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    【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 181732002 Metallic materialsVickers hardness test Method 3 Calibration of ref.doc

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    【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 181732002 Metallic materialsVickers hardness test Method 3 Calibration of ref.doc

    iAustralian StandardTMAS 1817.32002ISO 6507-3:1997Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 2007AS 1817.3Metallic materialsVickers hardness testMethod 3:Calibration of reference blocksPREFACEThis Standard was prepared by Standards Australia Committee MT-006, Mechanical T esting ofMetals to supersede (in part) AS 18171991, Metallic materialsVickers hardness test.This Standard is identical with and is reproduced from ISO 6507-3:1997, Metallic materialsVickers hardness test, Part 3: Calibration of reference blocks.This Standard is Method 3 of a series of Standards covering the Vickers hardness testing of metallic materials.The series comprises the following Methods: AS1817Vickers hardness test1817.1Method 1:Test method (ISO 6507-1:1997, MOD)1817.2Method 2:Verification of testing machines1817.3Method 3:Calibration of reference blocksThe force values in this Method were calculated from kilogram force values. they were introduced before the SI-system was adopted. It was decided to keep the values based on the old units for this Method but in the next revision it will be necessary to consider the advantage of introducing rounded values of test force and their effect on the hardness scales.Attention is drawn to the fact that in this revision the following aspects should be considered:(a)Addition of a new Figure 1 for the demonstration of the permissible difference of the sectional planes of the square form of the indenter.(b)Addition of a new table (Table 1) for the estimation capability and the maximum permissible error of the measuring device.(c)Changing of the values for the maximum permissible value of non-uniformity of the reference blocks in Table 3.(d)Addition of a new Clause 9 concerning the validity of the reference blocks.As this Standard is reproduced from an International Standard, the following applies:(i)Its number does not appear on each page of text and its identity is shown only on the cover and title page.(ii)In the source text this part of ISO 6507 should read this Australian Standard.(iii)A full point should be substituted for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.References to International Standards should be replaced by references to equivalent AustralianStandards, as follows:iiReference to International StandardAustralian StandardISOASAccessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 2007376Metallic materialsCalibration of force-proving instruments used for theverification of uniaxial testing machines468SurfaceroughnessParameters,their values and general rules for specifying requirements4287GeometricalProductSpecifications (GPS)Surfacetexture:Profile methodT erms, definitions and surface texture parameters6507MetallicmaterialsVickershardness test6507-1Part 1:Test method1817.1Method 1: Test method(ISO 6507-1:1997, MOD)6507-2Part 2:Verification of testing machines1817.2Method 2: Verification of testingmachines1817Metallic materialsVickers hardness test5Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 20071 ScopeThis part of ISO 6507 specifies a method for the calibration of reference blocks to be used for the indirect verification of Vickers hardness testing machines, as specified in ISO 6507-2.The method is applicable only for indentations with diagonals 0,020 mm.The force values in this part of ISO 6507 were calculated from kilogram force values. They were introduced before the SI-system was adopted. It was decided to keep the values based on the old units for this edition, but for the next revision it will be necessary to consider the advantage of introducing rounded values of test force and the consequence on the hardness scales.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 6507. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 6507 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.ISO 376:1), Metallic materials Calibration of force-proving instruments used for the verification of uniaxial testing machines.ISO 468:1982, Surface roughness Parameters, their values and general rules for specifying requirements.ISO 4287:1997, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters.ISO 6507-1:1997, Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part 1: Test method.ISO 6507-2:1997, Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part 2: Verification of testing machines.1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 376:1987)www.standar ds.c om.au© Standar ds Austr aliaAccessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 20073 Manufacture of reference blocks3.1 The block shall be specially prepared and the attention of the manufacturer is drawn to the need to use a manufacturing process which will give the necessary homogeneity, stability of structure and uniformity of surface hardness.3.2 Each metal block to be calibrated shall be of a thickness not less than 6 mm.3.3 The reference blocks shall be free of magnetism. It is recommended that the manufacturer shall ensure that the blocks, if of steel, have been demagnetized at the end of the manufacturing process.3.4 The maximum deviation in flatness of the test and support surfaces shall not exceed 0,005 mm. The maximum error in parallelism shall not exceed 0,010 mm in 50 mm.3.5 The test surface shall be free from scratches which interfere with the measurement of the indentations. The surface roughness Ra shall not exceed 0,000 05 mm for the test surface and0,000 8 mm for the bottom surface (see ISO 468). The sampling length l shall be 0,80 mm(see ISO 4287).3.6 In order to check that no material has been subsequently removed from the reference block, its thickness at the time of calibration shall be marked on it to the nearest 0,01 mm, or an identifying mark shall be made on the test surface (see clause 8).4 Calibrating machine4.1 In addition to fulfilling the general requirements specified in ISO 6507-2, the calibrating machine shall also meet the requirements of The calibrating machine shall be verified directly at intervals not exceeding 12 months. Direct verification involvesa) verification of the test force;b) verification of the indenter;c) verification of the measuring device;d) verification of the testing cycle.The equipment used to verify the calibrating machine shall have a certified traceability to theInternational System of Units (SI).4.2.1 Each test force shall be accurate to within ± 0,1 % for the normal and low-force hardness; ± 0,5 % for the microhardness;of the nominal test force specified in ISO 6507-1.The force shall be measured with force-proving instruments of class 0,5 according to ISO 376 or by another method having the same accuracy.4.2.2 The four faces of the square-based diamond pyramid shall be highly polished, free from surface defects, and flat within 0,000 3 mm.4.2.3 The angle between the opposite faces of the vertex of the diamond pyramid shall be 136° ± 0,1°. The angle between the axis of the diamond pyramid and the axis of the indenter-holder (normal to theseating surface) shall be less than 0,3°.Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 20074.2.4 The point of the diamond indenter shall be examined with a high-power measuring microscope or preferably with an interference microscope and, if the four faces do not meet in a point, the line of conjunction between opposite faces shall be less than 0,001 mm in length. For microhardness testing, the length shall not exceed 0,000 25 mm.4.2.5 It shall be verified that the quadrilateral which would be formed by the intersection of the faces with a plane perpendicular to the axis of the diamond pyramid has angles of 90° ± 0,2° (see figure 1).Figure 1 Permissible difference of the sectional planes of the square form4.2.6 The estimation capability required of the measuring device depends on the size of the smallest indentation to be measured.The scale of the measuring device shall be graduated to permit estimation of the diagonals of the indentation in accordance with table 1.Table 1Diagonal lengthdmmEstimation capability of the measuring deviceMaximum permissible errord 0,040d 0,0400,000 1 mm0, 25 % of d0,000 2 mm0,5 % of d4.2.7 The measuring device shall be verified by measurements made on a stage micrometer at a minimum of five intervals over each working range.The maximum permissible error shall not exceed the values given in table For microhardness testing, the maximum allowable vibrational acceleration reaching the calibration machine shall be 0,005 gn (gn equals the standard acceleration of free fall:gn = 9,806 65 m/s²).4.2.9 The time from the initial application of force until the full test force is reached and the approach velocity of the indenter shall meet the requirements given in table 2.Table 2Ranges of test force, FNTime for application of the test forcesApproach velocity of the indentermm/sF 1,9611,961 F 49,03F 49,03 10 106 to 80,05 to 0,20,05 to 0,20,05 to 1The duration of application of the test force shall be 13 s to 15 s.5 Calibration procedureThe reference blocks shall be calibrated in a calibrating machine as described in clause 4, at a temperature of (23 ± 5) °C, using the general procedure specified in ISO 6507-1.6 Number of indentationsOn each reference block, five indentations shall be made, uniformly distributed over the test surface.7 Uniformity of hardness7.1 Let d1, d2, ., d5 be the arithmetic mean values of the measured diagonals, arranged in increasing order of magnitude.The uniformity of the block under the particular conditions of calibration is characterized by the differenced5 - d1and is expressed as a percentage of d , whered = d1+ d 2+ . + d 55Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 20077.2 The maximum permissible value of non-uniformity of a reference block is given in table 3.Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 2007Table 3Hardness of blockMaximum permissible value of non-uniformity% of d< HV 0,2HV 0,2 to HV 5HV 5 to HV 100 225 HV4,0 or0,001 mm1)3,02,0 225 HV2,01,01) Whichever is the greater.8 Marking8.1 Each reference block shall be marked with the following particulars:a) arithmetic mean of the hardness values found in the calibration test, for example 249 HV 30;b) name or mark of the supplier or manufacturer;c) serial number;d) name or mark of the calibrating agency;e) thickness of the block or an identifying mark on the test surface (see 3.6);f)year of calibration, if not indicated in the serial number.8.2 Any mark put on the side of the block shall be the right way up when the test surface is the upper face.8.3 Each delivered reference block shall be accompanied with a document giving at least the following information:a) the reference to this part of ISO 6507;b) the identity of the block;c) the date of calibration;d) the arithmetic mean of the hardness values and the value characterizing the uniformity of the block.NOTE One of the five indentations may be selected as a reference indentation for the indirect verification of the measuring device as described in annex A of ISO 6507-2:1997. Therefore, it should be identified with a permanent mark in line with one of the measured indentation diagonals.9 ValidityThe reference block is only valid for the test force for which it was calibrated and provided that the block fulfils the requirements of clause 3.NOTE It is recommended that the duration of the calibration validity should be limited to 5 years.6Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 23 Jul 2007This Au stra lia n Sta ndard wa s prepa red by Committee MT -006 , Mecha nical Testing of Meta ls. It wa s a pproved on behalf of the Cou ncil of Standa rdsAu stra lia on 29 N ovember 2002 a nd pu blished on 17 December 2002.The following are represented on Committee MT -006: Au stra la sia n Railwa y AssociationAu stra lia n Alu miniu m Cou ncilAu stra lia n Indu stry Grou pBureau of Steel Ma nu fa cturers of Au straliaCSIROInstitute of Materia ls Engineering Au stra la siaNAT AKeeping Standar ds up-to -dateSta nda rds are living docu ments which reflect progress in science, technology a nd systems. T o maintain their currency, a ll Sta ndards a re periodica lly reviewed, and new editions a re pu blished. Between editions, amendments ma y be issu ed. Sta nda rds ma y also be withdra wn. It is important that rea ders assu re themselves they a re u sing a current Sta nda rd, which shou ld inclu de a ny a mendments which ma y ha ve been pu blished since the Standa rd wa s purcha sed.Detailed informa tion a bout Sta nda rds ca n be fou nd by visiting the Sta nda rds Au stralia web site a t www.sta .au a nd looking up the releva ntSta nda rd in the on-line cata logu e.Alternatively, the printed Ca talogu e provides information cu rrent a t 1 January ea ch year, and the monthly ma ga zine, The Aus tralian Stan dard, ha s a fu ll listing of revisions a nd a mendments published ea ch month.We a lso welcome su ggestions for the improvement in our Standa rds, a nd especia lly encou ra ge rea ders to notify u s immediately of any a ppa rent ina ccu ra cies or a mbigu ities. Conta ct u s via ema il at mailstanda .au, or write to the Chief Execu tive, Sta nda rds Au stralia Interna tional Ltd, G PO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001.Originated a s pa rt of AS B1061954 a nd AS B106.2 1965. Previou s edition AS 1817


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