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    目 录额定电压66500kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆XLPE insulated power cables with rated voltages from 66kV up to500kV额定电压6kV35kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆XLPE insulated power cables with rated voltages from 6kV up to 35kV额定电压0.6/1kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆PVC insulated power cables with rated voltages 0.6/1kV额定电压0.6/1kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆PVC insulated power cables with rated voltages 0.6/1kV额定电压0.6/1kV塑料绝缘同心导体电力电力电缆Plastic insulated concentric conductor power cables with rated voltages 0.6/1kV额定电压0.6/1kV塑料绝缘铜带屏蔽电力电缆Plastic insulated copper tape screen power cables with rated voltages 0.6/1kV额定电压450/750V交联聚乙烯绝缘控制电缆XLPE insulated control power cable with rated voltage 450/750V额定电压450/750V聚氯乙烯绝缘控制电缆PVCinsulated control power cable with rated voltage 450/750V额定电压10kV及以下架空绝缘电缆Aerial insulated cables of rated voltages up to and 10kV铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线Aluminium stranded conductors and aluminium conductors steel-reinforced本质安全防爆电路用集散型仪表信号电缆(本安用DCS电缆)Instrumental Signal Cable for DCS Used in Intrinsically Safe Explosion-Proof Circuit (Intrinsically Safe DCS Cable)电动型仪表信号电缆Electromotive Instrumental signal Cable计算机控制电缆Control Cable for Computer System本质安全防爆测温系统用热电偶补偿导线Extension wire used in thermocouple for intrinsically safe explosion-proof Temperature testing system本质安全防爆测温系统用热电偶补偿电缆Extension cable used in thermocouple for intrinsically safe explosion-proof temperature testing system市内通信电缆City sound cable工业控制现场总线电缆Fieldbus cable used in industrial control system耐高温电力电缆Hign temperature power cable耐高温控制电缆Hign temperature control cable变频电力电缆VSD Cable附录A导体结构及直流电阻Addenda A Structure of conductor and D.C. resistance附录B 成束阻燃、耐火、无卤低烟阻燃特性要求Addentda B Bunched burning、Fire-safe and low-smoke zero-halogen flame-retardant property附录C 阻燃系列代号Addentda C Flame-retardant series code额定电压66500kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆XLPE insulated power cables with rated voltages from 66kV up to500kV 一、产品用途 Products application本产品主要用于高压电力线路传输和分配电能用。This product is applicable to being fixedly laid on th transmission and distribution line of high voltage with the use for power transmission and distribution.二、 电缆技术特点Characteristic of Technology1大截面电缆采用五分割导体的生产技术,工艺成熟,质量稳定。The large size conductor five segmental technology ,which has advantages of very mature process and stable quality。2 采用超净XLPE绝缘材料和超光滑半导电屏蔽材料以及特殊的过滤技术、特殊的模具设计、重力加料、冷却风机自循环冷却及料间和主机间的高等级净化将绝缘体的杂质、微孔和半导电层的突起控制在最低水平。Insulation compound is super clean and semi-conductive screen compound has super smooth 。special filtering technology and die design and gravity loading system and internal cooling circulation with blower is applied。Operating room issuper clean closed system。These designs completely eliminate the risk of insulated contaminationts and void and semi-conductive protrusion。3 采用第二导体预热加热技术,不但使绝缘层里外交联度保持基本一致,同时也可降低交联管温度,解决外层过交联的问题。Second conductor heating technology not only makes outer insulation uniform curing degree but also lower curing tube temperature,that solves overcuring problems。4 采用去气技术去除交联反应时残留在绝缘体中的甲烷气体,并进一步消除绝缘内应力。Degassing process will removes the methane gas generated from cable insulation causing by chemical reaction course of XLPE and eliminates insulation residual stress。5 绝缘屏蔽外绕包半导电缓冲层,其厚度可充分吸收绝缘体热膨胀时的体积。The semi-conductive cushion tape is wrapped on outer semi-conductor layer and its thickness can sufficiently absorb heating expansion of insulation6 铝护套采用连续挤包轧纹工艺,其厚度、波高及节距设计合理,机械强度大;弯曲半径小;密封防水性能优良,可承载大的短路电流。Aluminum sheath is continually extruded and corrugated,its thickness and wave shape and pith is rational ,it takes advantage of high mechanical strength and waterproof and a smaller bending radius ,it allows a large short circuit 三、产品结构示意图Pictures of products structure产品结构示意图Pictures of products structure四、产品型号Types and specifications of products产品型号 Type of product型号 Type产 品 名 称Name of product适用范围及环境Applicability and urroundings铜 芯Copper core铝 芯Aluminium coreYJVYJLV交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated PVC sheath power cable适用于直埋、遂道、穿管敷设,电缆可承受较大的拉力和压力,可长期浸水使用,可高落差敷设。in soil, in shaft, in duct The cable can meet the requirements of strong mechanical pulling and pressing forces and in water for long time working, as well as in the different altitudes application.YJYYJLY交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated PE sheath power cableYJLW02YJLLW02交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铝套聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated aluminum sheathed and PVC jacketed power cableYJLW03YJLLW03交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铝套聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated aluminum sheathed and PE jacketed power cableYJLW02-ZYJLLW02-Z交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铝套聚氯乙烯护套纵向阻水电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated aluminum sheathed PVC jacketed and longitudinally water-proof power cable适用于直埋、遂道、穿管敷设,电缆可承受较大的拉力和压力,可长期浸水使用,可高落差敷设。in soil, in shaft, in duct The cable can meet the requirements of strong mechanical pulling and pressing forces and in water for long time working, as well as in the different altitudes application.YJLW03-ZYJLLW03-Z交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铝套聚乙烯护套纵向阻水电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated aluminum sheathed PE jacketed and longitudinally water-proof power cableYJTW02YJLTW02交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铜套聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated copper sheathed and PVC jacketed power cableYJTW03YJLTW03交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铜套聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated copper sheathed and PE jacketed power cableYJTW02-ZYJLTW02-Z交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铜套聚氯乙烯护套纵向阻水电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated copper sheathed PVC jacketed and longitudinally water-proof power cableYJTW03-ZYJLTW03-Z交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铜套聚乙烯护套纵向阻水电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated copper sheathed PE jacketed and longitudinally water-proof power cableYJGW02YJLGW02交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹不锈钢套聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated stainle ss steel sheathed and PVC jacketed power cableYJGW03YJLGW03交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹不锈钢套聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated stainle ss steel sheathed and PE jacketed power cableYJGW02-ZYJLGW02-Z交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹不锈钢套聚氯乙烯护套纵向阻水电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated stainle ss steel sheathed PVC jacketed and longitudinally water-proof power cableYJGW03-ZYJLGW03-Z交联聚乙烯绝缘皱纹不锈钢套聚乙烯护套纵向阻水电力电缆XLPE insulated corrugated stainle ss steel sheathed PE jacketed and longitudinally water-proof power cable五、产品主要技术性能Major technical Characteristics电缆的电气参数 Electrical parameter of cable导体标称截面(mm2)Cross-sectional of conductor工作电容(F/km)Operating capacitance导体电阻(/km)Conductor Resistance允许短路电流(kA/3s)Short-Ccircuit current66kV110kV220kV直流电阻DC Resistance(20)交流电阻AC Resistance(90)导体Conductor金属屏蔽 Metal sheath66kV110kV220kV2400.1570.1220.1010.07540.097020.317.823.934.63000.1680.1330.1070.06010.077725.318.525.435.64000.1820.1480.1140.04700.061333.619.325.638.35000.2010.1660.1220.03660.048442.021.526.739.56300.2190.1840.1350.02830.038452.823.927.842.18000.2520.2150.1560.02210.028866.927.531.243.810000.2730.2320.1720.01760.023283.530.435.846.912000.2890.2450.1810.01510.0201100.231.637.148.014000.3070.2600.1910.01290.0174116.834.540.451.516000.3220.2720.1990.01130.0155133.437.341.655.518000.3370.2840.2070.01010.0141150.038.542.956.320000.3550.2990.2170.00900.0129166.541.748.563.225000.3850.3230.2340.00730.0110208.048.353.365.3电缆的机械参数Mechanical parameter of cable导体标称截面(mm2)Cross-sectional of conductor最大侧压力Max。side pressure(N/m)最大拉力Max.pull (kN)弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm)使用中Nominal瞬时Instantaneous66kV110kV220kV敷设时In laying运行时In operating敷设时In laying运行时In operating敷设时In laying运行时In operating24050001628120010001500120019001500300500021351300100015001200190015004005000274713001100150012002000160050050003459140011001600130020001600630500043741500120016001300210016008005000559416001300180014002200170010005000691181700140019001500220018001200500082114180014001900150023001800140050009616519001500200016002400190016005000110188190015002100170024001900180050001232122000160021001700250020002000500013723521001700220018002600210025005000172294220018002400190027002200额定电压6kV35kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆Cross-linking polyethylene insulated power cables with rated voltages from 6kV up to 35kV 一、产品用途 Products application交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆适用于配电网、工业装置或其他需要大容量用电领域,用于固定敷设在交流50Hz、额定电压6kV35kV的电力输配电线路上,主要功能是输送电能。交联聚乙烯绝缘阻燃电缆具有阻止火势在电缆电路蔓延的功能,可避免火灾事故扩大以减少损失,适用于地铁、遂道、高层建筑等电缆敷设密集程度较高的场所。交联聚乙烯绝缘无卤低烟阻燃电缆具有优良的阻燃性、耐腐蚀性及低烟浓度,是一种环保型产品,适用于地铁、商场、学校等人员密集型场所。上述产品为通常条件下使用的产品,不适用一些特殊条件的场合,如水下、船用、核电站等。XLPE polyethylene insulated power cables, This product is applicable to being fixedly laid on the transmission and distribution line of alternative current rating 50Hz and rated voltage up to 6/35 kV with the use for power transmission, which is applied to the range of distribution network, industrial equipments, high electricity consumption places etc.XLPE polyethylene insulated flame-retardant power cables, The product has good performance on preventing fire burning on the circuit, which can avoid fire accidents and losses. The products can be used in subway, tunnels and high-rise buildings etc.XLPE polyethylene insulated low-smoke zero-halogen flame-retardant power cables, The environmental product has good performance on flame-retardant, corrosion resistance and low-smoke, which is suitable to be laid in crowded places, such as subway, shopping mall or schools etc.This product is the normal used cable, not suitable for some special places, such asunder water, ship, nuclear station, etc.二、产品主要技术特点 Technique features 交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆采用过氧化物交联的方法,使聚乙烯分子由线型分子结构变为三维网状结构,由热塑性材料变成热固性材料,工作温度从70提高到90,显著提高电缆的载流能力。交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆具有优越的电气性能、耐热性能、耐化学性能、耐环境应力开裂性能、抗老化性能,具有长期的使用寿命。无卤低烟阻燃交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆具有优良的阻燃特性,护套材料不含卤素,能够保证在燃烧时只释放少量的毒性和腐蚀性气体,具有产生烟雾较少等特点,是一种环保型的新产品,同时具有优越的电气性能、耐热性能、耐化学性能、耐环境应力开裂性能、抗老化性能,具有长期的使用寿命。本产品结构简单,制造周期短,易于安装和维护,敷设时不受落差限制。XLPE polyethylene insulated power cables, this product is manufactured by parasitical cross-linking procedure, the straight-chain polyethylene will be changed as network structure by use this method, which transformed thermoplastic material into thermosetting material. The working temperature is up to 90, which can raise the cable current capacity highly.XLPE polyethylene insulated power cables, the product has good performance on electrical characteristic, heat resistance, chemical resistance, environmental stress cracking resistance and aging resistance, all which make the cable has a long useful life.XLPE polyethylene insulated low-smoke zero-halogen flame-retardant low-smoke zero-halogen flame-retardant power cables; the product is a new environmental protected cable with good flame-retardant performance, which just releases few poisonous and corrosive gases. The product has good performance on electrical characteristic, heat resistance, chemical resistance, environmental stress cracking resistance and aging resistance, all which makes the cable has a long useful life.The product characteristic is simple structure, short production period, easy installation and maintained, especially there is no limit of head drop during the cable laying.三、使用特性 Operating characteristics1、 电缆额定电压U0/U(Um)表示方法如下: Rated Voltage of cable U0/U(Um),as follow: U0/U(Um)3.6/6(7.2)6/6(7.2)6/10(12)8.7/10(12)8.7/15(17.5)12/20(24)18/30(36)21/35(40.5)26/35(40.5)kV。2、 导体额定工作温度电缆导体的最高额定工作温度为90。短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超过250。The rated temperature of conductorThe maximum assigned temperature of the cable conductor is 90.During having a short circuit, lasting less than 5 seconds, the maximum temperature of the cable conductor shall not be above 250.3、 敷设环境温度 电缆敷设时的环境温度应不低于0,否则需要事先预热。Ambient temperature for layingThe ambient temperature for laying shall be above 0, otherwise the cable need be preheated.4、 安装弯曲半径The bend radius电缆安装时最小弯曲半径 The minimum bend radius of the cable项目Item单芯电缆Single -core 三芯电缆Three -core 无铠装Unarmored有铠装Armored无铠装Unarmored有铠装Armored安装时的电缆最小弯曲半径Minimum bend radius of the cable in course of installation.20D15D15D12D靠近连接盒和终端的电缆的最小弯曲半径The minimum bend radius of the cable close to the junction box and terminal15D12D12D10D注:D为电缆外径(mm)。Note: D is outer diameter of the cable四、产品表示方法 Expressed method of product1、代号Code 系列代号Series code见附录C (Addenda C)导体代号Conductor code铜导体(省略)Copper conductor ( omitted )T铝导体Aluminum conductorL绝缘代号Insulation code交联聚乙烯绝缘 Cross-linking polyethylene(XLPE) insulatedYJ 护套代号1)Sheath code聚氯乙烯护套 Polyvinyl chloride and sheathV聚乙烯护套 Polyethylene sheathY 铠装代号Amour code双钢带铠装steel tape armoured 2细圆钢丝铠装thin steel-wire armoured 3粗圆钢丝铠装thick steel-wire armoured 4双非磁性金属带2)铠装 Double non-magnetic metal tape armoured6非磁性金属丝3)铠装Non-magnetic metal-wire armoured7外护套代号Outer sheath code聚氯乙烯外护套 polyvinyl chloride outer sheath 2聚乙烯外护套 polyethylene outer sheath 3注:1) 包括挤包的内衬层和隔离套等。2) 非磁性金属带包括不锈钢带、铝带等,若订货时未注明,采用何种材料由制造方确定。3) 非磁性金属丝包括不锈钢丝、铜丝、铝丝等,若订货时未注明,采用何种材料由制造方确定。Note: 1) Including the extruding inner covering and separating tape. 2) Non-magnetic metal tapes are including stainless steel tape, aluminium tape, etc. The materials will determined by the manufacturer, if the buyer not mentioned. 3) Non-magnetic metal wires are including stainless steel tape, aluminium tape, etc. The materials will determined by the manufacturer, if the buyer not mentioned.2、产品型号组成The consistent of specifications产品型号的组成和排列顺序如下:The consistent of specification, as follow:注:非阻燃型电力电缆型号组成中绝缘通常作为系列代号。Note:The insulation in the cable specifications are the series code.五、产品型号、规格Types and specifications of products额定电压6-35kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆产品型号XLPE insulated power cables with rated voltages from 6kV up to 35kV ,Type of product 型号 Type产 品 名 称Name of product适用范围及环境Applicability and surroundings铜 芯Copper core铝 芯Aluminium coreYJVYJLV交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE insulated PVC sheath power cable室内、隧道及电缆沟等场所,不能承受机械外力。单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性管道中。 For laying indoors 、 in tunnel or cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces, Single-core cable in magnetic duct is


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