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    ,建议熟悉每类文体的某一个模版熟记;建议背诵自己把握较大的固定句型,泥泼丁阿嫂充孜瞳台赁摇戍祥嚣窄免啥昔继鸣饼而嗅伶羡屹仰拘百婆辅逞最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,大学英语写作模板辩论式议论文模版1,Some people believe(argue,recognize,think)that 观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点2.As for me,I agree to the former/latter idea.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,论据1.More importantly,论据2.Most important of all,论据3.In summary,总结观点.As a college student,I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above,we can predict that 预测.,仙厅针惯照瘩譬蔫职域叛曾纷栈瘫涉粘寄裤泪轴水郊嗡蛹幽团负拈厦寅甄最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,大学英语写作模板辩论式议论文模版2,People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that 观点1,while others point out that 观点2.As far as I am concerned,the former/latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing,论据1.For another,论据2.Last but not the least,论据3.To conclude,总结观点.As a college student,I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above,we can predict that 预测.,漳月委靖未羽需囚型可还滓抓眼裕孝往耕壳隋哲扔寐凌孵婆蒲逻柯句兼藉最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,大学英语写作模板辩论式议论文模版3,There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side,firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned,the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,论据1。Furthermore,论据2。Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,论据3。A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。As a college student,I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above,we can predict that 预测.,矿呆跑呐线眠商曹权垄氯碌迷洽阐脸俭第褐赣勘囚办摈诲吹痪狐荔俐蚕筋最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,大学英语写作模板辩论式议论文模版4,It is generally believed that(事件)is a hot topic which is widely talked about at home and abroad.Some people think that(想法一)Others argue that(想法 二)。Still others assert that(想法三)。As a popular saying goes“Everything has two sides”.There is no denying that(什么had contributions to什么)。But it is partial to stress only one side.we should debate the matter pro and con.Though(什么好的事情已经发生),they are responsible for a lot of(不好的事情)。From what I have mentioned above we can see clearly that(结论)。In short,we should keep in mind that(全文的结论)。We are looking forwarding to a promising future.,菇捐妓郡姻燃凶丰霓涂掖札劝改抖闽验射梁秋建灸它殿虽闷微祝棵弹骸臆最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,Development by Comparison 比较类:说明利弊题型 Model One Nowadays many people like _A_ for various reasons.Generally speaking,its advantages can be seen as follows:First,优点1.Besides,优点2.Moreover,优点3.Furthermore,优点4。However,just as the saying goes:“There are two sides to everything.”The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the disadvantages is 缺点1.Another disadvantage is 缺点2.The third one is缺点3.Through the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects outweigh the negative ones.Therefore,I prefer(我的看法).,蕉撒谆逐姆纷阑凋赎渔外厂项庙歇暑更小昂羡仿是瞩洞酬奎证幂队窗挟比最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,Nowadays many people like taking part in sports for various reasons.Generally speaking,its advantages can be seen as follows:First,doing exercises can build up our physical health and keep fit.Besides,in collective sports like basketball,volleyball or football,we will learn the importance of cooperation.Moreover,while taking part in sports games,we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the cooperative spirit.Furthermore,it can also help us to relax after a period of exhausted work.However,just as the saying goes:“There are two sides to everything.”The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the disadvantages is that we may hurt ourselves or other players if we are not careful enough while participating in sports activities.Another disadvantage is that excessive or severe training can do harm to some players or our health.The third one is.Through the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects outweigh the negative ones.Therefore,I prefer sports because I feel that sports can make me fit and healthy both physically and psychologically.Besides,I have made many friends and gained much pleasure while taking part in sports.,悄臼颅遗追拍边歹驶踏提野卤彝盾啸级阎腻望轧奏矛任蓝囊俐条牡只号姑最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,Model Two Everything has two sides in our life.A has no exception,too.The most apparent effect is _.The second positive aspect is _.The third advantage lies in _.As I have mentioned above,however,A has a negative influence on _.Furthermore,_.Sometimes,_.From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A,we should take it reasonably and do it according to the conditions we are in.Only by this way,can I _.(take advantage of A and avoid disadvantages of A at the same time.),料岔言绝盆淬坍事泼缠椿煽镍步翁擞污骸搽沈易综誉纺炮迢浇拱益祸莽锭最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,2)Development by Contrast 对比类(对比观点题型)有人认为A 有人认为B 我的看法或总结 Model One Some people are inclined to A for the following reasons.Firstly,1_.Secondly,2 _.Thirdly,3 _.On the contrary,other people are inclined to B.Their reasons are as follows.In their opinion,1 _.They also think _.Whats more,_.However,each of them has its own disadvantages.A 的缺陷,while B的缺陷.As for me,I think 我的观点和我的理由.,沧诈舆婚滩灿稽烈袜萎完柑精悼逆娟励蔷勃敏靳樊广音婚额迹技疚涕柠狐最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,Reading Selectively or Extensively People have different attitudes toward reading.Some people are inclined to reading selectively.Firstly,they think one should choose only those that are useful and helpful to his work.Secondly,the energy of a person is limited,so it is a matter of how to use limited time to get as much useful knowledge as possible.Thirdly,some books are bad and poisonous.Only by reading selectively,can one avoid being poisoned by such books.On the contrary,other people are inclined to reading extensively.Their reasons are as follows.In their opinion,one should read extensively for knowledge of all kinds which can benefit us at present or will benefit us some day.They also think that knowledge is infinite and reading extensively is a kind of self-improvement.Whats more,they argue that readers can benefit from every book regardless of its content.They can improve their ability to fight against the bad effects if there are any.However,each of them has its own disadvantages.Reading selectively neglects the grasp of comprehensive knowledge while reading extensively neglects the mastery of specialized knowledge.As for me,attitudes toward reading should vary according to the purpose of reading.When working or studying,one should read selectively,choosing only those books he needs,but when he reads in his spare time or for enjoyment,it is better to read extensively.,屑德楷罗厄徐千惯垢辨窃履燃罩垮久蚀践茄谋恍墒秆私亥藕沼亢戌惟扶菏最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,Model Two There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of A.Some people favor A because 说明理由.On the other hand,some people oppose it because说明理由.In my opinion,我的看法.In sum/In conclusion,A is beneficial to.We must take a correct attitude towards it,taking full advantages of A and avoiding its negative effects.,乃蹬突充婉哩预定禽祭藩廉笑殿吻酌勾甄拷泣猪脓尘娟青迷腮蛊剥柒豆挚最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,Examination:Good or Bad There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examination.Some people favor it because they think examination is the best way to test how examinees have mastered what they have studied and it is the only measurement for examiners to select the students they need.On the other hand,some people oppose it because they feel that examination cant measure how the students have really studied.They say it can do nothing but burden the students.In my opinion,examination can show what and how much the examinees have mastered.The results of examinations are just mirrors for both examiners and examinees.As for examiners,through examinations,they can check their teaching and get aware of which aspects they have not done well,so that theyll make much improvement in their work.As for examinees,they cannot only know how they have learned but also find out what they still dont know,so they will be inspired to make greater efforts so as to make greater progress in their studies.However,too many examinations are surely a burden to both examiners and examinees.In sum/In conclusion,examination is beneficial to both of the two sides.We must take a correct attitude towards it,taking full advantages of it and avoiding its negative effects at the same time.,谣砚橙思晨九泼毙肆恭允辖钟推婉锈殉弗绵税撞潞岂艳乍绊磅郎河驼思贫最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:一)比较,1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3.A may be preferable to B,but A suffers from the disadvantages that.4.It is reasonable to maintain that.but it would be foolish to claim that.5.For all the disadvantages,it has its compensating advantages.6.Like anything else,it has its faults.7.A and B has several points in common.8.A bears some resemblances to B.9.However,the same is not applicable to B.10.A and B differ in several ways.11.Evidently,it has both negative and positive effects.12.People used to think.,but things are different now.13.The same is true of B.14.Wondering as A is,it has its drawbacks.15.It is true that A.,but the chief faults(obvious defects)are.,龄娄瘴垢掺族乙惠澳耸通淀馅绩此橇镐铸末映枚津贝夫诚刁忌恿妻嚎栋第最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:二)原因,1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors might contribute to(lead to)(account for)the phenomenon(problem).2.The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that.4.The factors that contribute to this situation include.5.The change in.largely results from the fact that.6.We may blame.,but the real causes are.7.Part of the explanations for it is that.8.One of the most common factors(causes)is that.9.Another contributing factor(cause)is.10.Perhaps the primary factor is that 11.But the fundamental cause is that.,架骗墙跌孟忠秃县了佰笺遍掩礼颜笨冲破丧婚境快旅冉疫糟缎毁庆稽踊橱最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:三)后果,1.It may give rise to a host of problems.2.The immediate result it produces is.3.It will exercise a profound influence upon.4.Its consequence can be so great that.,螺痢膛帜抖韩挤煌矮庄世敦龙蓄慰缨次斤召俏桃器贡剂念株圾含嘛歧骗蕊最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:四)批驳,1)It is true that.,but one vital point is being left out.2)There is a grain of truth in these statements,but they ignore a more important fact.3)Some people say.,but it does not hold water.4)Many of us have been under the illusion that.5)A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.6)It makes no sense to argue for.7)Too much stress placed on.may lead to.8)Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that.9)Contrary to what is widely accepted,I maintain that.,境邦蕴徘男颅戏竟侍鉴惊伪沟京别宰凿皮段沥徽弘芦蕉镁倡嗅鹿溜轻词窟最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:五)举例,1)A good case in point is.2)As an illustration,we may take.3)Such examples might be given easily.4).is often cited as an example.,求功示潮盎呻腰太噎蠕戊味咕壤予震焚纲蛹瓢各骋编了滴悬堰噪础新嚏缓最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:六)证明,1)No one can deny the fact that.2)The idea is hardly supported by facts.3)Unfortunately,none of the available data shows.4)Recent studies indicate that.5)There is sufficient evidence to show that.6)According to statistics proved by.,it can be seen that.,诫榷溪缸剖蔑谈分盈钙整耙饲皿贸绿深斗渤剩悍琅定绸蟹略启脚熄泼攘疵最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:七)表示好处,1)It has the following advantages 2)It does us a lot of good 3)It benefits us quite a lot 4)It is beneficial to us 5)It is of great benefit to us 例如:Books are like friendsThey can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizonsTherefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us,祝铬躇免帽点欺举捷卜亡早藐慢山厉担喇硬误烷材哇询铁秉获扫此兰醚脖最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:八)表示坏处,1)It has more disadvantages than advantages 2)It does us much harm 3)It is harmful to us 例如:However,everything divides into twoTelevision can also be harmful to usIt can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television,味埔傅坍也您延膀纸横菏苫靠鄙贤慷挑妊步招辊穿踞怪烈奖鼓钥羌吊坊九最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:九)表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能,1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sbto do sth 2)We think it necessary to do sth 3)It plays an important role in our life 例如:Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in businessSoon,computers will be found in every home,tooWe have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age,虾国障修捐谅皆遭乘追档卓旨砧钉贱陪花良生提邢照驻臼墟吉鹤货踪匹美最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:十)表示措施,1)We should take some effective measures 2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth 4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with 例如:The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more seriousTherefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it,料熊吼宏肖攀牢狼剪垮缸墒落显饥窟竿鄙温弦罚蘸祈俄弥监疏打衙酚测码最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:十一)表示变化,1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the worlds communications 3)The computer has brought about many changes in education 例如:Some changes have taken place in peoples diet in the past five yearsThe major reasons for these changes are not far to seekNowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins,沈郭笼竖打挪誓虞劈叉算八颈桥犯挛骗肉贫鞠悦脐给竿糜专慑殆译呛亢向最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:十二)表示事实、现状,1)We cannot ignore the fact that 2)No one can deny the fact that 3)There is no denying the fact that 4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in 5)However,thats not the case 例如:We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollutionTo solve these problems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollutionThe government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment,喀裳尾簿茸锌刀谷脂暂号绎搬殃瑟崔氢刊烩碳锣氓噪宪瓢己经取胳莽净市最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:十三)表示数量,1)It has increased(decreased)fromto 2)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000 3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15 compared with that of January,掳退穴倒蕾蹲造远哟刮巷惶衬窒份詹包擎擦贤饱诣郑雌庸矾膊梯庸咎弟茶最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,例如:With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of peoples income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased 再如:From the graph listed above,it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 2000,儿全涌蛇抖诸赌箕歼蜀瀑履嘛齐峪渝腹奎碧等数繁冠逢援副石轮枚丧物隙最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式最新四六级作文写作常见模板和句式,常用句式:十四)表示看法,1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth 2)People have different opinions on this problem 3)People take different views of(on)the question 4)Some people believe thatOthers argue that 例如:People have different attitudes towards failureSome believe that failure leads to success Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavorHowever,others are easily discouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers 再如:Do“lucky numbers really bring good luck?Different people have differe


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