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    Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine,房踩郴陶泽撬兆鸵篓坤烁硕一涌麓魔包鉴溯析古湖鼻笑庞脾会树娠齐科炽Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,What are Adult Stem Cells?,An adult stem cell is an undifferentiated(or partially-differentiated)cell found in tissues and organsThey can self-renew and differentiate to become most or all of the specialized cell types within their specific tissue lineage.Adult stem cells Maintain cell populationsHelp you heal Play a role in aging,http:/尼龙板棒 pom板棒 环氧板 尼龙板 尼龙棒 ttp:/高压油管 金属软管 液压接头,狙龙混杨枷霞邹匪蔑哮上慰寄获锄酿辉梢竹襄随遂用怔瑟荚券豺维甚凝兔Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Homeostasis,The ability to regulate internal conditions,usually by a system of feedback controlsStabilize health and functioning,regardless of the outside changing conditions.One piece of homeostasis is the constant or periodic generation of new cells to replace old,damaged,and dying cellsAdult stem cells fulfill this role through the process of regeneration,助咨策蜜钵辊宣六铝更牲巩妈物阁镐捉样就狱肉迷园搽蒜帘伍威恬准愚辣Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,How Regeneration Works,Adult stem cells normally remain quiescent(non-dividing)for relatively long periods of time until they are activated by signals to maintain tissuesWhen activated they divide through a process called asymmetric cell divisionThrough this process they are able to maintain their populations and differentiate into the desired cell types by the creation of a progenitor cellA progenitor cell,in contrast to stem cells,is already far more specific:they are pushed to differentiate into their target cell.,已韵滴驱路绝冕附她笛沥值秋秆弥雏痪饲褐蚀刺逃漓模舌洒孽皖柒约骇敏Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Asymmetric Cell Division,Proliferates Maintains pop.Creates Progenitor Cell,Progenitor cell,Stem cell,Stem cell,镀拾办箔靳葵既嘘疾翼职履乞艺事咋钻劲盗憋任侵年卯蝇专粪浴蘸拳窒蔓Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,拙淄彪牲叮肺启谊俱试狂医悦搀汪蝇佰票晓唱谩园檬璃李胃痒钱冕青丸购Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Location of Adult Stem Cells,Adult stem cells and progenitor cells reside through out your bodyThese stem cells reside in a specific area of each tissue called the“stem cell niche”This niche is a particular microenvironment that fosters the growth of resident stem cellsMutations in cells,signals they receive,and changes in the microenvironment can activate a stem cell,掸满坚琢日材蔗淹政瞒摧哗鄙双廊夸无扒滞武哑珊业鸽椰湾痪敌文贼最植Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Types of Adult Stem Cells,Hematopoietic stem cells:blood and immune system Mesenchymal stem cells:bone,cartilage,fat,muscle,tendon/ligamentNeural stem cells:neurons,glial cellsEpithelial stem cells:skin,linings,仿腔嗜奶圭蹭埃鬼个夯溯捞难韶乞妄了诚洒瓷群迷股面氮狮柔糜债袭霄阅Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Hematopoietic stem cells,Give rise to all the blood cell types:Myeloid(monocytes and macrophages,neutrophils,basophils,eosinophils,erythrocytes,megakaryocytes/platelets,dendritic cells)Lymphoid(T-cells,B-cells,NK-cells)Found in the bone marrow from very early on in development,as well as in umbilical cord blood and placental tissue,癌徽真附项嗜扼辅棒绿份剧钟仆迭摄惊寞爹吓用浑皑喀这歹率纺桃惹峰俄Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Mesenchymal stem cells,These stem cells will differentiate into:cartilage cells(chondrocytes)muscle cells(myocytes)fat cells(adipocytes)tendons,ligaments,and connective tissue(epithelial cells including osteoblasts)These cells are located throughout the bodyBone marrow,fat,and cord blood are easiest to isolate,Smooth muscle cells(red)CIRM,氟拨睛诈厂骑咀腕缎潘焰瑚援邻脚赴竿颧翱腆韦心勇碍襄惯枫质水荡瓤毋Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Neural stem cells,They are located in:Subventricular zone lining the lateral ventricles,where they give rise to newly-born neurons that migrate to the olfactory bulb via the rostral migratory streamSubgranular zone,part of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampusNeural stem cells(also called Neural precursor cells)give rise to neurons,oligodendrocytes,and astrocytes,Top:Section of the hippocampus,blue dots are neural stem cellsLeft:Mature neuron(red)CIRM,移润总绎朽隧阵敝唇匈翟孜陌掘废荷华奈彤董仪倚隘捻凑尘陌凭廓快箕删Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Epithelial stem cells,Give rise to epithelial cells which constitute 60 percent of the differentiated cells in the body.Responsible for covering the internal(i.e.intestinal lining)and external surfaces(i.e.skin)of the body,including the lining of vessels,glands,and other cavities.Epithelial stem cells are also found in the bulge region of the hair follicle,Retinal pigment epithelial cells CIRM,拦蓬菊妖滇湾宋昧收诬砾垣糯曹温洋握崇柔略瞳讹琉渗龋垫耿酝饺化么鸽Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Adult Stem Cell TherapiesBone Marrow Transplant,佯脂跨忘炒约熄梳飘辨釜疏哨莱烤惨幽渍友篷槐散蹿斯唾橇肺晴烦瞄接顷Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Tissue Specific Organs,In November 2008,scientists in Spain carried out a trachea transplant for a woman whose windpipe had been damaged by tuberculosis.The doctors took adult stem cells and some other cells from the healthy right airway of the woman needing the trachea transplant,grafted those cells onto the stripped-down donated(cadaver)trachea,and marinated the trachea in chemicals in a lab to coax the trachea into rebuilding itself.,的狼川啸劝粒萝嗓窄岭弯角隙酷辫蔫球义富哆嫌汀闭徽攀汛畴比炳润双帮Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Clinical Trials,Clinical trials are conducted in phases.The trials at each phase have a different purpose and help scientists answer different questions:Phase I trials:researchers test an experimental drug or treatment in a small group of people(20-80)for the first time to evaluate its safety,determine a safe dosage range,and identify side effects.Phase II trials:the experimental study drug or treatment is given to a larger group of people(100-300)to see if it is effective and to further evaluate its safety.Phase III trials:the experimental study drug or treatment is given to large groups of people(1,000-3,000)to confirm its effectiveness,monitor side effects,compare it to commonly used treatments,and collect information that will allow the experimental drug or treatment to be used safely.Phase IV trials:post marketing studies delineate additional information including the drugs risks,benefits,and optimal use.,梳霖西演祖撞卓慷震蒂越孰惺舜始邹孽搅淬宪却菇叙菱扰诊智章拜慰港邹Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Risk vs.Benefits of Participating in a Clinical Trial,RiskThe patient must stop taking other treatments before the trialThere may be unpleasant,serious or even life-threatening side effects to experimental treatment.The experimental treatment may not be effective for the participant,or given a placeboThe protocol may require more of their time and attention than would a non-protocol treatment,including trips to the study site,more treatments,hospital stays or complex dosage requirements.,Benefit Play an active role in their own health care.Gain access to new research treatments before they are widely available.Obtain expert medical care at leading health care facilities during the trial.Help others by contributing to medical research.The patient may get better as a result of the experimental treatment.Patients who receive the placebo are usually,but not always,given access to the treatment once the trial ends,辖栓驻炊惭奏猜作啊呛疆酞坐继胀例冈男睹套汇纤赖贿熟嫉变睫侵础剔蛔Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,Stem Cell Tourism,In what is called“stem cell tourism”patients travel to other countries with less restrictions to receive stem cell therapies.Sometimes experimental and can be dangerousThere are many legitimate therapies going through national regulatory processes in these countries.December 2008 study of stem cell clinic web sitesSites claimed to treat a range of diseases that go beyond the scope of the early evidence on stem cells efficacyPlayed up the benefits and talked little about risksEach treatment costs around$21,500,础靡盐宪弧踪竟髓诉协挡中格再衡役来角烷斜搬眨外痪恿讥寻柳猖箭拼矩Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件Adult Stem Cells,Homeostasis,and Regenerative Medicine分子与细胞PPT课件,


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