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    名词性从句,高考英语名词性从句热点剖析,1、语序和时态,想一想名词性从句中的语序要注意什么问题?,思考,1.No one can be sure _in a million years.A.what man will look like B.what will man look like C.man will look like what D.what look will man like 2.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see _.A.who he is B who he is C who is it D who it is,总结1:,名词性从句中的语序为 _,陈述语序,疑点3Mum is coming.What present do you expect _for your birthday?A.that she has got B.that has she got C.she has got D.has she got 思考:句中出现插入语时,语序该怎么办?,陈述句语序,疑点观察、总结与拓展:4.What do you think we should do to solve the problem of air pollution in cities?5.Where do you suppose he can be?小结2:以上句子体现了何种句式结构?_,特殊疑问词+插入语+陈述语序,插入语,6.Rose looks worried.What do you think _(她该怎么办)?Exception:7He went up to see _ with her.A what was the matter B what is the matter C what the matter was D what the matter is 思考:1.语序?2时态?,she should do,小试牛刀,Whats the problem?Whats wrong?,went,前后一致,想一想宾语从句中的时态应如何与主句时态保持相应的一致?,思考,1.The police found that the house _ and a lot ofthings _ Ahas broken into;has been stolen Bhad broken into;had been stolen Chas been broken into;stolen Dhad been broken into;stolen 2.We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _office soon.(NMET93)A.leaves B.would leave C.left D.had left,found,made,soon,小结1:,主句是过去时态时,宾语从句用_.但如果表达真理性的,则用现在时.,过去的某个时态,3.I dont know when_,but if he _,Ill let you know.A.he comes,will come B he will come,will come C he will come,comes D he comes,comes 观察与比较:Im not sure if he will come,but if he comes,Ill let you know.I know that he has a gift for buying cheap things All the citizens can guess that he has missed his early bus.小结2:主句是现在时态,宾语从句可以用_.,任何时态,感悟疑点:He has come,but I didnt know that he _ until yesterday.A is coming B will come C was coming D wasnt coming,didnt,高考英语名词性从句热点剖析,1、语序和时态,2、连接词的选择,想一想what/that 在名词性从句中有什么作用,充当什么成分,?,思考,观察例句:1._ you need is more practice.2._ he needed a lot of money made us surprised.3.Energy is _ makes things work.4.China is no longer _ it used to be.5._ impressed me most was _ he was always patient with children.6.He told me(that)she was ill and _ her mother wouldnt let her go.7.Word came _our team won the game.,be,观察例句:1.What you need is more practice.2.That he needed a lot of money made us surprised.3.Energy is what makes things work.4.China is no longer what it used to be.5.What impressed me most was that he was always patient with children.6.He told me(that)she was ill and that her mother wouldnt let her go.7.Word came that our team won the game.,be,观察例句:1._ you need is more practice.2._ he needed a lot of money made us surprised.3.Energy is _ makes things work.4.China is no longer _ it used to be.5._ impressed me most was _ he was always patient with children.6.He told me(that)she was ill and _ her mother wouldnt let her go.7.Word came _our team won the game.,be,观察例句:1.What you need is more practice.2.That he needed a lot of money made us surprised.3.Energy is what makes things work.4.China is no longer what it used to be.5.What impressed me most was that he was always patient with children.6.He told me(that)she was ill and that her mother wouldnt let her go.7.Word came that our team won the game.,be,归纳:1that和what都可以引导名词性从句。2what是连接代词,引导名词性从句,在从句中有_,担任_,不能_.3that是连接词,本身无_,仅起_作用,不在从句中担任_;引导宾语从句时可以_,但引导多个宾语从句时,只有第 _个that 可以省略。在引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句时that一般_。,意义,成分,省略,实际意义,连接,成分,一,不可省略,省略,After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,_ our astronauts desire to do is walking in space.A where B what C that D how 2.They lost their way in the forest,and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A.that B it C what D which 3._ no one likes his ideas is not strange at all.A.What B How C When D That,4._ made the school proud was _ more than 90%of the students had been admitted to key university.What;what B What;that C That;what D That;that 5.Word has came _some American guests will come for a visit.A.what B.that C.whether D.when 6.He told us _ his father had died and _ he had to live alone.A that,/B/,that C what,/D/,what,Test:1.He often thinks of _ he can do for his country.2.He often thinks of _ he can do more for his country.A.what B how C that D which 3.(?)One of the men held the view that what the book said was right.4.(?)Im not sure that when he will be back.,that,how,what,more,?,想一想在名词性从句中whever 起什么作用,与wh有什么异同?,思考,观察与思考:1.Whoever breaks the law should be punished.2.Whatever was said here must be kept secret.3.Ill give you whatever you want.4.Ill give you what you want.小结1:wh-ever 与wh-引导的名词性从句在语法结构上_,在意义上_.wh-ever引导的名词性从句有_的意思。,用法相同,不同,无论-,无论-,体会例题1.It is a rule in his family that_ comes home earlier should cook the dinner for the family.A.anybody B.who C.who that D.whoever 2.I think the doctor is able to care for_ is the matter with your son.A.all B.what C.whatever D.anything 3.The wild flowers are so special I would do _ I can to save them.A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever,观察、体会与思考:1.Whoever breaks the law should be punished.2.Whoever breaks the law,he should be punished.3._ breaks the law,he should be punished.4.(?)Who breaks the law should be punished.5.(?)Anyone breaks the law should be punished.,who,Anyone,whoever,No matter who,小结:whever既可以引导_从句,又可以引导_从句引导名词性从句时相当于名词定语从句;引导让步状语从句时相当于_.,考点2:wh-ever 与wh-,名词性从句,让步状语从句,no matter+ever,高考英语名词性从句热点剖析,1、语序和时态,2、连接词的选择,3、几个特殊用法,想一想it在名词性从句中起到什么作用?,思考,考点1:it的用法,1._ is reported that he will return to his hometown soon.A What B It C As D That 2.I made _ clear that I was determined to carry out the plan.A this B that C them D it小结:1.在名词性从句中,当主语从句置后时,要使用_.2.在如果宾语从句后边还有宾语补足语,则用it作_而将宾语从句放于句末.,it 作形式主语,形式宾语,it,3.I hate_ when people talk with their mouths full.(NMET 98)A it B that C these D them 4.I should have seen to it that she was told.(我本应该确保通知到她的)小结3:see to,appreciate,like,love,hate-等动词后跟上宾语从句时,要使用_.,It 作形式宾语,Exercise:1.很遗憾他竟然犯了那样一个错误。_2我认为学好英语很重要。_.,It is a pity that he should make such a mistake.,I think it important that we should learn English well.,That he made such a mistake is a pity.,学以致用:使用What/It/that/As 填空1._ is known to us _ the moon travels around the earth every month.2._ is known to us is _the moon travels around the earth every month.3._ is known to everyone,the moon travels round the earth once every month.,As,What,that,It,that,Summary:,1、语序和时态,2、连接词的选择,3、it的特殊用法,Homework:1.进一步巩固清理疑点,体会学案中的其他能力活。(为保证学案完整性,八个点,但考虑学生原因,只处理六个)2.Finish grammar exercises after class.,Many thanks bye-bye,29期双语报21-25.BCBAD 26-30.ACBDA31-35.BDDAD 36-40.ECDFA41-45.ADCBA 46-50.DCBAB51-55.DCBAC 56-60.DBACD61.interested 62.if/whether63.of 64.a 65.takes 66.arrival 67.are drawn 68.have limited 69.Luckily 70.going,was never stoppedsometime-sometimesat sleep-infeed-fed Milk-MilkingThough-Buthappy-happilyhouses-housesurprising-surprisedIt was great-a,29期测试报21-25.CCBAB 26-30.DBCCC31-35.CBBCD 36-40.DGFAE41-45.CADDD 46-50.BDCCA51-55.ACADB 56-60.DABBA61.was 62.stood 63.whether 64.being allowed 65.to tie 66.things 67.Locked 68.successfully 69.a 70.that,On the maywould-willBecause I-youworse-moreor-andoperate-operatingadvantage-advantagesnot can i-onlydo well at-inaccepting-accepted,


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