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    礼仪是在人际交往中,以一定的、约定俗成的程序方式来表现的律己敬人的过程,涉及穿着、交往、沟通、情商等内容。从个人修养的角度来看,礼仪可以说是一个人内在修养和素质的外在表现。从交际的角度来看,礼仪可以说是人际交往中适用的一种艺术、一种交际方式或交际方法,是人际交往中约定俗成的示人以尊重、友好的习惯做法.。从传播的角度来看,礼仪可以说是在人际交往中进行相互沟通的技巧。,中西方餐桌礼仪,Table Manners 餐桌礼仪,Culture,background,behaviors,cultivation文化,背景,行为,修养Job interview is carried out during lunch工作面试在午餐中进行,餐桌礼仪归结为以下几点:,1 入座的礼仪,2 进餐时的礼仪,3 离席时的礼仪,Seating 座位,Name tag 姓名牌Open the chair for the lady who sits on your right hand side为坐在你右手边的女士拿开椅子让她上座Sit on her left hand side坐在她的左手边Good posture 良好坐姿Keep your hands on the lap 把手放在大腿上,先请客人入座上席,再请长者入座客人旁依次入座;入座时要从椅子左边进入,入座后不要动筷子,更不要弄 出什么响声来,也不要起身走动;如果有什么事要向主人打招呼。,入座的礼仪,入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘,或将手放在邻座椅背上。,入座的位置,中方 客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为首席,相对首座为二座,首座之下为三座,二座之下为四座。西方一般说来,面对门的离门最远的那个座位是女主人的,与之相对的是男主人的座位。女主人右手边的座位是第一主宾席,一般是位先生;男主人右边的座位是第二主宾席、一般是主宾的夫人。女主人左边的座位是第三主宾席,男主人的左边的座位是第四主宾席。,9,总体原则:“以右为尊”、“以远为上”、“面朝大门为尊”,圆桌 正对大门的为首席,上位左右手边的位置,则以离首席的距离来看,越靠近首席位置越尊,相同距离则右侧尊于左侧。八仙桌 如果有正对大门的座位,则正对大门一侧的右位为首席。如果不正对大门,则面东的一侧右席为首席。,座位的安排,10,大宴 桌与桌间的排列讲究首席居前居中,右边依次2、4、6席,左边为3、5、7席,根据主客身份、地位,亲疏分坐。,主人:提前到达,然后在靠门位置等待,并为来宾引座。宾客:听从东道主安排入座。,总体原则:“以右为尊”、“以远为上”、“面朝大门为尊”,座位的安排,A quick glance at the seating arrangement,12,饭局里的“潜规则”,一、座位的安排二、点菜的技巧和禁忌三、吃和吃相的讲究四、喝酒的讲究五、倒茶的学问六、中途离席七、酒宴上的礼仪,13,点菜时间 如果时间允许,应该等大多数客人到齐之后,将菜单供客人传阅,并请他们来点菜。点菜人员主人宾客,14,点菜原则看人员组成:人均一菜是较通用的规则;看菜肴组合:有荤有素,有冷有热,尽量做到全面;看宴请的重要程度:普通宴请和高级宴请;注意事项:点菜时不要问价格,不要讨价还价。,15,点菜指导三优四忌,优先考虑的菜肴 一、有中餐特色的菜肴。二、有本地特色的菜肴。三、本餐馆的特色菜。饮食禁忌 一、宗教的饮食禁忌。二、出于健康的原因。三、不同地区,人们的饮食偏好往往不同。四、有些职业,出于某种原因,在餐饮方面往往也有各 自不同的特殊禁忌。,Place Setting餐桌摆设,Plates 盘子Utensils/Cutlery 餐具Glasses 杯子Napkin 餐巾Pepper and salt shakers,bread basket,butter tray胡椒瓶,盐瓶,面包篮,黄油碟 Would you please pass the 麻烦你传一下,A quick glance at the table setting,中方餐具,中方餐具主要有杯子、盘子、碗、碟子、筷子、匙羹等几种。,西方餐具,西方餐具主要包括刀、叉、匙、盘、杯等。刀又分为食用刀、鱼刀、肉刀、奶油刀、水果刀;叉又分为食用叉、鱼叉、龙虾叉;公用刀叉的规格一般大于使用刀叉。匙又分汤匙、茶匙等;杯的种类更多,茶杯、咖啡杯为 瓷器,并配小碟;水杯,酒杯多为玻璃制品。,上菜顺序,中方 汤、菜 主食 餐酒 水果,西方 菜 水果 餐酒 主食 甜点、咖啡,Please use your fork and knife.請使用自己的刀叉,Please use the serving spoons to get more food.請用公筷母匙夾取食物,Please eat your soup first.飯前先喝湯,No slurping.喝湯不能發出聲音,No burping.打嗝不能發出聲音,西方用餐的戒条六条,其一、不允许进餐时发出声响。其二、不允许替他人取菜。其三、不允许吸烟。其四、不允许向别人劝酒。其五、不允许当众脱衣解带。其六、不允许议论令人作呕之事。,Table Manners,Youre not supposedto talk at the table.,The youngest person is not supposed to start eating first.,Table Manners,You are supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.,Youre not supposed to eat with your hands,Number the pictures in the orderSatoshi talks about them.,4,2,3,1,stick your chopsticks into your food,point at anyone with your chopsticks,make a noise while eating noodles,eat or drink while walking down the street,Good!Good!Very Delicious!,当街吃东西,是不礼貌的,进餐的礼仪,中方筵席中暂时停餐,可以把筷子直搁在碟子或者调羹上。如果将筷子横搁在碟子上,那是表示酒醉饭饱不再进膳了。,请客人、长者动筷子。夹菜时每次少一些,离自己远的菜就少吃一些。吃饭时不要出声音;喝汤时不要出声响,用汤匙一小口一小口地喝,不宜把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时不要一边吹一边喝,等凉了以后再喝。有的人吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.特别是使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清晰的声音来.这种做法是不合礼仪要求的,特别是和众人一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象。进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音。如果出现打喷嚏、肠鸣等不由自主的声响时,就要说一声“真不好意思”、“对不起”、“请原凉”之类的话,以示歉意。,如果要给客人或长辈布菜.最好用公筷.也可以把离客人或长辈远的菜肴送到他们跟前,按我们中华民族的习惯.菜是一个一个往上端的.如果同桌有领导,老人,客人的话.每当上来一个新菜时就请他们先动筷子.或着轮流请他们先动筷子.以表示对他们的重视.,吃到鱼头,鱼刺,骨头等物时,不要往外面吐,也不要往地上仍.要慢慢用手拿到自己的碟子里,或放在紧靠自己餐桌边或放在事先准备好的纸上,要适时地抽空和左右的人聊几句风趣的话,以调和气氛.不要光着头吃饭,不管别人,也不要狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,更不要贪杯.最好不要在餐桌上剔牙.如果要剔牙时,就要用餐巾或手挡住自己的嘴巴.,一先请客人入座上席在请长者入座客人旁依次入座,入座时要从椅子左边进入,第二,进餐先请客人.夹菜时每次少些.吃饭、喝汤时不要出声.喝汤用汤匙小口喝,发出很清晰的声音来.这种做法是不合礼仪要求的.,第三:要适时地和左右的人聊几句风趣的话.不要不管别人,也不要狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,更不要贪杯.,Napkin(1)餐巾,Dont touch anything if the host says“lets say grace”如果主人要祈祷,低下头,什么也不要做Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap打开餐巾,对叠,放在大腿上Use the napkin to gently wipe your mouth.Dont blow your nose into your napkin餐巾只用作轻擦嘴边。不可用来擦鼻子,Napkin(2)餐巾,Place the napkin on the arm/back of the chair if you need to be excused如要离座,把餐巾放在椅柄/背上After completion,place the soiled napkin at the left of your place setting用餐完毕,把用过的餐巾放在摆设的左手边,Utensils 餐具,Knife,fork,spoon 刀,叉,勺儿Work from outside in 由外到内Resting separate the knife and fork on the plate,blades facing in/prongs down暂停进食-把刀和叉分开放在盘子上,刀锋向内,叉尖向下Done place the knife and fork paralleled on the plate blades facing in/prongs up用餐完毕-把刀和叉平衡放在盘子上,刀锋向内,叉尖向上,西方进餐礼仪 餐巾篇,餐巾摊开应该放何处?,餐巾万一不小心滑下去怎么办?,西方进餐礼仪 餐巾篇,想擦嘴时该怎么办?,错误:用纸巾擦。正确:要用餐巾擦拭,餐巾有分正反面,通常有印该店LOGO的为正面,要用反折的内侧来擦,擦完盖在餐巾内侧不外露,如果整条布都擦得脏兮兮,就请服务生再换一条。,西方进餐礼仪 餐巾篇,暂时离席餐巾放哪里?,将餐巾放在座位上。,西方进餐礼仪 餐巾篇,用餐完毕准备离席,餐巾应该放在哪里?,折好放置于桌上。,西方进餐礼仪 餐巾篇,吃西餐时右手拿刀,左手拿叉。使用刀叉时,左手用叉用力固定食物,同时移动右手的刀切割食物。用餐中暂时离开,要把刀叉呈八字形摆放,尽量将柄放入餐盘内,刀口向内;用餐结束或不想吃了,刀口向内、叉齿向上,刀右叉左地并排纵放,或者刀上叉下地并排横放在餐盘里。,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉的使用,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉的使用,西方进餐礼仪 中途离席时刀叉的正确摆法,刀叉该如何拿?,刀叉的使用,应该右手持刀,左手持叉,使用时叉齿朝下,以拇指与中指握住刀叉柄、食指下压控制力道。,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉篇,使用刀子切食物,先将刀子轻轻推向前,再用力拉回并向下切,这样就不会发出刺耳声音了。,切法,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉篇,叉法,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉篇,吃到中途离席,刀叉该如何放?,应该把刀叉朝八字型放置,刀口朝内、叉齿朝下。,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉篇,吃完后,刀叉该如何放?,左:应放在四点钟位置。右:应将刀叉重迭,这样方便服务生 收时,不至于因为刀叉碰撞而发 出声响,或是刀叉掉落的意外。,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉篇,吃完后,刀叉该如何放?,左:应放在四点钟位置。右:应将刀叉重迭,这样方便服务生 收时,不至于因为刀叉碰撞而发 出声响,或是刀叉掉落的意外。,西方进餐礼仪 刀叉篇,Bread or Roll 面包,Break the bread with your fingers into small piece small enough for one bite,butter it用手指把面包一小块的撕开来,涂黄油Do not butter the entire piece of bread at one time不要把整块面包涂上黄油,位置:,通常主菜未上桌前,服务生会先提供餐包,放的位置一定是在主菜左侧,所以餐具左侧的面包是属于你的,不要拿错。吃面包时,直接在面包盘上剥开、涂抹奶油,否则离开面包盘,面包屑容易掉得满桌都是,不易收拾。,西方进餐礼仪 面包篇,涂抹法:,应把面包撕成小口后再涂奶油,一口量放入口中咀嚼。涂抹时要使用个人的奶油刀,如无附奶油刀,可使用料理用刀。有些餐厅会提供橄榄油,先把橄榄油倒少许在碟子里,面包同样撕成一小口,沾橄榄油而食。也可以在用餐过程,向服务生要面包来沾取主餐的酱汁,代表主厨的料理美味。,西方进餐礼仪 面包篇,主食该怎切?,将骨头吐到餐纸上,再将骨头包覆在纸内,这样才不会带给主人难堪。,无论是香肠或排类,要切成一口大小食用,由左至右切,且要吃时再切。,吃到不好吃的东西或骨头,该怎么办?,西方进餐礼仪 面包篇,西方进餐礼仪 喝汤篇,西方进餐礼仪 酒杯篇,Drink 饮料,Dont start drinking the wine until the host says“cheer”在主人家说“举杯”前,不要喝酒Hold the glass stem and sip举杯时拿着杯的下半部细啜No bottoms up except drinking beer除了喝啤酒,一般都不会干杯No drinking and eating at the same time不要同时进食和喝饮料,Wine 酒,Say“when”何时够Champagne chilled 香槟 冰镇White wine chilled 白葡萄酒 冰镇Seafood/Poultry 海鲜/家禽Red wine room temperature 红葡萄酒 室温Red meat(pork,beef)红肉(猪,牛)Dont add ice on the above 以上酒类不要加冰Brandy,whisky,dessert wine 白兰地,威士忌,餐后酒,西方进餐礼仪 酒杯篇,酒桌上你应注意的小细节,82,1、领导相互喝完才轮到自己敬酒。敬酒一定要站起来,双手举杯;2、可以多人敬一人,决不可一人敬多人;3、自己敬别人,如果不碰杯,自己喝多少可视乎情况而定;4、自己敬别人,如果碰杯,一句,我喝完,你随意,方显大度。5、多给领导或客户添酒,不要瞎给领导代酒;,83,酒桌上你应注意的小细节,6、端起酒杯(啤酒杯),右手扼杯,左手垫杯底,记着自己的杯子永远低于别人。7、如果没有特殊人物在场,碰酒最好按时针顺序,不要厚此薄彼。8、碰杯,敬酒,要有说词;9、桌面上不谈生意;10、遇到酒不够的情况,酒瓶放在桌子中间,让人自己添。,倒茶的学问,84,首先,茶具要清洁。其次,茶水要适量。再次,端茶要得法。最后,要及时添茶。,咖啡文化,咖啡配料,咖啡砂糖和甜味剂,1995年日本最大的咖啡公司UCC上岛咖啡与印尼苏门答腊最大咖啡商PT Gunung Lintong合作他们在亚洲的第一个曼特宁咖啡农场,足以显示曼特宁的重要地位。摩 卡 摩卡咖啡产于埃塞俄比亚,此品种的豆子较小而香气甚浓,拥有独特的酸味和柑橘的清香气息,更为芳香迷人,而且甘醇中带有令人陶醉的丰润余味,独特的香气以及柔和的酸、甘味。巴 西 从盛产咖啡豆的巴西精选的极品,口感中带有较浓的酸味,配合咖啡的甘苦味,入口极为滑顺,而且又带有淡淡的青草芳香,在清香略带苦味,甘滑顺口,余味能令人舒活畅快。山多士 属于巴西咖啡中的极品,以巴西山圣保罗州多士港口命名的咖啡,其咖啡豆粒大,香味高,有适度的苦味,亦,有高品质的酸度,总体口感柔和,淡美和地酸度,若仔细品尝回味无穷。云南小粒 小粒适宜生长在海拔8001800米的山地上,若海拔太高则味酸,太低则味苦。小粒咖啡多数植于海拔1100米左有的干热河谷地区,所以酸味适中,香味浓郁且醇和。品种:铁毕卡(Typica)和波邦(Bourbon)这两个经典的优质咖啡品种为云南咖啡主要栽培品种。,经典花式咖啡,Menu 菜单,Set menu/Alacarte 预定菜单/点菜Starter/appetizer/entre 头盘Salad/soup/oysters/mini pizza 沙拉/汤/蚝/小批萨 Main course 主菜Poultry/seafood/beef/pork/pasta Side dish vegetables/potatoes/rice Dessert 甜品Coffee or tea 咖啡或茶,Steak 牛扒,Well done 全熟100%forehead 前额Medium半生熟 75%cheek 脸颊Medium rare 半生 50%chin 下巴Rare 生 25%Raw 全生 0%Tartar,capaccio,Sharing Food 分甘同味,If the others are willing to share除非别人愿意分享Request additional small plates and clean utensils for dividing the shared food向服务员多要一份餐具和小盘子放分享的食物,Food you cant swallow咽不下的食物,Remove the food with your fork and put in on your place用叉把食物从口中拿出来方在盘子上Try to cover it with vegetables尽量用蔬菜盖住,Dont(1)不要,Slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles喝汤和吃面条时发出声音Keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里Talk with your mouth full满口食物时讲话Chew with your mouth opened咬食物时把嘴巴张开,Dont(2)不要,Burp/Hiccup 打嗝Use your tongue to remove the residues in between your teeth用舌尖在牙缝中找食物Shake your leg underneath the table 摇/抖腿Keep your elbows on the table 肘子放在桌上Apply lipstick at the table after a meal 加口红,西餐礼仪,(1)用餐时,肘臂不可张开也不可放置桌上,以免妨碍他人进食。(2)口布乃用于擦口与手指,不是手帕,不可用于擦脸及头发。(3)餐巾:用餐前应先将餐巾布打开置放于大腿上,以承挡可能掉落的食 物,切忌围在脖子、塞在领口或皮带内。(4)西餐餐具使用顺序应由外而内,每种餐具只使用乙次,用毕后应向右 斜放(用完主菜后刀叉同时并列)在餐盘上。(5)取食面包,应用左手持面包,右手撕下小块入口,切忌用牙撕咬。需 要涂抹奶油或果酱时,要把面包放在碟子上,以奶油刀涂抹后,再用 右手撕食。(6)汤匙用完不要留在汤杯、汤碗或汤盘中,应放在盘上或托碟上。(7)食用色拉应用小叉;食用面条时,可用叉子卷食,切不可一部份入 口,一部份吸食。,1、用餐时不要把手肘放在桌子上。2、姿态要保持安静,切勿抖腿、踢脚。3、餐桌上不可化妆或梳理头发。4、餐桌上不可宽衣解带。5、避免口中含有食物时说话或饮用酒水。6、不要在餐桌上打呵欠。7、用过的刀、叉等器具不要再放回桌上。8、食物残渣或骨头等不能弃置在桌上,应 该放在盘子上。9、忌讳用自己的餐具为他人来布菜。,西餐餐桌禁忌,Haibara Ai,中国篇:最后离席时.必须向主人表示感谢.或者就此时邀请主人以后到自己家做客,以示回敬。,谢谢您的热情招待,欢迎您及家人有空到我家做客。,主人,客人,离席时的礼仪,Meal Management,Types of Menu:(Click to find out),Table dhote,A la carte,Buffet,Next Slide,Meal Management,Table dhote is literally translated as Table of the host.This term indicates a set meal,usually with 3 or 4 courses,with at least one choice in each course non-vegetarian and vegetarian,Back,Meal Management,A la Carte is literally translated as From the card.This is the type of menu we are most familiar with.There is a list of items for each course,each one separately priced.You order item-wise.There is a waiting period before your order arrives at the table.Remember,you have to pay for each dish you ask for,Back,Meal Management,Buffet is a display of a selection of items.There is a charge for the meal(as opposed to separate items)and you help yourself to whatever you wish,with as many returns/helpings as you like,Back,Time for a quick Etiquette test.Lets find out how you fare on the Etiquettogram!,Meal Management,MANAGING SOUPQ:Should I spoon soup away from myself?,Click here for more!,A:Yes,you spoon soup away from you.,MANAGING SOUPQ:Is it correct to say,I have eaten my soup?,Click here for more!,Meal Management,A:Yes,soup is eaten;it is inappropriate to use drink when referring to soup,no matter how clear the soup might be.,Meal Management,MANAGING SOUPQ:Should I sip from the edge of the soup spoon?,Click here for more!,A:Yes,you should sip from the edge of the soup spoon.,Meal Management,MANAGING SOUPQ:Can I blow on the soup while having it?,Click here for more!,A:No,you should not blow on the soup while having it.,Meal Management,MANAGING SOUP Q:As I reach the last part of my soup,in which direction must I tilt the soup bowl/cup?,Click here for more!,A:On reaching the lower part of the bowl,tip the bowl away from you and get the soup into your spoon with an in-to-out motion.,MANAGING SOUPQ:To show that I am not yet through with my soup,where should I place my soup spoon?,Click here for more!,Meal Management,A:In the soup bowl.,Meal Management,Click here for more!,A:Never leave your spoon in the soup cup or bowl;place it on the saucer,MANAGING SOUPQ:Where should I place the spoon after finishing my soup?,Meal Management,MANAGING SOUPQ:Is it all right if I slurp or make noises when eating my soup?,Click here for more!,A:No,it is inappropriate to slurp or make noises when eating your soup.,Meal Management,MANAGING SALADSQ:Should I use a spoon to eat my salad?,Click here for more!,A:No,you should use a fork and not a spoon to eat your salad.,Meal Management,MANAGING BREAD SELECTIONQ:How do I manage buttering my bun?,Click here for more!,A:Break the bun into small bite-sized pieces and butter each piece as needed.,Meal Management,MANAGING TEA/COFFEEQ:Is it correct to ask for black tea?If not,what is the correct alternative?,A:Tea is never termed black the appropriate terminology is with milk,without milk or with lemon.When coffee is had without milk,it may be termed black.,Click here for more!,Meal Management,MANAGING TEA/COFFEEQ:Where should I place the teaspoon after stirring?,Click here for more!,A:You should place the teaspoon on the saucer after stirring.,Meal Management,MANAGING TEA/COFFEEQ:Can I pour tea into the saucer?,Click here for more!,A:Never pour tea into a saucer to drink.,Meal Management,MANAGING TEA/COFFEEQ:Is it all right if I slurp,blow into the tea cup or make noise when drinking?,Click here for more!,A:No,it is not appropriate to slurp,blow into the tea cup or make noise when drinking.,That must have provided some REAL informationCheck your scores:If 0-5:Time to take action!5-10:A little more effort,and you shall see the difference!Above 10:Keep up the good work!,OK,here are some more tips to keep in mind when dining out,Sit straight with both feet on the floor,legs togetherElbows never on the tableSpeak softly to those nearest to youThank the waiter only once or twiceTip well,Enquire from the host/hostess about dress code for the function invitedAbide by local customs/religious practices of host/hostessMen should assist ladies to be seated by pulling out the chair,You should avoid this while dining,Placing your handbag/purse on the tableGesturing with your knife or spoonPutting food into your mouth with a knifeChomping your foodTalking with your mouth fullWiping your mouth with your hand when holding a knife/fork,Reaching across people to get a dish.Instead ask for it to be passed to youPlaying with the cutlery around youWiping your face with the napkinApplying lipstick at the tableSmoking(unless the host gives the lead),You should avoid this while dining,Now,lets look at some of the dilemmas that we often faceFind answers to your doubts here!,When in doubt,ask Eti!,Q.Is it considered rude to take a sip of my drink while still chewing?A.It is considered good manners to wait until you have finished chewing and have swallowed your food before taking a sip of your beverage.Q.What is the correct position for a coffee cup in a formal place setting?A:The coffee cup and saucer is placed to the right of the place setting,to the right of the farthest utensil.Since most people are right-handed,the handle should face to the right.,Q.After the completion of a formal dinner,where do I place the utensils?A.Place the knife and fork parallel to one another across the plate with the knife blade facing inward toward the plate.Q.How should I fold a large napkin before placing it on my lap?Do I wait for the food to arrive before picking up the napkin from the table?A.Large dinner napkins should be folded in half after opening and before placing on ones lap.It is appropriate to pick up the napkin as soon as you are seated,unfold it and place it on your lap.,When in doubt,ask Eti!,Q.Where should I put my napkin at the completion of the meal?A.Once you are done eating,carefully place the napkin at the right of your place setting or if the plates have been cleared,place the napkin in the center without actually refolding to original state.Q.If I want to be excused from the table for a few minutes but have not yet finished my meal,where should I leave my napkin?A.When briefly leaving the table mid-meal,place your napkin on the chair to indicate to the server that you will be returning soon.,When in doubt,ask Eti!,Q.When should the host/hostess of a dinner party be served?A.The host/hostess of a dinner party should be the last one served.If the meal is getting cold,the host/hostess may state something to the effect,“Please begin while the food is still warm.”Q.At a formal dinner party,how do I properly serve and remove the dishes and glasses?A.When entertaining formally,dishes are presented or served at guests left and removed from the right side.Glasses are filled from the right.,When in doubt,ask Eti!,Q.What direction should food be passed at the table?A.Food shou


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