have you got any?,Chinese things,Module6Unit1 Ive got some Chinese chopsticks.,Ive got a book about,China,Have you got a book about?,Hes got a book,too.,Has he got a book about?,Watch and find:Whats it about?,Has he got a book about?,No,he hasnt.,No,he hasnt.,Hes got a book about the,world,Its a picture of the,world,Listen and imitate,Hes got a book about the,world,Lingling has got a,letter,No,it isnt.,Its from,She wants to introduce herself(介绍自己)to Lingling.,Introduction,Country(国家),Appearance(外貌),hobby,Ability(能力),want,City(城市),have got,What did Laura introduce?,Introduction,Country(国家),Appearance(外貌),hobby,Ability(能力),want,City(城市),have got,Listen again and find:Shes from_.A.New York B.San Francisco2)Shes got _ hair and _ eyes.A.yellow,blue B.red,black3)She likes_.A.English food B.Chinese food,A,A,B,Its a very big city.,What has Laura got?,Read and circle(圈出):Ive got,have got,has got,Ive got long,yellow hair and blue eyes.,Ive got some Chinese chopsticks.,My brother has got a Chinese kite.,Have you got a book about the US?,What has Laura got?,She has got,Chinese chopsticks,Its very _ for her to use chopsticks.,difficult,_ has got a Chinese kite.,Her brother,a Chinese bird kite,Listen and imitate.,Her name isShes fromShes got.hair and eyes.She likesShes got someHer has got a,About Laura,Carol,Tingting,Brian,Ive got short,yellowhair and a green T-shirt.,Ive got yellow hair and a pink T-shirt.,Ive got _,_ hair and _ eyes.,black,black,Shes got,Hes got,long,They all love China.So they havegot some Chinese things.,Guess:What are they?,Shes got Chinese,toy pandas,Shes got Chinese,tea,Hes got Chinese,clothes,In China,we have got,Chinese tea,Tang clothes,Chinesepictures,Chinese lights,Chinese knots,In my home,Ive got.My has got,Tip:So many special things in our country.We should love China and introduce Chinese things to foreigners.(中国地大物博,我们应热爱中国,并将中国的事物介绍给外国人),Write a letter to Brian to introduce yourselfand introduce Chinese things.,Homework,1.Listen and imitate Module6 Unit1 for 4 times.2.Preview Module6 Unit2.3.Write the letter to Brian.,Thank you!,