Chapter 2 A Brief Introduction of Stylistics and Translation,文体学与翻译概论,哑钒姻勃厂假芳塌雁洞末舵迟巴整茄丛稚刽蹋肠勿矢吐扫技狗昼故埠迂冬文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,2.1 What is Stylistics about?Language is a medium of conveying information and communicating feelings.To fulfill the communicative purpose,people should make the use of language.Considering different communicative environment,methods,objectives and purposes,communicators would opt different language varieties(语言变体)that has different functions so as to perform their communication effectively.The language varieties are what people called“style”(文体或语体).There are some diverse meanings of“style”.The origin of the world is stylus,Latin for“pen”.From this the word extended is meaning to mean“a way of writing”,and then became further refined to mean“a good way of writing”.“Style”often refers to“panache”or elegance,concepts that are regularly viewed in the English-speaking world as being“Continental”,or more specifically,French.Another sense of“style”is that used in style books.The use of“Style”can extend to all situationally distinctive uses of language,literary and non-literary.As for English,for example,there are many styles of varieties,such as EST(English for Science and Technology),Advertising English,Press English,Law English,Tourism English,etc.In the middle 1970s,many scholars made the application of modern linguistics and literary criticism to the exploring research on various types of styles,thus bringing us a new discipline-Stylistics.Stylistics,simply defined,is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used;it is a discipline that studies the style of language is used.,俩萝淋喜戚避辈瘸苏眷散透喷缄雹嫌苟簧啪壤卖傈价暴顶影买啡匠赤舰对文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,2.2 Nature of Stylistic Analysis Stylistics analysis is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text;that is,what it is that is peculiar to the uses of language in a text for delivering the message.This naturally involves comparisons of the language of the text with that used in conventional types of discourse.Stylisticians may also wish to characterize the style of a type by systematically comparing the language uses in that type with those in another.For example,we may compare the type of English for Press with EST to ascertain the uniqueness of these two types of writings.Halliday points out,”The text may be seen as this in contrast with that,with another poem or another novel;stylistic studies are essentially comparative in nature”(1971:341)As we have discussed in chapter 2,Stylistics comes into being on the basis of modern linguistics and literary criticism.Accordingly,we can conclude:stylistics analysis have seen four stages of development,namely,1)register analysis(语域分析);2)rhetorical and discourse analysis(修辞及篇章分析);3)functional and stylistic analysis(功能文体分析);4)genre analysis(体裁分析).For the convenience of teaching,I would just discuss functional and genre analysis in the rest of this semester.,蚌拌诗绦班擒寇沿惭菠遵舱留腊脸薛礁临隶援盟炽顷验覆召涵转宜奸逃岔文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,2.3 Stylistics and Translation Studies Generally speaking,stylistics covers such fields:1)analyzing various habits of language use to ensure the typical characteristics of a certain style;2)explaining the reason that a certain style has its own characteristics;3)classifying these characters according to their language functions.As a matter of fact,different writings have different linguistic characteristics in the aspect of vocabulary,syntax,rhetoric,structure,etc.According to linguists Buler and Jackbson,there are three functions of language:expressive function,informative function,and vocative function.Any original work has the three functions.Just as Newmark says,“The main functions of language are expressive(the subjective or“I”form),the descriptive or informative(the“it”form),and the vocative or directive or persuasive(the“you”form).All texts have aspects of the expressive,the informative and the vocative function.Generally speaking,literary work mainly,延划犯叮萨圃辛综避止悍洗豪妄铜六炕窑免曲蚌袄剖恍逻艇齐瀑通域谋惶文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,focuses on the expressive function,while non-literary works mainly center on informative function.Compare the differences of English for Advertising and Literary work,for example.Now the examples:1.He laughs best who runs longest.谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好。(轮胎广告)2.In Miami,its no newelty.(a tour ads)游了迈阿密,才知天下奇。3.Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us.Their shadows slept,or almost slept,upon the water,a gentle quivering alone showing that was not complete sleep or if sleep,that is was sleep with dream.眼前不远,渔舟三五,凝滞不前,樯影映在水上,仿佛睡去,偶尔微见颤动,似又未尝熟睡,恍若惊梦。,党匀防朵那娄栏嘎炉镀浓援粉壤扁琢入凶坪茄觉卞凝榨锥阐嚷骇婚怪填薯文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,4.Portia:And you must cut this flesh from off his breast:The law allows it,and the court awards it.Shylock:Most learned judge!A sentence!Come,prepare!(Excerpted from:Act IV,The Merchant of Venice,by William Shakespeare)鲍西娅:你必须从他的胸前割下这磅肉来;法律许可你,法庭判给你。夏洛克:博学多才的法官!判得好!来,预备!It is very important for us to introduce stylistics into translation study.Why can Stylistics be applied to translation study?It lies in that both of them have the same aim,that is,how to fulfill social communication with effective linguistic methods.They both put emphasis on the social standard of communicative function;they dont ignore the timeliness and individuality of writing style as well.In the process of translation,it is necessary for translator to deal with his translation carefully in order to make the translation accord with the source text in the aspect of style.Now for some examples:5.Grasp all,lose all.Version 1:如果你样样都要抓,就会一样都抓不到手。Version 2:样样抓,样样差。(贪多必失)Analysis:The original sentence is a brief and simple saying。When rendered into Chinese,the four-word sentence becomes sixteen-character Chinese sentence.The problem,of course,not lies in the length of the sentence but in the style.,庙妮胶帖篆邓季柴疫疡驶候堑逢惺迪赞攫酮澳玖猾葱柳镜蓝渭碌栖搏厨嫡文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,2.4 Standards of Various Types of Translation There are many types of writings in both English and Chinese.As we mentioned above section,English writings can be classified into such types:1.Practical English Writings,which mainly include:Letters,telex,notice,contract,instruction,etc.2.English for Press 3.English for Tourism 4.EST(English for Science and Technology)5.English for Advertising 6.English for Law 7.English for Literary Works,踪胚值寸伤木桩唯瞎蕾摈挖樊极宾簧锋次骤织崔蔷袭蛊狱柬脑浓御骂浴体文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,Of course,there are many other types of writings,such as Movie English,Recipe English,English for Resume,etc.Each type of writing have its special feature.To judge whether it is formal or informal,we can make the use of degree of“extremely formal-formal-comparatively informal-extremely informal”.For example.6.It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly.Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules of the borrowing and returning of books,and to bear in mind the needs of other students.Penalties for overdue book will in the future be strictly enforced.7.The number of books in the library has been going down.Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing,and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience.So from now on,were going to enforce the rules strictly.You have been warned!,锭锤焙搐脊妹饺啸怎辅峭赞袱洽画公竹朵饼沮鸭墓舶屯等寓羡掂短炳霜桶文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,Version for 6:查本馆图书锐减,学生当不忘本馆书籍流通之规则及他人之需。逾期不归还者将受重罚。Version for 7:图书馆的书籍最近大量减少,请大家牢记借书的 规定,不要忘记图书馆是为了大家的方便。因此,从现在起,我们将严肃地执行规定。我们特作此警告!Analysis:the stylistic characteristics of the example 6 and 7 can be ensured in the aspects of diction,syntax,and grammar,etc.Example 6 can be labeled a formal notice,while Example 7 can be labeled a comparatively informal notice.The versions are rendered into Chinese differently on the basis of their different stylistic characteristics.As for translation of different types of writing,the key word is“equivalence”.Concretely speaking,there are four aspects of“equivalence”,they are:1.Equivalence of semantic message of source language and target language.(原文的语义信息与译文的语义信息对等)2.Equivalence of stylistic message of source language and target language.(原文的风格信息与译文的风格信息对等)3.Equivalence of cultural message of source language and target language.(原文的文化信息与译文的文化信息对等)4.Equivalence of response of source language readers and target readers.(原文的读者反应与译文的读者反应对等),澳牢憨镑炮菇州趣华域傅娇涛浦彰枣怕灌凸袱俐帽筐萄隐俗阁侦暴侮潘职文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,Exercise:Translate these terms or sentences of different writings.1.irrevocable letter of credit He insisted on an irrevocable letter of credit.2.loss leader Shops use loss leader to attract customers.3.fine food,most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition.4.If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes,dont listen Theyre probably trying to trick you into living.5.More often,the heart disease process progresses silently until symptoms occur because the pump is not supplying blood insufficient quantity to other organs.6.In Rome,Onorius put an end to Gladiatorial combats in 404(possible after a monk had thrown himself into the arena in protest and was killed by the angry crowd.,讼乌厉护玉碌童镇韦铁死胚郎赊蒙铭熬敏倡带宿肆厘掺钓跋停昧蜘伏惠盘文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,7.Clearly,when it comes to marriage,practicing beforehand doesnt make perfect.8.Peasants now sell vegetables at moving prices determined by their supply and their customers demand.Key to Exercises.1.不可撤消信用证(指除非信用人同意,信用证不得撤消)他坚持只接受不可撤消信用证。2.(为招徕顾客而)亏本出售的商品 商店用亏本出售某些商品的办法来吸引顾客。3.饭菜上乘,环境幽雅,服务一流。4.凡劝您戒烟的人,一概莫理-他们就想骗您再多活几年。5.更常见的是,这种心脏病在发作过程中并无症状,后来发生症状是因为心脏不能给其他器官供应充足的血液。6.公元404年,奥诺里斯宣布罗马取消剑士格斗(可能是由于一位修道士冲进竞技场以示抗议,后被愤怒的人群杀死)。7.显然,在婚姻问题上,婚前同居并不能令婚姻生活趋于完美。8.现在农民出售蔬菜,价格随行就市。,拘啡圣无躁耿刹贯炬淖俐羹挟铡援搔炊昨泡釜德躯贤岁蜒日蝶泵怀且撮完文体学与翻译概论文体学与翻译概论,