【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 5602 Refined petroleum products—Vehicle bottom loading and vapour recovery.doc
AS 56022009AS 56022009Australian Standard®Refined petroleum productsVehicle bottom loading and vapour recoveryThis Australian Standard® was prepared by Committee ME-057, Road Tank Vehicles forDangerous Goods. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on17 March 2009.This Standard was published on 22 April 2009.The following are represented on Committee ME-057:Air Liquide AustraliaAustralian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Industry GroupAustralian Institute of PetroleumBitumen Users GroupDepartment of Consumer and Employment Protection, WADepartment of the Premier and Cabinet, SALPG AustraliaNational Bulk Tanker AssociationPetroleum Industry Contractors AssociationPlastics and Chemicals Industries AssociationQueensland TransportVictorian WorkCover AuthorityStandards Australia wishes to acknowledge the participation of the expert individuals that contributed to the development of this Standard through their representation on the Committee and through the public comment period.Keeping Standards up-to-dateAustralian Standards® are living documents that reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments that may have been published since the Standard was published.Detailed information about Australian Standards, drafts, amendments and new projects can be found by visiting www.standards.org.auThe Standard is downloaded from Standard SharingStandards Australia welcomes suggestions for improvements, and encourages readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at mailstandards.org.au, or write to Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001.AS 56022009Australian Standard®Refined petroleum productsVehicle bottom loading and vapour recoveryFirst published as AS 56022009.COPYRIGHT© Standards AustraliaAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.Published by Standards Australia GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, AustraliaISBN 0 7337 9133 63AS 56022009PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by Standards Australia Committee ME-057, Road Tank Vehicles for Dangerous Goods. It is based on the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) CP 6, Vehicle bottom loading and vapour recovery, which has been withdrawn.The purpose of this Standard is to ensure that all tank vehicles fitted for bottom loading and vapour recovery are compatible and can be safely loaded at fill stands equipped for bottom loading, including those equipped for vapour recovery. This Standard also covers unloading into receiving tanks.This Standard is intended to apply in conjunction with, but not take precedence over, regulatory requirements issued bystatutory authorities havingjurisdiction over environmental matters and the storage and handling of dangerous goods.Individual companies may have requirements and procedures that are additional to those set out in this Standard.The Standard is downloaded from Standard SharingStatements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to Figures are deemed to be requirements of this Standard.CONTENTSPageSECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL1.1SCOPE . 41.2APPLICATION . 41.3REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . 41.4DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS . 41.5ROAD TANK VEHICLES . 5SECTION 2 PRODUCT CONNECTIONS FOR LOADING2.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 62.2ADAPTOR SPECIFICATION. 62.3COUPLER SPECIFICATIONS . 62.4LOCATION OF ADAPTORS . 7SECTION 3 VAPOUR RECOVERY CONNECTIONS3.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 93.2REQUIREMENTS FOR ADAPTORS AND COUPLERS . 93.3VAPOUR RECOVERY HOSE AND PIPING . 11SECTION 4 VEHICLE OVERFILL PROTECTION SYSTEM4.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 124.2TANK COMPARTMENT SENSING ELEMENT. 124.3CONNECTION BETWEEN FILL STAND AND VEHICLE . 12SECTION 5 INTERLOCKS ON THE FILL STAND5.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 145.2LOADING SYSTEM INTERLOCKS . 145.3OVERFILL PROTECTION SYSTEM . 14SECTION 6 INTERLOCKS ON THE TANK VEHICLE6.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 156.2VEHICLE DRIVEAWAY PROTECTION . 156.3COMPARTMENT VAPOUR TRANSFER VALVES . 156.4STOWING OF VAPOUR HOSE ON VEHICLE. 15SECTION 7 UNLOADING WITH VAPOUR RECOVERY7.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 167.2PRODUCT CONNECTIONS . 167.3VAPOUR RECOVERY CONNECTIONS . 167.4OVERFILL PROTECTION FOR THE RECEIVING TANK . 16SECTION 8 UNLOADING WITHOUT VAPOUR RECOVERY8.1SCOPE OF SECTION . 188.2LOADING WITHOUT VAPOUR RECOVERY . 188.3UNLOADING WITHOUT VAPOUR RECOVERY . 1817AS 56022009The Standard is downloaded from Standard SharingSTANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian StandardRefined petroleum productsVehicle bottom loading and vapour recoveryS E C T I O N1S C O P EA N DG E N E R A L1.1 SCOPEThis Standard provides requirements and recommendations for use by the refined petroleum industry in terms of vapour recovery equipment for vehicles equipped for bottom loading and for vehicle fill stands designed for bottom loading and having vapour recovery facilities. It covers the design and operation of vapour recovery equipment on vehicles and fill stands.The purpose of this Standard is to ensure that all tank vehicles fitted for bottom loading and vapour recovery are compatible and can be safely loaded at fill stands equipped for bottom loading, including those equipped for vapour recovery. It also covers unloading into receiving tanks.It is intended to be used in conjunction with regulations relating to environmental matters and the storage and handling of dangerous goods.1.2 APPLICATIONThis Standard applies to the following: (a)Product connections for loading. (b)Vapour connections.(c) Overfill protection systems. (d)Interlocks on the fill stand.(e) Requirements when unloading.(f) Requirements when vapour recovery is not required.This Standard covers those elements that need to be standardized in order to achieve safe operation.1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTSThe following documents are referred to in this Standard: AS2809Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods2809.1Part 1: General requirements for all road tank vehicles2809.2Part 2: Road tank vehicles for flammable liquidsUS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEMIL-C-27487Coupling halves, quick-disconnect, cam-locking type1.4 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONSFor the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply:© Standards Australiawww.standards.org.au1.4.1 AdaptorThe male part of a connection between a pipe and a hose.1.4.2 ADG CodeThe Australian Dangerous Goods Code, published by the National Transport Commission.1.4.3 AIPThe Australian Institute of Petroleum.1.4.4 APIThe American Petroleum Institute.1.4.5 ApprovedApproved by the purchaser.1.4.6 CouplerThe female part of a connection between a pipe and a hose.1.4.7 ShallIndicates that a statement is mandatory.1.4.8 ShouldIndicates a recommendation.1.4.9 Switch loadingThe loading of a low vapour pressure product into a compartment that previously contained a high vapour pressure product.1.4.10 VRVapour recovery.1.4.11 VTVapour transfer.1.5 ROAD TANK VEHICLESVehicles shall comply with AS 2809, Parts 1 and 2.S E C T I O N2P R O D U C TC O N N E C T I O N SF O R L O A D I N G2.1 SCOPE OF SECTIONThis Section sets out requirements for adaptors and couplers used when loading product.2.2 ADAPTOR SPECIFICATIONAdaptors fitted to vehicles shall be self-sealing 100 mm API industry standard adaptors as shown in Figure 2.1.Valve head Sealing surface Travel fr om sealing surface The Standard is downloaded from Standard SharingSealing surface FIGURE 2.1 TYPICAL 100 mm STANDARD TANK VEHICLE ADAPTOR2.3 COUPLER SPECIFICATIONSThe following requirements apply to couplers:(a) The coupler fitted to the fill stand shall be a self-sealing 100 mm API industry standard coupler to mate with the industry adaptor.(b) The loader coupler shall accommodate adaptors mounted at any slope between 0° and25° downwards from horizontal.(c) The coupler adaptor shall be interlocked so that it cannot be opened or closed unless it is connected.2.4 LOCATION OF ADAPTORSAdaptors shall be located on the tank vehicle generally as illustrated in Figure 2.2.NOTES:1Figure 2.2(a) illustrates the connection envelope of fittings, not including handles.2Figure 2.2(b) illustrates the angle of connections (dry break to loading arm).3Figure 2.2(c) illustrates the recommended distances from underrun protection to ground and dry break fittings (these distances can be minimized if a gate facility is operated to ensure unimpeded access).1280 overall 2000 max. overall Product connections at 300 min. and 350 max. centres 100 to 800 *100 to 400 *Overfill pr otection socket Permanent vapour hose 350 min. gr ound clearance * connection Gr ound level * P o s i ti o n w i th i n e n ve l o p e s o n o i n t e r f e r e n c e o c c u r s w h e n hose is in use * To c o m p l y w i th A S 2 8 0 9NOTE: Envelope of outer surfaces of fittings does not include handles.(a) Truck connection location envelopesFor r oad tank vehicles For all other tankers 380 max. 100 min. 300 max. 100 min. Centre of valve head outer face of adaptor (refer to Fig. 2.1) Flexible joint if r equir ed Ø100 hose 15 m a x. ( r e c o m m e n d e d )5 m i n .Ø100 API industry coupler 100 API valve c/w adapter (Fig. 2.1) Looking fr om r ear (b) Cross-sectionFIGURE 2.2 (in part) TANK CONNECTION LOCATIONSThe Standard is downloaded from Standard SharingBLegend A = 24 0 m m ( t o f i t l o a d i n g a s a t t a c h m e n t ) B = 4 0 0 m m * ( t o a l l o w s l o p s b u c k e t to f i t) * H i n g e d b a r m a y b e u s e d to l e s s e n d i s t a n c eA = Dep t h fr om AP I t o underrun B = D e p t h f r o m u n d e r r u n to g r o u n d(c) Underrrun protection clearanceDIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRESFIGURE 2.2 (in part) TANK CONNECTION LOCATIONSS E C T I O N3V A P O U RR E C O V E R Y C O N N E C T I O N S 3.1 SCOPE OF SECTIONThis Section sets out requirements for vapour recover connections, including adaptors, couplers, hoses and piping.3.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADAPTORS AND COUPLERSThe following requirements apply:(a) Adaptors and couplers shall be(i) 101.6 mm (4 inch) cam and groove quick-coupling type (camlock), conforming to US MIL-C-27487 (NATO type);(ii) self-sealing; and(iii)opening under an external pressure of 4 to 6 kPa to provide vacuum relief.(b) Vapour recovery adaptors shall be fitted with an interference selectivity ring in order to prevent wrong connection, as shown in Figure 3.1.(c) Vapour recovery couplings shall be over-bored to match the adaptor, as shown inFigure 3.2.(d) Pressure drop across the coupled units shall be less than 4 kPa at 6000 L/min flow of free air.(e) Couplings shall open automatically when connected, and close when disconnected.(f) Any new designs shall be compatible with existing couplers, adaptors and vapour recovery elbows.+0 Ø123 -0.25 Poppet may be flushed or inter nal must open at 4 to 8 kPa vacuum 38 123 OD selectivity ring to pr event standar d camlock connection 4 inch BSP thr ead or 4 inch TTMA flang