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    写作教学策略讲座 定稿 (I).ppt

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    写作教学策略讲座 定稿 (I).ppt

    ,小学英语写作教学的策略,长沙市天心区教师进修学校 宋 文2013年4月14日 石家庄,英语课程标准三级技能目标,1、能正确使用常用的标点符号;2、能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息;3、能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候卡和邀请卡;4、能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。,写作教学的意义:,“写作,绝不是一项可以孤立地学习的语言技能。”(Wilga M.Rivers,1972:244)中小学英语写作教学的意义不仅在于培养学生初步的英语语言信息的书面输出(output)能力,而且更多地在于通过这一训练促进学生的英语听、说、读、写语言技能的协调发展和写作技能与学习策略的全面提高。,写作教学的现状:,一、对写作教学的不重视:,1.落后的教学观念和教学方法。,2.应试教育的影响。,3.教材的编排。,二、语言基础知识的贫乏:,1.词汇量不足,3.语法混乱 4.母语干扰,三、缺乏高效的写作技巧:1.逻辑错误 2.缺少衔接,四、缺乏对写作过程的指导和方法的指导:,2.拼写错误,写作教学的策略:,1通过阅读,大容量输入英语语料,培养学生的英语语言表达素养。,2从英语口语表达入手,提高英语写作训练的实效。,3以范文为标杆,引导学生从整体上把握英语语篇结构。,4.多管齐下,丰富英语写作训练形式。,1“Completion”(填空),2“Describing a picture”(看图描述),3“Joining”(连接),4“Matching”(搭配),5“Reordering”(重新排序),6“Substitution”(替换),7“Writing from notes”(根据提示写作),Simple Writing ActivitiesJill Hadfield&Charles Hadfield,Ben got up at seven oclock.He _his teeth and _his face.He_his breakfast.Ben _football in the morning.He _two goals.He_home at 1:00.Ben and his family_to a restaurant for lunch.The restaurant _noisy!Ben _to the park in the afternoon.There _a pop group.The music _very loud.It was super!,1仿写,2扩写,3说写,4改写,在课文教学中进行写作训练,第一层次:This is a hat.第二层次:Look,this is a hat.第三层次:Look,this is a hat.Its a new hat.Its pink.第四层次:Look,this is a hat.Its a new hat.Its pink.Its very nice.I like it.第五层次:Look at the pink hat.How nice it is!Whose is it?Is it yours?第六层次:Oh,is the pink hat yours?How nice!Where did you buy it?Is it expensive?第七层次:What a nice hat it is!Is it made in China?I like the colour very much.How much is it?Oh,its so expensive.第八层次:,QuestionsMake a survey about your friend and answer the questions.调查你的朋友并回答问题。(可多选)1.Whats your friends name?_2.Is your friend a boy or a girl?_ A.A boy B.A girl3.How old is your friend?_ A.10 B.11 C.12 D.134.What color does your friend like?_ A.red B.green C.blue D.white E.black F.orange G.purple H.yellow I.brown J.pink 5.How does your friend go to school every day?_ A.onfoot B.bybike C.bybus D.bycar6.What does your friend like doing?_ A.watching TV B.reading C.drawing D.swimming F.singing G.dancing I.listening to music J.playing football 7.What can your friend do at home?_ A.wash the clothes B.cook C.clean the house D.water the flowers8.What does your friend often do after school?_ A.watches TV B.plays football C.goes to see a film D.goes shopping E.plays the piano F.plays games with friends,Task 2,Speaking,My friend is a,His/Her name is,He/Shesyears old.,He/She likes,He/She can,He/She often,He/She goes to school,Lesson nine-five:Tickets,please.Two return tickets to London,please.What time will the next train leave?At nineteen minutes past eight.Which platform?Platform Two.Over the bridge.What time will the next train leave?At eight nineteen.Weve got plenty of time.Its only three minutes to eight.Lets go and have a drink.Theres a bar next door to the station.We had better go back to the station now,Ken.Tickets,please.We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.Youve just missed it!What!Its only eight fifteen.Im sorry,sir.That clocks ten minutes slow.Whens the next train?In five hours time!新概念第一册 Lesson 95 Tickets,please.,They found that they had missed the train.,but they missed the train.,1.structure,Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.The taxi is a small Swiss aeroplane called a Pilatus Porter.This wonderfulplane can carry seven passengers.The most surprising thing about it,however,is that it can land anywhere:on snow,water,or even on a ploughed field.Captain Fawcetts first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.Since then,Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion,he landed in a deserted car park.Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman.The man wanted to fly to Rockall,a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean,but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.新概念英语第二册Lesson 29 Taxi!,2.Content and key words,1.About the topic:,has bought,has begun,2.About the taxi:,a small aeroplane called,can carry,the most surprising thing,3.About the first passenger:,4.About the trip:,has flown to unusual.,once,On another occation,has refused a strange request,Captain Fawcett,fromto,终结性评价形成性评价老师评价自我评价和合作评价甄别和选拔功能为学生发展、成长的服务功能语言知识和能力情感、态度、策略综合素质公平性、客观性、唯一性选择性、创造性、开放性和多样性,1)师评。,Your dream is wonderful.Could you give me one more reason?You described the places beautifully.Will you please describe more places?Excellent!I can learn a lot from your article.I agree with you.If its difficult for you,Id like to help you.,2)自评与互评,1.关于评价的主体,2.关于评价的标准:,1.文章结构是否有条理?2.是否全面呈现了写作要点?3.在必要的地方是否使用了过渡词句?4.句式变化是否丰富?5.是否有出色的语句?(画出)6.书写是否清晰、工整?7.有无语言错误?(指出),1.语言基础方面1)是否有语言错误?(包括拼写是否正确?所用词语能否恰当地表意?词的形式是否正确,尤其是名词和动词?)2)时态、语态、句子结构是否正确,使用是否恰当?3)书写是否清晰、工整?2.表述策略方面1)议论文体(1)是否全面呈现了要点?(2)每部分开头是否有恰当的主题句?(3)每个主题句后面是否有恰当的论述?(4)在必要的地方是否使用了过渡词、句?(5)句式变化是否丰富?(6)是否有出色的语句?(请画出)2)说明文体(1)是否全面呈现了要点?(2)句与句之间意思的表述是否合理并有逻辑?()过程、说明或介绍等表述得是否清楚?()在必要的地方是否使用了过渡词、句?(5)句式变化是否丰富?(6)是否有出色的语句?(请画出),Please fill in the tablet and dark the stars to show how good the composition is.(自制评价量表),1.倡导了合作、探究、体验的学习模式。,2.促进了学生的全面发展。,3.提高了学生的评价能力和鉴赏水平。,Thank you for your attendance!,Any nice idea from you will be appreciated!,


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