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    regulations and other requirements. 4.4 laws, regulations and other requirements of issuance, implementation, inspection and conformity assessment. 4.4.1 production technology section promptly of any applicable laws, regulations and other requirements, the important contents in the excerpts, and distributed to the relevant departments and units. 4.4.2 units should be organized to study law, regulations, standards and other requirements and run in strict compliance with safety standardization, unit training records in various departments safety meeting records, team records in the team event records. 4.4.3 biotech section once a year to carry out safety laws and regulations to supervise and inspect, for failure to comply with laws, regulations and other requirements to organize relevant departments to analyze the causes of the phenomenon, for rectification. Production technology section is responsible for establishing laws, regulations and other requirements conformity assessment records. 4.5 rules and safety procedures 4.5.1 bio section is responsible for the preparation of the company's safety rules and regulations, and distributed to all staff of the Organization of the workshop and strictly enforced. 4.5.2 the workshops should be developed based on the characteristics suitable for the unit's safety regulations or group safety regulations implementing regulations, issued to the workshop and team, should be strictly enforced at all levels. 4.5.3 workshop should be based on the processes, technologies, equipment characteristic products and raw materials, auxiliary materials, preparation of the risk position for safe operation, sent to the workshop and team, personnel should operate in accordance with the safety rules. 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1 production technology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technology, material changes on or after an accident, and biotech branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in, indicating the causes and changes, approved by the Deputy in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 People's Republic of China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People'sregulations and other requirements. 4.4 laws, regulations and other requirements of issuance, implementation, inspection and conformity assessment. 4.4.1 production technology section promptly of any applicable laws, regulations and other requirements, the important contents in the excerpts, and distributed to the relevant departments and units. 4.4.2 units should be organized to study law, regulations, standards and other requirements and run in strict compliance with safety standardization, unit training records in various departments safety meeting records, team records in the team event records. 4.4.3 biotech section once a year to carry out safety laws and regulations to supervise and inspect, for failure to comply with laws, regulations and other requirements to organize relevant departments to analyze the causes of the phenomenon, for rectification. Production technology section is responsible for establishing laws, regulations and other requirements conformity assessment records. 4.5 rules and safety procedures 4.5.1 bio section is responsible for the preparation of the company's safety rules and regulations, and distributed to all staff of the Organization of the workshop and strictly enforced. 4.5.2 the workshops should be developed based on the characteristics suitable for the unit's safety regulations or group safety regulations implementing regulations, issued to the workshop and team, should be strictly enforced at all levels. 4.5.3 workshop should be based on the processes, technologies, equipment characteristic products and raw materials, auxiliary materials, preparation of the risk position for safe operation, sent to the workshop and team, personnel should operate in accordance with the safety rules. 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1 production technology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technology, material changes on or after an accident, and biotech branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in, indicating the causes and changes, approved by the Deputy in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 People's Republic of China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People'sThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on "two learn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city "two learn a do" learning education work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" education, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from "key minority" to the vast number of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education issued instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central "two" Forum on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial people's Congress, the province's "two" study educational Conference, made specific arrangements to carry out study and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a "two" educational programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp "two" educational responsibility since the party's 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the party's construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. "Two" study and education, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the party's firm determination and political will, to push forward the "four comprehensive" strategy is of great significance. We should be supported by political and overall附件二:湖北省固体矿产地质勘查坑探工程设计编写要求(试行)2007-04-30发布 2007-06-01实施湖北省国土资源厅 印制湖北省固体矿产地质勘查坑探工程设计编写要求编委会项目管理单位:湖北省国土资源厅项目承担单位:湖北省矿业联合会编委会成员名单:主 任:胡立山副 主 任:胡远群委 员:熊保成 朱曾汉 谭先林 余贵平王友章 吴礼贵 潘杰锋 柳建桥薛 明 余 军 李纪平 陈千汉周建华项目负责:陈千汉技术负责:陈千汉编写人员:陈千汉 周少东 刘仲红统 编:陈千汉审 核:胡远群 熊保成 薛 明参加研究人员:陈裕黔 李 伟 陈 洁 陈 伟 钱红侠 吴金梅工作人员:谢松茂Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee 6th People's Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 47th, 6 People's Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 62nd People's Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment, promulgated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances are used to labour protection 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1 production technology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technology, material changes on or after an accident, and biotech branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in, indicating the causes and changes, approved by the Deputy in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 People's Republic of China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People's Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee 6th People's Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's CongressRepublic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee 6th People's Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 47th, 6 People's Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 62nd People's Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment, promulgated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances are used to labour protection 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1 production technology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technology, material changes on or after an accident, and biotech branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in, indicating the causes and changes, approved by the Deputy in charge of security, General Mana


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