【精品标准】AS 1085.42002 Railway track materialFishbolts and nuts.doc
AS 1085.42002AS 1085.4Australian StandardRailway track materialPart 4:Fishbolts and nutsThis Australian Standard was prepared by Committee CE-002, Railway TrackMaterials. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on14 June 2002 and published on 1 August 2002.The following are represented on Committee CE-002: Australasian Railway AssociationAustralian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Industry GroupBureau of Steel Manufacturers of AustraliaRail Track Association of AustraliaKeeping Standards up-to-dateStandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at .au and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue.Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Australian Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each month.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at mail.au, or write to the Chief Executive, Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW2001.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 02105.AS 1085.42002Australian StandardRailway track materialPart 4:Fishbolts and nutsOriginated as part of AS E1a1926T. Previous edition AS 1085.41999. Fifth edition 2002.COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia InternationalAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.Published by Standards Australia International LtdGPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, AustraliaISBN 0 7337 4616 0PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee CE-002, Railway Track Materials,tosupersedeAS 1085.41999,Railwaypermanentwaymaterial, Part 4: Fishbolts and nuts.The objective of this Standard is to provide manufacturers and purchasers with manufacturing and performance requirements for oval-necked fishbolts and nuts for use with fishplates and spring washers in railway track in accordance with the AS 1085 series of Standards.Changes to the previous edition are as follows:(a)Change of title of the AS 1085 series (previously Railway permanent way material). (b)The referenced documents list has been revised.(c)The most recent version of the informative Appendix Means of demonstrating compliance with this Standard has been included.The term informative has been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which it applies. An informative appendix is only for information and guidance.11AS 1085.42002CONTENTSPage1SCOPE . 42PURPOSE AND CONTEXT OF USE . 43REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . 44FISHBOLTS . 55NUTS . 86SUPPLY. 87MARKING. 88ROUNDING OF NUMBERS. 8APPENDICESAMEANS OF DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STANDARD . 9BINFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER. 11STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian StandardRailway track materialPart 4: Fishbolts and nuts1 SCOPEThis Standard specifies requirements for steel heat-treated oval-necked fishbolts and nuts for use in conjunction with steel rails manufactured in accordance with AS 1085.1, and fishplates manufactured in accordance with AS 1085.2.NOTES:1See Appendix A for means of demonstrating compliance with this Standard.2See Appendix B for information to be supplied at time of order.2 PURPOSE AND CONTEXT OF USE2.1 FunctionFishbolts and nuts are intended for use with fishplates to connect together lengths of rail that are laid in railway tracks.NOTE: The effectiveness of the connection relies on the bolts remaining tight and holding the fishplates firmly against the rails. The assembly ensures that the running surfaces of the rails remain properly aligned with an allowance for a small gap between the rail ends. Fishplated joints are designed to allow a degree of longitudinal expansion and contraction of the rail.2.2 ActionFishbolts and nuts are tightened so that the fishplates are held firmly against the rails. The assembly is subjected to forces due to thermal expansion and contraction of the rail, passage of rolling stock at speed (including vibration effects) and maintenance operations.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTSThe following documents are referred to in this Standard: AS1085Railway track material1085.1Part 1:Steel rails1085.2Part 2:Fishplates1085.7Part 7:Spring washers1199Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes1275Metric screw threads for fasteners1391Methods for tensile testing of metals1399Guide to AS 1199Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes1442Carbon steels and carbon-manganese steelsHot-rolled bars and semi- finished products2706Numerical valuesRounding and interpretation of limiting valuesAS.au© Standards Australia4291Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel4291.1Part 1:Bolts, screws and studsAS/NZS1252High-strength steel bolts with associated nuts and washers for structural engineeringISO 9001Quality management systemsRequirementsISO 9004Quality management systemsGuidelines for performance improvementsSAIHB18Guidelines for third-party certification and accreditationHB18.28Guide 28General rules for a model third-party certification scheme for products4 FISHBOLTS4.1 ManufactureFishbolts may be produced by hot or cold forging with or without secondary machining.The fishbolts shall be hardened and then tempered by being uniformly reheated to a minimum temperature of 450°C.Screw threads shall be formed by thread rolling or thread cutting.NOTE: When the threads are produced by rolling, small laps are commonly present at the crests and are generally of a magnitude that is not detrimental to the performance of the bolt. A lap formed at the crest of the thread, perpendicular to the axis of the thread of the fishbolt, is not considered cause for rejection if the lap does not exceed 33 percent of the depth of thread.4.2 Chemical compositionThe steel used for the manufacture of fishbolts shall comply with AS 1442 and the grades used shall be selected from appropriate grades listed in the tables of AS 1442, and shall comply with the chemical composition limits (cast analysis) as set out in Table 1 below.TABLE 1CHEMICAL COMPOSITION CAST ANALYSISProductAnalysis (percent)CarbonManganesePhosphorusSulfurFishbolts0.55 max.0.25 min.0.04 max.0.04 max.4.3 Mechanical propertiesWhen tested for mechanical properties in accordance with AS 1391, using a test piece prepared in accordance with AS/NZS 4291.1, the finished fishbolts shall conform to the values in Table 2.TABLE 2MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FISHBOLTSPropertyRequirementMinimum tensile strength800 MPaStress at permanent set limit, Rr 0.2640 MPaMinimum elongation on 5.65So*12%* Gauge length as defined by AS/NZS 4291.14.4 Screw threadsProfile and basic dimensions of the fishbolt screw threads shall be in accordance with theISO coarse series 6 g for external screw threads as given in AS 1275.4.5 Shape, dimensions and finishThe shape and dimensions of fishbolts shall be in accordance with Figure 1 and Table 3. The finish shall be in accordance with the following requirements:(a)Bolts shall be cleanly finished, sound and free from defects detrimental to their end use.(b)Ends of fishbolts shall be either reasonably square with the centre-line of the shank, or rounded (see Figure 1). Where the ends of the fishbolts are finished square, a nominal 45° chamfer is to be provided to a depth slightly exceeding the depth of the thread.NOTE: Fishplates not in accordance with AS 1085.2 may require the shank of the bolt to have a different shape than the oval one given in this Standard.FIGURE 1 FISHBOLT PROFILETABLE 3FISHBOLTS PROFILEDimensions (see Note 1)Nominal thread dia. (see Note 2)M24(M22)M20Pitch of thread3.02.52.5Shank diameterDmin.23.621.619.7max.24.822.820.8Oval section of shankMajoraxisVmin.30.528.024.4max.32.530.526.4Minoraxisumin. dia. to viewAmin. radius frontviewR3min.181818max.202020Min. radius underheadR1111Radius under ovalshankR2332.5Head thicknesskmin.181815max.202017Length of oval shankfmin.181815max.202017Length of unthreadedshankls(see Notes 3 and 4)min.as orderedas orderedas orderedmax.as ordered +4as ordered +4as ordered +4Length(see Note 5)lmin.as orderedas orderedas orderedmax.as ordered +4as ordered +4as ordered +3Length of threadedshank (see Note 6)bmin.443935max.504541Chamfer depthc32.52.5NOTES:1All dimensions are in millimetres.2M22 is a non-preferred thread size but is listed in this Standard due to the need to replace bolts in existing installations.3Length of unthreaded shank (ls) is the distance from the last witness of thread on the shank to the bearing face of the bolt. For bolts with rolled threads, ls is the distance from the top of the extrusion cone to the bearing face of the bolt.4Length of grip (lg) is the distance from the bearing face of the bolt to the first full thread(which equals the length as ordered (l) minus the thread length (b).5The nominal length of a fishbolt is the distance from the underside of the head to the extreme end of the shank including the chamfer. The nominal length is the length as ordered.6The purchaser and supplier may agree on different length of thread. It is recommended that the thread should not extend past the inside face of the fishplate.5 NUTSNuts shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1252.6 SUPPLYFishbolts and nuts shall be supplied in a dull black heat-treated condition with a residual coating of light oil.7 MARKINGFishbolts shall be identified by having the letter F distinctly embossed on the top surface of the head of the fishbolt. Metric fishbolts shall also be identified by having the letter M distinctly embossed on the top surface of the head.The manufacturers identification (trade) marking may also be included on top of the head of the fishbolt at the option of the manufacturer.NOTE: Manufacturers making a statement of compliance with this Australian Standard on a product, packaging, or promotional material related to that product are advised to ensure that such compliance is capable of being verified.8 ROUNDING OF NUMBERSFor the purpose of assessing compliance with this Standard, the specified limiting values herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the rounding method described in AS 2706, that is, the observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the same number of figures as in the specified or calculated value and then compared with the specified limiting values. For example, for specified limiting values of 2.4, 2.50 and 2.500, the observed or calculated value would be rounded respectively to the nearest 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001.APPENDIX AMEANS OF DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STANDARD(Informative)A1 SCOPEThis Appendix sets out the following different means by which compliance with thisStandard can be demonstrated by the manufacturer or supplier: (a)Evaluation by means of statistical sampling.(b)The use of a product certification scheme.(c)Assurance using the acceptability of the suppliers quality system.(d)Other such means proposed by the manufacturer or supplier and acceptable to the customer.A2 STATISTICAL SAMPLINGStatistical sampling is a procedure which enables decisions to be made about the quality of batches of items after inspecting or testing only a portion of those items. This procedure will only be valid if the sampling plan has been determined on a statistical basis and the following requirements are met:(a)The sample needs to be drawn randomly from a population of product of known history. The history needs to enable verification that the product was made from known materials at essentially the same time, by essentially the same processes and under essentially the same system of control.(b)For each different situation, a suitable sampling plan needs to be defined. A sampling plan for one manufacturer of given capability and product throughput may not be relevant to another manufacturer producin