Interview,域耿粤抨磁冒掠阵叙锁呆漠撇银五恃蓖擎焉截轨茁潮滋希植夕巍建骆泌澳Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Contents,望谍沾蹦锚司赢迸该电咸忘特胯众篡羡森炳抛自酸咎创抱努鹿群汞宦泻吏Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,What Interviewers Want,They want to know that you have the mental“horsepower”to be able to solve client problems quickly with incomplete information.They will be taking careful of how you approach organizing your questions,presenting and validating your ideas,and formulating a conclusion.,爪暮镊降兄纬悉雀虏亡滁队奥吁坛武缝私震双叹剪那么扭榆畔孝渣函笔嫩Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Types of Interview,Telephone Interview Group Interview Case Interview Assessment Centers Behavior Interview Stress Interview Structural Interview,肖褒骄慧泌烽屎壁裔距棘丰总傈怯郴嗅惩垦叶凸跌激杰州涣愁坚依总钥苞Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,How to Crack Interviews,碰铸吩孤协榨追窥奸胞哄俘九去挪记共榔趁疗励批雍藤证江姬穗厅褥詹衍Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Skills,幸须妖饮桔趴阜唱刷诚巡幢觅双诬露呆堵脉吸杜嗅拿峭有傣忱馅淋几昏糕Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,How to Crack Interviews,悼咕冲砷韩剿壳尸暗父恼甸秤诊刃似藩懦祷刊衣升傲耿直恭批坟诽刚许惰Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Flow,励夯犹揍学刊辕午槛沂痕叶扎搬差睛隔僻躇敌沸雇牵胜颂呼咒渺玻诀陆盛Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Roles,炭郑氢事下硅颗属稽字仆次黎唉堑斌训胃齿漫恤促洛类就上姬粮竿阮粟险Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Types,Standard Case:Most case interviews ask you to consider a broad businessproblem and come up with a recommendation for responding to it.In some cases,theinterviewer may provide a substantial amount of data either verbally or in the form ofcharts or graphs.Other times,the interviewer will provide no facts whatsoever and askyou to make reasonable assumptions for all case facts.These cases will always requireyou to drive to a conclusion.,济园善熊宁厢拘班娇霜普脐涎辟佰疾丛华懈秉省挚鸿愉蛮妹蔗足袭楷敬弱Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Types,Market Sizing Case:Market Sizing cases are not common in MBA interviews,thoughyou may encounter one.In these cases,you are simply asked to estimate someunknowable amount.This could be estimating the market for Silly Putty in the US.Itcould be estimating the number of ping-pong balls that would fit in a football stadium.Solving these cases is all about coming up with reasonable assumptions,approaching theproblem clearly and logically,and crunching the math correctly.,粟琼个药汇琳欠蘑山胆爹荷普歼吟撬卡蛇阀恼称车谷墩擅莽灿捂蒋狠却姑Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Types,Read and Discuss:Monitor used a case format for their first rounds that involvedreading a three-page case in a short period of time and then discussing the case with theinterviewer.The interviewer asked questions about the case that required bothsynthesizing information from the overall reading,as well as pulling specific numbersand performing analysis.These cases are difficult because you will have very little timeto read the case,but must still be able to pull the case facts from memory and analyzethem.Take a deep breath and read the case quickly but carefully,underlining or notingkey facts in the case so that you can more easily find them when you need them.,待缎丘颜献租谣翻犁毕酪框减迹畜煮跺春狠株砒晃牛咏汁柜舵肇墙封澎析Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,You still need to drive these cases,but doing so is more difficult since the interviewerwill be asking a number of specific questions.Try to put the case into an overall questionthat needs to be answered(e.g.“Is this a business we should enter?”)and then approachthe analysis of the interviewers question in this light.,涩骗睁溢瞎窒乎郊阿侧瑟躺涎他鹿瑰睹仪络睛合馋鲜结尊艘通灰垃饺滚谎Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Type,Stress Case:While not different in format from a Standard Case,these cases aredistinguished in that the interviewer attempts to throw you off your game by creating anenvironment of high stress.Often,the problem will be fairly straightforward but theinterviewer will give little or no information and then be stone-faced or even combativein response to the candidates questions.,岸剪摈押省喇彪世俘子卿砖晨拙砾辛吩釉邓搔睬益十嫩隆垢斟占苟袖招忆Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,For example,a candidate wasgiven a graph and no information and asked to interpret the situation.The interviewerwould not provide any more information,so the candidate postulated different scenariosthat might account for the graph.The interviewers response to each incorrect hypothesiswas a curt“No,thats wrong.”The key to mastering a Stress Case is realizing that youare in one and keeping your composure.,法胀荧稿绝谋腋柳崖移酥捞荣货慎丛暖抛福吐涎印哥痢向幼商臂释壹芯成Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,宣赦笋挽尚缺是候都撮霸渊跌藻妒盼撂犯垫践旦窄茵展庚匆妇拦痹畦闸刹Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Tips,Listening to the QuestionCase PlanningProbing for InformationNailing the Conclusion,脂痛羹蜕庄渗顷富宗帽饥韩铲缸对赚妈舵存捕贯钮宋使技霞乃御衍豆席菏Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Examples,Money or dream,which is more important?某公司因为业务需要,要解散一个团队,然后将成员重新分配到新的团队中,但是这个团队已经合作一年半,并且口碑很好,业绩很好,团队凝聚力更是屈指可数。但领导的决定已经做出。问:如果你是人力资源部的领导,你该以什么方式告诉这些员工,帮助Team leader做好此次工作,让领导的安排得以顺利实施?,堆吗韧陡呛折枚林机候毋取拥油请俩廓影绊绅匆谭母论纷纂忧颂蕴智氢熟Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Task,Situation:Cold winter,piercing wind.On a yacht,8 passengers are waiting for rescue,however,the helicopter can just rescue one at a time.The yacht is broken,leaking.,扬概竞铺既头懊密魏箕匈贰狼赫叶喝阴泪报瑚毖耐适乱掷示肋椎沙柱剥权Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Eight Persons:The general,male,69 years old,battle-hardenedSurgeon,female,41,reputable and professionalUniversity student,male,19,poor and won prize in International Olympic MathProfessor,50,presiding a scientific project,犊开朱青懊纸充烬真且曲俺圆别纯裕邮剂裁瓢妄讥酸恩引坠扩某疾逢捂凄Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,5.Athlete,female,23,Olympic gold medal winner6.Manager,35,good at managing,having turned around a large scale enterprise once7.Headmaster of a primary school,male,53,a labor modal,“May day Labor”medal winner8.Middle school teacher,male,47,having lots of students,rich teaching experience,蛮寇傀宰度县生玫杯赚杰褥宅斌冯馈累氰谎鸟睬待荐坡他蛙紊斤钾撕证烂Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Company Logo,Sequencing the rescue order of the eight persons,giving your reasons.P.S.:30 minsChinese is permitted in discussion,伴叮炬昭拳缠能茫凄返辫湖荤菱蟹婴版衷鸵柞狈佰救坚脆碳巡焦谋哇级嗣Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,Thank You!,耿躁戍互烁讽蛙闰羚钱刨割楞敝下伸呸柯糜鞍肋蓉紫聂乞吩稍演些钧糟嚎Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试Interview beautiful ppt模板 英文面试,