安装AE蓝宝石插件Genarts sapphire.docx
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安装AE蓝宝石插件Genarts sapphire.docx
AE插件【原创!】手把手教你安装AE蓝宝石插件Genarts sapphiresapphire,蓝宝石,Genarts,手把手,插件蓝宝石插件再经典不过了,可是发布了以后很多朋友不会安装,还是会出现红叉,这个是 因为没有注册的原因。Genarts sapphire插件注册确实比较繁琐,今天我手把手教你如何 安装破解,你一定可以学会!编辑了很久,希望朋友们转载的时候注明出处,来自“新CG儿数字艺术分享乐园 http:/www.NewCG”下载AE蓝宝石插件Genarts sapphire2.09和注册机的地址在 件,这里我就不多说了,同样我这个教程不需注册也可以观看,觉得有用的朋友就顶一下 吧相 EA E 插件 J。K-sapph ire 姑叩 p h 1日xfsapph ire_keygen.exe1.下载过来后是这几个文件,点击“sapphire-ae-install-2.09.exe”开始安装sapp hine-Be-instBlI-Z. 0 9. exe GenArts Sapphire Plug-ins for Aft. GenArts. Inc.进入 NewCGeInternet快捷方式I kb2.点击“ NEXT ”继续3.选择 “I accept the agreement”,然后点击 “NEXT”继续4.选择安装位置,请记住一定要安装在Plug-ins文件夹中,然后点击“NEXT”继续5.按默认的来不管它,然后点击“NEXT”继续Setup will install config files and documentation into ihe following folder. Plug-ins will airtomatically ba copied to the appropriate folders iorvourhost applications. Do not select your pljgdn folder hene.To continue-, click Next. If you would like to select a diffene;ii1older, dick Browse.j-Proqiwn RiesenArfaSapphireAElBrowse.处 least 32.4 MB of free disk space is required.4 Back6.直接点击“Install”进行安装Q Setup - GenArts Sapphire Plug-ins for After Effects七三叫-回Ready to InstallSetup is now neadyto begin installing GenetsSapphire Plug-ins for 朋er Effects.1b QENa4-0dick Install to continue with the installation, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings.Destination location:C:Pragram Filesen.-TfisVSapphireAET47. 然后就开始安装了,稍微等一小会儿吧臼 Setup - GenArts Sapphire Phg-ins for After EffectsInstallingPlease wait while Setup installs Sappliine Plugdns for .ifter Effects and compatible products.Extracting files.C:X. .XGen.sXSapphineAExSapphine Plug-ins'Sapphine Render'sSextuneTiles .aexWWW8. 选择最后一个,点击“OK”继续9. 然后打开我们下载过来的文件中的注册机xf-sapphire_keygen.exe,这个注册机是蓝宝 石插件sapphire2.07-2.09的通用注册机盾件 L。K-5apphirenpph ire5apphire-ae-in5tall-2.09.exe GenArts Sapphire Plug-ins for Aft,J GenArt5y Inc.进 ANewCGer Internee快捷方式1 KB10. 打开后可能电脑的杀毒软件会把这个注册机误认为是病毒,几乎所有的插件都会被报毒-所以我们无视它,继续运行这个注册机11. 先点击下面的大按钮生成安装密码,然后出现箭头所示的这一串符号12. 然后把这一串符号拷贝到下图所示的地方,选择第二个,点击“Submit”继续,至于上 面那些信息可以随便写的13. 复制这里的机器号和密码到注册机的如图所示位置,点击右边的大按钮生成“InstallCode”l. 口 i l.Register Install info for GenArts Sapphire Plu-g-insName:IdgfsegEmail:ghhCompany:|affghjxdEfMachine Na me: WWW-04 ADDS FFF7 CPrimary Host:After EffectsSerial Number:a-3kle-e5ts-pya7-hilqq-x:14fe bl-8 -iu-ru - h 5COS:WindowsMachine ID:OOLC2306135&Request code:Sivktac-grhnOn any machine with a ieb bn>wserr goto:http:wivifj .gena rts. corn/inEta Ikauthorize.litmland enter the inforn'iation ab&ve to obtain your authorization code.Enter thzt here:'B=ackPrintSubmitCloseIf /ou do not have access to any web brciwerF you can co-ntact GenArtsaSSwwI . ew* ewcSrnsupport 壮 1-617-492-23SB for help processing14.复制这个“Install Code”到下图所示位置,然后点击“Submit”继续Nam:|dgfeegEmail;|ghhfgg.mmComp any:|gffghjxd sfMachine Nme: wWW-gMD9FFF7匚Primary Host:(After EffectsSerial Number: 1 a-3kle-eSts-pyi7-h 1 qq-xl4feblS-iu-ni-h5OS:WindowM'S chine ID;|00Lc230S1358:Request code:|6iktac-grhnOn any ma ch ine wrth a web Lro Arserr go- to:http:/w wa1 .genarts.ccirn/install uth orize. htm Iand enter the information above to obtain vour authorization code.www?. ew . enfconnIf you do not nave access to any web brovr5err you can contact GenArtssupport at 1-617-4-92-2&98 for help processing th15.然后就会弹出安装成功的提示,点击“确定”16.最后点击“ Finish ”安装完成收藏分享§ § § § §