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    GRE提升词汇如何避免低效率死记硬背 GRE提升词汇如何避免低效率死记硬背?这3个核心记忆法需掌握,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧GRE提升词汇如何避免低效率死记硬背按照意群分组词汇联想记忆GRE词汇虽然多,但其中许多词汇之间都存在一定的关联性。考生只要能够找到这种关联性,就能较为轻松地一次性记忆大量词汇。当然,大家在刚开始背单词时能建立联系的词汇可能很少,但只要注意培养这种意识,争取一串串地背单词,看见一个,就能想起一串,考生就能逐步提升词汇的成组记忆效率。比如,同义的、反义的、形似的、同类的、同根的单词放在一块儿记。背单词一段时间之后,看到一个单词,就可以想一想以前学过什么同义的,如果只有印象而想不起来,最好在笔记本上记一笔,下次碰到时,特别注意。再比如,背单词一段时间后,你看到了一个新单词tuxedo(礼服),你就应该问自己:我一共学了多少关于衣服的词?比如garment,scarf,apparel,dress,trousers,skirt,blouse,jeans等等。虽然有些词汇书里已经做过了一些整理,但还是自己总结的记忆效果更好印象更深刻。通过这种方法,大家的词汇记忆效率能够大幅度提升。结合词汇发音提升记忆力相信大家在学校里的英语学习过程中都有过这样的经验,当老师在用英语听写单词时,有很多自己并不知道的单词也可以照着读音写出正确的拼法。这是因为绝大多数的单词是可以听音写出来的,不规则的单词很少。可以这么说,如果你记住了单词的发音,再过几遍,就可以拼出80%的单词,这一点也不夸张。一些同学没有体会到这一点,他们背单词的方法就是一本书,一叠纸和一支笔,狂练拼写。显然,这样做既枯燥又低效。记住,要背单词,第一要诀就是把它正确地读出来,然后你可以按照读音规则进行拼写。这样一举两得,既背会了单词,又练会了单词的发音,为将来能讲一流利而纯正的英语打下了良好的基础。而且通过出声记忆,考生能够对词汇形成更为立体的印象,对于加深词汇记忆,减少背过就忘现象来说大有帮助。背过的词汇在练习中加深掌握人与人之间交流的基本单位是句子而不是单词。只有学以致用,真正将所学单词用于日常生活、学习、工作环境中,只有能随心所欲地使用所学新单词、新语句与他人交流,才算得上真正掌握了单词。记住了单词在某一语境中的用法,不但可以在遇到此情况时可熟练地运用此单词,还可以举一反三,将此单词用在相似的语境中,从而真正掌握单词的用法,达到活学活用的目的。GRE词汇精选之高频形近字11. enjoin / adjoinenjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing somethingadjoin (of a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something12.abjure / adjureabjure: to reject (something) formallyadjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something13.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassivebypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get something done quickerimpasse: a situation in which no progress seems possibleimpassive: not showing emotion14.pertinacious / tenaciouspertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacioustenacious: very determined to do something15.endanger / engenderengender: to be the source or cause of something16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligentintelligible: able to be understood17.perquisite / prerequisiteperquisite: gratuity, tipprerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else18.passionate / dispassionatedispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions19.precocity / preciosityprecocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early agepreciosity: fastidious refinement20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehendapprehend: to notice and understand (something); (of police) to arrest (someone)reprehend: the voice disapproval of: censureGRE词汇精选之高频形近字41. rife / strife / stiflerife: If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common.strife: Strife is strong disagreement or fighting. (FORMAL)stifle: If someone stifles something you consider to be a good thing, they prevent it from continuing.(=repress)If you stifle your natural feelings or behavior, you prevent yourself from having those feelings or behaving in that way.(=suppress)42. retrench / entrenchretrench: If a person or organization retrenches, they spend less money. (FORMAL)entrench: If something such as power, a custom, or an idea is entrenched, it is firmly established, so that it would be difficult to change it.43. pejorative / prerogativepejorative: A pejorative word or expression is one that expresses criticism of someone or something. (FORMAL)prerogative: If something is the prerogative of a particular person or group, it is a privilege or a power that only they have. (FORMAL)44. patent / latent / salient / valiantlatent: Latent is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future.salient: The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones. (FORMAL)valiant: A valiant action is very brave and determined, though it may lead to failure or defeat.45. imminent / preeminent / prominent / eminentimminent: If you say that something is imminent, especially something unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain to happen very soon.preeminent: If someone or something is pre-eminent in a group, they are more important, powerful, or capable than other people or things in the group. (FORMAL)prominent: important.46. loutish / outlandishloutish: If you describe a man or a boy as loutish, you are critical of them because their behavior is impolite and aggressive.47. sprout / spout / flout / pout / toutsprout: start to growspout: A spout of liquid is a long stream of it which is coming out of something very forcefully.( = jet)If you say that a person spouts something, you disapprove of them because they say something which you do not agree with or which you think they do not honestly feel.flout: If you flout something such as a law, an order, or an accepted way of behaving, you deliberately do not obey it or follow it.pout: If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves sexually attractive.tout: If someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good.If someone touts for business or custom, they try to obtain it. (mainly BRIT)48. flout / flauntflaunt: If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other peoples admiration.flout - 蔑视49. apt / opt / adept / adapt / adoptopt: If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.apt:(1) 合适的(2)有倾向的(3) 聪敏的50. swift / sift / rift / drift / thriftsift: If you sift through something such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly.rift: A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them having a good relationship.swift - 快速的thrift - 节约的drift - 漂移GRE词汇精选之高频形近字51. wary / chary / awrychary: If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious about doing it.awry: If something goes awry, it does not happen in the way it was planned.wary - 谨慎的52. ignoble(卑鄙的) / ignorable(可忽略的)53. glib / glide / gild / goadglib: If you describe what someone says as glib, you disapprove of it because it implies that something is simple or easy, or that there are no problems involved, when this is not the case.glide: If you glide somewhere, you move silently and in a smooth and effortless way.gild: If you gild a surface, you cover it in a thin layer of gold or gold paint.goad: If you goad someone, you deliberately make them feel angry or irritated, often causing them to react by doing something.54. voracious / veraciousvoracious: If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, asvoracious, you mean that they want a lot of something. (LITERARY)veracious: truthful, honest.55. ingenuous / ingenious / indigent / indigenousingenuous: If you describe someone as ingenuous, you mean that they are innocent, trusting, and honest. (FORMAL)ingenious: Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.indigent: Someone who is indigent is very poor. (FORMAL)indigenous: Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country. (FORMAL)(=native)56. sympathy / apathy / antipathy / patheticapathy: You can use apathy to talk about someones state of mind if you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about anything.(=indifferent)antipathy: Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something. (FORMAL)pathetic: If you describe a person or animal as pathetic, you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless, and they make you feel very sorry for them.57. don / doff / dourdon: If you don clothing, you put it on. (WRITTEN)doff: If you doff your hat or coat, you take it off. (OLD-FASHIONED)dour: If you describe someone as dour, you mean that they are very serious and unfriendly.58. impervious / imperious / impetuous / imperilimpervious: If you are impervious to someones actions, you are not affected or influenced by them.imperious: If you describe someone as imperious, you mean that they have a proud manner and expect to be obeyed.(WRITTEN)impetuous: If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they are likely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful.imperil: Something that imperils you puts you in danger. (FORMAL) (=endanger)59. reap / heap / leapreap - 收获,英?中我们经常说 to reap what you sow60. blandish / brandishblandish: to coax with flatterybrandish: If you brandish something, especially a weapon, you hold it in a threatening way.GRE提升词汇如何避免低效率死记硬背


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