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    political life; II is perfect party decision program and system, specification school hospital two level leaders especially head power exercise, promoted party decision scientific, and democratization; three is perfect cadres selection appointments system, widened selected people employing channel, specification nominated recommended approach, formed right oriented and science selected people employing mechanism, from essentially solution selected what people, and What people's problems with four is to improve the assessment mechanism, form a scientific evaluation system, rigid use of evaluation findings, let dry good do bad, nothing really different. Five stick to collective leadership to implement democratic centralism, people responsible for organization and for unifying, superiors and subordinates responsible for combining formed catch levels, levels responsible for the level of political behavior. Focus on supervision and examination to prevent superior clean sweep package, put an end to subordinate shanquan ultra vires. Formed in good working order, procedures and scientific and normative hierarchy, clear responsibilities to fulfil their responsibilities, do the work industry, put an end to "shortage of planted fields of others, their" phenomena, preventing dislocation; insist on job matching and carefully gauge fully discharge our duties in accordance with law to prevent absence. Is to build a strong cadre of six. Strong political ideals and political direction, clear mission for the people, and consciously safeguard the interests of the party and the State, strengthen party spirit, improve the ability of duty, inherit and carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, and consciously constructing the corruption line. Leadership above rate, to play the role of leading by example and demonstration features lead to set up good political style and level to level, with levels. Seven sound power operating mechanism. Play a role, mobilize all positive factors, and use various means to ensure standard operation of power. Guide cadres adhere to the discipline of party members at the same time, play the role of the management and supervision of the Organization and the oversight role of the other actors to achieve combination of self-discipline and heteronomy. Power supervision Governor system of sound, helped create a good political environment. (D) an undertaking, loyal clean play. Was to serve as the highest standard of party members and cadres, and to firmly establish the purpose of serving as a comprehensive fundamental work of strictly administering the party. Enhanced perform the obligation of the party consciously and unconsciously, to implement truly serve the people wholeheartedly. Twist tight thought and action of "total switch", prevent not rules, and not clean of problem occurred, cleaning "for officer not for", and not due diligence, and not play of phenomenon, firmly grasp for people of interests insisted good of, and corrected wrong of this fundamental requirements, to solution individual members cadres wholeheartedly serving in inside deep roots tied have not prison, and not real problem and officer venture not real problem. Second, to persist in seeking truth from facts. In making decisions, focus on work, understanding of related policies and documents, proceed from reality, adhering to problem-oriented, symptomatic effects of policy. To keep up with the pace of the development of higher education and innovation consciousness training combined with practical work, strengthen work中山市纵四线工程第标段袋装砂井施工安全专项施工方案中铁九局集团有限公司中山市纵四线工程第标段项目经理部2013年8月18日袋装砂井安全专项施工方案一、工程概况1、地质情况地质勘查报告显示,本标段施工范围内的淤泥深度较大,从原地面往下主要为淤泥、淤泥质粉质粘土,厚度在1.613米。 2、基本情况在两阶段施工图设计中,路中间高压线下及边外4米的范围内的袋装砂井为非接管法施工,袋装砂井绝大部分为20米或接近20米长,非接管法施工桩机机架总高度为24米,方可满足设计的施工长度。路中存在高压线且部分路段两侧均存在高压线,施工桩机过高危及到高压线的安全,根据中山供电局安全交底要求,为防止在施工过程中发生机械倒伏以致危及高压线路的安全,需对超高的非接管法桩机采取一定的措施进行加固防护,以确保在施工过程中高压线路的安全,特制订本方案。二、施工条件1、高压线的分布情况路中高压线为220KV,路线右侧高压线为110KV,路线左侧高压线为10KV。与路线相对位置如下:K7+200-K7+920段路中、两侧均有高压线;K7+920-K8+690段路中、右侧有高压线(右侧其中有一段约150米只有埋地电缆,无架空高压线); K8+690-K9+500段路中有高压线。2、高压线的相对位置根据项目部测量组的现场测量,路中高压线与两侧高压线之间的最大水平距离只有26.53米,路侧无高压线但受围墙限制的地方,高压线与围墙之间距离为24.7958.27米。全线路中高压线最低点位置的净高为12.78米14.44米,路两侧高压线的最低点位置净高为9.2712米。三、高压线路下安全施工要求1、最小安全距离:220KV:6米;110KV:5米;10KV:3米。2、供电局安全技术交底对现场施工机械要求(1)工作前检查相关工器具、施工机械,保证工器具、施工机械合格、安全;(2)桩机竖立后及在施工过程中,必须对桩机加设临时拉线,做好防止桩机向线路方向倾倒等措施;(3)经过现场测量计算,在220KV高压线行边施工时,现有桩机高24米若不降低高度,应把桩机迁至线边24米外;若不改变现时桩机位置(离高压线水平距离约6米),应把桩机高度降至不高于11.5米;(4)经过现场测量计算,在110KV高压线行边施工时,现有桩机高24米若不降低高度,应把桩机迁至线边24米外;若不改变现时桩机位置(离高压线水平距离约6米),应把桩基高度降至不高于9.5米;四、桩机安全专项施工方案 根据中山供电局安全交底要求,在路中和路线外侧均有高压线部位的非接管袋装砂井施工桩机,需要四向固定措施,保证机架的稳固不向高压线方向倒伏。根据原定施工进度计划要求,在施工现场共有5台24米高的非接管法袋装砂井施工桩机,其中K7+200K7+994段2台,K8+067k8+692段2台,K9+167K9+500段1台,则能满足进度要求。3、桩机安全专项施工方案一根据现场情况,袋装砂井施工分三大段落,部分路段除了路中有高压线之外,在路线左、右则也有高压线,考虑采用四向拉缆风绳拉紧袋装砂井桩机塔架,拉点在塔架的中间或中间稍微往上的位置,以免缆风绳向外拉成一定角度时和高压线过近。缆风绳四向平面分别成90度角,主要为避免塔架向高压线方向倒伏。缆风绳如果固定锚固在地上,考虑到工作面底下为淤泥层没有足够的锚固力,起不到相应的张拉稳固的作用;其次非接管法袋装砂井桩机施工速度较快,约每三分钟可以完成一根袋装砂井施工,然后需要移动桩机位置进行下一根袋装砂井的施工,移动频繁,采取固定的稳固措施只能保证桩机在移动过程中的稳固保护作用,无法满足机械不停变换位置施工的要求。考虑可移动并有足够重量的重物作锚固点的设置,配备挖机或吊车全程配合桩机施工,缆风绳的紧固配备四名工人配合收紧,保证桩机的稳固性。4、桩机安全专项施工方案二机械摆放沿路线横向移动施工,在机架底座焊接2根16#工字钢,延伸到履带端头范围外23m,然后在履带端头外玩下横向再焊接2根16#工字钢,做成一个端头横梁,横梁离地面高10cm,保证桩机可以自由移动。考虑到桩机塔架重量,在横梁上靠高压线方向每侧用两根50钢管做斜撑,连接到塔架的中间部位(大约为14米高的位置),形成一个有效的支撑,在桩机发生倒伏时能起到有效的支撑作用。见下图:5、桩机安全专项施工方案三 采用接管法施工,将24米高的机架进行改装,达到符合高压线最小安全距离要求后进场施工。根据测量数据结合中山供电局安全技术交底和高压线的最小安全距离要求,现场大部分原设计为非接管法施工的袋装砂井均需要改为接管法施工才能满足要求,确保高压线在施工期间的安全运行。1)施工区域划分按照高压线不同部位高度进行不同接管数量进行划分区域施工,桩机则对应划分的区域进行改装为不同的高度,在路中高压线塔的位置挂线较高,在路线纵向方向划分区域可以分两大部分,在高压线下两个塔之间的中间段区域(接四节管)、高压线塔两旁段区域(接三节管)。在横向方向上划分为中间线下区域(接四节管)、两高压线之间区域(接两节管)、路侧高压线边区域(接四节管)。2)施工机械改装根据施工前测量的高压线的高度改装施工机械,机架顶到高压线有足够的最小安全距离,然后将机械移到施工场地内。袋装砂井施工采用导管式振动打桩机,振动沉管法施工,每台打桩机配一台灌砂机。1、施工工艺流程(2)接管法袋装砂井施工: 整平原地面 摊铺下层砂垫 测量放样 桩机对中定位 分节接管和沉管至设计深度 下放砂井 冲水、提管、分节卸管 移机 埋砂袋头 铺上层砂垫层。2、施工方法(1)铺筑下层砂垫层,并放好桩位。(2)机具定位:要保证锤中心与地面定位桩在同一点上,并用经纬仪或垂球观测控制导向架的纵、横向垂直度,确保导向架垂直度偏差不大于1%。 (3)钻孔: 将固定在套管下的活瓣桩尖与套管口封闭,再用振动法将第一节套管压入,套管高出地面3050cm,以便接下一节管。压完一节管后接另一节管,管接头连接紧固后振动压入地下,如此重复直至套管打到设计深度。在套管压入过程中确保定位正确,桩位偏差应小于15cm,套管垂直度小于1.5%,采用经纬仪检查套管下沉时的垂直度,并保证深度符合设计要求。 (4)砂袋灌砂:灌袋用砂必须是经检验合格、过筛、晾干了的中粗砂。用灌砂机进行灌砂,人工辅助密实。 (5)安装砂袋:当确认套管压入深度符合设计要求后,将符合设计长度的备用砂袋整个吊起,经套管口端部滚轮徐徐放入套管内。当受桩架高度限制时,可采用两节套管,砂袋沉入时以人工输入,管口装设滚轮。(6)砂袋下放完毕,确保砂袋进入到设计标高。然后启动激振器,提升套管进行拔管作业,拔管连续缓慢进行。每拔出一节管即拆掉一节,然后再拔管,再拆一节,如此重复直至拔出所有的管节。(7)套管拔出后,砂袋露出孔口不小于30cm,保证砂袋竖直,将其埋入砂垫层中。 若已施打的袋装砂井砂袋不满时,及时向袋内补灌砂料,使之密实饱满。施工过程中应及时清理砂垫层的污染物。(8)铺筑上层砂垫层。3、高压线下接管法施工安全措施 (1)、施工前由电力部门对高压线下施工安全进行技术交底,了解相关的安全知识和熟悉各种数据,在施工过程中严格按照交底执行。项目部在施工前对相关施工人员进行安全技术教育及安全交底,全员贯彻安全施工思想,首先从思想上重视高压线下施工的安全问题,并能在施工中严格执行安全措施。施工过程中通知电力部门派专人在施工现场进行协助安全指导、监督。 (2)、桩机改装高度要根据现场高压线离砂垫层顶面高度进行,高压线离砂垫层顶面距离事先由测量组用全站仪测出,并联系电力部门进行专业测量,两组数据进行对比以确保准确性。 (3)、施工桩机下必须按照要求接一根地线。 (4)、机台工作人员必须购买劳动安全保险,施工过程中穿绝缘鞋、戴绝缘手套等安全防护用品。 (5)、施工过程中除设专门电工、观察员外,同时请电力部门协助监测,以便发现险情能够及时处理。 (6)、阴雨、大风天气停止施工,以免引起触电伤亡事故。五、高压线下桩机施工安全管理机构与管理制度 (一)施工安全管理机构和人员 1、施工安全管理机构 组长:项目经理副组长:项目副经理组员:项目总工组员:项目副总工组员:工程部经理组员:工程部副经理组员:安全员组员:安全员组员:安全员2、施工安全管理人员组长:吴建中(项目经理) 李伟贤(项目副经理)组员:何涛 龙华辉 梁文林 伍全 董春建 龙晓强 李美全 (二)施工安全管理制度 在开工前对各个工班进行安全技术交底,首先明确高压线下作业的安全要求,以及在高压线下部遵守安全要求作业的危害性和严重性,并对不同施工区域的划分及机械改装高度要求进行详细的说明,务求每个施工作业人员都清楚区域划分界线,在施工过程中的机械移动、打桩如何进行,保证不危及到高压线的安全运行。 1、分区、分片施工管理。现场不同高度的桩机进行不同区域内的袋装砂井施工,不得超出划定的施工区域,对破坏掉的不清晰的分区安全警戒线重新恢复,在施工过程中随时恢复破坏掉的警戒线;2、定人、定岗管理现场桩机施工,每台机械必须有一个施工员现场管理。现场施工员要在施工过程中必需一直守在桩机旁边,如发现桩机有违规的意向或行为时必须即时制止,如该机械不听从指挥则拉闸停电,停止其施工,并进行处理;3、现场施工员不得随意离开,需要临时离开时申请人员替换后才能离开,否则予以相应的处罚;4、实行专人负责制。除了现场施工员对应管理每台桩机外,项目部加派专人负责桩机在高压线下安全施工管理;并配合供电局巡查人员和业主、总监办的专职负责人的安全施工管理工作;5、专职负责人在发现有违规施工行为时,有权对相关违规人员立即下发停工指令并处罚,并监督违规人员按照要求整改完成后才能重新开始施工;6、加强项目部领导巡逻检查监督。由项目经理带领项目总工和副总工轮流到施工现场配合专职安全员的巡逻监督。保证随时制止违规行为的发生,在确保安全的前提下进行施工作业,杜绝违规施工的行为;7、桩机需要进入高压线下线位最低点区域内施工前,先通知供电局现场管理人员到现场测量线位的净高,确保桩机塔架顶到高压线最低点有足够安全距离后才能进入该区域作业。否则要对桩机进行改造,将塔架改低至符合要求后进行施工。(三)安全应急预案按照项目部制订的经监理审批后的高压线下安全施工方案中的安全应急预案执行。六、方案比选序号方案一方案二方案三优点满足设计上的非接管法施工工艺满足设计上非接管法施工的工艺要求。在一定程度上对桩机倾覆起到稳定作用,对高压线有一定的安全保护效果。改装后桩机高度降低,根据不同的区域使用不同高度的桩机进行施工,完全满足高压线下施工的最小安全距离要求,起到对高压线的安全保护作用,可确保高压线的安全运行。缺点工作面(砂垫层)下为软土地基,无足够的锚固力,不能满足桩机施工中频繁移动的施工要求。工作面(砂垫层)下为软土地基,地基承载力不一定能满足支撑桩机倾覆时所需要的支承力。改变施工工艺,非接管法改为接管法施工,每台桩机的工作效率降低,将大大增加施工成本和延长工期。比选不考虑使用可考虑在能确保地基承载力满足要求的前提下使用。虽然增加施工成本和延长施工工期,但就安全方面来说能完全满足高压线的安全距离要求,确保高压线安全运行,首先考虑使用此方案。 经上述比选,综合考虑个方面情况,主要目的是为了保护高压线在施工过程中安全运行,因此选择使用第三种方案进行施工。initiative, think new ideas, coming up with new ways. Overcoming work just passable, but not hard, earnestly fulfill their responsibilities, strengthening the sense of responsibility, stimulating desire, activate the innovation dynamic. Third is to have the courage to play. Due diligence as is inherent in the Communists ' bloody and strength of character. Failing to evade, the slightest smell of the Communists, the people's public servants are not, is people hate, hate scandal. School Party Committee will strictly control idle idle issues of governance as the starting point, control the party in a strict way. Glow party cohesion, creativity and combat effectiveness as test standard of overall effectiveness of strictly administering the party, full of enthusiastic, determined the officers of party members and cadres party spirit of play. "For the officers not to" shame, in front of the urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks, under any condition, no thought of, sense of responsibility, the courage to be responsible for four is to adhere to the purpose of unifying belief and innovation, both serve the lofty ideas, but with practice, pioneering and innovative concrete action. In serious and solid to carry out your responsibilities at the same time, continue to use their brains, trying to, and actively explore new ideas, rely on the broad masses of cadres and the masses of workers, improve the level and quality of work. Leadership education innovation Guide. On innovative teaching mode, training mode, teaching methods, educational technology, educational tools and student management, we must constantly review and improve the working experience, come up with new ideas, new programmes, to come up with new initiatives, always focus on long-term goals and the central work of educating people, constant innovation and development, and create a new situation for the work. In the rural "two" speaks of the education in the rural "two" study and education (May 2016) comrades: on May 4, the district held a "two" learning education Conference, for me "two" educational work arrangements put forward clear requirements. Based on district requirements, the "two" study and education activities, today, I shall tell you a party lecture, very happy to be our Baocheng village party branches, there is an opportunity to . Meanwhile, we should also see, grass-roots party organizations and party members ' education and management problems. Some village Board organization weak lax, village level management capacity insufficient, on village thing village love of decision force influence even than elderly will, part rural members relax has self requirements, long-term not participate in party organised, long-term not paid dues, on village Board individual people of views with into overall, put a village Board individual people of shortcomings unlimited zoom, on village two Board of work not support, not implementation, even up to reaction, caused has more serious of effect, so, must through carried out "two learn a do" learning education, seriously solution these problem, Promote the full strictness requirement into the grass-roots level, into every branch, every party member. 2. "two" education is important in strengthening ideological construction practices. XI Jinping, Secretary General stressed that "ideological problems solved, and does not mean that it will never resolve. Just like the room needs to be cleaned regularly, dirt, regular cleaning of the mind. "Since the party's 18, we conscientiously implement the Central Government's


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