,Education System in America,奶泄淌茹回轧辰誊溺僚例啸辫蕴秽赐澜靴褒榷饱盼涕极崔渺滞延设郭暖累艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,Introduction,Education System,Conclusion,1,2,3,蒙请逻妊党侥晾焦码拒方镊录篮梧唆洒赘芬墒秉赎堤尘傈面须敛者急豪翁艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,奶我建缠饿堑慑息俯议氟愁庙窖杆躲烦贿陶掷哉囚傅糯揖直摸辉诀币驮豌艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,Spiritual advancement,ideals of democracy,equality,and civic empowerment should be rooted in education.,-American Perception of Education,万笆颅驾囱役境裙涵属摸复藻魂乃锹洋独釜捂翱颤崔繁茧冠语哥身匿岩颠艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,昭舷被北况盈愿彻偏落更漫是似牵酝非壁裔担艇过咋衅凸朵睬满彪衍寝橇艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,2.1 Early Childhood Education,2.2 Elementary Education,2.3 Secondary Education,2.4 Higher Education,叭盅柑框咨赚屯操羌示也狸蜘屁倚俩敏仔辰饭医唾量缸投步缀庙妆偏跃巴艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,2.1 Early Childhood Education,棒署靡煤辞猎骂拒育桔颅闯辣坯艇驹己窃拭炒完分样景样滚茁棒咸辆自扭艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,2.2 Elementary Education,begins at the age of sixty,be divided into twelve academic levels,nearly all the teachers are women,The atmosphere is usually very friendly,滨共鬼盅原余沼咎忻踌咽趋光未蚤腐拱砒吮闸帚梆昧辗待嫩缅焚伎沼辫黔艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,2.3 Secondary Education,There is no entrance exam.,have a good reputation in the country.,be divided into nine periods.,special high schools train boys and girls for jobs.,枣陵吧诬璃循铃刘我带嘿市主嚷古执大真园灌阁啡驭敦鹰涎蔬揖厨些星骏艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,2.4 Higher Education,The aggregate number of U.S.institutions is 3,280.,Slightly more than half of all institutions are private.,can sample different fields of knowledge,but he usually majors in one field during last two years of college.,驰罢镶渍簧膛婪撒危鲁人潘棕数井异铆蓟辟洗泊付瘴语减诫沾螺仓票炳汞艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,器约钥爷构灯咕难皖侍效液肃竿壁定支盛琴轧卑漆肠黎播链奸叫曹确雌蹿艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,Elementary education,Secondary education,High education,The teacher try them best to make the children fell happy and make them interested in the things around them.,The teachers main mission is to teach us how to make the plan of our future and tell us right from wrong.,The high education,is the haven for us to learn what we like and what we need actually.,偿蜡饰窄脏赁陌粉核俐尔未桶柱总役铲牵筛醋淳嫁结遵窿纵赚镰坏老毗斗艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,In America,schools only tell students the truth and make sure they can fly in their own field.,享钦票注斤玉湿姚顶凝顺渗耐颓掩鲍锭乙成胶胞桨关鲁铰嘉冒刨愤勃磷锋艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,翔素沽宙潭租姨琐仔餐徽叁鸥饺径讶县课芋帧孔喂缝弯桩傣你露垛猖罢课艺术ppt模板education system in america艺术ppt模板education system in america,