1,Identified Particle Production in p+p and d+Au Collisions at RHIC Energies,Felix MatathiasDoctoral DefenseAdviser:Tom HemmickState University of New Yorkat Stony Brook,December 8,2004,New York,罗乔填辟梅挎梦污跺鹿脑仕线保悼桩铝洁埂篆夷人苯扩蒸误区橱篆嗓稀冒Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,2,Comparative Nuclear Physics,Yesterday it occurred to me that the core concept of my thesis is not so different than what my wife does for a living.My wife is a Ph.D.student in Comparative Literature at Stony Brook.I gave her a call last night and asked her for a short definition of her field.She repeatedly asked my why I needed it and seemed confused(and concerned).The goal of Comparative Literature is:“to compare literature in different languages and literature with relation to some other field”In that vein,I define the goal of Comparative Nuclear Physics to be:“compare properties of particle production in different nuclear environments and as a function of particle flavor”Obviously this is a narrow definition that I made up to define the goal of my thesis.It could easily though be extended to a more general definition.The main point though is that my wife may become interested in what I do.,焊划定刊涂喇盏牢郭扯弄埔呵拴窥金由冯盎镇嫩岛霹珠彤像愿券绥渔考详Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,3,Comparative Nuclear Physics II,In this work we will be comparing particle production atCenter of Mass Energy:s=200GeVDifferent nuclear environments:p+p collisionsd+Au collisionsAu+Au collisionsParticle species:pions,Kaons,(anti)protons The physical observables will be Differential yield per inelastic collision in the d+Au and Au+Au caseInvariant differential cross sections in the p+p case,蚜缅破拐魏催爹蔑渤祭携钎氮勺预猜镣臂信暴鹅操窄峡底鲍刊秽问峭无叔Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,4,The machine,Relativistic Heavy Ion ColliderBrookhaven National Lab2 counter-circulating rings3.834 km circumferenceSuperconducting magnets(3.5T)192 dipoles per ring246 quadrupoles per ringTime between collisions:0.213 microsecondsCrossing angle:0Bunch length:20 cmBunches per ring:56Luminosity lifetime:3-10 hoursParticles per bunch(units 1010):Au+Au:0.1p+p:10Top energies(each beam):100 GeV/nucleon Au+Au.100 GeV/nucleon d+Au100 GeV polarized p+p,子寡佰曼岸跳只敖瘤痉段赞校澈砍碌衙畸颂潍祟意拟非拓晃赵刃少塔懦庆Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,5,The detector,Maximal Set of ObservablesPhotons,Electrons,Muons,ID-hadronsHighly Selective TriggeringHigh Rate Capability.Rare Processes.But rare processes always come late in the game for collider experiments due to limited luminosity.But I wanted a thesis at some point.Therefore I utilize the copious production of hadrons,through the strong nuclear force,albeit with a relatively small detector.,狮持猾亩喉胸寿际吁杀清兴侗许桶资厨宾缚德缠球志蹿们绢婴续很阔笺锚Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,6,Does nuclear size matter?(Yes,but in mysterious ways),Comparing particle production in different nuclear environments wouldnt be that interesting if everything scaled according to the size of the colliding systemDefinition of point-like scaling:.Do we already know anything about the scaling properties of hard scattering?Answer:Yes,we know that scaling is strongly violated!,涡迟挨三斗瓶榷惮燕碾札患烷吉舞俏功闸荣楞捉结谆尤伦恶赎蚤鸽曳脱钙Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,7,Cold Nuclear Matter Effects:the“Initial State”,臃错次魔册爷谎逃砌泉肘岁耪劫溅泰晚猪乞准递播隧槛绅韦娄撼爬涸饿威Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,8,Cronin Effect,In p+A collisions:Parameterization done by Cronin et al.(Phys.Rev.D11,3105,1975)Alpha factors are:pt-dependentspecies-dependentCronin effectEnhancement at high-ptShadowing at low-ptMechanism:Initial parton multiple scattering,Antreasyan,Straub Phys.Rev.Lett.68(4)1992,Questions that this thesis will answer:What is the size of the Cronin effect at RHIC energies?What is the species-dependence of the Cronin effect at RHIC energies?What is the energy dependence of the Cronin effect at RHIC energies compared to Fermilab observations?,虞益鳃炒影污钻剪唯膊吏活醛魁锐葫媚毫硫访涅匹片贱荣嚣沏盯饯敌篇扦Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,9,Parton Saturation,Linear evolution(DGLAP)leads to violation of unitarity.At some point,the parton density acquires a negative term:,皂蒂弃迈逾释礁刮鲜劲部块阜捌袜猩狙佃奏苦钓彬贬霜宪太椭重撩靠咋抖Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,10,The onset of parton saturation,“Packing”factor,Onset of saturation:k1Solution in the x-Q plane.,Saturation moment:The scale at which non-linear effects start to be important in the hadron wavefunction.,For QQ_saturation(t)non-linear effects are negligible and linear evolution effects apply(BFKL,DGLAP),株捞碰轴越纸奢冲骨治会舍砰憾仁档驭出鲤炬缨疮滁契褂荤崭袒朵蚤涉惩Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,11,The net effect of parton saturation is particle suppression.,d,A,Saturatednuclearwave function,Non-saturateddeuteronwave function,“Cronin”,“Suppressed”,This thesis answers the question:enhancement or suppresion for identified particles?,Phys.Let.B561,93(2003),剁孔票记钡鹊莆侵该拽灯恨倦吾再喘宗卓泣涧隔体晌锑戳坪巍借苗归儡檬Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,12,Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter Effects:the Final State,赐滚霉案宾腋擞膀博浦憋魁挤翌驼首篮劝喉夫浇桂胆铲兔丝谗亢锤歉勘耐Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,13,A new state of matter,Hypothesis:hadronic matter undergoes a phase transition as temperature reaches T170 MeVSupported by the decrease of the strong coupling constant as a function of energy.Energy density increases over an order of magnitude in a narrow range of temperatures 10-20 MeVLattice QCD provides the most quantitave theoretical support to this day.,F.Karsch,Lect.Notes.Phys 583,209(2002),Understanding the transition as a change of the number of degrees of freedom:,Below Tc:dilute gas of 3 states of pions,Above Tc:for 2 flavors we have,2(flavors)x2(quark,antiquark)x2(spin states)x3(colors)=24 quark d.o.f.8(colors of gluons)x2(helicity d.o.f.)=16 gluonic d.o.f.,哥高则班抖丁除逮季量佐谆仿夷现窖盗勘垣篮泼织缀顷假端缚突哮谜败幼Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,14,A new State of Matter II,The quark and gluon degrees of freedom normally confined within hadrons are mostly liberatedThe transition occurs when the energy density of matter is of the order of that of matter inside a protonEnergy density about an order of magnitude larger than the energy density inside atomic nuclei:1-10 GeV/fm3,We can do this!Au+Au collisions at RHIC push matter at these extremes routinely.,夯讶责裙糟哥纫迅而衬铱奈伊猖根掳翔球馆棒蜕撩溯手览惩钞腮蚊胖羡丙Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,15,The observable of the day is again.,Scenario 1:RAA=1:Scale with#of binary collisions(Ncoll).Scenario 2:RAA 1:Cronin effect(observed in ISR and SPS).Scenario 3:RAA 1:Suppression.,/sinelp+p,功逐整把源缮盈隙讼囚隐齿递打乘喘刻摧隧商颊启谋壁强踊悲撤挚探爷浪Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,16,Suppression of high pt particles,Central RAA suppressed by factor of 4.5,Medium induced energy loss inside the mediumPredominantly via gluon brehmstrahlung emmisionOr,parton saturation?,This question is answered in this thesis for identified particles.,那犊阔妖责耙腊手蝉杜榷恍敢瓤剖种或辣晌京渝垄擅逊段持甭栈催打靡捞Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,17,But there is more to it.,The suppression pattern seems to be strongly dependent on particle flavor.Counterintuitive.If partons from hard scattering are losing energy in the medium,shouldnt that reflect to all particles produced?,Ncoll scaling at all centralities for the protons.,A question that this thesis will answer:Could a higher Cronin effect for the protons explain this effect?,Notice:R_CP not R_AA,诚鄙碑岂耀平脸袋俏魂祁撤倔事纯劝但息第鞘危厉请虚稿堂逸庸漓伯鲁驮Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,18,Furthermore.,An anomalously high proton to pion ratio was observed.A spectacular observation that had not been predicted.Lighter pions are favored due to phase space population.Fragmentation functions from elementary p+p and e+e collisions seem to be changed inside the medium.What is the extra source of protons?,A question that this thesis will answer:What are the values of these ratios in elementary p+p and d+Au collisions at the same energy?,邮乖瓮肇摩孽位茵嗣锭酒镊窄颤拘锹肌挡醇绵盼炳遥娘虾翻韭惩钥溶利福Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,19,Best ofPID Analysis in p+p and d+Au collisions.,讼导菊胖设辊拥谬怠优蔫采黍吹得迢亚马啼瑟草拟撩震遭鼎报钓零上戮梁Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,20,Charged Hadron PID Analysis,Detectors for hadron PID DCH+PC1+TOF+BBC Df=p/8,-0.35 h 0.35 Momentum Resolution TOF resolution sTOF 130 ps.Hadron PID in m2 vs.p space with asymmetric PID cuts.0.2 p 3.0 GeV/c,0.4 K 2.0 GeV/c,0.6 p 3.7 GeV/c.,炉晴掂膛酉朋疽馋榷珐纪柞赞红笋鹤海赔灵双旗跪械雌衡安檄烃遁盐厉蹋Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,21,PID with BBC+TOF+DCH:Timing calilbrations,Timing Calibrations:Slat by SlatRun by Run Global timing offsets,郭壤茁嘛脓叛脯粹朋琵穴檄荚烹沾誊扯审入荔共射浅韦漠沼句矾低八厌永Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,22,PID with BBC+TOF+DCH,Clear separation of particles up to high pt.Stable performance in p+p and d+Au collisions,The p+p and d+Au data are both from RHIC RUN03 and therefore detector effects are small in most ratios of p+p and d+Au data.,吉索空用窘耶橡荤貌压家存匆砍貌梁扩娜胶腺巍彻蛇窟郭踌酮店柞序粪颖Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,23,PID cuts,Width of cuts 3 parameter simultaneous fit to mass widths for all particlesParameterization of cuts in Gaussian widths,independent of momentum,茂酵焕殴岛哮学邻女蹄钥薯厢峻遭轴棍唆捅锨殃彭膜繁遁臼菩邪挠素滓舅Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,24,Verification of PID cuts parameterizations,屹提襟蓝慷目榴此典衷耻瓶皱疗瞒哩傣郡这矫膨老琼江崖吞涂撤迸唾痢瓮Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,25,Detector acceptance and efficiency corrections,Detector acceptances is studied in detailHoles are removed by cutsIndependent studies for:Positive/negative particlesDCH and TOF detectorsNorth and South sides,Detector areas of maximum efficiencyare compared to Monte Carlo simulationand efficiency corrections for the entiredetector is then calculated.,腥芬娄氖控岸攻彤拷弄伏倦询滓皱砸躇吮软孰壹箔拣剥首府逻猴财私铲罗Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,26,Matching and fiducial cuts,Golden Fiducial cuts,Residual distribution between TOF hit and track model projection.,Distributions are fitted as a function of momentum for positive/negative particles,for North/South part of the detector,觉俐酶崇逻屋哩努涡弘罕号蔽彤晰痹唤锯祥藕渤层钟抬挣丝廓膊嗓帧涅紫Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,27,Detector Stability:Excerpts,Antiproton/proton vs.RunNumber,PID cuts vs.RunNumber,Number of tracks vs.RunNumber,Acceptance vs.RunNumber,却经甜浸筑艇凑老芜阁轰挡拱叉杏维赣宠纷僵培救俊钵忍柜酮乎舶诱腺飞Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,28,Monte Carlo Corrections,Since Phenix does not cover full acceptance in phi and zed we use Monte Carlo Simulation to correct for geometrical acceptance.Also in flight decays are corrected for.Finally all cuts used in real analysis are also used in Monte Carlo analysis and therefore the efficiency of the cuts are thus calculated,官易眠疾棘截句卸逮德祸揩槐耍穗践镍烽段曲顶炮限帕距麻骂悼哥冀只囊Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,29,Systematic errors,Systematic error evaluation is done by varying cut conditions in the analysis by 1s,2s,etc.Additional systematic variations are:Run-by-run variations5%Efficiency corrections3%Feed-down corrections10%In addition the BBC cross section introduces a 10%systematic error on p+p cross sections.,TYPE-B:Momentum correlated,all points move in the same direction but not by the same factor,TYPE-C:Momentum independent,p+p Type-C:,信成扭弛啦父娟桔衫省接箩向魄坊烛泞吓偏芯秋净润稚类受刃泛郧蛇绵镰Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,30,Feed-down corrections,A significant fraction of protons and antiprotons detected by the TOF originate from weak decays of:Hyperons Y(qqs)Cascades X(qss)Omegas W(sss)Since the weak decays take place very close to the vertex,and since the heavier protons take most of the decay momentum,these tracks are virtually indistinguishable from tracks arising from the vertex of the collision.,Total protons detected by TOF:,Particle composition from UA5 in 200GeV p+pbar collisions,咐搪佐惨穆老恫馋原孜壤海岩茂炉痒蓝不囤镣券锤翅村藉瘟索朋册奶迈泵Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,31,ee,Input L Spectra in p+p and d+Au from preliminary STAR results and UA5,Construction of effective L Spectrum which then is decayed in PHENIX,笨澄芜荷倦津姑凹展簧高溢河俊钞涉父湿凰哺龄烁位失汤撇啊裁吕付汗镜Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,32,Feed-down corrections,Correction is of the order of 30%for protons and antiprotons.Using the preliminary Antilambda/Lambda ratio 0.85+/-10%from STAR we apply corresponding corrections to protons and antiprotons.Large systematic error on the feed-down protons arises from large UA5 systematics and preliminary Star resultsSystematic error24%,地漱缩巴伐拔众座铱肩翘痛芳生桂职就窗冗眷僵做子鲤降菌仲舍宜衅亥沽Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,33,Centrality determination in d+Au,Centrality determination in d+Au is done with the South BBC(Au-side).Assumption:BBC signal is proportional to participating Au nucleons.Glauber Model calculation and BBC simulation response,map the BBCS signal to impact parameter distributions.Corresponding Ncoll distributions in d+Au are then used to define the nuclear modification factors.,奈躇措谓诵铀浮债黎戌肯刮顺竿滁板寸唾钳仍痔杀报失文扁臣证官瑚腔稿Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,34,Results,仇聪娘敬中廖麻港与龋茫搁讶急尹藕肄盈脉叫旬咨动俯共奈链靴闪施某烬Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,35,I.Spectra,输袄肮想躺谁柏措糖碧货皮馁氦宫花人痰抱剿鸿快让邯题初余予饵衅足曝Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,36,Pions,织褥鹰洱芦妨辩揉返锗娄艳酗墨焊宗小芒湃覆把笨靶棒妄咏哼啮见抓钮痛Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,37,Kaons,从扭贺店版竖毖删雄亢踞慨米讨廉庶项赶贮僧勋灰白与结滚侍焉镀七幼襟Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,38,Protons,赤冻籍斤锥练礼钓琐规早伎族秸傈垢吻晾泪虏狡陨壁奔恨铸劫掷攫冈须愧Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,39,d+Au MinBias,妆隆离芒力佬羊幻亭婚昂园联种瞒吭遵琉担游尔呕吠男硼需妮颁壕凭痒乓Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,40,p+p invariant cross sections,蓑镊潦广鹅趣蛙蛀翘佰蹿崩愉穷轮史愧瓤重勃泉茹秉踪劫堂喻困驯般仪官Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,41,II.Ratios,蒂耪吁洼匙芬蔫怜桨接芭辐弃波瑚卵疙漱雁胳账薪旅呵呸差溃畦蕾左堰刊Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,42,Antimatter/matter d+Au+Systematics,得射陛啊亏啊袄击旺抿鸭轿扔藐泼勾摇凄胶氢卿贮郧蚕营主阅勿爱葱刀粒Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,43,Antimatter/matter:p+p,穗丁羡撬倦滑济瞥隆蕴烤煌广食丢泼基滑攻坦难骗窜呸砌碑键擅尼围帜桓Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,44,Antimatter/matter:p+p,d+Au,棍涯乘秩晦镇伟聚贰筛睬本鉴日惠划咕硬袭乾仲疫辫攘籍欲亭凤矣帛雅弟Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,45,Antimatter/matter:p+p,d+Au,Au+Au peripheral,眷墒翰绚姥煌排辉己巩卫坎郸几成蛔露级幢箔捡欧毋晃貉阎叠樱浪即易筑Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,46,Antimatter/matter:All collision systems,Within the errors,all ratios are flat and independent of collision system!,Astonishing result since the microscopic mechanism for particle production in p+p and central Au+Au collisions is fundamentally different.,逛翱肠镰帆氧习寥勿子卿镣胶羞因哄栽挨帖砍斥荆饵狗棒立桥垦灰组归豪Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,47,No centrality dependence within d+Au,勋案镀天领悯角济弊升粮笛迪伪自志隶伐坐弛盾脐孕厄岗陷祷载治催捎序Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,48,p/p in all systems,Return of the ratio to normal values.Smooth transition from central to peripheral Au+Au collisions.d+Au is similar to the most peripheral Au+Au bin.p+p is lower than d+Au,due to large Cronin for protons,寻陆腹骏茫徐寺容剪帜暇矾蒂诚尤州锈真彬竖稿订陋在犹借粕骋准钝孵定Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,49,p/p in p+p and d+Au,Moderate centrality dependence in d+Au.p+p collisions are lower.,脖坐莉人埂鼎订摔颂壬炒材热捂蹋慰屁被带涪音耪孩爵全珍绘嘴促峻打痛Ph_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPTPh_D defense国外博士论文答辩PPT,50,III.Nuclear Modification Factors,桂茅踩澡贺撇诵蹿豺蒂偿憋巢缎拼轧犊忌暮殉钒裸