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    security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt . (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient rubber sheathed cable or plastic. Adopted at the lane or road protection pipe buried underground, set up signs, connectors must be overhead or located connector box. (2) rubber cable portable power tools, lead length not more than 5 m from the switch box, without joints. (3) use mobile power tools and lighting are soft rubber cord, do not use plastic resin line instead. (4) temporary wiring installations, use a rubber or plastic insulated wires must be knob cables set up, switch set. 4, grounding and zeroing device: (1) grounding electrode available angles, steel of not less than two, depth of not less than 2 m and not less than 2.5 metres in distance between two grounding, grounding resistance is less than 4 ohm. (2) ground (neutral) wires using insulated copper wire, do not use aluminium wire for grounding (neutral) wire joints by welding, crimping a reliable electrical connection. (3) rubber cable core in the "black" or "green/Huang Shuang-color" line as the ground wire. 5, high voltage line protection: (1) in the vicinity of overhead power transmission line construction, erection of bamboo protection frame. (2) in the vicinity of high voltage cable erection Derrick (gantry), scaffolding outside power lines above the water, all safety nets (Booth). 6, handheld or mobile motor: switch box must have leakage protection devices, leakage current 30ma/0.1s, 15mA/0.1s wet job (includes the following equipment: vibration machine, polishing machine, ramming machines, submersible pumps, electric hand Planer, hand drills, grinders, cutters, pipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1)problems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the party's advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the party's governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. "" What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. "This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put people "support does not support", "agreed not to agree", "happy happy", "promise not to promise" as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that "created and developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route", can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party融科城一期2#楼商业工程 施工组织设计融科城一期2#楼商业工程施工组织设计目录1.方案编制依据和范围1.1.编制依据1.2.编制范围2.工程概况2.1.建筑概况2.2.结构概况2.3.安装工程概况2.4.现场条件2.5.气候情况3.项目组织机构3.1.本工程的施工组织机构框图项目部管理组织设置: 4.施工部署4.1.工程目标4.2.施工总程序4.3.施工阶段控制4.4.施工总进度计划5.施工主要资源配备计划5.1.主要机械的选择布置5.2.施工机械设备计划表5.3.劳动用工计划5.4.周转材料配备计划及采购6.施工准备工作计划6.1.临时施工道路6.2.临时供水设计6.3.临时供电设计6.4.临时设施的设计6.5.施工总平面布置6.6.其他准备工作7.施工测量方案7.1.仪器的检校7.2.测量标准确定7.3.测量人员配备7.4.施工测量平面控制系统建立7.5.施工高程控制7.6.其它有关测设8.基坑围护设计及施工8.1.工程概况8.2.基坑围护方案设计8.3.土方开挖8.4.现场监测内容及要求8.5.应急措施8.6.安全生产和文明施工9.基础工程施工9.1.基础工程概述9.2.施工程序9.3.承台、基础梁施工 10.主体工程施工方案10.1.主体结构概述10.2.主体施工总程序10.3.模板支撑工程10.4.钢筋工程10.5.模板工程10.6.砼工程10.7.后浇带砼10.8.砌体工程10.9.脚手架工程10.10.防水工程11.屋面工程施工方法11.1.SBS卷材施工11.2.保温层、找平层、找坡层施工11.3.屋面施工注意事项:11.4成品保护14.季节性施工技术措施14.1.冬季施工14.2.雨季施工15.施工质量保证措施15.1.施工管理体系的建立15.2.现场质量检查工作15.3.施工组织设计编制、图纸会审、技术交底工作15.4.材料质量的控制把关工作15.5.机械设备的质量控制工作15.6.施工工序的质量控制工作15.7.技术资料的整理控制15.8.施工中“人”因素的控制15.9.住宅工程质量通病防治措施16.工期保证措施16.1.确保工程进度的主要管理技术措施16.2.施工总进度计划控制16.3.保证实现施工总进度计划的措施16.4.确保工期实施的具体措施16.5.控制施工工期的奖罚措施17.安全生产、文明施工、环境保护措施17.1.安全文明目标的设定17.2.安全生产保证措施17.3.文明施工保证措施17.4.环境保护措施17.5.治安管理措施18.工程施工配合18.1.与建设方的配合协调18.2.与监理方的配合协调18.3.与设计方的配合协调18.4.与周边单位的配合协调措施1. 方案编制依据和范围1.1. 编制依据 融科城一期总平面图、施工图纸及相关的技术资料。 省、市有关施工工程质量、安全生产、文明施工的规定、规程。 国家现行有关施工及验收规范(规程):建筑地基基础施工质量验收规范(GB502022002) 砌体工程施工质量验收规范(GB502032002) 混凝土结构工程质量验收规范(GB502042002) 屋面工程质量验收规范(GB502072002) 建筑工程文件归档整理规范(GB/T503282001) 建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范(GB50242-2002) 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范(GB50303-2002) 民用建筑设计防火规范 建筑内部装修设计防火规范 工程建设标准强制性条文 工程测量规范(GB50026-1993)建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范(GB502102001) 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB503002001) 建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范(GB502092002) 钢筋焊接及验收规程(JGJ1896) 钢筋混凝土用热扎带肋钢筋(GB1499-1998) 补偿收缩混凝土应用技术规程(JGJ/T178-2009) 预拌混凝土(GB/T14902-2003) 建筑地基处理技术规范(JGJ79-2002) 钢筋机械连接通用技术规程(JGJ107-2003) 混凝土泵送施工技术规程(JGJ/T10-1995) 建筑机械使用安全技术规程(JGJ3386) 其它现行的有关规范和各种法规、制度等1.2. 编制范围 融科城一期2#楼商业工程招标文件及施工图纸中明确的全部土建、安装、装饰工程等施工图范围内的工程。我们将与业主、监理及设计单位密切配合,并真心诚意地接受指导和督促,为顺利、圆满完成本工程的全过程而全力以赴。2. 工程概况2.1. 建筑概况工程名称:融科城一期2#楼商业建设单位:合肥联创智融房地产开发有限公司设计单位:上海现代建筑设计有限公司勘察单位:安徽工程勘察院建设地点:合肥经开区笔锋路与石笋路交口往南50米融科城一期2#楼商业为联创智融房地产开发有限公司投资开发的商业建筑,该工程总建筑面积2235m2,均为框架结构,建筑高度7.9米,共二层,一层建筑面积1463 m2,二层建筑面积772 m2。建筑设计概况见下表:序号部位主要做法7基础工程 本工程为柱下独立基础承台,基础深约?1外墙外填充墙部位1;3水泥砂浆抹灰2内墙饰面内墙分为3种做法,内一做法如下1、砖墙、混凝土墙基层2、刷水泥浆一道(掺建筑胶)适用于砼墙柱3、10厚1:0.5:3水泥石灰膏砂浆打底扫毛或划出纹道4、5厚1:0.5:2.5水泥石灰膏砂浆找平5、封底漆一道6、树脂乳液涂料两道饰面。内2做法如下1、砖墙、混凝土墙基层2、刷水泥浆一道(掺建筑胶)适用于砼墙柱3、10厚1:0.5:3水泥石灰膏砂浆打底扫毛或划出纹道4、5厚1:0.5:2.5水泥石灰膏砂浆找平5、腻子两道(白水泥腻子)内三做法如下1、砖墙、混凝土墙基层2、刷水泥浆一道(掺建筑胶)适用于砼墙柱3、10厚1:0.5:3水泥石灰膏砂浆打底扫毛或划出纹道4、2.0厚聚合物水泥基防水涂膜,防水高度大于等于2000。5、4厚强力胶粉泥粘结层,揉挤压实6、贴5厚釉面砖到顶,白水泥擦缝(有吊顶时高出吊顶3003楼地面工程一层休息平台采用木质地面,做法如下1、素土回填2、60厚C15混凝土垫层3、20厚1:2水泥砂浆找平,刷素水泥浆一道4、镀锌龙骨5、成品木板影音室办公区及贵宾厅采用装饰地毯地面做法如下1、素土回填2、60厚C15混凝土垫层3、20厚1:2水泥砂浆找平,刷素水泥浆一道4、20厚1:2水泥砂浆找平5、58厚地毯一层展区、儿童娱乐区及活动室采用防滑地砖楼地面做法如下:1、素土回填2、60厚C15混凝土垫层3、20厚1:2水泥砂浆找平,刷素水泥浆一道4、5厚1:1水泥砂浆结合层6、610厚地砖面层,素水泥浆填缝,门厅沙盘区采用天然石材地面做法如下:1、素土回填2、60厚C15混凝土垫层3、水泥浆一道4、30厚1:3干硬性水泥砂浆结合层,表面撒水泥粉5、20厚磨光石材6屋面工程上人屋面由上至下:1、种植土2、土工布过滤层3、20高塑料排水板层4、40厚水泥基渗透结晶型钢性混凝土防水,5、10厚低标号砂浆隔离层6、3厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材7、20厚1;3水泥砂浆找平8、最薄处30mm轻骨料混凝土找坡9、70厚无机保温砂浆保温10、屋面结构层不上人屋面由上至下:1、20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平2、10厚低标号砂浆隔离层3、3厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材3厚高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜4、20厚1;3水泥砂浆找平5、70厚无机保温砂浆保温6、最薄处30mm轻骨料混凝土找坡7、屋面结构层2.2. 结构概况本工程为钢筋混凝土结构建筑,建筑抗震设防类别为丙类,抗震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速为0.10G,设计地震分组为第一组,场地类别为II类,框架抗震等级三级,耐火等级为2级,基本风压为0.35KN/平方米,设计使用年限为50年,建筑结构安全等级为2级,地基基础设计等级为丙级,±0.000相当于吴淞高程41.755m。现场概况场地已平整,施工用水、电已通,场内外道路已通,具备进场条件,工程施工场地较小。2.3. 气候情况本工程基础遇冬雨季施工,中间跨一个年度春节,因此天气和节日影响较大,根据本地气象资料显示:本地区年平均湿度18.6,年平均最高温度30.7,年平均最低温度-8.0,处极端最低温度-13.9,年极端最高温度为39.3,年平均降雨量为1281.3毫米,年平均风速为2.9米/S。security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt . (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient rubber sheathed cable or plastic. Adopted at the lane or road protection pipe buried underground, set up signs, connectors must be overhead or located connector box. (2) rubber cable portable power tools, lead length not more than 5 m from the switch box, without joints. (3) use mobile power tools and lighting are soft rubber cord, do not use plastic resin line instead. (4) temporary wiring installations, use a rubber or plastic insulated wires must be knob cables set up, switch set. 4, grounding and zeroing device: (1) grounding electrode available angles, steel of not less than two, depth of not less than 2 m and not less than 2.5 metres in distance between two grounding, grounding resistance is less than 4 ohm. (2) ground (neutral) wires using insulated copper wire, do not use aluminium wire for grounding (neutral) wire joints by welding, crimping a reliable electrical connection. (3) rubber cable core in the "black" or "green/Huang Shuang-color" line as the ground wire. 5, high voltage line protection: (1) in the vicinity of overhead power transmission line construction, erection of bamboo protection frame. (2) in the vicinity of high voltage cable erection Derrick (gantry), scaffolding outside power lines above the water, all safety nets (Booth). 6, handheld or mobile motor: switch box must have leakage protection devices, leakage current 30ma/0.1s, 15mA/0.1s wet job (includes the following equipment: vibration machine, polishing machine, ramming machines, submersible pumps, electric hand Planer, hand drills, grinders, cutters, pipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1)of third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-ping's theory great flag, insisted liberation thought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socialist market new system, created full open new situation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded "three a representative" important thought, Continue to steer the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: "strengthening and improving the party's mass work in the new situation, it is of decisive significance to consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. "Through our party and some of the world's major lessons learned from the success of the old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:" the biggest political advantage of our party is in close contact with the masses, the most dangerous after the ruling party was divorced from the masses. "He said:" our reform and construction, only the understanding, support and participation of the people, people's enthusiasm and creativity into full play in order to advance; the leadership of the party, only the tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. "He pointed out that strengthening and improving the party's work style construction, maintaining the party's flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is the core problem, the key is to do solid work, implement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that all the work and policies of the party, are in compliance with the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people to the highest degree, to the majority of people are not satisfied with the fundament


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