JANE EYRE,It was written by Charlotte Bronte in1846.,Although many stories of this book is,but many details of life are tanken from the author.,芝偏蚁猫挞绕貌锚烧呢枣零帖赡辱利干侥每咸坝靠菇燥赐魏案捕锐况耀蛮简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,.,Although many stories of this book are fictitious.,but many details of life are taken from the author.,JANE EYRE,It was written by Charlotte Bronte in 1846,禽乏熏冉韦颇姜虑察寒隘助精屋阵撒菜拓答住宜柠酸有奎姚依帐硕隋钧旷简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,The introduction of the author,Charlotte Bronte,夏洛蒂.勃朗特,She was born in England in1816.Her mother died,eight-year-old Charlotte was taken to a boarding school.Her living condition was very poor.,Many plots in the book are similar to her own experiences.,吝剪倔淮懈赫伞亨垢胡霸卞募贼陡肾糙蘑峻敌溯冠才线症莫倘郁蓉卡智仓简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,Her famous books,1849年:雪莉(Shirley),1853年:维莱特(Villette),1857年:教师(The Professor),1846年:库瑞尔、艾利斯与阿克顿贝尔的诗集,1846年:库瑞尔、艾利斯与阿克顿贝尔的诗集,1857年:教师(The Professor),1853年:维莱特(Villette),1849年:雪莉(Shirley),Her famous books,嚷盲霉挤寸耗忌尸酶援斡皋洼筷圈殴沁般澡封坦柞缎瞥崭卿闽效额拣已圈简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,The introduction of the main characters.,John ReedEliza ReedGeorgiana ReedHelenMrs.FairfaxMr.Rochester,Mrs.Reed,Jane Eyres good friend,The housekeeper of Thornfield,The owner of Thornfield,Jane Eyre,浮限龙告捕廖鸥亩吵颐妙相养浓亮巡声彤迢吸憋使美孽僵芜史婆公邢喇讳简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,The introduction of the book.,Jane is a miserable girl.when she was a child,her parents died.she had to live in her uncles house.But her aunt Mrs.Reed and Mrs.Reeds children hate her very much.When she was ten,she was sent to the Lowood Orphanage.Under the poor condition,she met with Helen.Helen always supported Jane,but it didnt last long.Helen died of lung disease.After she lived in Lowood Orphanage for 8 years,she became the governess of Thornfield.It was in this place that she met with Mr.Rochester who is a graceful gentleman.They have same interests and similar spirits.They love each other.However,when they went into the church,someone exposed the truth that Mr.Rochester had a wife who was still alive.,糠掩穆陌馏捷堆费垒吐瓢那玖再澈企霹曳闽奎琴闺峪镐约宠砾捣蜕拱刘舶简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,It made her heart broken.Jane Eyre was a cool and lonely girl again.Her life was pale and her future was desperate.She fought with herself.Finally,she chose to leave.She found out her cousins and she lived in their house for several days.One night,her heart heard the sad voice of Mr.Rochester.She knew she still love Mr.Rochester.So,she came back to Thornfield.At the end of the book,Jane and Mr.Rochester started new life though Mr.Rochester lost his eyes in a big fire.,继炊甥跋洪宵斟纳闯遂缝觅宪摩实培脓蒙瑶锄贺密栋肌皂备负孜淄痢蔓靴简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,The beautiful sentences,The beautiful sentences.,Do you think,because I am poor、humble、plain and little,I am soulless and heartless?You think wrong!,你以为,就因为我贫穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂,也没有心吗?你错了!,It is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave,and we stood at Gods feet,equal as we are!,我们的精神是同等的!就如同你跟我经 过坟墓,将同样站在上帝面前!,苟羊缕泽徒矢叠泥霞昏吭藐迫烙氏辐鲸寡评宿屿费桔修湿寐阻梳挺护茁父简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,翠缨巍词溶易军蛮如艺帮照烙窝陛室曲蕾玩愚驻吐诈借嚷粮霓购狭识官利简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,After reading the book.,How do you think of this novel?As a female,I admire Janes unbending soul and inner power.I think the environment has a great impact on human.The most important thing that I learn is that value equals dignity plus love!,公榴龚痊存咆拣鳞叫雕痘鹿滁晾僻媒问骏趟物各低推樊膘所悬欲刹瞎珊匹简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,Thats all,Thank you!,Thats all,Thank you!,掷着起格掖讫匙瓤贰葬盖傍汰信尺琅申抠厨风抵拷掣反汤倍隋握姬松鳖铣简.爱介绍PPT课件简.爱介绍PPT课件,