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    GRE考试阅读部分基本特征分析讲解 GRE考试阅读部分基本特征分析讲解,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE考试阅读部分基本特征分析讲解GRE阅读题材涉及范围很广泛题材囊括了美国高等院校的所有课程,文科类分为:文学评论类(政治、历史、艺术)和社会科学类(哲学、教育、人类学);理科类分为:生命科学类(医学、生理学、物理、化学、数学)和其他自然科学类(生物、昆虫、植物、动物、微生物)。 虽然我们这样分类对我们剖析GRE阅读没有直接的帮助,但可以让我们更清晰的了解自己的薄弱环节,当然这些薄弱环节并不是我们自己造成的,不过可以根据我们的薄弱环节有针对的做短期突破,提高阅读量,增强语感。GRE阅读*结构多为议论文GRE考试采用的基本都是一些思想家、教育家、生物家、科学家的*,他们写的东西都会表达自己的看法和态度。不过我们可以对写作手法做更细的划分:一是,Presentation,定义:作者阐释说明自己的观点。二是,Argumentation,作者对别人的观点、态度以及主张进行评论,如果不同意,就会写出自己的方法、观点和主张。GRE阅读基本解题思路介绍1.一定要阅读*的首段,弄清作者的提出的观点,主张以及态度,对*内容有用的概念和词汇。2.*的结构思路,各段落之间的目的,主题是什么?这些都要做到心中有数,GRE阅读考察的是你的答题能力不是阅读能力,你不需要将整个*弄懂,只要能把握好*的结构思考即可。3.在快速阅读*时,留意段落开头或是结尾提到的语气词和过渡词,对快速掌握*的大意有帮助。4.在回答GRE阅读前,最好是花几秒钟总结一下*的思路和主题。5.在答题时,将问题或是选项定位到*中具体的某个段落甚至具体的句子,这里,最好是要比步骤三个仔细。虽然跟大家讲了关于GRE阅读的特性和GRE阅读的步骤,很多同学茅塞顿开,但是同学不要忘记,在GRE阅读之前,词汇的积累是一点也不能小觑的,很多GRE考生,败就败在积累词汇太少,GRE阅读时一下就乱了阵脚。导致成绩不理想,所以建议同学准备GRE之前,一定要有一个词汇积累的过程。以上就是为大家整理的关于GRE阅读特性及答题步骤介绍,希望考生积极做好备考工作,及时调整好状态,争取在GRE阅读考试中取得理想的成绩!GRE阅读练习每日一篇Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brains memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a parallel, one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one. Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image (retinal image: 眼膜图象) in a single operation. Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an objects features. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.17. The author is primarily concerned with(A) explaining how the brain receives images(B) synthesizing hypotheses of visual recognition(C) examining the evidence supporting the serial recognition hypothesis(D) discussing visual recognition and some hypotheses proposed to explain it(E) reporting on recent experiments dealing with memory systems and their relationship to neural activity18. According to the passage, Gestalt psychologists make which of the following suppositions about visual recognition?I. A retinal image is in exactly the same forms as its internal representation.II. An object is recognized as a whole without any need for analysis into component parts.III. The matching of an object with its internal representation occurs in only one step.(A) II only(B) III only(C) I and III only(D) II and III only(E) I, II, and III19. It can be inferred from the passage that the matching process in visual recognition is(A) not a neural activity(B) not possible when an object is viewed for the very first time(C) not possible if a feature of a familiar object is changed in some way(D) only possible when a retinal image is received in the brain as a unitary whole(E) now fully understood as a combination of the serial and parallel processes20. It terms of its tone and form, the passage can best be characterized as(A) a biased exposition(B) a speculative study(C) a dispassionate presentation(D) an indignant denial(E) a dogmatic explanationIn large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, premodern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bachofens 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece.Starting from the premise that mythology and legend preserve at least a nucleus of historical fact, Bachofen argued that women were dominant in many ancient societies. His work was based on a comprehensive survey of references in the ancient sources to Amazonian and other societies with matrilineal customssocieties in which descent and property rights are traced through the female line. Some support for his theory can be found in evidence such as that drawn from Herodotus, the Greek “historian” of the fifth century B. C., who speaks of an Amazonian society, the Sauromatae, where the women hunted and fought in wars. A woman in this society was not allowed to marry until she had killed a person in battle.Nonetheless, this assumption that the first recorders of ancient myths have preserved facts is problematic. If one begins by examining why ancients refer to Amazons, it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical factreal Amazonian societiesbut rather to offer “moral lessons” on the supposed outcome of womens rule in their own society. The Amazons were often characterized, for example, as the equivalents of giants and centaurs, enemies to be slain by Greek heroes. Their customs were presented not as those of a respectable society, but as the very antitheses of ordinary Greek practices.Thus, I would argue, the purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders was didactic, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous. Myths about the Amazons were used as arguments for the male-dominated status quo, in which groups composed exclusively of either sex were not permitted to segregate themselves permanently from society. Bachofen was thus misled in his reliance on myths for information about the status of women. The sources that will probably tell contemporary historians most about women in the ancient world are such social documents as gravestones, wills, and marriage contracts. Studies of such documents have already begun to show how mistaken we are when we try to derive our picture of the ancient world exclusively from literary sources, especially myths.21. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) compare competing new approaches to understanding the role of women in ancient societies(B) investigate the ramifications of Bachofens theory about the dominance of women in ancient societies(C) explain the burgeoning interest among historians in determining the actual status of women in various societies(D) analyze the nature of Amazonian society and uncover similarities between it and the Greek world(E) criticize the value of ancient myths in determining the status of women in ancient societies22. All of the following are stated by the author as problems connected with the sources for knowledge of premodern cultures EXCEPT:(A) partial completeness(B) restricted accessibility(C) difficulty of interpretation(D) limited quantity(E) tendency toward contradiction23. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the myths recorded by the ancient Greeks?I. They sometimes included portrayals of women holding positions of power.II. They sometimes contained elaborate explanations of inheritance customs.III. They comprise almost all of the material available to historians about ancient Greece.(A) I only(B) III only(C) I and III only(D) II and III only(E) I, II, and III24. Which of the following is presented in the passage as evidence supporting the authors view of the ancient Greeks descriptions of the Amazons?(A) The requirement that Sauromatae women kill in battle before marrying(B) The failure of historians to verify that women were ever governors of ancient societies(C) The classing of Amazons with giants and centaurs(D) The well-established unreliability of Herodotus as a source of information about ancient societies(E) The recent discovery of ancient societies with matrilineal customs25. It can be inferred from the passage that the probable reactions of many males in ancient Greece to the idea of a society ruled by women could best characterized as(A) confused and dismayed(B) wary and hostile(C) cynical and disinterested(D) curious but fearful(E) excited but anxious26. The author suggests that the main reason for the persisting influence of Bachofens work is that(A) feminists have shown little interest in ancient societies(B) Bachofens knowledge of Amazonian culture is unparalleled(C) reliable information about the ancient world is difficult to acquire(D) ancient societies show the best evidence of women in positions of power(E) historians have been primarily interested in the modern period27. The authors attitude toward Bachofens treatise is best described as one of(A) qualified approval(B) profound ambivalence(C) studied neutrality(D) pointed disagreement(E) unmitigated hostility答案:17-27:DDBCEBACBCD


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