【BS英国标准】BS EN 95762001 固定的训练器材.踏车.补充的特殊安全要求和试验方法.doc
Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIBRITISH STANDARDBS EN957-6:2001Stationary training equipment Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methodsThe European Standard EN 957-6:2001 has the status of aBritish StandardICS 97.220.30NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBS EN 957-6:2001National forewordThis British Standard is the official English language version ofEN 957-6:2001.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee SW/136, Sports and playground equipment, to Subcommittee SW/136/4, Fitness training equipment, which has the responsibility to:aid enquirers to understand the text;present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed;monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK.A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary.Cross-referencesThe British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIThis British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Consumer Products and Services Sector Policy and Strategy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 25 September 2001© BSI 25 September 2001ISBN 0 580 38513 2Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,pages 2 to 13 and a back cover.The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.Amd. No.DateCommentsAmendments issued since publicationEUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 957-6August 2001ICS 97.220.30English versionStationary training equipment - Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methodsAppareils d'entraînement fixes - Partie 6: Simulateurs de course, méthodes d'essai et exigences de sécurité spécifiques supplémentairesStationäre Trainingsgeräte - Teil 6: Laufbänder, zusätzliche besondere sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen und PrüfverfahrenThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 29 June 2001.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION C O M I TÉ EUR O P ÉEN DE NOR M A L I S A TI ON EUR O P Ä I S C H ES KOM I TEE F Ü R NOR M UNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 BrusselsLicensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI© 2001 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 957-6:2001 EEN 957-6:2001 (E)Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIContentsForeword .3Introduction .31Scope .42Normative references .43Terms and definitions.44Classification.45Safety requirements .66Test methods.107Additional instructions for use .1313Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIForewordThis European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 136 "Sports, playground and other recreational equipment", the secretariat of which is held by DIN.This standard EN 957 "Stationary training equipment" consists of the following parts: Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods Part 2: Strength training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods Part 4: Strength training benches, additional specific safety requirements and test methods Part 5: Pedal crank training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methods Part 7: Rowing machines, additional specific safety requirements and test methods Part 8: Steppers, stairclimbers and climbers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods Part 9: Elliptical trainers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2002, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 2002.According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.IntroductionThis European Standard amends and supplements EN 957-1. The requirements of this specific standard take priority over those in EN 957-1.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI1ScopeThis European Standard specifies safety requirements for treadmills in addition to the general safety requirements ofEN 957-1 and should be read in conjunction with it.This European Standard is applicable to power driven and manually driven training equipment type treadmills (type 6) (hereafter referred to as treadmills) with the classes S and H and classes A, B and C regarding accuracy.2Normative referencesThis European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).EN 292, Safety of machinery Basic concepts, general principles for design.EN 957-1:1996, Stationary training equipment Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods.EN 60947-5-5, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 5-5: Control circuit devices and switching elements- Electrical emergency stop device with mechanical latching function (IEC 60947-5-5:1997)EN 60335-1, Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60335-1:1983, modified).EN 60601-1, Medical electrical equipment Part 1: General requirements for safety (IEC 60601-1:1988).ISO 5904, Gymnastic equipment Landing mats and surfaces for floor exercises Determination of resistance to slipping.ISO 9838, Alpine ski-bindings Test soles for ski-binding tests.3Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given EN 957-1:1996 and the following apply.3.1 treadmilltraining equipment with a unidirectional moving surface on which a walking or running activity can take place, where the feet are free to leave the moving surface3.2running surfacelength of the usable part of the moving surface (see l in Figure 1)NOTEFigure 1 is intended only to give examples and to illustrate the names of the components.3.3width of the running surfaceusable width of the running belt excluding rear roller guards, see b in Figure 1)4ClassificationClause 4 of EN 957-1:1996 applies.Key1 Display2 Front handlebar3 Side handrail4 Non slip surface5 Foot platform6 Rear roller guard (see Figure 2)7 Running deck8 Running surface (belt)9 Front housing10 Emergency stop11 Rear roller (see Figure 2)llength of running surface (belt)bwidth of running surface (belt)Dimensions in millimetresLicensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSINOTEThe numbering system in this Figure 1 is retained in Figure 2 of this European Standard.Figure 1 Example of a treadmillLicensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI5Safety requirements5.1GeneralDepending on the design of the piece of equipment the following requirements shall apply as appropriate.5.2External construction5.2.1Squeeze and shear points within the accessible areaWhere the elevation can be changed during operation thus causing the distance between any part of the equipment and the floor to become smaller than 60 mm the speed of elevation shall not exceed 1 /s.The user shall be able to stop this movement.5.2.2Transmission elements and rotating partsPull-in points between the running surface, the rear roller and the frame and the rear roller/belt and the floor shall be avoided. This can be achieved e. g. by a rear roller guard (see Figure 2).When tested in accordance with 6.1 it shall not be possible that the test finger becomes trapped between the rear roller guard and the running surface. There shall be a minimum distance of 10 mm between the edge of the running surface and the rear roller guard during all operating conditions (see Figure 2).Elements of the motor drive system shall be in accordance with EN 292.Dimensions in millimetresKey5 Foot platform (can also overlap the belt)6 Rear roller guard8 Running surface (belt)11 Rear rollerFigure 2 Rear roller guard5.2.3Temperature riseWhen tested in accordance with 6.2, accessible parts of the treadmill shall not have a temperature greater than 65 C.5.3Emergency stop5.3.1GeneralAll power driven mills shall be equipped with an emergency/safety stop switch, which should include, either a push- button operated switch, or a pull-cord operated switch.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Mar 19 03:10:56 GMT 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI5.3.2CharacteristicsIt shall not be possible to restore the circuit until the actuator of the emergency stop device has been manually reset. Where several emergency stop devices are provided, the circuit shall not be restored until all actuators previously operated have been reset.The contacts of manually operated emergency stop devices shall ensure positive opening, as defined inEN 60947-5-5.It shall be easily accessible to the user.When the switch is activated the main power shall be interrupted without utilization of the software and the treadmill shall come to a complete stop.5.3.3ActuatorsActuators of emergency stop devices shall be coloured RED. Where a background exists behind the device actuator, it shall be coloured YELLOW. The actuator of a push-button operated switch shall be of the palm or mushroom head type.5.4Immobilization methodFor power driven treadmills there shall be an immobilization method for the treadmill to prevent uncontrolled usage of third parties. This method shall be explained in the instructions for use.Testing in accordance with tested in accordance with 6.5, the treadmill shall not fall over.5.6Static loadingWhen tested in accordance with 6.6, the treadmill shall withstand a force of a) 4 times the body mass (100 kg) for class H andb) 6 times for class Swithout breakage.