Showing our feelings,Unit 4 Using Language,人教版必修四第四单元,A Game,Order&Play,Showing,happiness,anger,sadness,boredom,doubt,adoration爱慕,contempt鄙视,Warming up,OK,stop,Be quite,well done,Question:,Can you“read”a persons feeling by seeing his/her facial expressions or gestures?,Pre-reading,spoken,un,read,mis,expression,facial,universal,function,at ease,lose face,turn ones back to,fist,yawn,subjective,rank,舒适,非口头的,面部表情,普遍的,功能,作用,丢脸,背对,拳头,打哈欠,主观的,等级,误读,.Fast reading,Decide the following sentences are true or false.,1.Body language is more powerful than spoken language.,2.Different cultures have differences in body language.,similarities,3.How many kinds of body language are referred in this passage?,A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6,5 kinds,which are,smile,,anger,,agreement,,boredom,and respect.,frowning,back,happiness,agreement,up and down,looking away from people,respect,.Careful reading,.Careful reading,Main idea:,Points:,Body language is more powerful than spoken language,we can understand each other as well as we do.,Showing happinessShowing unhappiness or anger,3.Showing agreement,4.Showing boredom,5.Showing respect,1.What kind of article is it?,2.How is this passage organized?,.Comprehending,A.An informative B.argumentative C.both A&C,1.Send a short message!,Your classmate left very quickly after class,so you want to send him/her a short message to ask about whats happened.,.Writing tasks,Use the following sentence pattern when you write the message.,Seeing your _face,I guess that _.Tell me something and I can _.,An example:,Seeing your _depressed_ face,I guess that you are concerning about your mothers illness recently.Tell me something and I can share the difficulty_ with you!,Your classmate left very quickly after class,so you want to send him/her a short message to ask about whats happened.,2.Send an e-mail!,2.Send an e-mail!,Dear*:1st paragraph:describe the body language that you noticed2nd paragraph:ask if something is wrong,make some guesses3rd paragraph:offer to help,remind him/her that you are a good friend.yours,*,Dear*:I noticed this morning that_.It looked as if _.Is there anything wrong?I heard/guess that_.Is that true?We are good friends,remember?I really would like to_.Yours:*,Dear*:I noticed this morning that _.You look _.When I asked you _,you _.Is there anything wrong?I heard/guess that _.Is that true?We are good friends,remember?I really would like to _.Can I _?Yours:*,Dear*:I noticed this morning that you seemed very depressed.You look very depressed.When I asked you what happened,you didnt answer me.Is there anything wrong?I heard/guess that you didnt get a high score in the monthly-exam.Is that true?We are good friends,remember?I really would like to help you if I can.Can I share the difficulty with you and study together these days?Yours:*,.Homework,Rewrite the passage by using the outline and details.,Thank you!Bye-bye!,