课件组成结构,视频动画,参考教案,教学辅助课件(单元课时课件+课时课件中所用相关链接资源),参考练习,多媒体课件结构分布图(英语),相关资源(仅供参考),参考课件,图片,Be prepared to make changes to or scrap your lesson plan.,Teaching methods,Be overly prepared.,Find out what students already know.,Always consider the students needs when preparing for each lesson.,Put emphasis on the practice and use of English.,Put yourself at the position of your students.,Put the students to experience the learning process.,Allow time for free communication.,Be fair and realistic in testing.Be enthusiastic!,Use humor to liven up the class.,Make your instructions short and clear.,Respect both slow and fast students.,(美国作家)Willian Arthur Ward:“平庸的老师给予指令,好的老师给予讲解,优秀的老师给予示范,伟大的老师给予激励。”,The mediocre teacher tells.The good teacher explains.The superior teacher demonstrates.The great teacher inspires.Willian Arthur Ward,As teachers we should know:,(美国教育家)Marva Collins:“不要试图改变学生,首先要改变自己。好老师使差学生成为好学生,好学生变得更出色。如果我们的学生失败了,作为教师的我们也同样失败了。”,Dont try to fix the students,fix ourselves first.The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior.When our students fail,we,as teachers,too,have failed.Marva Collins,不足之处,敬请批评指正!谢谢使用!,