Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6,Does this picture offend you?,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,We all have culturalbiases,Everyone has personalbiases about diversecultures that are reflections of ideas&images in society.Skills are needed to understand&respond effectively to differences.,What Is Culture?,Integrated pattern of human behavior including:ThoughtsCommunicationActionsCustomsBeliefsValuesInstitutions 惯例,of a racial,ethnic,or social group,Everyone has a culture,A persons upbringing(教养),childhood environment or family life may be referred to as his or her culture.One persons cultural experiences,therefore,may be different from another persons cultural experiences,as one familys culture is different from another familys culture.,Levels of culture,National:learned behavioral(动作的)patterns,beliefs,values,and institutions shared by the citizens of a nation.International:cultural traditions that expand beyond cultural boundaries.Subculture:different traditions practiced by groups set within a larger culture.Frequently regionally based.集体文化、副文化:指与主文化相对应的那些非主流的、局部的文化现象。,Task 6 Cultures,Cross-cultural Values比较各种文化标准,FreedomIndependenceSelf-relianceEqualityIndividualismCompetitionEfficiencyTimeDirectness 直率Openness,BelongingGroup harmonyCollectiveness 集体主义Age/seniority 资历Group consciousnessCooperationQuality 品质PatienceIndirectness 迂回Go-between 中间人,Americans,Japanese,Elashmawi&Harris 1993,Task 6 Cultures,LANGUAGE&CULTRE,“Language is a carrier&container of cultural information.”“Language is a special part of culture.”“Language is strongly influenced&shaped by culture,reflecting many features of culture.”“Language&culture interact&interplay 相互作用.”,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,“England&America are two countries separated by the same language.”,Attributed to George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950),Irish writer,British English&American English,Sweet,Candy,Flat,Apartment,Cellar,Basement,Timetable,Schedule,Booking office,Ticket office,Autumn,Fall,Torch,Flashlight,Lift,Elevator,Motorway,Highway,Shop,Store,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,English&Chinese,温室,乔迁之庆,公开同居,中学,炉子或厨具,耗时又无价值的工作,爱管闲事的人,矮脚衣柜,总统夫人,卫生间,黑子,跑表,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,OVERVIEW,Vocabulary-Company cultures,Listening-Cultural mistakes,Reading-Fast food in Japan,Skills-Identifying problems&agreeing action,Case study-A change of culture,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,A,Look at the following tips for visiting a different country or doing business there.Use the words from the box to complete the tips.,date clothes hours book customs money cards food sport language,Find out about the most popular _ in the country.Always take _ in US dollars.Find out about the normal working _.Be careful how you write the _.Find out about the most important _ and festivals.Learn how to speak a little of the local _.,Starting up,sport,money,hours,date,customs,language,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,7.Read a _ about the history of the country.8.Eat some of the _ before you go.9.Wear formal _.10.Translate your business _ into the local language.,Which of the tips in Exercise A do you think are:,a)very useful?B)useful?c)not useful?,B,C,Which tips are good advice for your country?Add some others.,It is important to learn how to greet people in their language.,book,food,clothes,cards,A,date clothes hours book customs money cards food sport language,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Company Cultures,Company culture is the distinctive personality of the organization.It determines how members act,how energetically they contribute to teamwork,problem solving,innovation,customer service,productivity,&quality.As we matured from infancy to adulthood,it was our culture,in&outside of the home,that told us how to act.As human beings we are highly skilled at learning from social settings,recognizing almost immediately how we should behave.We know how to fit in,how to do what is needed.,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Company cultures,like any other culture,tell members how to behave what to do if you want to understand a companys culture,look at what people do.,Company Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,A,Different companies have different cultures and ways of working.Complete these sentences with the words in brackets.,Dress(uniforms/casual Fridays/weekend clothes),1.We dont have to wear business suits at the end of the week.My company has a system of _.2.In many banks,staff cant wear what they like.They have to wear _.,Vocabulary,casual Fridays,uniforms,Timekeeping(flexible hours/part-time/shift work),3.For two weeks each month,I work at night.I cant sleep during the day.I hate _.4.We have a _ system in our office.Some people work from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.;others work from 10 a.m.to 6 p.m.,shift work,flexible hours,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Time off(childcare/annual leave/public holiday),5.I am so busy at the moment that I worked on New Years Day,which is a(n)_.6.How many days _ do you get in your company?,public holiday,annual leave,Reporting procedures(written report/face-to-face/e-mail),7.We often speak on the phone but never _.8.He sends us a(n)_ in the post each month.,face-to-face,written report,Vocabulary,Different companies have different cultures and ways of working.Complete these sentences with the words in brackets.,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,A,Types of meeting(informal/formal/social),9.Our department starts everyday with a(n)_ meeting.It is very relaxed.10.Companies have an Annual General Meeting(AGM)once a year.It is a very _ meeting,with a lot of people.,informal,formal,Names(job title/first name/family names),11.In some countries,the company culture is formal.Staff use _ when they speak to each other.12.Whats your _ now?Are you Chief Executive?,family names,job title,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,Different companies have different cultures and ways of working.Complete these sentences with the words in brackets.,Vocabulary,A,B,Would you like to work for an organization which has:,Uniforms?Casual Fridays?A lot of formal meetings?Flexible hours?Why?Why not?,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,A Three people talk about cultural mistakes.,11.1 listen to Johns story&answer the questions.,1.What meal was he invited to?2.What did John look at?3.What was his mistake?a)John talked during an important silence.b)John talked about his hosts table.c)John didnt want a gift.,listening,dinner,table,b,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,11.2 listen to Camerons story and answer the questions.,4.Where was Peters new job?5.What was his mistake?a)he didnt use the first names.b)He did not speak French.c)He did not use family names.6.How did the staff feel when Peter used first names?,In France,c,They were not happy.,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,11.3 listen to Susans story and answer the questions.,7.Where did Susan make her mistake?8.Who did she go out for a meal with?9.What was her mistake?a)Susan poured her own drink.b)Susan did not laugh.c)Susan poured too many drinks.10.What did she forget to do?,Japan,Japanese sales staff.,a,To pour drinks for the others.,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,A,Reading,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,franchisev.His sandwich bar is so successful that he decided to franchise it.给以特许权n.He has bought a printing franchise or a hot dog franchise.特许经销权 franchisee 特许经营人What are the benefits&drawbacks of being a franchisee?adapt 改变以适合Many city vehicles have been adapted for use as school buses.outlet 专营店,大卖场He has got rich experience in managing F&B outlet.chain 连锁店He now owns a chain of 970 food stores.,Franchise is the franchise will have his own trademark,trade names,products,patents&technology,business model,etc.to award the franchise.Franchisees are under contract,were unified in the franchise model in business activities,&to those who pay the appropriate license fees.特许经营是指特许者将自己所拥有的商标、商号、产品、专利和专有技术、经营模式等授予被特许者使用,被特许者按合同规定,在特许者统一业务模式下从事经营活动,并向特许者支付相应的费用。,Reading,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,B,Which of these companies do you think have franchises?,Marks&Spencer,Body Shop,IBM,McDonalds,Benetton,Reading,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,How many Subways franchise stores were set up in Japan?How was the business like in those stores?What were the reasons for their failures?How is Subway Japan like today according to Yoshimasa Kawabata?,195,112 of them failed.,Their sandwiches were too big for Japanese consumers and didnt have enough mayonnaise and sugar.Their management was poor and they didnt provide enough support for the franchise stores.They didnt do enough promotion and advertising.,It is still the biggest sandwich chain in Japan.,Reading,Questions:,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,A,11.4 A human resources manager is talking to the general manager of a company about an employee,Jane Wilkinson.Jane joined the company three months ago.Listen to the dialogue.Tick the problems which are mentioned in the dialogue.,Jane doesnt enjoy the work.She hasnt got enough work.She has got too much work.She is bored.She has very challenging work.She doesnt like the general office.She doesnt like her boss.,Skills,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,What do you think Janes problem is?,I think shes unhappy.She does not enjoy the work here.Sometimes she hasnt got enough work to do and she feels bored.,In her last job it was more relaxed.People used first names and there was no dress code.Its a different culture here.Thats the real problem.,I think we should talk to her.The best thing to do is to transfer her to another department.,Start the discussion,Describe the problem,Give reasons,Offer solutions,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,A,Role play this situation.An employee goes to the human resources manager with a problem.,D,Employee:turn to page 141.Human resources manager:turn to page 146,Useful language,Identifying the problem Agreeing actionTheres a problem with So were going to The problem is I agree.Well Suggesting actionWe could/should/shouldnt I think/dont think we should,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,-Good morning,Mr.Benson.Can I talk to you?Yes,of course.How can I help you?-Ive got problems with my work.I cant get along with Ms.Thompson,my line manager.She doesnt give me enough work to do.Sometimes it seems that my top duty is to sit there and answer the telephone.-Im sorry to hear that&its really a problem.What do you want to do then?-I wonder if it is possible for me to work from home or I would rather move to another department.-Well,Im afraid working from home is out of the question.The company has just received several large orders&everyone will get very busy in a months time.Shall I just check if there is any suitable positions for you in other departments?I will keep you informed about it.Its very kind of you,Mr.Benson.Thank you very much.-You are welcome.Thats what Im here for.Thank you for coming.,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,Task 6 Cultures,A change of culture,BackgroundAlice Baumann is the new general manager in an overseas branch of Kellys,an international bank.She wants to bring the best new ideas from head office to the branch.,Alice wants:all staff to use first names.all staff to dress casually on Fridays.to introduce a system of flexible working hours.smaller,more informal meetings more face-to-face reports.an open-door policy so staff can see her at any time,Case study,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,11.5 Listen to Alice as she talks to Jeremy Owen,her manager at head office,about the problems.,TaskAlice&Jeremy meet some of the senior staff to discuss the ideas for a new company culture.1.Work in groups of three or four.Alice Baumann:turn to page 139 Jeremy Owen:turn to page 143.Office manager and senior cashier:turn to page 144.Look at you role cards and prepare for the meeting.2.Meet and discuss Alices ideas.Decide what you will change and what you will keep the same.,Task 6 Cultures,Yemi.H Elementary Business English May 2010 WZVTC,KELLYS BANK,Subject:New ideas from head officeDate:Participants:Agenda item Decision Reason ActionStaff to use first namesStaff to dress casually on Fridays,Write some action minutes of the meeting.,Writing file page 133,Writing,Task 6 Cultures,Subject:New office equipmentDate:19 April 200-Participants:JS,KG,EdeG,CBM,DG,Task 6 Cultures,