福建师大附中 张峰,1,Describing a person by using languageReading,thinking&writingUnits 1&2,SB 4,福建师大附中 张峰,2,Today in this period we are going to:1.Read two passages and find some facts about two great scientists.2.Analyse the facts and get to know what kind of the person she was or he is.3.Learn how to describe a person by using one of the given characters.,What do you know about Lin Qiaozhi?,福建师大附中 张峰,3,福建师大附中 张峰,4,Facts about Lin Qiaozhi:,1:a specialist in womens illness;2:devote all her life to medical work for Chinese women;3:be busy in her chosen career(travel abroad to study/write books and articles);4:it was hard work and determination as her gentle nature that got her into medical school5:what made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients;6:deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her,though tired after a days work;7:didnt have a family of her own8:about 50,000 babies were safely delivered9:give some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean,healthy and free from sickness,福建师大附中 张峰,5,Examples:He never fails to turn up when his classmates needs his help.From the fact:we know that he is helpful.No maths problem the teacher has provided till now can puzzle him.From the fact:we know that he is intelligent.,福建师大附中 张峰,6,Facts about Lin Qiaozhi:,1:a specialist in womens illness;2:devote all her life to medical work for Chinese women;3:be busy in her chosen career(travel abroad to study/write books and articles);4:it was hard work and determination as her gentle nature that got her into medical school5:what made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients;6:deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her,though tired after a days work;7:didnt have a family of her own8:about 50,000 babies were safely delivered9:give some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean,healthy and free from sickness,福建师大附中 张峰,7,hard-working;determined;unselfish/generous;helpful;,With the words,find the facts about Mr Yuan in the 2nd text.,福建师大附中 张峰,8,Homework 1.Continue writing two-three facts about the character you have chosen.2.Then please write two or three facts about the characters you have learned today except the ones you have chosen to do in class.3.Do remember to bring your homework along tomorrow.,福建师大附中 张峰,9,Many thanks for your attentive listening.,