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    Practice,1、课件习题2、知识点3、习题,英汉互译,have a stomachache _ 2.have a fever _3.take a rest _ 4.have a toothache_5.have a cold _6.see a doctor _,胃痛,发烧,休息一下,牙痛,患感冒,看医生,英汉互译,7.你应当早点上床睡觉。_ 8.你妈妈看起来气色不太好。_9.你应该多喝水。_ 10.你怎么啦?_,You should go to bed early.,Your mother doesnt look well.,You should drink more water.,Whats wrong/the matter with you?,2.His X-ray shows its _ _.(没什么严重的),3.Now the doctor is _ _ _.(给她做检查),4.Please take these pills _.(每日三次),5.I am feeling _ _ today.(好多了),6.Youd better _ _ hot food.(不吃),1.Whats wrong with Michael?He fell and _ his left leg seriously yesterday.,hurt,nothing serious,checking her over,three times a day,much better,not eat,Can you fill in these blanks?,Exercises,Exercises,1.I have a terrible toothache.Im sorry to hear that.You should_ _ _.2.She has a bad cold.She _ _ _ drink cold water.3._ _ _ _,Lily?I feel terrible,Mum.,see a dentist,had better not,Whats wrong with you,4.I hope you will get well soon._ _.5._ _ _ have a good rest?(你为什么不)6.Dont _ _ me.I will get well in two days.(担心),Thank you,Why dont you,worry about,Exercises,Exercises,7.Thank you _ these beautiful flowers.A.at B.for C.of D.to8.Youd better _ in the sun.A.not reading B.not to read C.not read D.dont read 9.Please buy me some chocolate.=Please buy some chocolate _ _.,C,for me,B,10.Could you please _ _ _?(叫出租车)11.She _ off her bike and _ herself seriously last Sunday.(fall/hurt)12.Michael returned home yesterday.=Michael _ _ home _ yesterday.,call a taxi,fell,hurt,didnt go,until,Exercises,Exercises,选择正确答案。We should keep _ both in mind and body.diary B.healthy C.happy D.health2.I havent _ time to watch TV.few B.too many C.little D.too much3.Dont eat a lot of candy,it will make you _.be sick B.are sick C.sick D.to be sick,Exercises,根据提示完成句子He _(很惊讶)find that his father bought him a present.The thieves _(强迫他)take out the money.They stopped talking _(一就)the teacher came in.Eating too much meat _.(可能会引起疾病),was surprised to,forced him to,as soon as,might cause illness,选择正确答案。1.Watching TV too much _ bad for your eyes.Ill go to bed right away.A.is B.are C.was D.be2.If you feel _,you should go to school.A.bad B.worseC.better D.good3.I cant keep myself active during the day.You _ take more exercise.A.must not B.must be C.need to D.may be4.You had better ask your brother _ playing computer games.Its bad for him.A.to give up B.not to give up C.to give it up D.not give it up,Exercises,选择方框中的句子完成对话。A:Which is more important,wealth or health?B:In my opinion(观点),_.A:I agree with you.But how can we keep healthy?B:I think _ especially(尤其)green vegetables and fruit.A:Can we eat too much meat?B:No,I think _.A:What else should we do?B:We should _.But remember not to do sports soon after meals.A:I see._?B:It is good.,C,D,A,E,B,选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。A:You look pale,Dr.Li._B:I only feel a little tired.A:It looks more serious than being tired._B:No,thanks.Nothing serious,I think.A:_ But you have worked for thirty-six hours without having a rest.B:Im a doctor._A:_,F,G,B,D,C,Exercises,Example,M=Judys mother B=BettyM:Hello!B:Hello!May I speak to Judy?M:Sorry,she _ right now.B:Oh.Can I _?M:Sure,_.B:This is Betty speaking.Please tell Judy that Kangkangs father will _ at 3:00 p.m.today.Ask her to come _ and dont forget to _.M:OK,Betty.Ill _.B:Thanks.Goodbye.M:Bye!,isnt here,leave a message,go ahead,give a talk,on time,take her camera,give her the message,Exercises,根据中文提示完成句子。1.吃合适的食物对我们健康是很重要的。2.照顾好父母是必须的。3.我们应该远离危险的东西。4.你会生病,如果你总是不开心。,Its _ for us to eat the _ _.,_ _ our parents well is _.,We should _ _ _ the danger.,You will _ _ if you are always _.,important,right food,Looking after,necessary,stay away from,fall ill,unhappy,1.用适当的反身代词填空。I cooked _ a meal and then I watched TV.If you dont help him,hell have to do it all by _.I put the food on the table and asked them to help _.Jack and Peter,did you clean the room _?Be careful with that knife or youll cut _.John hurt _ when he was playing football.,myself,himself,themselves,yourselves,yourself,himself,Exercises,Unit2 Topic1患(重)感冒看牙医/医生患咳嗽/发高烧得了流感眼睛发炎喉咙发炎好好休息睡得好多喝开水提重物,have a(bad/terrible)cold,see a dentist/doctor,have a cough/fever,have the flu,have sore eyes,have a sore throat,take/have a(good)rest,sleep well,drink a lot of boiled water,lift heavy things,呆在床上好好睡一觉感到难受带某人去吃药日日夜夜倒霉躺下加蜜的热茶刷牙出了事故/意外,stay in bed,have a good sleep,feel terrible,take sb.to,take some medicine/pills,day and night,bad luck,lie down,hot tea with honey,brush ones teeth,have an accident,送某人去看一看直到才.恢复健康脱掉你的大衣牙痛/背痛/头痛/胃痛,send sb.to.,take/have a look at,notuntil,get well,take off your coat,have a toothache/backache/headache/stomachache,询问病情:有什么不舒服?你现在感觉怎么样?你得了感冒了吗?你这样多久了?,Whats wrong/the matter/the trouble with you?,How long have you been like this?,Do you have a cold?,How are you feeling now?,(二)诉说病情我感到难受.2.我头痛/肚子痛.3.我晚上睡不好觉.4.我日日夜夜地咳嗽.,I feel terrible./I am feeling terrible.,I cough day and night.,I cant sleep well at night.,I have a headache/stomachache/.,(3)表示同情听到这事我感到难过.2.那太糟了.3.倒霉.,Im sorry to hear that.,Thats too bad.,Bad luck.,(5)表达建议最好(不)做某事.2.你(不)应该做某事.3.我带你去医院好吗?,Youd better(not)do sth,You should/shouldnt do sth,Shall I take you to the hospital?,看起来很累在电视上观看一场足球赛熬夜留长指甲饭前洗手饭后适当运动呼吸新鲜空气对于是必不可少的,look tired,watch a soccer game on TV,stay up,keep long fingernails,wash hands before meals,play sports right after meals,take a fresh breath,be necessary for,使你保持精力旺盛乱扔垃圾得到足够的睡眠需要做某事进入生病保持空气清新吃变质食物打扫地板,keep you active,get enough sleep,throw litter around/about,need to do sth,get into,become sick,keep the air clean and fresh,eat bad food,sweep the floors,众所周知吃正确种类的(健康的)食品选择错误的(不健康的)食品用不同的方法使我们生病,as we know,have the right kinds of food,choose the wrong food,in different ways,make us sick,很不好没什么大碍好多了想要做.没什么严重,没什么大碍许多,大量,not so well,not too bad,much better,feel like doing sth.,nothing serious,plenty of=lots of=a lot of,enough adv.“足够地”修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在所修饰词的后面.修饰名词要放在前面,enough time/money,如:他足够高,能够得着苹果.他讲得足够清楚.,He is tall enough to reach the apple.,He speaks clearly enough.,need“需要,必需”1 作实义动词:need sth.需要某物 need to do sth.需要做某事I need some help.我需要一些帮助.You need to see a doctor.He needs to take a bus.2 作情态动词:need+动词原形如:她想要什么东西,只要开口就行了.你不必今天完成这项工作.,If she wants anything,she only need ask.,You neednt finish this work today.,too much+不可数名词 表“太多的。”much too+形容词 表“太。”,much 起加强语气作用如:Dont eat too much meat.不要吃太多的肉。He is much too fat.他实在太胖了。,情态动词must及其否定形式 must not must 译为“必须做”,其否定意义“不必做”,用dont have to 表示,而不用must not。如:-Must I finish it tonight?而must not 译作“禁止做”。如:别到处乱扔垃圾。,You must not throw litter about.=Dont throw litter about.,-No,you dont have to./No,you neednt.,情态动词may有两种含义,1、表示请求允许,译作“可以”。如:我可以进来吗?2、表示推测,译作“可能”。当你工作太累时你可能回感到头疼。当你睡眠不足时,你可能会头疼。,May I come in?,You may get a headache when you work too hard.,You may get a headache when you cant get enough sleep.,Unit2 Tpoic3,与交谈赶紧/快继续(问)害怕尽力做某事远离动物打扫屋子去拥挤的地方,talk with,hurry up,go ahead=go on,be afraid of,do ones best to do sth,keep away from animals,do house cleaning,go to crowded places,总是/一直捎口信照顾叫某人做某事回电话留口信积极参加自学在电话中/在互联网上,all the time=always,take a message,take care of=look after/care for,tell/ask sb.to do sth,call back,leave a message,take an active part in,teach oneself,on the phone/Internet,请三天的假过得愉快给某人讲故事吃些中药,tell sb.a story/stories,take some Chinese medicine,enjoy oneself,你认为康康的父亲怎么样?,What do you think of Kangkangs father?,ask for three days leaveask for a three-day leave,拥挤的地方常换衣服害怕/恐惧,crowded places,change clothes often,be afraid of sth/doing sth.,Ill tell her when she comes back.她一回来我就告诉她。本句是由when引导的时间状语从句。当主句的动词用一般将来时时,从句一般用现在时。如:Hell phoneme when he arrives in Beijing.当他到北京时,他将回给我打电话。,帮助某人做某事help sb(to)do sth=help sb.with sth.,如:I helped my mother cook at home.=I helped my mother with the cook at home.我在家帮我母亲做饭.,常用的反身代词词组:照顾某人自己自学玩得高兴别拘束 自言自语 沉醉于 随便吃,take care of oneself=look after oneself,teach oneself=learn by oneself,enjoy oneself=have a good time,make oneself at home,say to oneself,lose oneself in,help oneself to sth.,打电话用语:你好!我能跟通话吗?我能捎个口信吗?我是康康.,Could/May I speak to,please?Is in?,May I take a message?,This is Kangkang(speaking)./speaking,You look pale.Whats wrong with you?I terrible.I think I have the flu.A.feelB.feltC.doing D.going2.Carl has _fever and has to stay in_ bed.A.a;a B.the;the C.the;/D.a;/3.If you have a sore throat,youd better _hot tea honey.A.drink;with B.to drink;withC.drink;hasD.to drink;has,D,A,B,4.This kind of fruit smells and sells_.A.good;goodB.good;well C.well;good D.well;well5.Doctor,I feel very tired.Do I need some medicine?.Just have a good rest.A.Nothing serious B.Serious anythingC.Anything seriousD.Serious nothing,B,A,nothing serious 没什么严重的。nothing,something,anything等不定代词,被形容词修饰时,形容词位于其后。如:,我有一些重要的事情要说。,I have something important to say.,“look”看起来。作连系动词,后接形容词。与look用法相同的连系动词还有 taste,sound,smell,feel。你看起来很漂亮。这汤尝起来真香。你的声音听起来很动人。这些花闻起来很香。丝绸摸起来很光滑。,You look beautiful。,The soup tastes very delicious.,Your voice sounds nice.,The flowers smell sweet.,The silk feels smooth,6.The old woman _ the medicine _ a day.A.takes;twiceB.eats;two timeC.has;secondD.have;two times7.My foot hurts when I move it.You must stay in bed and dont move _.A.much manyB.many muchC.too muchD.much too,A,C,8.In winter,there is snow in the north of China.A.a lots of B.plenty ofC.many D.lot of9.You dont look.Whats the trouble?A.ill B.good C.well D.health10.When did you father come back last night?He didnt come back _ he finished all his work.A.untilB.ifC.when D.while,C,B,A,notuntil 直到才。until 在肯定句动词一般用延续性动词,在否定句中动词一般为短暂性动词。直到妈妈回来我才睡觉。他直到他父亲回来才离开。他将等他父亲一直到10点钟。,I didnt go to bed until my mother came back.,He will wait for his father until ten oclock.,He wont leave until his father comes.,1.Hello!May I speak to Mary?_A.Im Mary.B.Mary is me.C.This is Mary speaking.D.Im speaking.2.My mother asked you _ when you come back.A.ring up her B.ring her upC.to ring up herD.to ring her up3.You should _ when your parents arent at home.A.look yourself after B.take care for yourselfC.take care yourselfD.take care of yourself,C,D,D,4.May I ask you some questions,Dr.Wang?_A.Youre welcome.B.Sure,go ahead.C.No,Im busy.D.Yes,you must.5.Must I take part in the activity?No,you _.Youre too young.You should look after yourself.A.mustnt B.dont C.cant D.dont have to6.Who taught _ Japanese?I learned it by _.A.you;myself B.your;myselfC.yourself;me D.yourself;myself,D,B,A,7.Longlongs father is a businessman.He is very busy,so Longlong only talks _ him _ the phone.A.to;in B.with;by C.with;on D.to;by8._ to keep our classroom clean and tidy.You are right.A.Thats our duty B.This is our duty C.Its our dutyD.The duty is,C,C,9.May I watch TV,Mom?Im afraid you _.A.should notB.cant C.must notD.may not10.She was afraid of _ SARS because it was dangerous.A.catchB.catches C.caughtD.catching,B,D,1.Watching TV too much _ bad for your eyes.Ill go to bed right away.A.is B.are C.was D.be2.If you feel _,you should go to school.A.bad B.worseC.betterD.good3.How often do you exercise?_A.Less than three times a week.B.More than 10 hours.C.From one thirty to three.D.I often do it.,A,C,A,4._ necessary for us _ English well.A.This is;to learn B.Its;to learn C.Its;learn D.Thats;learn5.If you eat _ food and take _ exercise,youll keep healthy.A.more;moreB.less;less C.more;lessD.less;more6.Humans cant live _ air.I agree with you.A.without B.with C.in D.for,B,D,A,7.I cant keep myself active during the day.You _ take more exercise.A.must notB.must be C.need to D.may be8.This article says _ is bad for our lungs.A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoked D.smoking,C,D,9.You had better ask your brother _ playing computer games.Its bad for him.A.to give upB.not to give up C.to give it upD.not give it up10.You _ walk across the road.Its dangerous.A.may notB.dont have to C.must notD.neednt,A,C,buy sth for sb.双宾语的运用。使用双宾语时,在人宾前需要使用介词,有时用“to”有时用“for”,这与动词本身有关,表示动词的方向,多用“to”,表示动词的目的,多用“for”show sth to sb.give sth to sb.pass sth to sb.take sth to sb.bring sth for sb.cook sth for sb.buy sth for sb.,Thanks!,


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