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    炎帝陵英语导游词 炎帝陵英语导游词1Dear touristsHello and welcome to Zhuzhou. Im your guide_Yandi mausoleum is located in luyuanpo, Tangtian Township, 15 kilometers southwest of Yanling County, Hunan Province, also known as "tianzifen". Emperor Yans mausoleum, the Shennong family, is a legendary tribal leader in ancient times, surnamed Jiang. In history, he taught the people to plant and harvest grain, so he was called "Shennong". He also tasted herbs and invented medicine, so he was also the "God of medicine". Besides, it is also said that he used fire to benefit mankind, made musical instruments and advocated material exchange In a word, the Shennong family of Yan Emperor is a God who is inseparable from the invention and creation of agriculture, industry, commerce, medicine, literature and other fields in the historical legend, so it has been greatly respected and sacrificed by the Chinese people of all dynasties. Finally, he died because he tasted the poisonous heartbroken herb and had no remedy. It was recorded in Emperor Century written by Emperor Fumi of Jin Dynasty. After his death, he was buried in Changsha. According to Lu Shi written by Luo Mi of Song Dynasty, "the end of Changshas tea town is called Chaling" (Yanling County was divided by Chaling in the Southern Song Dynasty). Ancient trees cover the surrounding area of Yandis Mausoleum and water surrounds it. On the side of the mausoleum, there is a "medicine washing pool", which is said to be the place where Emperor Yan washed herbal medicine, as well as several Royal Sacrifice steles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Yandi Mausoleum scenic area includes Yandi mausoleum, Yanling temple, Fengsheng temple, Chongde square, huzhenguan temple, Luyuan Pavilion, shenghuotai and other cultural landscapes, as well as Luyuan cave, longnao stone, longzhushi, xihuachi and other natural landscapes, which are all attractive places.The mausoleum area of Yan Emperor was called "Huangshan" in ancient times, covering an area of 2.4 square kilometers. The mausoleum area is covered with green mountains, green water circulation, towering ancient trees, and the mausoleum hall with national architectural style is brilliant, covering an area of 3000 square meters. In 960 ad, song Taizu ascended the throne, visited ancient mausoleums all over the world, found Yan Emperor Mausoleum in Bailuyuan, and built a temple in 967. In 1950, Emperor Yans mausoleum was listed as a key cultural relic protection unit of the province. In 1954, the main hall was burned down because of the fire of pilgrims. In June 1986, the main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum was officially rebuilt with the approval and funding of Hunan Provincial Peoples government. The rebuilt mausoleum hall is divided into five parts: the first part is the Meridian Gate, in which there are Danlong, two corridors on the left and right for the stele room, and the second part is the Xingli Pavilion, which is an octagonal pillar Pavilion supported by eight stone pillars, with a horizontal plaque inscribed "the ancestors of the nation shine on the world" and a couplet under it saying "virtue shines on the glorious industry for thousands of years; great achievements are made for thousands of generations" The third entrance is the main hall, with 24 stone pillars supporting the top of the hall. A plaque inscribed "Chinese people will never forget their ancestors" is hung in the hall. On both sides of the hall, the couplet says "making leidan to lay a foundation for agriculture and industry; tasting a hundred herbs to make a precedent for medicine". In the shrine of the hall, the statue of Yan Emperor Shennong is worshipped. The statue of Yan Emperor is a gold body, with rice ears in his left hand and Ganoderma lucidum in his right hand. In front of the statue is a bamboo basket containing grains and medicinal materials. The banner of "Qi Tians ancestor" is hung on the shrine. There are couplets on both sides of the shrine, which are "the name of the universe; the grace of the Divine Land". The whole hall is magnificent and solemn. The fourth entrance is the tomb Pavilion, with a stone inscription: "the tomb of Emperor Yan Shennong". The fifth entrance is the mausoleum of Emperor Yan. Shennong is one of the ancestors of the Chinese nation, so the sacrifice to the Yan Emperors mausoleum has been very solemn and grand since ancient times. According to historical records, it began to offer sacrifices to Emperor Yans mausoleum in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, since the founding of the temple by Taizu of the Song Dynasty, it was set as a big sacrifice in three years. In the Qing Dynasty, the ceremonies were more frequent, with 41 times of big sacrifice alone.Around the mausoleum hall, there is a red wall more than 10 meters high. Surrounded by a large-scale Fengsheng temple, huzhenguan temple, angel platform, Chongde square, Zaisheng Pavilion, Shiji mansion, yongfengtai and other ancient buildings, there are Luyuan cave, Xiaqiao, pool (also known as Xiyao pool), Huangyang mountain, longzhushi and other monuments. There are also the ten sceneries of Yan mausoleum. They are: the fragrant grass Pavilion (also known as the grass Pavilion) with flowers and plants; the bank is like a dragons head, like a stone dragons bun; the clouds are misty and bleak, like autumn rain; the haze around the pavilion is sometimes looming, like a dense haze; In spring, there are fine grasses, clusters of wild flowers, yellow and white flowers, red and purple flowers, just like Jinyin in the destination of Fangzhou spring brocade. Birds and deer in the mountains are inconstant, and sometimes silent. When sacrificing, they fly away and sing harmoniously. There are Sheng Huangs bird and deers harmonies (also known as Bailuyuan): the big camphor is horizontal, hollow as a hole, and people can sit with a few cups to chant the empty camphor hole; There are thousands of ancient trees in Luyuan, which are strange. There is a fir in front of the mausoleum, which is divided into two trunks. It is surrounded by more than ten branches and leaves. After hundreds of years of moistening, it is called qiuzhang lingmu. In the north of the mausoleum, the pool is deep and clear, and there are hundreds of scales. Every day, the waves are warm, and the water and light match each other; As a result, the pavilion was built and engraved with a stele: Feixiang Pavilion of different trees (also known as Feixiang Pavilion).The majestic palace of Yan Emperors Mausoleum and the ancient buildings blend with the natural scenery here, and add the ten famous scenes of Yan Emperors mausoleum to match, making the whole Yan Emperors Mausoleum quiet, beautiful and magnificent. Emperors of all dynasties regarded it as a holy land, held annual sacrifices, held ceremonies, and sent envoys to pay homage to it. During the spring and Autumn period, many local members came to offer sacrifices. People who sacrifice animals, burn incense and worship, come in an endless stream throughout the year. As for new years festival, thousands of worshipers can be seen in neat formation, full of offerings, incense shackles around, which can be regarded as a spectacle.炎帝陵英语导游词2Dear touristsHello everyone! Welcome to Yan Emperor Mausoleum.Yandi mausoleum is one of the world-famous Three mausoleums of the first ancestors. It is located in xiluyuanpi, Yanling County, Hunan Province. The mausoleum area is 5 square kilometers. It is a popular place for worshipping ancestors and sightseeing for the Chinese people at home and abroad.Emperor Yan Shennong, the founder of Chinese farming culture, made great contributions to the rise and development of the Chinese nation. Emperor Yan was born in Suizhou, Hubei Province, and grew up in Jiangshui, Baoji. His name was Jiang Shinian. In his later years, he visited the south, observed the situation of the people, and publicized medical treatment for the people. Due to eating heartbroken grass by mistake, luyuanpi, Yanling County, was "buried at the end of Changsha Tea Town". According to historical records, there was an imperial mausoleum before the Han Dynasty, which was worshipped in Yichang in the Tang Dynasty. In 967 ad, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne and dreamed of Emperor Yan at night. So he found the imperial mausoleum in luyuanpi, where he "erected a temple in front of the mausoleum and worshiped it with a portrait". By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties offered sacrifices to Emperor Yans Mausoleum more than 200 times. After more than 1030 years and more than 20 major repairs, the main hall and Xingli Pavilion of Yan Emperors Mausoleum were all burnt down in the Spring Festival of 1954 due to the fire of pilgrims.The main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum was renovated in 1986 and listed as a key cultural relic protection unit in 1996.炎帝陵英语导游词3Ladies and gentlemen: hello and welcome to Yan Emperor Mausoleum.Yan Emperors mausoleum is one of the world-famous Three mausoleums of the first ancestors. It is also a popular place for the Chinese people to worship their ancestors and for sightseeing at home and abroad.Emperor Yan Shennong was the founder of Chinese farming culture. He made great contributions to the rise and reproduction of the Chinese nation.Dear tourists, we are now in the sacrificial square, where ancestor worship is generally held. What we are seeing now is the main building Shennong hall. Shennong hall imitates the ancient architecture of Qing Dynasty, with double eaves resting on the top of the mountain. It looks very similar to the architectural features of the Forbidden City in Beijing.Well, what we see now is the eight great achievements of Shennong of Yan Emperor. The first great achievement of Shennong is "managing hemp for cloth and making clothes", which makes human society take a significant step towards the development of civilization. What we see now is the second great achievement: "the sun is the market, opening up the market for the first time". Shennong advocates trading and exchanging needed goods to meet the needs of peoples life and production. "The string wood is an arc, and each tree is a arrow", which refers to the bow and arrow created by Shennong, which improved the hunting tools and productivity; the fourth great achievement is "starting to make Lei Lei, teaching the people to cultivate". In order to facilitate planting and improve efficiency, Shennong invented the early farm tools, and taught everyone to cultivate, thus solving the great event of "food for the people" "Taste all kinds of herbs and invent medicine" is his fifth great achievement. In order to remember this great achievement, later generations called the first medical book in the history of Chinese medicine "Shennongs herbal classic" this is "making pottery as utensils and making Jin axes". He made the earliest pottery and greatly improved the living conditions of human beings; What we can see here is the seventh great achievement of "cutting the tongs into Qin and connecting the wires into strings". After the improvement of the material life of the ancestors, they had a strong pursuit of spiritual life. In labor practice, they invented the five stringed Qin, also known as Shennong Qin; The last great achievement is "building houses and living in Pavilions". The construction of Mingtang originates from bird nests. Birds fly out to look for food in the daytime and return to their nests to rest in the evening. Shennong thought: if people have such a fixed "nest", they can work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and they are no longer drilling holes. We can learn from the eight meritorious figures that Emperor Yans inventions are closely related to our lives.Well, the main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum is divided into five parts. The first part is the Meridian Gate. Through the Meridian Gate, you can see this tall white jade tablet of Han Dynasty, which is engraved with three big characters "Yan Emperors Mausoleum". This is the inscription of Yan Emperors Mausoleum by President Jiang Zemin on September 4, 1993. On the left side of the stone tablet lies a beautiful and gentle deer, and on the right side stands an eagle spreading its wings to fly. These are the other two mothers of the legendary Emperor Yan. The second entrance is the salute Pavilion. Zhou Peiyuan, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), wrote the plaque "the ancestor of the nation, shines on the world" hanging above the Xingli Pavilion. Were now in the main hall. The main hall is the tallest building of Yan Emperors mausoleum. A couplet is hung on the two big stone pillars: "making Leifu to lay the foundation of agriculture and industry, tasting a hundred herbs to open a precedent of medicine". This couplet summarizes the three most important achievements of Yan Emperor in his life. A horizontal plaque is also hung on the front door of the hall: "the descendants of the Yellow River, do not forget the ancestors", which was inscribed by Comrade Chen Yun at the age of 83. The main hall is the site of the statue of Emperor Yan. You see, laozong Duan is sitting on the magnificent altar with a kind face and a smile. He holds a bunch of rice in his left hand and two Ganoderma lucidum in his right hand. Between his legs is a bamboo basket filled with herbs he picked by himself. This is exactly the embodiment of Yan Emperors three great achievements in laying the foundation of agriculture and industry and making a precedent in medicine. Now we have reached the fourth entrance - Tomb Pavilion. On the white jade stele, there are seven characters: "Tomb of Emperor Yan Shennong". You may ask: why is Emperor Yan also called Shennong? Because Emperor Yan began to make Leifu, which is a kind of primitive agricultural tool. He taught people to plant grain and eat it, so it is called Shennong. He is the founder of Chinas agricultural culture, listed as the three emperors and five emperors in ancient China, and called the emperor of agriculture. For thousands of years, China has built its country by agriculture. The monument was inscribed by Hu Yaobang, then general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, on May 15, 1985, for Shennong, Emperor Yan. Behind this is the mausoleum of Emperor Yan Shennong. Our ancestors, Emperor Yan Shennong, have been resting here for thousands of years. OK, next, lets go to the imperial stele garden. Every time the emperors of past dynasties finished their ancestor worship, they would carve a royal stele as a memorial. Well, thats all for todays visit. Emperor Yans pioneering, innovative and selfless spirit is the foothold of the Chinese nation. Through the inheritance and development of countless ancestors, it has developed into todays national spirit of hard work and self-improvement of the Chinese nation.


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