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    Topic Two,What does your mother do?,Section A,a student,a farmer,a doctor,a driver,students,doctors,farmers,drivers,a teacher,a nurse,a cook,cooks,nurses,teachers,office workers,an office worker,a policeman,policemen,an actor,actors,a student,a farmer,a doctor,drivers,a teacher,a nurse,a cook,an office worker,farmers,doctors,students,office workers,Pairwork,A:What does your mother do?B:She is a doctor.A:What does your father do?B:He is a farmer.,mother+father=,parents,What do your parents do?,1.They are doctors.,2.My mother is a doctor and my father is a teacher.,Listen and complete the table.,a teacher,a doctor,an office worker,Maria:Kangkang,what _ your mother do?Kangkang:She is a _.Jane:And your father?Kangkang:He is a _.Michael,what _ your parents do?Michael:My parents are office _.,Fill in the blanks.,does,teacher,doctor,do,workers,=What about your father?/How about your father?,1.What _your brother do?2.What _Maria do?3.What _Kangkang and Michael do?4.What_ they do?5.What _Janes classmate do?6.What _Janes classmates do?,用do/does填空。,does,does,do,do,does,do,Exercise.,1.I am a teacher.(对画线部分提问)_ do you _?2.His sister is a nurse.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his sister _?4.They are doctors.(对画线部分提问),Exercise.,What do,What does do,What do they do?,Homework,背诵对话同步训练,Topic Two,What does your mother do?,Section B,you,they,Tom,your friend,your father,they,Jim,your sister,on,in,in,in,a farm,a school,a hospital,an office,in,a restaurant,He _ _ _ _.,She _ _ _ _.,They _ _ _ _.,works on a farm,works in a school,work in an office,He _ _ _ _.,They _ _ _ _.,She _ _ _ _.,works in a restaurant,work in a hospital,works in an office,She _ _ _ _.,works in a hospital,They _ _ _ _.,work on a farm,I work in a school.She works in a hospital.They work on a farm.,Where do you work?,Where does she work?,Where do they work?,Look,listen and say,A:What does he do?,Topic Two,B:Hes a farmer.,A:Where does he work?,B:He works on a farm.,Pair work,A:What does he do?,Topic Two,B:Hes a doctor.,A:Where does he work?,B:He works in a hospital.,Pair work,A:What does she do?,Topic Two,B:Shes a teacher.,A:Where does she work?,B:She works in a school.,Pair work,A:What do they do?,Topic Two,B:They are office workers.,A:Where do they work?,B:They work in an office.,Pair work,A:What does she do?,Topic Two,B:Shes a nurse.,A:Where does she work?,B:She works in a hospital.,nurse/hospital,1b,Listen and fill in the blanks.,1a,I am a teacher.,I work in a school.,I teach English in a school.,I,he,He is a teacher.,He teaches Chinese in a school.,I am a driver.,I drive a car.,He is a driver.,He drives a bus.,They are office workers.,They work in an office.,She is an office worker.,She works in an office.,I am an actor.,I act in Harry Potter.,He is an actor.,He acts in Mr.Bean.,I am a cook.,I cook in a restaurant.,I,he,He is a cook.,He cooks in a restaurant.,farmer,on a farm,He is a farmer.He works on a farm.,P66 2,P66 3,She lives _ England.I am _ Class 8,Grade 7.She isnt _ home now.Hes a farmer.He works _ a farm.Shes a nurse.She works _a hospital.,用 in,at,on 填空,in,in,at,on,in,7)My sister is a student.She studies _No.1 high school.8)My parents are both office workers.They work _ an office.9)His brother is a worker.He works _ a factory(工厂).,in,in,in,Class activities,Play this game:Spin to get a job.,Example:,A:What do you do?B:Im a(an)A:Where do you work?B:I work,Topic Two,Homework,完成 P64,4(调查你同学的家长的职业)写成短文或者对话,明天课前表演。同步训练,Topic Two,What does your mother do?,Section C,My family tree,myfather,mymother,my grandparents,my grandma,my grandpa,myaunt,wife,My family tree,Jenny,Sarah,John,Lisa,Robert,Linda,my daughter,mywife,mysister,my sistershusband,my mother,my father,my parents,My family tree,Jenny,Susan,David,James,Sarah,John,Lisa,Robert,Linda,my granddaughter,myson,mydaughter,my grandson,my granddaughter,mywife,My mothers/fathers father is my_.,My mothers/fathers mother is my_.,My mothers/fathers brother is my_.,My mothers/fathers sister is my_.,My uncles son/daughter is my_.,grandfather/grandpa,grandmother/grandma,uncle,aunt,cousin,I am my grandpa/grandmas _.,grandson/granddaughter,My father and mother are my_.,parents,Translate the phases.(翻译),穿黄衣服的女孩穿蓝衣服的年轻人穿白裤子的男孩穿红色裙子的年轻妇女(woman),Translate the phrases.,the girl in yellow,the young man in blue,the boy in white pants,the young woman in a red dress,Who is the young man woman in?He She is my.,I,(I),Who is the youngold man woman in?He She is my.,I,Who is the young man woman in?He She is my.,I,mother,uncle,aunt,Work alone,Topic Two,This is a _ of Kangkangs family.The young man in _ is his uncle.The young woman in yellow is his _.They have a daughter.The young woman in red and the man in black are his _.Kangkang,his grandparents and his cousin are on the _.They have a _ family.,Read the conversations above again and fill in the blanks.,photo,green,aunt,parents,sofa,big,mother,uncle,daughter,grandpa,grandma,parents,cousin,Kangkangs Family Tree,(Kangkang),grandson,granddaughter,My_ are both_.They have two_.They are my mom and my_.My mother is a _and my_ works in an office.My_ is a teacher.And my_ is a cook.They have a son and a daughter.Their son is a_,and their _ is a nurse.I am a_.,farmers,daughters,doctor,father,aunt,uncle,I,aunt,driver,daughter,student,grandparents,Written work,Topic Two,Homework,Draw your own family tree and introduce your family.画出你的家谱并介绍你家人的情况,比如他们的职业及其工作地点。同步练习册 AB卷,Topic Two,What does your mother do?,Section D,Listen and follow,Topic Two,1.Where does Peter live now?2 Where does his father work?3.What does his mother do?4.Is Rose a student?5.Who looks after Rose?,He lives in Beijing now.,He works in a hospital.,She is a teacher.,No,she isnt.,My grandparents look after Rose.,Read and understand,Topic Two,My name is Peter.I come from the U.S.A.I am twelve years old.Im a student in Grade Seven.I have a happy family.We live in Beijing now.,My father is a doctor.He works in a hospital.My mother is a teacher.She teaches in a high school.My little sister,Rose,is only four years old.She is very cute.My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.,My family,Topic Two,Jacks father is a doctor.()Jacks mother is in red.()Jack and his parents are on the sofa.()Jack is very cute.(),Listen to the conversation and mark True(T)or False(F).,T,T,T,F,Grammar focus,Topic Two,Useful expressions,Topic Two,Homework,报纸 完成P68,5(写一篇关于你朋友的家庭情况的介绍,包括他/她的家人的年龄、外貌、着装、工作及其工作地点)同步训练,


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