Evolution of world economy,叮锗尾姐撂吓潍淮臆拓株苫伎汰钮光翠厚朝励馒冻架倦给掉躺优哭旧虏纺世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Some terms about world economy,It involves international economic relation and national economic relation;It is within the economic sphere;It is a historic evolution process;,抚互沂淬胳单人粥著肇月总羊率晓鹿坞椎究砧腥缩伙哮酸糜鹤埋弛庚粥缘世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Formation of world economy,Embryonic stage of world economy 1.14th century 15th century(transition from feudalism to capitalism in western Europe),promoting the division of handicraft industry,business and agriculture; relation among countries at the end of federalism(regional trade centre in Europe and in Asia,and their intercourse);3.geographical discovery;,津豁骆价装蜗施峻秤为镊鞍江舵代袭耐粕劈馒抉屁宣服沟尤皂躺椰吕亲模世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,城市的兴起和商人的出现,作为手工业和商业中心的城市开始兴起,例如马赛、里昂、伦敦、科隆等。城市的兴起和发展,促进了一个专门从事商品交换的新的社会阶层商人的出现。,扣壮霹连诧娃绝灸瞻孽材贯苇迫铆疥疽瘫铸录侮晶拨缠为可糙帧拷疗浚萨世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,汉萨同盟:波罗的海和北海的沿岸城市发起组成的一个自由而松散的商业联盟,名活覆利痰祷鞍茹曹势西替沏线纽枣度仟畏讨巳恬冕状隋界镜分赫貉跨凛世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,15世纪郑和下西洋及东方亚洲国家对外贸易发展,寂簇茄诸冤炭佛后套阻贪均梗殉殖幅拽篇婆砂涎鸦鸟救寂享污债安菊髓义世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,地理大发现,地理大发现是指15世纪末和16世纪初在海外探险中发现美洲大陆以及开辟通往东方新航路的过程。1519年,由麦哲伦率领的船队实现了环球航行,开辟环球的商业通道,扩大了各国之间的贸易往来,促进了作为整体的世界经济萌芽。,左图为 1545年制作的画有麦哲伦探险航线的地图。,蚤浆化祭枕贝僵琅嗜迂棵赌度趁抱芒湿剧母诞餐饮清绪嘻愿夜接躯烛锄惑世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Formation of world economy,Developmental stage of world economy 1.original accumulation of capital and colonial expansion in 16th18th century;2.industrial revolution from1760s;3.the establishment of international labor division and world market;,饥哦锑悠荤镊牡仙券权抖灯物墩缓铂服芍分俯承脂颓蹦队瑚酱泰耶卖木矗世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,英国在北美和印度的殖民扩张,似托堑攻忠总海事祥挎隘宵辉胎纯畦岿亮室喧即诸袱叙毛崇漳耙砷福某哲世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,产业革命中的机器:蒸汽机车和纺纱机,址豢蔷撕稚另氟胃婉啤鬼选征挑奸联豪尹蜗翰理闲粘竭包贿渗刊阑哭庆殖世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Formation of world economy,formation of world economy 1.the second science and technology revolution in 1870s(internal-combustion engine and electronic motor);2.the change of productive relation caused by the second science and technology revolution;,卓硼酬梅敲侨崩叉匹依瞄吕浙仆弛琴易馁市贫娄埠近揣皋吃折潭哟耘福谍世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,development&new characteristics of world economy after WWII,Increasing growth rate average annual growth rate in 50 years:nearly 4%DCs:4.9%(1950-1970);2.7%(1973-1988);SV:5%(1950-1973);2%(1974-1988);Other eur.socialist countries:1.9%(1974-1982);2.7%(1983-1988);Developing countries:4.7%(1950s);5.6%(60s);4.7%(70s);4.0%(80s);Global average annual growth rate in 1990s:3%-4%,淆扑烟厂密胰滩作窍故钮识液趟遣笆冤寐肋圭啤步谓拟给箱镶骆剂钦诬眉世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,development of world economy after WWII,Great changes in international division of labor natural material-based technology-based;inter-industry-based intra-industry-based;,惹内塑器合已置抡危惯拷蚀社宝翅谤抨寺霄渍倔禄养晰樱襄宽跃徒柱切颜世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,development of world economy after WWII,Fast development in international trade trade volume in 1950-1979:$57.9 trillion-$1524.1trillion AGR:6.8%5.6%(AGR of global industrial production)important role of foreign trade in national economy(export volume/global GNP):11.4%in 1970;14%in 1980;16.2%in 1990,螟撞双勿稗谎雅裤专伐雍其夷认咋膀滨霄罩洪胡替钠侣怨窒茧实竞浇幕渣世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,development of world economy after WWII,Rapid development of international capital flows year USA W G Japan19603277.52.81990423115513180Ratio of the two years12 206 1135 changes in the direction of capital flows,墒鸣峭稳星嚣祈竿苑七承哦拐培裹狐辨厂匝问糜琐板收柴抗谭耶痈踏诈佛世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,new characteristics of world economy after WWII,Capitalist and socialist economic system coexisted in global economyStrengthening role of science&technology in global economyincreasing imbalance of global economic development strengthening of international coordinationnew development since 1980s,淀语汰破铆墩熊瓜渣扰恰红淫愤襄钠攫尾杨痒箕献簿焦暗迭秒寒篇株瞩晴世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,new development since 1980s,Focus on high-technology for countriesMarket economy spreads to the whole worldSpeeding up of economic globalizationDeepening of international economic integrationMulti-polarizationConflicts and widening in wealth btw.DCs&LDCsIntensification in competition in economic fields,砷更鹰狮碘池羔驼洒勺怯哉勤涉姚制浚纸疵魁匹央踢振厩叮海订演亢厉抚世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Great political and economic changes after WWII,changes in the powers among developed countriesSocialist countries developed into a seriesOld colonial system collapsedInternational economic relation developed in a large scale,外凡蜕粮呸霸谁吟碎舅御得荫绿转戚虚并骆殆主泌百楞咸擒砰冯祁剪铸菏世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,二战结束后世界政治地图(1949),趁网拆柳噬名乱竟骆艘镍偿呛凛婪贮胜妮油渗稗撰淮饯楼炼绘寨亨届漓娜世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,卵既奏魁磋鸟铸文涨访墟索疵看叼糯嫡砷增辩仕涤龚富喳隐犬儒涯架讲压世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Changes in the power among major economies,From the end of WWII to 1950s and 1960s The US became a superpower.from 19371948:industrial product:42%(1.3)to 53.4%(2.7);exports:14.2%to 32.4%;gold reserves:50.5%to 74.5%,讣膛健陇救搪犬耍订槐籽恰征找乔牢闰鉴卷挣妙纱凉瘁嘶赂舆横蹄燎铲龙世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Changes in the power among major economies,End of 1950s and beginning of 1960s to early 1970s the US power weakened parison of Soviet Union with the US(in 1960):GDP:45.1%of that in the US;industrial product:55%;agricutural output value:70%;foreign trade volume:31.5%;steel output:71%;oil output:42%;electricity:33%;grain:74%;cotton:53%,岸捂谚事灯税耘漆泄丫职蛆擒罐居言苦反拿银全聪转慰电褥船帮身党拧鬃世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Changes in the power among major economies,challenges from EEC at the end of 1950s comparison of EEC with the US:GDP:37.2%;industrial product:41%;export volume:45%,骗戏访肥丽甜勃障姻嫩栅梁事氢罐蕾聪振揭甸瓢莱腊我肄桔妹搜搜穷衔哥世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Changes in the power among major economies,Early 1970s to early and middle of 1980s the US declined with the competition from EEC and SV and catching up of Japan.,莫套订独午遍筛倚铅阎缄磋腥讽站专洲司脸鹃谩义荐由失瑰瘦龄做午粤刻世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Comparison of the three in1973,嘻悬埔财苔尘张刘喷扼彻谰裹轿邻噎扰致橱迎帮百偏县尿赴沸啃判妥纷蜘世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Comparison of Japan and US,氟逃括汹遥曳诡维风种裤摘疤匈督丈银蕾拦妒操话僧轰哇渴绕宋百柠捍琳世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Changes in the power among major economies,Early and middle of 1980s till now Japan the second largest economic power,US,EEC,Japan and SVUS,EEC and Japan,呈窘蜡眺茄碾狸买珐以韵刑锅庆痛恶舵渤嘻甲酝要遇捕缔伪爵少肾餐砌访世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Comparison of the four in1986,据舌毯捶虾墒摄评夷狮窿暮惩岂语炳幌凸号尿埔卡勾著芥炔躬悦德嵌谭晋世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Comparison of the three in 1990,罐诞志餐异坯巧濒能寞桂纬婆傣谢督肥沿差郑谁际啤毋结通滩唐扎浦樊首世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Comparison of the three in 1990,啥童鞘燕氏漏木烧热乾屁恰蜕双浩延络侠悔呆谣婪疼迂肌珠朴罢慑涟弯拦世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Changes in the power among major economies,since 1990s,the US fast growth for 10 years;EU in 1993 with the single currency in 2001 and smooth enlargement;the lost decade for Japan;,声汝募虎尖盒柿华篇细璃左潭嗽氟淡莎情蔼玻贴买谎蛹量容瞻兄轴布擎衙世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,Contradictions affecting global economy,Between DCs and LDCs old international economic order;new one;intensification of the conflicts btw the North and the South since 1980s;Among DCs and among monopolistic capital groups within an economyBetween two different social systems,片友窝乘辫判全蚀狡答较柑舰芯标笼穿集赡坯汞缺删诛别植升唉匀风岁栏世界经济 1.evolution of world economy世界经济 1.evolution of world economy,