乙肝两对半的解读,Second liver half-and-halh interpretatino,乙肝两对半的定义The Definitino Of Secong Liver Two Half-and-Half大三阳和小三阳Big3 this world and small 3this world乙肝的传播途径The transmission way of second liver*对乙肝的误解Misunderstanding of hepatitis b,什么是乙肝两对半,乙肝两对半是国内医院最常用的乙肝病毒(HBV)感染检测血清标志物。(Second liver two half-and-half is the most commonly used in domestic hospital of hepatitis b virus(HBV)infection detection serum marker)乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)乙肝表面抗体(抗-HBs)乙肝e抗原(HBeAg)乙肝e抗体(抗-HBe)乙肝核心抗体(抗-HBc),测定两种抗原和三种抗体,也就是俗称的“两对半”。Determination of two kinds of antigens and three kinds of antibody,also known as the two half-and-half.,大三阳和小三阳 Big3 this world and small 3this world,“大三阳”是指“乙肝两对半”化验结果为表面抗原、e抗原和核心抗体检测均是阳性。一般说明病毒复制水平高、传染性强。Big 3 this world refers to second liver two half-and-half test results for the surface antigen,e antigen and core antibody tests are positive.General descriptions with high-level viral replication and infectivity.“小三阳”是指“乙肝两对半”化验结果为表面抗原、E抗体和核心抗体检测均是阳性。一般说明病毒复制水平相对较低、传染弱。What is small 3 this world small 3 this world refers to second liver two half-and-half test results for the surface antigen,E antibody and core antibody tests are positive.General descriptions viral replication level is relatively low and weak.,可见大三阳和小三阳的区别主要在病毒复制活跃程度上,但并不表示“大三阳”一定比“小三阳”病情严重,临床研究证实,有些小三阳患者更容易转化为肝癌。在治疗上,如果是乙肝患者且HBVDNA含量高,大三阳和小三阳的区别不大,都要以抗病毒治疗为主,辅助抗炎保肝,抗纤维化治疗。Visible big 3 this world and small 3 this world difference is mainly in the viral replication activity,but it doesnt mean the big 3 this world than small 3 this world the disease is severe,clinical studies have confirmed that some small 3 this world are more likely to be converted into liver cancer patients.In treatment,if is hepatitis b patients and hbvdna content high,the difference between big 3 this world and small 3 this world is not big,to give priority to with antiviral therapy,anti-inflammatory,protecting liver,auxiliary anti fibrosis treatment.,乙肝的传播途径,The transmission way of second liver 血液传播(Blood transmission):如输入被感染的全血、血浆、血清 或其它血制品,或其他血源性注射传播。Such as input of whole blood,plasma,serum infected or other blood products,or other blood-borne spread of injection 性传播(Sexually transmission):性滥交、同性恋和异性恋之间的亲密性行为是重要的乙肝病毒传播途径,这种传播亦包括家庭夫妻间的传播,夫妻之间的无防御措施的性行为传播率大概在14%左右,具体引人而异。因乙肝病人的唾液中可以查到乙肝病毒,在接吻时有可能会由于皮肤粘膜破损造成传染。因此在口腔有破损(如溃疡,咬伤,牙龈出血等)的情况下应避免与乙肝病毒携带者亲吻。Casual sex and intimacy between homosexual and heterosexual sex is an important route of transmission,hepatitis b virus spread this also includes the spread of family husband and wife,between husband and wife,without defense measures the sexually transmitted rate at about 14%,about the specific varies.Because of hepatitis b patients saliva can get hepatitis b virus,during a kiss may be caused by damaged skin and mucosa infected.Thus in the mouth is broken(such as ulcers,bite,bleeding gums,etc.)of the cases should be avoided and kiss the person that second liver virus is carried.,母婴传播(Mother-to-child transmission):母婴传播约占50以上,其中宫内感染约占4.54%,其余为分娩时的感染;分娩时母亲的血液、阴道分泌物通过胎儿 的破损皮肤、粘膜而传染;胎盘剥离时微量血液漏至胎循环中;产前或产程中胎儿吸入母亲的血液、羊水、阴道分泌物而感染;Mother-to-child transmission(PMTCT)accounted for about 50%of the above,the intrauterine infection accounted for about 4.54%,the rest for childbirth infections;Birth mothers blood,vaginal secretions infection by the breakage of the fetal skin,mucous membrane;The placenta stripping when trace blood leakage into the fetal circulation;Antenatal fetal inhalation in the mothers blood,amniotic fluid,or the stages,vaginal secretions and infection;,为何乙肝歧视问题如此“根固”?Why so deep hepatitis b discrimination?,1、乙肝患者人数过于庞大,造成人们对乙肝产生恐慌的消极心理。Second liver patient number is too large,resulting in peoples negative psychological panic on hepatitis b.2、社会对于乙肝传播知识的不正确宣传,对人们造成误导。Society to spread knowledge of hepatitis b is not correct propaganda,to mislead people.3、乙肝宣教力度不够,使乙肝“妖魔化”。Hepatitis b education is not strong enough,make the hepatitis b demonised 4、乙肝患者产生自卑心理,不敢正视自己的疾病。Second liver patient have low self-esteem,dare not face up to his illness.,乙肝不通过消化道和呼吸道传播,所以日常接触如握手、拥抱、一起工作、吃饭等一般不会被乙肝病毒传播。但若和乙肝患者共餐的朋友有口腔溃疡等,与乙肝患者有血液暴露的接触,是有可能会传播乙肝病毒的。Hepatitis b is not spread through the digestive tract and respiratory tract,so contact such as shake hands,hug,daily work,such as eating generally will not be spread hepatitis b virus.But if the friend and hepatitis b patients to dinner with oral ulcer,etc.,contact with the patients with hepatitis b blood exposure,is likely to transmit the hepatitis b virus.,谢 谢Thank you,