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    Unit 4,Making the news,From where can we get information?,Media?,newspaper,internet,radio,magazine,TV programmes,Do you know any famous newspaper in our country?Or abroad?,How many sections are there in a newspaper?,Local newsInternational newsBusiness sectionEntertainmentAdvertisement,How many different kinds of jobs do newspapers have?,reportereditordesignerpainterprinterphotographer,Chief editor 主编deputy editor 副主编sub editor 审校编辑critic 评论员cartoonist 漫画师correspondent 通讯员,What all these people should do?,reporters,Look at the following pictures,and guess what they are?,editors,Photographer,designers,printer,Can you guess what all the people should do?,interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers,make sure the writing is clear,concise and accurate;checks facts,takes photographs of important people or events,lays out the article and photographs,prints the newspaper,If you want to be a reporter,do you think what qualities a good news reporter needs to have?,What else?,Discussion,1.What level of education should a good news reporter have?2.Dose work experience play an important role in making the news?3.Is being curious and active important?why or why not?4.Enthusiasm for the job is the key to success,do you agree?Why/why not?,Requirement of a reporter in advertisement:,1.Bachelor(学士)degree or above2.At least 2 year working experience 3.Fluency in English both on spoken and written4.Outgoing personality and excellent interpersonal&communication skills5.Initiative(主动的),passionate(充满激情的),team-working and work with high degree of independence6.Able to work under pressure7.Good knowledge in computer software application(应用)especially in MS office(Word,Excel and PowerPoint),Talking task:,Do you still remember your first day at school?Primary school?Middle school?Or high school?Exchange your experience with your partner.,My First Work Assignment“Unforgettable,”says new reporter,Words and expressions,journalist editor photographer delighted admirable unusual assist assistant submit profession professional colleague eager concentrate amateur update acquire assess inform deadline meanwhile depend on case accuse accuse of deliberately so as to sceptical guilty dilemma demand publish section technical technically thorough gifted,While-reading,1.Answer questions 1)and 2).1).What are they talking about?2).How many questions does Zhou Yang ask his new boss,Hu Xin?Please underline all these questions.,They are talking about how to become a good reporter,including some necessary skills,some duties and so on.,skimming,2.True or False.(Tell why)3).Zhou Yang is very enthusiastic about his new job.4).Zhou Yang is very eager to learn.5).Zhou Yang is modest.,Can I go out on a story immediately?,What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?,What should I keep in mind?,The purpose of writing the passage,1)It shoes the students the skills necessary to become a good journalist.2).It wants to show how to conduct a good interview.,scanning,What a new reporter should do on the first day,1)The first time he will be put as an assistant to and experienced journalist.2)There is no need for him to take a camera with him.He will have a professional photographer with him to take photographs.,1)He needs to be curious.2)A good reporter must have a“nose”for a story.3)He has to listen for detailed facts.4)If the interviewee agrees,he can use a recorder to get the facts straight.,What a reporter needs to remember when going to cover a story,After-reading,Questions and discussion.1.What does Zhou Yang have with him when he goes out?,a notebook,pen and a camera,2.What equipment do you think a news reporter should have nowadays?,mobile phone,digital camera,small recorder,notebook computer,satellite telephone,Read the text carefully,and finish the following chart about how to become a reporter.(work in groups),tell if someone,is telling the truth,accurate,research,questions,detailed facts,next question,ask questions,reactions,check,research,research,witnesses,a tape recorder,interview,Read the passage again and divide it into three sections,each of which looks at one duty of a reporter.Then write down the main idea of the whole passage.,Duties:1.to work in a team 2.to get an accurate story 3.to protect a story from accusations,Main idea:the passage tells us about the qualities needed to be a good reporter,how to get an accurate story and how to protect a story from accusation.,patient,well-organized,thorough,curious,careful,concise,professional,polite,creative,imaginative,technically good,gifted,professional,patient well-organized,concise patient imaginative well-organized technically good polite honest truthful thorough creative curious admirable careful gifted professional,description,A reporter needs to be _but a photographer needs to be _ I think I would make a good XXX _,thorough,curious,careful and concise,creative,imaginative,technically good and gifted.,They both need to be professional,well-organized and patient.,because I am creative and I enjoy being technically good at things.,occupation n a job or employment 职业 taking possession 占有occupation,job,work,profession 和 trade辨析四个词都有“工作”之意。occupation 较为正式,经常用在填写表格上。job是可数名词,可指一个单独任务,也可指工作职位work是不可数名词,泛指一切工作。profession一般指需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水 平的某一行业、职业,如医生或律师。,Language points,Practice:选词填空(occupation,job,profession,work)a.Please state your name,age and_ below.b.I have a few _ to do in the house this morning.c.Looking after children all day is hard_d.My husband is at the very to of medical_.,occupation,jobs,work,profession,Can I go out on a story immediately?我可以马上出去采访吗?on 后接一些名词如visit,holiday,business,trip等,常与come,go等动词连用,用来说明活动或状态。Practice:她决定今年暑假去一趟英国。She decided to go _ to England this summer.他去了长途旅行。He has been away _.,on a visit,on a long trip,NO need for a camera!不需要带相机!no need是句型There is no need 的省略形式,need 后面可以接for/of(doing)sth 或(for sb)to do作后置定语。,介词填空:There is no need _ that sort of thing.There is no need _ hurrying;we still have time.There is no need _ you to worry about the matter.,for,of,for,experienced adj.有经验的在你家谁有经验做饭?Who is experienced in cooking in your family?,Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.晚些时候,你就可以独自去进行新闻采访并递交稿件了。submit在这句话种表示“递交;呈送”。如:He submitted an essay to his tutor.他向导师地叫了一篇论文。submit还可以表示“屈服;顺从”。如:They refused to submit to the pressure.他们据不屈服于压力。,cover 1).She was sent to cover the event.()2).The road was covered with snow.()3).She laughed to cover her worry.(),报道,采访,覆盖,遮盖,4).The red army covered about 30 miles a day.()5).Is the money enough to cover the cost of a new shirt?()6).The city covers ten square miles.()7).So far this month I have covered ten lessons.(),走完多少里路,(钱)够支付,有多少面积,看完多少页书,be eager for sth.(eg.success)渴望,很想 be eager to do sth.渴望做某事 be eager that clause 他很渴望见到他的女儿。_ 我们都很想那项工程早点开始。_,He was(is)eager to see his daughter,We were eager that the project would start early.,concentrate vt.to give all ones attention to sth and not to think about anything else.集中 to come or bring together at one place 聚集 concentrate on(doing)sth 专注于(做)某事 concentrate the/ones mind 集中注意力;聚精会神 concentrate ones effort/attention on sth 集中力量/注意力于某事 concentration n.专心;聚集,Practice:,完成句子:Stop talking and _.(专心工作)b.Nothing _(集中注意力)better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow.c.I decided to _(全力以赴)finding somewhere to live.,concentrate on your work,concentrates the mind,concentrate all my efforts on,concentrate on/upon sth./doing sth._We should _our study.Tom is _fishing.,集中精力做,concentrate on/upon,concentrating/ed on/upon,have a nose for 对嗅觉灵敏,表示探查或发现某事的能力。此类形象表达法还有:She has an ear for music.()She has an eye for color and style in clothes.(),对有欣赏能力,对有眼光,Dont poke your nose into other peoples business.()George turned his nose up at classical music.()Tell us what happened.We are all ears.()He turned a deaf ear to what I said.()Dont tell him anything.He has a big mouth.(),管闲事,插手与己无关的事,对不屑一顾,看不起,正在听着,洗耳恭听,对听不进去,嘴不严,Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有提很多不同的问题,你才能收集到你所需要的信息。放在句首的状语若由“only+副词”,“only+介词词组”,“only+状语从句”构成,可引起局部倒装,即把助动词,情态动词或系动词be放在主句之前。如:,Only then did I realize the importance of my health.只是在那时我才认识到健康的重要性。Only when the war was over in 1945 was he able to get back to work.只是在1945年战争结束后他才得以回去工作。,meanwhile=meantime=in the meantime=at the same time 妈妈去购物,与此同时,我打扫房间。,My mother went shopping.Meanwhile,I cleaned the house.,meanwhile,during,while 词义辨析,meanwhile意为“同时”,与at the same time意思相同。意为“期间”时,是副词,在句中单独做状语。during 意为“在、期间”,是介词,后接名词、代词。while 意为“在、期间”,是连词,引导时间状语从句。,This is a trick of the trade.这就是我们这个行业的诀窍了。tricks of the trade(内行人的)诀窍。另外还可以表示吸引顾客,在竞争中取胜的手段或生意经。如:If you want to start your own car business,you should ask his advice.He knows all the tricks of the trade.你要想自己做骑车生意,最好向他讨教,他对这行的诀窍完全清醒。,so as to do sth.“为了”不能用在句首=in order to do sth.可放句子中任何位置=so that+从句=in order that+从句 句型转换:I got up at five so as to catch the train=_=_,I got up at five in order to catch the train.,I got up at five so that I could catch the train.,我买了些牛肉和蔬菜,为的是给晚饭做个汤I bought some beef and vegetables _I bought some beef and vegetables _I bought some beef and vegetables _I bought some beef and vegetables _,so as to make a soup for dinner.,in order to make a soup for dinner,so that I could make a soup for dinner,in order that I could make a soup for dinner,Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?get the wrong end of the stick完全误解,弄错他完全搞错了。He _ _.,got(held of)the wrong end of the stick,accuse sb.of sth._=charge sb.with sth.相同结构的有:_ 提醒某人_抢了某人_通知某人 _ 治愈,治疗某人_警告某人,因某事指责/控告某人,remind sb.of sth.,rob sb.of sth.,inform sb.of sth.,cure sb.of sth.,warn sb.of sth.,accuse,charge,blame 词义辨析,accuse(指控)sb.of(doing)sth.charge(指控)sb.with(doing)sth.accuse(指责)sb.of(doing)sth.blame(责备)sb.for(doing)sth.,他被警察指控谋杀。_.Tom _ his boss of having broken his word.A.blamed B.accused C.charged D.scolded,He was accused of murder by the police,B,the man was supposed to bribed him be supposed to do 应当,认为必须 be supposed to have done 表示理应做过某事,(但可能没做)他大约一小时后到。He_ in about an hour.杰克现在应当完成工作了。Jack_.,is supposed to be here,is supposed to have finished the work.,Practice interviewing,You are divided into two groups to do an interview,one interviewer is Zhang Ziyi,another one is Yao Ming.,What is your biggest problem to become a reporter?How can you change it?,Assignment,Surf the Internet to find more information about how to become a reporter and you are expected to present it to your classmates in the next class.,


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