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    Unit 4 My Home,A Lets talk,study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen,study,bathroom,living room,kitchen,bedroom,Shes cute.,I have a cat.,She is naughty.(淘气)She can run here and there.(到处跑),Tips:She 运用了拟人的修辞手法。,Where is she?Can you help me?,Is she in the_?,Yes,she is.No,she isnt.,Is she in the?,Yes,she is.,No,she isnt.,kitchen,bathroom,bedroom,living room,study,kitchen,study,bathroom,living room,bedroom,Lets talk,I have a cat.Shes cute,Where is she?,Mmm.Is she in the living room?,No,she isnt.,Is she in the study?,No,she isnt.,Look!Shes in the kitchen.,I have a cat.She is cute.,Where is she?,Mmm.Is she in the living room?,No,she isnt.,Is she in the study?,No,she isnt.,Look!Shes in the kitchen.,Goodbye!,Family,Father and mother I love you,My home A Lets learn,Unit 4,Unit 4,Unit 4,Unit 4,Unit 4,room u:,1,2,3,4,5,My home,study,Go to the study.Read a book.,room u:,1,2,3,4,5,My home,bedroom,Go to the bedroom.Have a nap.,room u:,1,2,3,4,5,My home,Go to the bathroom.Take a shower.,bathroom,room u:,1,2,3,4,5,My home,kitchen,Go to the kitchen.Have a snack(小吃,点心).,room u:,1,2,3,4,5,My home,living room,Go to the living room.Watch TV.,study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen,Go to the living room.Watch TV.,Go to the study.Read a book.,Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.,Go to the bedroom.Have a nap.,Go to the bathroom.Take a shower.,Who has good eyesight(比比谁的眼力好)?,bathroom,bedroom,Who has good eyesight(比比谁的眼力好)?,kitchen,Who has good eyesight(比比谁的眼力好)?,living room,Who has good eyesight(比比谁的眼力好)?,study,Who has good eyesight(比比谁的眼力好)?,bedroom bathroomliving roomkitchen study,1,3,5,2,连一连,Im typhoon!Im strong!,Let me clean the _.,bedroom,living room,Lets clean the _.,Im typhoon!Im strong!,Let me clean the living room.,Lets clean the study.,Guessing Game(Wheres Amy?),-Is she in the _?-Yes,she is./No,she isnt.,Is she in the _?,Yes,she is.,No,she isnt.,bedroom,study,Is she in the _?,Yes,she is.,No,she isnt.,kitchen,bathroom,Is she in the _?,Yes,she is.,No,she isnt.,study,living room,Is she in the bedroom/bathroom/?Yes,she is./No,she isnt.,Pair work!,My Home,This is my home.You can see a,Do a report,East or west,home is the best!,金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝!,love my home!,home,Homework,Copy the new words.Do exercise book.,Goodbye!,PEP3 Unit4B Lets talk,The is the.,Lets play:好笑的位置,in,on,under,behind,near,The is the.,Lets play:好笑的位置,in,on,under,behind,near,in,on,under,behind,near,The is the.,Lets play:好笑的位置,bananas,ice-creams,boys,hamburgers,girls,phones,keys,books,lamps,desks,?,?,Are they s?,No,they arent.,Are they s?,Yes,they are.,,?,?,?,?,?,,Are they the?,?,?,?,?,?,,Are they the?,Where are the?Guess,guess,guess!Are they the?No,they arent.Are they on the table?Yes,they are.,?,Mom,Im hungry.,OK.Lets go home.,Yes.,Didi.Lets go!,Are you ready?,Are they in the?,A.,B.,Where are the keys?,?,No,.,Lets play:快乐拼图,Yes,they are.,A:Where are the s?,B:Are they?,A:No,they arent.,游戏规则:1、同桌合作完成。2、用右边的语言来问答,猜测物体的位置。3、先拼大图,后拼小图。,Lets sing:,Byebye!,第四课时,DIY 我的小房间我做主,介绍my room,bed,sofa,table,phone,fridge,bed,sofa,table,phone,fridge,连连看,roomin the rooma bed in the rooma new bed in the roomThere is a bed in the room.,roomin the rooma bed in the rooma new bed in the roomThere is a bed in the room.,Homework(1)Play a game according to“Lets play“with your partner.(2)Listen to and repeat“Lets learn”.(3)Write more than five sentences to describe your living room on your exercise book.,Goodbye,Unit 4.My homeA.Read and Write,1,2,3,4,5,Riddles(猜谜语),I can have a nap.Who am I?(我是谁?),1,(bedroom),Im big.I have a TV.I have a tea table.I have two sofas.I have many pictures.Who am I?,2,(living room),Im small.I have a desk.I have a computer.I have many books-Story-book,English book,notebook.Who am I?,3,(study),Im very small.I can take a shower.Who am I?,4,(bathroom),Im clean.I have many fruits.I have hamburgers.I can make you strong.Who am I?,5,(kitchen),Read and guess,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom,living room,study,Is she in the?,Yes,she is.(No,she isnt),Guessing game,Is it a door?,Yes,it is./No,it isnt.,bed,fridge,table,Where is the book?,Where are the books?,Where is the book?,Where are the books?,Its on the desk.,Theyre on the desk.,Find and say,Where is the apple/orange/pear?,Is it in/on/under/near the.?,Are they in/on/under/near the.?,Where are the chairs?Are they near the bed?No,they arent.They are near the table.,Task time,Where are the pears?Are they on the bed?No,they arent.They are on the table.,Where are the rulers?Are they on the table?No,they arent.They are in the box.,Where are my keys?,Retell the text,My books,are,on the sofa.,My pens,are,on the fridge.,My bag,is,under the table.,My glasses,are,near the phone.,My keys,are,on the floor.,The sofa is in the living room.The chairs are in the bedroom.,Write about your home!,This is my home.The phone is in the living room.The bed is in the bedroom.The books are in the study.And the fridge is in the kitchen.I love my home!,B,A,C,D,D,C,Is it _ the box?A.in B.on C.at2._ is my pen?Its on the desk.A.What B.How C.Where3._ to the bedroom.Have a sleep.A.Go B.Goes C.go4.Is she in the room?Yes,_.A.it is B.she is C.he is5._ this your study?A.Are B.Is C.Am6.I have _ snack in the kitchen.A.a B.an C.any,A,C,A,B,B,A,第二关-小小判断家。,找错误 This is my living room.My book are in the sofa,and my pens is on the fridge.My bag is under the table,and my glasses are under the phone.What are my keys?Can you find them?,第三关-小小侦探家。,Homework,P43 Read and write read and recite it.读一读,背一背。Design your ideal(理想的)home,then introduce it to your parents.This is my home.The sofa is in the living room.I love my home.,Goodbye!,第六课时,Where is she?Where is she?Is she in the study?No,she isnt.Is she in the kitchen?Yes,she is.Yes,she is,Lets chant:,Guessing game,Whats in the box?,Make a new story,大转盘,Summing up,Goodbye,


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