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    of our party to maintain and develop the advanced and purity, and always walk in the forefront of the times and the important guarantee, is also the party Cadres healthy growth, improve quality, enhance the ability to continue to progress an important way. Especially in today's economic development to enter the new normal and knowledge update continues to accelerate the background, the party members to practice the two to learn to do only carry forwardDry spoke as a belief in the firm belief in the goodness of good science and good at thinking, in order to better promote the "learning and doing" into the brain and heart, can always keep up with the times progress trend, to dare to bear the burden, enhance the level of work and leadership level. Secondly, to really learn to really understand the true faith. The "learn" to implement the theoretical weapon to guide Party members and cadres really. Ideological and theoretical solution is the banner and soul, is everything "switch". To carry out the "two a" study and education, the learning theory of armed, and guide members to read the original, the original school, Wu principle, radically reform, solid Ben Peiyuan, firm "three , often spoke as a series, but also the core of the cornerstone of the conduct of the general belief in a soul of calcium of confidence, and to complement the "spirit", to strengthen the "faith" melt "faith", cultivate a with iron general belief, iron, iron discipline, iron play the role of Party members and cadres team, to "learn" to implement the party spirit education, guide Party members and cadres to maintain their party spirit and pure. Party is the party members and cadres, founding, Liyan, Lide. Strengthen the education of party spirit, Party members and cadres education content "learn" study and education should be righteousness. At all levels of the party organization to the Constitution Party and party spirit education compulsory courses, and guide Canton Li > < tube strict adherence to the party members and deep understanding, mastery, so the letter, and, learning to walk. The two learn "to implement strict discipline to guide Party members and cadres discipline. Deeply study the party constitution and party compasses," learning to do "learning education focus on the content of the constitution is the party constitution, the party's fundamental law, Party discipline is the constitution of the extension and thinning. The new revision of the Communist Party of China (CPC) self-discipline criterion > and < Chinese Communist Party disciplinary regulations, comprehensive strictly Drake gauge, tree high moral standards, draw the discipline" bottom line ", do a qualified Communist Party members, to the political discipline To combine the dress rules and political pendulum in the first place, time, consciousness, and resolutely to the Party Central Committee, the par consciousness rooted in ideology and implement in action, to ensure that the party centralism and unity, solidarity. Again, should adhere to the principle of linking theory with practice.conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be "professionals", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other people's development approach, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we must think. "Learning without thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous." We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active research, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain "the old way doesn't work, the new approach would not" situation, the reason, the key is that many people know that copying other people's ideas, mechanically, using someone else's old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especially in implement superior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mechanically, to to extraordinary of courage and develop enterprising of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and首件A类湿接缝、湿接头、负弯矩张拉施工方案目录一、编制依据及编制原则- 1 -(一) 编制依据- 1 -(二) 编制原则- 1 -二、主要技术标准- 2 -三、工程概况- 2 -四、工期计划- 2 -五、 施工准备- 3 -5.1 材料准备- 3 -5.2 机械设备配置:- 3 -5.3 人员安排- 3 -表一项目主要管理人员分工表- 4 -六、 施工方法及施工工艺- 5 -6.1 总体施工方案- 5 -2、施工工艺流程- 5 -七、各工序施工方法和操作要点- 6 -1、梁端封锚- 6 -2、现浇端、中横隔板- 7 -3、现浇中横梁- 7 -现浇连续段模板采用竹胶板,外形尺寸与预制梁外形保持一致,以便密贴。贴梁体的模板用短钢管带顶托相互顶死,侧模用对拉螺杆套PVC硬塑料管拉紧。各个模板接缝处用碎双面胶带粘牢,以防止混凝土振捣过程中漏浆而影响预制梁的外观质量。- 9 -4、湿接缝- 10-5、负弯矩束张拉、压浆(真空压浆)- 12 -八、质量保证体系及质量保证措施- 13 -九、安全保证体系及安全保证措施- 15 -十、环境保护措施- 16 -附图一- 17 -质量保证体系框图- 18 -附图二- 19 -安全保证体系框图- 19 -“首件产品”A类湿接缝、湿接头负弯矩张拉施工方案一、编制依据及编制原则(一) 编制依据1、霍永高速公路霍州至永和关段两阶段施工设计图。2、公路工程技术标准(JTG B01-2003)3、公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ041-2011)4、公路工程质量评定标准(JTG F80/1-2004)(二) 编制原则1、严格遵守施工过程中涉及的相关规范、规程和技术标准。2、确保实现业主要求的质量、安全、工期、环境保护、文明施工、工程创优等各方面的目标。3、认真、全面理解设计图纸,编制施工方案具有技术先进、方案可靠、经济合理、安全高效的原则。4、科学安排施工顺序,合理配置资源的原则。5、霍永高速公路段建设理念:生态环保、自然和谐、安全舒适、典型示范。二、主要技术标准1、公路等级:双向四车道高速公路。2、行车速度:80公里/小时。3、设计荷载:公路-级。4、设计洪水频率:1/300.5、环境条件:类环境。三、工程概况芝河1#大桥中心里程K123+048.68,为9*30米先简支后连续梁桥。全长554米,共有箱梁72片。现浇湿接缝、湿接头均采用C50混凝土,共152方。四、工期计划根据总体施工部署,以及本工程设置桥梁工程的结构设计特点,本着高质、高速圆满完成本合同段桥梁工程的施工任务,拟安排我公司具有较强施工能力和具有丰富管理经验的桥梁工程处承担本合同段所有桥梁的施工建设任务。芝河1#大桥湿接缝、湿接头、负弯矩张拉计划7月7日开始,7月25日结束。五、 施工准备5.1 材料准备施工所用的钢筋、水泥、砂石料、张拉所用的锚具、钢绞线、伸缩缝等进场后实验人员首先按照试验要求及频率对原材料性能进行自检,自检合格后再报试验监理工程师检查。按业主要求上部结构所用的C50砼配比必须委托有相应资质的质量检测站进行试配并出具相关试验报告。物资、试验人员共同把好原材料进场关,对于试验不合格材料坚决予以退场。5.2 机械设备配置:砼罐车6辆;集中砼搅拌站二座;QW-40钢筋弯曲机3台;CTQ-90钢筋切断机3台;GTJ4-14钢筋调直机2台;小型钢筋切割机3台;50型振捣器5把。5.3 人员安排项目部选派组织协调能力强、业务水平高的管理、技术人员负责一线生产。项目部负责生产的副经理主抓现场生产、协调、机械调配工作,项目部总工负责现场施工技术。选择经验丰富,信誉良好施工队伍。根据工程量及工序要求,芝河1#大桥施工安排4个施工班组,钢筋组10人、立模浇筑组7人、张拉、压浆组10人、综合组6人(包括电工、养护人员、杂工)。主要管理人员配备表序 号姓 名职 务联系方式备 注1刘 研项目经理187105996632宋晋玺副经理150346765663段久波项目总工186351123674朱延学工程部长152357838055王志勇安质部部长186357415606王世军试验室主任134036846207王秀君物资部主任186357177968张 磊测量工程师138345520579祁志光现场技术员1823471935810袁林林现场领工员18635719086表一项目主要管理人员分工表人 员职 责项目经理全面负责项目的施工组织指挥与管理;对各项工作负总责。施工负责人负责现场施工组织工作,按照项目制定的工期计划组织施工,协调施工现场各班组的交叉作业,按照项目文明施工的相关要求控制好施工现场。现场技术负责人负责现场施工各个施工工序的技术交底,记录各个施工参数。安全负责人负责桥面下部的防护,并对施工现场安全负首要责任。测量负责人负责支座的施工放样、水准测量。试验负责人负责混凝土的塌落度及标号。物资负责人负责物资采购、储备、供应;设备购置、维护、保养。六、 施工方法及施工工艺6.1 总体施工方案桥面系施工的模板统一采用9层以上优质竹胶板,护栏的模板采用成型的钢模,模板加固采用PVC拉杆和方木结合实际情况加固;钢筋加工在已经架设好的桥面上选址加工,钢筋下料后现场安装和绑扎;混凝土纵向运输采用混凝土输送泵运送到桥面,然后用自卸小车在桥面上水平运输到待浇注位置,用手推车推送入模;混凝土龄期达到四天且强度达到设计强度的85%以后开始张拉,张拉后立即进行压浆、封锚。2、施工工艺流程预制箱梁安装梁端部凿毛、清理安装永久支座及钢板焊接、连接梁纵向预留钢筋连接横隔板、湿接缝钢筋连接扁束波纹管安装中横梁、湿接缝模板安装绑扎相应墩顶中心两侧桥面钢筋(包括护栏预埋钢筋)按上述顺序逐一浇筑现浇中横梁、端横隔板、中横隔板混凝土浇注湿接缝混凝土拆模、养护混凝土达到设计强度的85%后按顺序逐一张拉顶板负弯矩束(并压浆)形成连续。具体施工顺序见下图:In order to know the promotion, to test knowledge, the mind Communist lofty ideal and practice of Chinese characteristic socialism common ideal and to do a good job, do internalized in the heart, outside. Adhere to the problem oriented, good at pick up the theory of weapons, to the social practice in sharp found the problem, the courage to face the problem, the correct analysis of the problem, and to solve the problem, thus do know and unity, and the combined In the catch, make the theory and practice of complement each other, complement each other, to promote the "two one" and its practical work closely, strengthen political consciousness, overall situation consciousness, awareness of the core, par consciousness in really catch action, promote the reform, development and stability to see results, "five major development concept" promoters and practitioners. How to understand the "two a" study and education is often sex? "Two a" study and education is not a, but from the daily work to begin, regular education, so to highlight the normalization characteristic, the motive force, catch fine realistically, really put the party's ideological and political construction in daily, Yan often. Fundamental Small task management, is the Party member education management, usually to do those things, we must implement, results. This decides to carry out "learning and doing" the content and way to everyday, always do things, efforts to address the central provisions, but in the education of Party members and not fully implemented or not implemented in place. In a certain sense, this is also the party team to conduct a comprehensive examination of a major opportunity. "Learning and doing" learning education should highlight normal education, distinguish levels, to solve the problem, relying on the "three class" (means: regular meetings of the branch of the Party Congress, the Party branch committee, the party Group will, on time good lectures.) so the party's organizational life system, play the self purification of Party branch, self-improvement masterParty communist fuzzy catch, really put the party's ideological and political construction in daily and strict in often. "Learning to do" learning education should focus on solving problems which focused on solving some of the Party member's ideals and beliefs shaken, mainly is the lack of faith of Chinese characteristic social meaning lack of faith, spiritual emptiness, praised the Western values, keen to the organization, to participate in the feudal and superstitious activities, efforts to solve some Party member consciousness desalination, mainly is on par with the consciousness is not strong, does not keep the political discipline of political rule, the party did not say, do not love the party, retaining the party, not for the party, organization and discipline lax, not according to the provisions in the party's organizational life , not pay Party membership dues on time, do not complete the task assigned by the party organization, not according to the principle of Party organizationAccording to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understanding mass line of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education practice activities of major meaning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's advanced nature and purity, in the party, with "pragmatic and clean for the people" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational practice. This is comrade XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the party's major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the construction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist party's major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the party's mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socialism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 China's gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The basic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion strength of China, dream dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Strategic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the party's mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have "common language" socialist c


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