,新 目 标七 年 级(下)Unit 7,Its raining!Section B(1a-1e),七年级英语组监制,学习目标1、通过自主学习,会背、会 用本节课单词.2、小组合作,会用表温度的 形容词来描述天气.3、通过学习,我们要热爱大 自然,保护环境。,自主学习,自学交流(一):内容:学习本课的单词。学法:自读单词2分钟,同桌互背;小组长检测组员背书情况。时间:5分钟。,炎热的 寒冷的 凉爽的 温暖的 干燥的墨西哥,hot,cold,dry,同学们,你们能在1分钟内掌握这些单词与短语?,cool,warm,Mexico,炎热的 寒冷的 凉爽的 温暖的 干燥的墨西哥,hot,cold,dry,同桌互背单词:,cool,warm,Then open your daoxuejiangyi and turn to Page 117,Finish off.导学讲义117页.完成自主交流部分:检测单词部分。时间是1分钟。,你们知道哪一对是反义词吗?这些词是说明词,在句子中起什么作用?能讲一讲吗?,Mexico,感觉句意及首字母提示补全单词:1.The weather here is w,not dry(干燥).2.The boy in a white T-shirt looks very c.3.Where do you want to go on v.4.In Russia(俄国),Its so c in winter.5.Its cold outside,come in.Its w in the room.,et,ool,avation,old,arm,单词检测,自主学习,内容:1a图中的物品与单词匹配学法:自己认真写出,同桌对答案。小组长检测组员整体情况。时间:3分钟。,Match the words with the picture.,1a,1._d_ dry 3._ cool 5._ hot 2._ cold 4._ warm,a,b,e,c,cold,How is the weather?,How is the weather?,warm,hot,How is the weather?,dry,How is the weather?,cool,How is the weather?,Hows the weather?,Its windy and cool.,Guessing,Its raining.,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and hot.,Hows the weather?,Hows the weather?,Its snowy and cold.,Hows the weather?,Its dry.,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and warm.,自主学习,自学交流(二):内容:1c,1d听录音并自主完成学法:老师放录音,自己认真写 出答案。时间:4分钟。检测:在黑板上出示答案,Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to Hows it going.,1c,Not bad.,Listening,Listen again.Write the answers to What are you doing and Hows the weather.,visiting her grandmother,1d,Hot,dry and sunny.,having a party,Terrible.Its cold and its raining.,Listening,1.hot 热的。反义词是:cold。hot dog 热狗 hot food 辣的食物2.cold 寒冷的。Have a cold 患感冒,展示释疑,3.cool 凉爽的。反义词为:warm.cool 还可指人或物“酷”。4.humid 湿热的The island is hot and humid in the summer.这个岛在夏季又热又潮湿。,归纳总结 1、通过本节课学习,使我学会了2、掌握了重点句型:3、我还有的疑惑是:,Fill in the blanks according to the conversation:,M:Hello,Sam.S:Maria?Hi.Where you?M:Im in Mexico!Im _to say“happy birthday!”S:Oh,thanks.M:So,hows it there?S:Great!Hows it going you?M:bad.What are you?,are,calling,going,with,Not,doing,反馈训练,S:Im _a party.My whole family is here.M:Oh,that sounds fun.Hows the weather?S:Terrible.Its cold and its _.Hows the weather there?M:Hot.Hot and.And sunny.S:Sounds good.M:Uh-huh.S:So,what you doing in Mexico?M:I visiting my grandmother.,having,like,raining,dry,are,am,