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    Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Period Setion A(1a-2c)年级:九年级 科目:英语 设计者:汪春云 审核者:Language goals:1、Words and expressionsrestroom shampoo drugstore cafe department store escalator magic writing paper save money take the escalator to go past2、Key sentences Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?Could you tell me how to get to the post office ?Take the escalatar to the second floor.Do you know if there are any public restrooms around around here ?Ability goals: To learn to ask for information politely To grasp some useful expressions. Emotion and attitude goals: How to be a polite person Teaching difficult: Learn how to get information politely. 预 案: 一、预习内容 Useful words and expressions save money get some magazines get some information about the town made a telephone call buy some stamps take the escalator to go past the bank on the secord floor how to get to二、预习方法 朗读。查找这些短语的意义并记忆。三、预习效果检测乘电梯去 如何去 路过银行 在二楼 打电话 请你好吗? 紧挨着 买书写纸 存钱 学 案:Step Presentation1、Look at the pictures on Page 86 and ask“What public works can you find?”“Where is Deans Drugstare? Wheres the post office?”2、Can we ask for directions in a polite way?Excuse me, Could you please tell me where Deans Drugstore is?Step PairworkGet the Ss to work in pairs like this.Step Textbooks1、1a. Look at the pictures and find the answers.2、1b. 2a Step. Grammar FocusRead through the sentences and give them help when they have trouble练 案:、完成单词1、Many people became intereted in (魔术)after they saw Liu Qians show.2、Are there any (公共厕所)in the neighbourhood?3、Ill bring something from the (药店)for your hands.4、Could you please tell me where the (电动扶梯)is ?5、I want to (节约)money to buy a big house (具有)a garden.、单选( )1、Where is your school? Its the bank. A、the next B、next C、next to D、near to( )2、A: Could you tell me the way to the hospital? B: Go down this road and turn right. Youll see it on right. A、/, / B、the, the C、/, the D、the, /( )3、A: Did he tell you ? B: Yes, He went there in 2006.A、when he traveled to Tibet B、how he goes to WuhanC、where he spent his holidays D、why did he visit Kunming( )4、A: May I come in? Im sorry Im late.B:Come in please. But could you tell me ? A、why you are late again B、where were you doing thenC、who you talked with D、how do you come to school评 案:一、用所给的适当形式填空.1、Why not (ask) the teacher for help?2、Toms uncle lives on the (two) floor.3、Hes thinking about where (go).4、I want to buy some (write) paper.5、Could you please (not open) the window?6、She decides (start) to work when I finish high school.7、There (be) a bookstore and two drugstores in the street.8、He prefers (buy) a new bike rather than (repair) the old one.9、Its necessary for us (plant) more trees.10、Every year, he spends too much money (buy) books.二 、根据汉语提示写单词.1、Go (过)the bank.2、Could you please tell me if there are any good (博物馆)in the town?.3、We can get lots of (信息)on the Internet.4、 (乘坐)the elevator is convenient.5、Do you know where I can (兑换)money?三、用方框中所提供短语提示完成下列句子. make a telephone call, save money, hang out, go out, go to the mall1、 , the students went back home on furt.2、Im planning to buy some clothes with one of my friends.3、Do you like with friends after school?4、In the ant world, not all ants for food.5、Wait a minute, please. Im to my mother.四、单选.( )1、Could you tell me the airport?A、 how can I get to B、where I can get to C、why I can arrive in D、how I can get to ( )2、The post office is the bank the bookstare. A、in, of B、at, for C、between, and D、on, and( )3、Theres at the mall. A、happening something B、something happening C、something to happen D、to happen something( )4、Do you know how much hot water ? A、Mom is needed B、does Mom need C、Mom needs D、did Mom need( )5、Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong is very interesting, so I often read it. A、write B、wirtes C、written D、writing( )6、A: How long do you chatting online a week?B: Aroud five hours. A、take B、spend C、pay D、cost( )7、A: Are you going to with us this Sunday afternoom?B: Yes, of course. A、Mrs Cools B、Mrs Cool C、the Mrs Cools D、the Mrs Cool( )8、Im so busy today because I have housework to do. A、too many B、too much C、much too D、many too( )9、We felt nervous when we heard in the neighborhood. A、anything strange B、strange something C、strange anything D、something strange( )10、Do you know I can buy this kind of sweet? A、which B、where C、what D、who( )11、Ms Li wants to know where theres a good place lunch. A、eat B、eating C、ate D、to eat( )12、A: Dont make so much noise. of the two boys can fall asleep.B: Sorry, we wont. A、All B、Neither C、None D、Both五、将下列句子改为间接引语。1“Is he an actor?”We want to know. 2.“When will you come back?”I asked him 3.The teacher told us,“The earth is round” 4.“Did you finish your work?”My mother asked me. 5.“Fetch my book”Sally said to Lucky. 反 思:Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Period Section A(3a4)年级:九年级 科目:英语 设计者:汪春云 审核者:Language goals:1、Words and expressions decide to do make a decision to doFresh block oak free concerts do sth for free Its adj to do at the mall talk to/with sb hang out prefer to do/doing preferto prefer doing to doing prefer to do rather than do turn left onto Oak Street2、Key sentencesWe decided to talk to some students about why they go there.I prefer being outside.Its also just fun to to watch people.When I go into stores, I alawys spend too much money!Is that a good place to hang out?Ability goals: To find the advantages and disadvantages of doing sth.Emotion and attitude goals: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages. Teaching difficult: To grasp the usages of useful phrases.预 案:一、预习内容 block fresh oak Its adj to do hang out prefer decide to do talk to/ with sb at the mall free concerts二、预习方法朗读、记忆生词,圈出重要短语三、预习效果检测闲逛 宁愿做也不愿做 在商业街 免费的音乐会 决定做 新鲜的 我常花太多的钱 向左拐上橡树街 学 案: StepRevisionGet the indwiduals to answer“Which do you prefer, hanging out with friends or staying at home alone?”Answer this question in different ways.e·g I prefer to hang out with friends rather than stay at home. I prefer hanging out with friends to staying at home.StepPresentationWhat do you often do on weekends? Do you like shopping at the mall? Why?/Why not?StepReading1、Listen and try to answer“Does Yu Yue like going to the mall? Why/Why not?”2、Read it by themselves and list the advantages and disadvantages of going to the mall.Step Explantion1) prefer doing prefer to do2) The air isnt fresh.3) Theres always something happening.4) Its just fun to watch people5) I always spend too much money.StepGroupworkTalk about the questions in 3b in groups.练 案:一、根据括号中的所提供词的适当形式完成下列句子1、I prefer (walk) there rather than go by bus.2、Look! Therere two women (talk) on the second floor.3、Its just fun (watch) people.4、Jack always spends lots of money (buy) CDs5、The town was (crowd) with Christmas shoppers6、Well go to the mall to buy some (fresh) regetables.二、按要求改变句式1、Could you please tell me where I can get a bike?(同义句) Could you please tell me a bike?2、What does he usually do on weekends? Can you tell me?(合并为一句) Can you tell me he usually on weekends?3、Go past the room in front of you.(否定句) past the room in front of you.4、We decided to talk to some students about why they went there.(同义句) We made a talk to some students about why they went there.5、The boy likes surfing the Internet.(同义句) The boy the Internet.评 案:一、单选( ) 1、The small room has and disadvantages. In winter its warm, in summer its too hot. A、advantage B、disadvantage C、advantages D、disadvantages( ) 2、I spent half an hour my homework. A、finish doing B、to finish doing C、finishing to do D、finishing doing( ) 3、Im tired because I have school work to do. A、too much, much too B、much too, too much C、too many, many too D、too much, too much( ) 4、I dont know to do it. A、how B、what C、who D、which( ) 5、Its boring the movie. A、see B、to see C、seeing D、for seeing( ) 6、It her half a year to learn how to drive. A、cost B、took C、spent D、paid( ) 7、We dont know . A、where is he from B、where he is from C、he is from where D、is he from where( ) 8、Its very important us English well. A、to, study B、to, to study C、for, study D、for, to study( ) 9、Could you please tell me get to the park? A、how can I B、how I can C、where can I D、where I can( ) 10、Either English or French in that country. A、speak B、speaks C、is spoken D、are spoken( )11、A: Can you guess if they tomorrow?B: They will come if they free, I think. A、come, will be B、will come, are C、will come, will be D、come, are( )12、The fridge doesnt work. It cant keep food . A、hot B、warm C、fresh D、well二、汉泽英,一空一词1、你一个人到处闲逛是危险的. Its dangerous for you to everywhere.2、你可以乘电梯去三楼. You may the escalator to the .3、对学生来说图书馆是一个安静的读书之地.Library is a place for students books.4、去年她喜欢花许多的钱买服装而不是学习用具 She much money on clothes school things.5、那里经常会有些事情发生. There always .6、吃大量的新鲜水果,蔬菜对健康有好处的. a lot of and good your health.7、走过大约三个街区. about three .8、在商业街有许多免费的音乐会. There a lot of the mall.三、用适当的连接词完成下列句子或对话.1、Do you know her son is nervons?2、A:Could you tell me I can study English well?B:Practice, practice, practice.3、I dont know the woman does.4、Please tell me she is talking to.5、A:Could you tell me I can buy that shampoo?B:In the shop next to our school.6、Do you know clothes they are?7、A:I wonder they talked about.B:Nothing.8、Can you tell me has cleaned the room?9. A: Dow you know he is? B;He is an engineer.10.A:I know she arrived. B;Last Sunday.反 思:Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Period Section B(1a2c)年级:九年级 科目:英语 设计者:汪春云 审核者:Language goals1、Words and expressionscrowdeduncrowded inexpersive fascinating convenient at the corner of2、Key sentences Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat? Do you know if there are any public restrooms around here? Could you tell me if there is a good museums do you like? What kind of food / museums do you like? You can learn all about the history of computers, as well as learn about scieme. Ability goals Practice listening To describe the public works using proper adjectives. To ask for information using different polite expressions Emotion and attitude goals: Know about the enviroment around you. Give help to people in need. Teaching difficult: Listening预 案:一、预习内容1)Know about some adjectives to describe public works Fascinating convenient inexpensive uncrowded at the corner of2)Ask for information politely Do you know Could you tell me Can you tell me二、预习方法 朗读生词,复习寻求信息的礼貌表达方式三、预习效果检测不贵的 不拥挤的 也,还 便利的 迷人的,有吸引力的 请你告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗? 学 案:StepRevisionWhat do you think of the food in Shoukang Supermarket / Xingchen Supermarket / Xihe Park /Fangxian Hospital / the bus station?Step Presentation Do you often eat outside? What qualities are important for a restaurant? Delicious food, Clean places or friendly service ? What about a mall?Step1aComplete the form in 1a by themselves and share their answers.Step PairworkTalk about the places in Fangxian in pairs.Step Presentation He lives at the corner of Jianshe Road and Wudary Road Do you know if theres a park near here? What kind of food / museums do you like?he likes blve as well as black.Step ListeningFinish 2a 2b练 案:一、用所提供词的适当形式填空1、There were only five people on the bus. It was (crowded)2、I paid 2 for the shoes. They are really (expensive)3、 (know) how to ask for information politely is very important.4、The boy is much (polite) than before.5、We know about art as well as (clean) about history.二、完成下列句子1、精美艺术博物馆即有趣又美丽. The Arts is and


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