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    九年级英语It must belong to Carla.ppt

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    九年级英语It must belong to Carla.ppt

    Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Period 1-2,Write the things you see or you know in the right column in the chart,jacketT-shirtshortsshoes,CDtoy carmagazinebooks,cups,It has her name on it.,Ning,Whose notebook is this?,Im sure it is Nings notebook.,It must be Nings notebook.,三星学科,教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友!,1b,Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.,作家,A:Whose volleyball is this?B:It must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.A:How about his toy car?B:Oh,that toy car must belong to Janes little brother.He was the only little kid at the picnic.And the magazine must belong to DengWen.He loves cats.A:Oh,and look,someone left a book.B:Oh,yeah-This book must be Marys.Hemingway is her favorite author.A;OK-and how about this CD?B;Hmm,the CD must belong to Grace.She always listens to classical music.,Section A 1b,A:Look!Whose book is this?B:It must be Marys.Because Hemingway is her favorite author.,Practise making conversations,A:Look!Whose toy car is this?B:It must be Janes little brothers.Because he was the only little kid in the picnic.,A:Look!Whose volleyball is this?B:It must be Carlas.Because she loves volleyball.,A:Look!Whose CD is this?B:It must belong to Grace.Because she always listens to classical music.,A:Look!Whose magazine is this?B:It must belong to Deng Wen.Because he loves cats.,A:Whose is this?B:It must belong to xx.Because,be xxs,Whose is this cap?,Is this your cap?,I think it is Tonys,but Im not sure.,It could/might be Tonys.,It could/might belong to Tony.,He likes wearing the cap.,Tony,Is this T-shirt yours,Kate?,No,it isnt.It _ mine.Its too big for me.,Kate,cant be,Is this your car?,No,it isnt.,cant be,It _ mine.I am not a child now.,hair band,Whose is this?,It _ _a boys.,cant be,It _ _a girls.,must be,It _ _ Lindas.,could/might be,发带,1.must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定”。He must be working at home.,3.can用在否定句或疑问句中时表示说话人的“推测”和“不确定”,cant 则表 示“不可能”.It can be your book.He cant be a bad boy.He often helps others.,2.might,could表示推测时,不表示时态。只表示“可能性更小”.He might be at home.It could belong to his sister.,Use“must”to show that you think something is probably true.Use“might”or“could”to show that you think something is possibly true.Use“cant”to show that you are almost sure something is not true.,Guessing game Who is he,He/She cant be _.He/She could/might be _.He/She must be _.,He cant be _.He could/might be _.,He must be _.,She/He must be-,He/she might/could be-.,She/He cant be-,hair band,tennis balls,cant,could,might,must,2c,Fill in the blanks with“must”,”might”,“could”or“cant”.And then tell why.,must/might,cant,might,must,must/might,must,cant,might,Homework,1。抄写单词1+4;句型1+22。做作业本第一和第二部分,Unit 5It must belong to Carla,Period 3,Words&expressions,belong to 属于 hair band 发带 at the picnic 在野餐 listen to classical music 听古典音乐 much too 太,非常 play the guitar 弹吉他 go to the concert 去听音乐会,Is this T-shirt yours,Kate?,No,it isnt.It _ mine.Its too big for me.,Kate,cant be,Is this your car?,No,it isnt.,cant be,It _ mine.I am not a child now.,hair band,Whose is this?,It _ _a boys.,cant be,It _ _a girls.,must be,It _ _ Lindas.,could/might be,发带,A:Whose volleyball is this?B:It must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.A:How about his toy car?B:Oh,that toy car must belong to Janes little brother.He was the only little kid at the picnic.And the magazine must belong to DengWen.He loves cats.A:Oh,and look,someone left a book.B:Oh,yeah-This book must be Marys.Hemingway is her favorite author.A;OK-and how about this CD?B;Hmm,the CD must belong to Grace.She always listens to classical music.,Section A 1b,1.must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定”。He must be working at home.,3.can用在否定句或疑问句中时表示说话人的“推测”和“不 确定”,cant 则表 示“不可能”.It can be your book.He cant be a bad boy.He often helps others.,2.might,could表示推测时,不表示时态。只表示“可能性更小”.He might be at home.It could belong to his sister.,1.Mary _ be in Paris.I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.,3.Peter _ come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.,4.I thought you _ like something to read,so I have brought you some books.,用must,could,might,cant 填空:,2.The CD _ belong to Grace.She always listens to classical music.,cant,must,might/could,might/could,5.That red car _ be Carlas.She has a blue car.,cant,Guessing Game,Can you guess what it is?It could be _.It also might be _.,a white vase,two faces,It could be _.It also might be_.,Can you guess what it is?,a dog,two girls,Here are some persons.They have different jobs.Can you guess what their jobs are?,She/He must/might/could/cant be-.,BANK OF CHINA,Dear friend,I need my dictionary,sunglasses,cap,purse,watch,soccer,umbrella and keys to my bike.And Id like something to drink.But sorry,I am not sure where they are.Could you bring them to me?Yours Tony,Linda,Shes writing a thank-you message to Anna.,5,2,4,3,1,Dear Anna,_If you have any idea where it might be,please call me._I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall._I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment(I hope your new glasses look nice)._I really need it because I have a math test tomorrow.Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30%of the final exam._Im really anxious,because I cant find my backpack.Thanks,Linda,A:What do you think“anxious”means?B:Well,it cant mean“happy”.A:It might mean“worried”.B:Oh,yes.Shes worried because of her test.,A:What do you think“crucial”means?B:Well,it cant mean“easy”.A:It might mean“important”.B:Oh,yes.Its crucial because it counts 30%to the final exam.,A:What do you think“concert”mean?B:Well,it cant mean“music”.A:It might mean“a performance of music by players or singers”.B:Oh,yes.She was in the symphony hall.,Tomorrow is Teachers day.We will give our English teacher a present.Can you guess what is in the box?,A:Do you know what is in the box?B:I guess it must be a card.A:I dont think so.I think it might be a scarf.B:Why?A:,A:Heres a school T-shirt.The owner must be a student.B:Well,it could be a classmate of ours.The school T-shirt is the same as ours.,A:Heres a hair band.The owner cant be a boy.B:Well,it could be a boy.The hair band might be a present for his mother.,Useful phrases,in the symphony hall have some/any idea at the optometrist appointment look nice study for make up the final exam because of the test a present forduring the concert,在交响乐大厅 知道 在配镜室 看起来很好 为而学习 由组成 期末考试 因为考试 给的礼物在音乐会期间,Homework,根据自己的猜测将第4部分写成一段文章,要求分别用上must,cant might,could,并且要有推断依据。,Unit 5It must belong to Carla,Period 4,汉译英,一空一词:,1、我找不到我女儿,我非常担心她。I cant find my daughter,I _quite_ _ her.2、这条裤子不可能是Alan的,因为太小了。This pair of trousers _ _ Alans because its_ _.3、她很害怕在别人面前说话。She _ _ of _ in front of other people.4、昨天你打电话时,我还在验光配镜。I was still _ the optometrist_when you _me yesterday.5、这耳环可能是给他母亲的礼物。The _ _ _ a present for his mother.,am worried about,cant be,too small,is afraid/terrified,speaking,at,appointment,called,earrings might/could be,Game Time,What do you think the rabbit is doing?,I think he is-.,He could/might be.,shopping,What could the cat be doing?,He could/might be.,playing tennis,What could/might Mr.Donald be doing?,He could/might be-.,What could/might Miss Panda be doing?,She could/might be-.,(must/could/might/cant)+be+doing表示 推测正在进行的动作,Why do you think the monkey is playing soccer?,He could/might/must be playing for exercise.,What could they be doing?,They might be,They could be,A UFO is landing.,An alien came down.,He might be running for chasing the alien.,Look at the picture.Then use the words from the box to write a sentence about each picture.,The alien is chasing the man.,The man is running.,2,3,1,The UFO is landing.,Write two or three sentences to finish the story.,Why is the man running so fast?Could he be runningfor exercise?Might he be late for work?No.He is a thief.He must take lots of things from the shop.The alien must be trying to help people catch the man.,An Example to end the story:,Write two or three sentences to finish the story.,The man was running as fast as he could.He thought that the alien must be chasing to catchhim,and he might lose his life if he were caught!“Hello!”Suddenly a voice came from behind,An Example to end the story:,Write two or three sentences to finish the story.,The man knew it must be the alien that spoke!“But howcould it speak our language?”He wondered“Might I makefriends with you?”The alien stopped just in front of the man,with a big smile and both its arms opened to him“I must be dreaming!”the man said to himself,An Example to end the story:,running for exercise,an alien,from the TV news,a UFO,dreaming,making a movie,run for exercise dance for pleasure collect stamps for fun,Tape Scripts:,M:Hey,look at the man running down the street.I wonder whats happening?W:He _running for exercise.M:But hes wearing a suit.W:Well,he _late for work.M:He looks kind of _.W:Oh,no!Whats that?M:Where?W:Theres something in the sky.W:It _ a helicopter.W:No,it _ a helicopter.Its too big.It _ a UFO.,could be,might be,scared,could be,cant be,must be,Section B 2a,2b,M:A UFO?Whats going on?W:Look,the UFO is _M:And there is a strange _ getting out.It _ an alien.W:And the alien is chasing the man!I _ dreaming.M:Maybe we should _.Hey,wait a minute,whats that?W:Where?M:Over there.W:Its a woman with a _.W:She _ from the TV news.W:No,look at those other people.They are _.Oh!They _ making a movie.,landing,creature,must be,must be,call the police,camera,must be,actors,must be,Story Time,Father and Son,Story Time,Where might they be going?What might happen to them?,Father and Son,repairjump,Story Time,Do you think he can repair the car?Why?,What could happen to Son?,Father and Son,Story Time,skateboard,stand,push,Words&expressions,chase a strange creaturemust be doing sth.run for exercise be late for work make a movie catch a bus,追赶奇怪的动物一定是在做某事跑步是为了锻练上班迟到拍电影赶公共汽车,Homework,Make your own conversation,Unit 5It must belong to Carla,Period 5,Imagine,What do you think about the basketball?,Why do you think so?,Will it get into the hoop or just hit the board?,Is your neighborhood quiet?,What was it actually?,What did you think it was?,How did you feel?,Have you ever heard something strange?,Free Talk,Where does the girl live?,Bell Tower,How is the girl feeling?,Read the passage and underline the events that might,strange things are happening.(发生奇怪的事),Zhou Gu is extremely worried(极其担心),Language Focus,There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.(一这有什么东西拜访我们社区的家),There is/are sb.doing sth.(有人在做某事),This story _ many years ago.(这故事发生在好多年前),Parents _often _their childrens success in school.(父母亲常担心孩子在校的成功)Last night,he _his test.(昨晚他极担心考试),happened,are worried about,was extremely worrying about,有许多学生在参观博物馆There _ many students _the science museum.昨天有几个男生在那边打篮球There_several boys_ basketball over there yesterday.,are,visiting,were,playing,Complete the sentences,3a.Reading for information,strange noise outside their window,could be an animal,strange noise outside their window,must be teenagers having fun,nothing strange,might be the wind,might be a dog,couldnt see the dog,but there was still noise outside,Fill in the chart,Revision,Fill in the blanks with the right words.,Our neighborhood _very quiet.However,these days,strange things _ in our neighborhood and _ is _.Zhou Gu,the local school teacher is _ worried.When he was _the local newspaper,he said,“Every night we hear _ noise outside our window.My wife thinks that it _ an animal,but my friends and I think it _ teenagers _fun.The police cant find _.They think it _ the wind.I dont _.Qi Hui is _,too.He _ it might be _,but he cant see a dog and he _ hear the_.Everyone _ is worried and everyone has _or _.There must be _ _,but what is it?,used to be,are happening,everyone,unhappy,extremely,interviewed by,strange,could be,must be,having,anything strange,might be,think so,unhappy,thought,a dog,still,noise outside,in our neighborhood,his,her ideas,something visiting the homes,in our neighborhood,the zoo and ran into the very quiet Bell Tower neighborhood.These days they caused many strange things in the neighborhood and everyone was unhappy.Zhou Gu,the local school teacher was extremely worried.He said that every night they heard strange noises outside their window.,His wife thought that it could be an animal,but his friends and he thought it must be teenagers having fun.His parents called the police,but they couldnt find anything strange.They thought it might be the wind.Zhous next door neighbor Qi Hui was unhappy too.At first,he thought it might be a dog,but he couldnt see a dog and he still heard the noises outside.Everyone in our neighborhood was worried,and everyone had his or her ideas.,There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood,but what was it?Now everyone knows it was the three monkeys who escaped from the zoo running into the very quiet Bell Tower neighborhood and caused the many strange things.,A:In my dream,I was walking on the moon and playing with the stars.B:Oh,great!Maybe it means youll be very happy these days.,A:Last night,I dreamt of lots of light.B:Maybe it means youre going traveling the world.,Here are some pictures.Look at them and write a newspaper article.Use Must,might,could and cant for making inferences.,Homework,Write a newspaper article according to the pictures.,Unit 5It must belong to Carla,Period 5,Could A be bigger than B?,Which one is bigger,A or B?,A,B,the same size,No.,In fact,A and B must be _.,Fill in the blanks with the correct word given.,favorite,careful,anxious,worried,strange,Self check,Read these proverbs from around the world.What do you think they might mean?Discuss with your classmates.,1.escape owner chase run2.picnic lunch dinner alien3.land apple ice cream chicken 4.creature alien exercise visitor5.lost grass tree flower,1.Peter _ come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.A.may B.can C.will 2.I thought you _ like something to read,so I have brought you some books.A.may B.might C.should3.“Whose pen is this?”It _ Liu Mei because I saw her use it the other day.A.cant be B.might be C.must belong to4.Thats a piece of good news.They _ glad to hear that.A.can be B.might be C.must be5.This story _ long time ago.A.was happened B.has happened C.happened,A.may,B.might,选择填空,C.must belong to,C.must be,C.happened,Exercise Time,6.She _ her test paper,for only fifteen minutes has passed.A.cant have finished B.must have finished C.might has finished7.Hes staying at home today _ he is ill.A.because B.because of C.so8.Peter often annoys others _ his confidence.A.because B.because of C.use9.He was left in the forest so we were all _ for his safety.A.worried B.excited C.anxious10.“Where _ my umbrella?”“Somebody _ it away by mistake.”A.is,must have taken B.is,must take C.have been,must takeD.is,takes,A.because,B.because of,C.anxious,A.cant have finished,A.is,must have taken,Homework,Review of units 1-5,Funny,actives,concert,volleyball,need,snacks,serious,calm,bad,old,big,in,ask,music,color,picnic,shy,early,fruit,could,noisy,ears,animal,dog,4,2,3,T,F,F,4,2,5,3,Thank you!,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,


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