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    ,Unit Nine Money,2,Starting up&quotation,Listening making loans,ML Book three unit nine overview,Reading financial disasters,Vocabulary not available,Language review trends,Skills dealing with figures,Case study Angel Investment,Unit nine Money,Lesson one overview skills:Dealing with figures,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Group work:note as many words as you can think of connected with money,Borrow lend save spendEarn pocket soft/hard currency,Credit Cash Currency Deposit Bank Salary,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Comment on the following sayings,quotations and proverbs about money:,Money talks they say.All is ever said to me was“Goodbye.”,Remember that time is money.(Benjamin Franklin),The love of money is the root of all evil.(The Bible),When its a question of money,everybody is of the same religion.(Voltaire),Happiness is not in the mere possession of money;it lies in the joy of achievement,in the thrill of creative effort 幸福不是指仅仅对金钱的占有,它存在于获得成功的喜悦,存在于获得创造性成就的激动。(Franklin D.Roosevelt),Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Starting up,Vocabulary:,Approximately 近似地,大约地Bank statements 银行结单Receipt 收条,收据Charity 慈善(机构)Give away 赠与,送给Owe 欠(钱,债),Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Vocabulary:,Decimal 小数Ff 法郎(French Franc)Urban 城市的,市内的Takeover bid 收购(出价)Stake股份 Impressionist 印象主义者,印象派画家Auction 拍卖All time record 空前记录Registration 注册,登记,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Vocabulary:,Prince alwaleed bin Talal沙特阿拉伯王储阿尔瓦利德本塔拉尔(总资产:237亿美元)The Saudi prince 沙特王子Netscape Communication网景通讯公司 Claude Monet(1840-1926)克洛德莫奈,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Write all the numbers and symbols in full,according to the way they are pronounced,EuroDisney:Ff4.6bn:four point six billion francs22,000:twenty-two thousand2015:twenty fifteen or two thousand and fifteen,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Write all the numbers and symbols in full,according to the way they are pronounced,Yule Cattotwo hundred and forty million pound(s)thirty-two pence(or p)ten percenttwo hundred and seventy-four penceeight pencetwo hundred and twenty-five pence,240m:32p:10%:274:8p:225p:,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Write all the numbers and symbols in full,according to the way they are pronounced,Prince invests:four hundred million dollarsfive per centthree hundred million dollarsone percentone hundred and fifty million dollarsfive percent,$400m:5%:$300m:1%:$150m:5%:,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Write all the numbers and symbols in full,according to the way they are pronounced,Monet marketeighteen seventythree point eight million poundsFT sales recordtwelve point four percent,1870:3.8m:12.4%:,Unit nine Money,Lesson one,Skills:Dealing with figures,Write all the numbers and symbols in full,according to the way they are pronounced,New car registrations:ten point four percentnine hundred and ninety-one thousand eight hundred eight hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred,10.4%:991,800:898,400,Unit nine Money,Lesson two language review listening:making loans,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,Vocabulary:,Make a loss 亏损 Go through 经历,经受Plummet 骤降,爆跌Triple 增至三倍Fluctuate 波动,涨落Peak 达到最高点,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,Vocabulary:,Decline,decrease,fall,drop,1,2,double,2,4,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,Vocabulary:,fluctuate,3,4,Gain,improve,increase,rise,5,4,2,halve,6,Level off,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,Vocabulary:,peak,7,8,plummet,recover,9,10,rocket,11,2,6,triple,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,Which of the following verbs also have noun forms?,VerbDeclineDecrease doubleDropFallFluctuateGainHalveImproveIncrease,Noun A decline A decrease a doubling a drop a fall a fluctuation a gain a halving an improvement an increase,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,VerbLevel offPeakPlummetRecoverRiseRockettriple,nounA leveling offA peakA plummet(hardly)A recoveryA riseA rocket(never)A tripling(infrequent),Which of the following verbs also have noun forms?,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Language review:trends,1 always drops/have always dropped 2 rose3 plummeted4 had recovered/recovered5 have gone up/have been going up6 will probably reach/are probably going to reach7 rose8 have increased9 are still going up10 will decrease/are going to decrease11 level off12 will improve,Task E(key),Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Listening:making loans,Individual 个人Frankly 坦白地Demonstrate 展示,证明Brash 仓促,性急Be well prepared 准备充分Repay the money 还钱A quality business plan 好的经营计划Be capable of 能够Logical thought process 合乎逻辑的思路Intuition 直觉It doesnt sound right 听起来不对劲(不妙),Listening 9.3 Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Listening:making loans,The individual Are they prepared?Do they know what they want?Do they understand what is required?Can they explain with clarity the purpose for which the money is required?Are they confident?,Listening 9.3 answers to task B&C,The business Can it provide the means of repaying the money that it has borrowed?Does the business plan demonstrate this?Does the business plan include details of business structure as well as financial information(logical thought processes often produce good financial structures)?,Intuition If it doesnt sound right,it probably isnt.,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Listening:making loans,Finance 提供资金Sell sth onto sell to sb else sth that you have bought not long before:-She managed the business for a year and then sold it on.Sell on his interest 卖掉了他的股份In his absence 在他不在的时候Deteriorate 恶化Our faith in him was rewarded.我们对他的信任得到了回报。Previously 以前Considerable(数量等)相当可观的Screen-print to force ink or metal onto a surface through a screen of silk or artificial material to produce a picture.网印,Listening 9.4 vocabulary,Unit nine Money,Lesson two,Listening:making loans,1 first example:successful businessman who sold his business and then bought it back when it was unsuccessful;now more successful and profitable than before.,Listening 9.4 answers to the task D,Second example:entirely new product badly presented;with considerable assistance in restructuring the proposal a successful business structure was created;the firm is now a well-known UK company.,2 Financing a business which screen-printed logos on umbrellas,Unit nine Money,Lesson three reading:Financial disasters,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Disaster 灾难,灾祸Risky 危险的Property 财产,所有物Antique 古物,古董Real estate 房地产Venture 企业Speculate 投机,vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,What would you do if you won a lottery or inherited a lot of money from a rich relative?,Topic for discussion:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,The south Sea Bubble南海泡沫(事件)Speculationthe activity of buying and selling goods or shares in a company in the hope of making a profit,but with the risk of losing money 投机Associate(with)if one thing is associated with another,the two things are connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other-the risks associated with taking drugs,Reading 1 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Profitthe money that you make in business or by selling things,especially after paying the costs involved-make a huge profit-a rise/an increase/a drop/a fall in profits Booma sudden increase in trade and economic activity;a period of wealth and success-a boom in car sales,Reading 1 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Voyagea long journey,especially by sea or in space-The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage(=first journey).National debtthe debt of the national government(as distinguished from the debts of individuals and businesses and political subdivisions)Eventuallyat the end of a period of time or a series of events-She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for The Times,Reading 1 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Burstto break open or apart,especially because of pressure from inside-The bubble had burst-Dont burst that balloon!Economic depression defined in macroeconomics as a decline in a countrys real Gross Domestic Product(GDP)经济衰退,Reading 1 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Tulipomania 郁金香狂Explosionsa large,sudden or rapid increase in the amount or number of sth-a population explosion-an explosion of interest in learning Japanese-speculative explosionTulip bulb 郁金香球茎,Reading 2 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Follow suitto act or behave in the way that sb else has just done Panica sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly-a moment of panic-They were in a state of panic,Reading 2 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Securitya valuable item,such as a house,that you agree to give to sb if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them 抵押-His home and business are being held as security for the loan.Economic recessionA slowdown in economic activity marked by less consumer spending and often also by higher unemployment.,Reading 2 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Economic crisisa long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment 经济危机Industrialist a person who owns or runs a large factory or industrial company 工业家,实业家Commit suicideto kill yourself deliberately自杀,Reading 3 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Unbelievableused to emphasize how good,bad or extreme sth is-We had an unbelievable(=very good)time in Paris.very difficult to believe and unlikely to be true-I found the whole story bizarre,not to say unbelievable.The Federal Reserve Bank联邦储备银行Interest rate 利率The National City Bank 国民城市银行(Citibank 花旗银行的前称之一),Reading 3 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Affordhave enough money or time to be able to buy or to do sth*affordableTake offto become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly-The new magazine has really taken off.Overvalueto put too high a value on sth-(business)overvalued currencies/stocks,Reading 3 vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,Where did it happen?A London B Holland C New YorkWhen did it happen?A 1720 B 1637 C 1929Who was involved?A investorsB people from all classesC investors,financial institutions,Key:task D,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,What happened?A South Sea Company collapsedB the tulip market collapsedC US stock market crashWhy did it happen?A market collapsedB panic among investorsC stocks overvalued,loss of confidence,Key:task D,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,What were the consequences?A economic depression in the countryB severe economic recession in HollandC severe and lasting world economic crises,Key:task D,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,1 What are the similarities and differences in the three speculations?2 What do you think people will speculate in during the next 20 years?,Discussion,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,1 a very large amount of money2 set up3 sudden increase in buying and selling4 accept responsibility 5 go up very fast6 remained stable,Key:task F 1 South Sea Bubble,A foundedB boomC leveled offD a huge profitE to take overF eventuallyG rise dramatically,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,1 great increase in buying and selling,usually of shares2 land and buildings3 flowed quickly4 copied 5 ended suddenly6 offered to a lender when you borrow money7 unable to pay their debts,Key:task F 2 Tulipomania,A speculative explosionB real estateC pouredD followed suitE collapsedF securityG bankrupt,Unit nine Money,Lesson three,Reading:financial disasters,1 a powerful business person controlling large companies2 went up very fast3 a change for a short period4 became very active5 highest point6 sold at too high a price7 selling all of their shares,Key:task F 3 Wall Street Crash,A industrialist,B rocketed,C a break,D took off,E peak,G getting out of the market,F overvalued,Unit nine Money,Lesson four Case study:Angel Investments,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,1 start-upa company that is just beginning to operate,especially an Internet company 2 fortunea large amount of money-He made a fortune in real estate 3 take risksto do sth even though you know that sth bad could happen as a result-You have no right to take risks with other peoples lives.,Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,4 back(projects)to give help or support to sb/sth-The programme of economic reform is backed(=given financial support)by foreign aid.5 stakemoney that sb invests in a company-a 20%stake in the business-a controlling/majority/minority stake6 entrepreneurperson who makes money by starting or running businesses,especially when this involves taking financial risks,Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,7 appeal(to)to attract or interest sb-The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups 8 artworkphotographs and pictures prepared for books,magazines,etc 9 editorialan important article in a newspaper,that expresses the editors opinion about an item of news or an issue,Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,10 floatto stay on or near the surface of a liquid and not sink*Flotation(the act of floating on or in water)11 dietthe food that you eat and drink regularly-to have a healthy,balanced diet 12 Solariuma room whose walls are mainly made of glass,or which has special lamps,where people go to get a suntan(=make their skin go brown)using light from the sun or artificial light,Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,13 premisesthe building and land near to it that a business owns or uses-business/commercial/industrial premises 14 enclosed with walls,etc.all around-Do not use this substance in an enclosed space.15 minea type of bomb that is hidden under the ground or in the sea and that explodes when sb/sth touches it,Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,16 endorsementa statement made in an advertisement,usually by sb famous or important,saying that they use and like a particular product17 airshipa large aircraft without wings,filled with a gas which is lighter than air,and driven by engines,Vocabulary:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,Angel InvestmentsConsist of:A group of extremely rich people who made their fortunes in the computer and financial services industries.Business activity:(Personal:)to feel the excitement of working with start-ups and small companies.(business:)to make money,Company profile:,Name:,Unit nine Money,Lesson four,Case study,Approach and methods:Willing to take risks and back projects which seem unusual or extraordinary.Make their money by taking a stake in the business or getting a share of the p


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