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    THE UNIVERSITYWisconsinunversty豚Wiaconsin-Madison威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校-环境教育典范全美综合排名第三十九如美中国际www us眼du.眼t威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin坐落爱威斯康星州的麦迪逊,建于1850年,威斯康 辛大学麦迪逊分校是一所历史悠久,享有盛名的美国公立高等学府,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校在2010年美 国新闻与世界报道最新美国大学排行榜上位居第45名。University of Wisconsin是一所大型综合性大学, 英国2010泰晤士报高等教育排名43,现有在校学生30343人,48%为男性,52%为女性。学校基本信息校训:Numen Lumen (拉丁语)The divine within the universe, however manifested, is my light or God, our light.学校网址:http:/www.wisc.edu/建校时间:1848年US News排名:全美综合排名第39位 地址位置:美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊市 学校类型:公立大学校长:Carolyn "Biddy" Martin学校教员:2,054人在校学生:42,041 (2007)人大学部/本科学院28,999人研究所/研究生11,423 (Special students 1,619)人 国际学生比例:3.91%授予学位:学士学位,硕士学位,博士学位师生比例:1: 13学校地址:University of Wisconsin-Madison 130 A.W. PetersonBuilding 750 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA学校电话:608-263-2400颜色:主教红和白色吉祥物:獾 学校特色和荣誉威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校坐落于威斯康星州的麦迪逊,建于1850年,是一所历史悠久,享有盛名的美 国公立高等学府,麦迪逊分校释威斯康辛大学系统的旗帜性学校。威斯康辛大学是美国最著名的公立大学 之一,也是世界著名的研究性大学。在美国,它经常被视为公立的常青藤。在本科教育方面,它列于伯克 利加州大学和密歇根大学之后,排在公立大学的第三位。除此之外,它还在本科教育质量列于美国大学的 第八位。在2008年美国新闻与世界报道最新美国大学排行榜上位居第35名。按美国全国研究会(National Research Council)的研究结果,威斯康辛大学有70个科目排在全美前十名。威斯康辛大学也是美国大学 联合会的60个成员之一。学校现有在校学生44000人,其中研究生12000多人。校园之大,令刚进校的新 生没有地图便极易迷路。该校学风严谨,对学生的要求甚严,学生之间在学习上的竞争相当激烈,图书馆常常是满座状况。该 校特别注重学术研究,学术气氛非常浓厚,校方把大量的资金投入到研究生院,借此推动学校的学术发展。 因此,该校不论是在研究设施和设备等硬件方面,还是在教学、师资、科研成果等软件方面,都处于美国 大学前列。该校拥有人文科学研究所、埃尔维耶姆艺术博物馆、科勒艺术图书馆、米尔斯音乐图书馆、自 然科学实验室、空间科学与工程中心、威斯康星临床癌症研究中心、生物技术中心、农业试验研究所、食 品研究所、酶研究所、植物园、材料科学研究中心、贫困问题研究所、罗伯将拉福莱特公共事务研究所、 社会科学研究所、教育研究和发展中心、环境研究所、人口统计学和生态学中心、工业关系研究所、USDA 林产品实验室、国立大气研究中心、伍兹。霍尔海洋生物学实验室等一大批知名的科研教学设施,同时还 拥有一批在国际上享有很高知名度的大腕学者,是一个求知和做学问的好地方。就学术方面的荣耀而言,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊校区的教职员和校友至今共获颁十七座诺贝尔奖和二十 四座普立兹奖;有五十三位教职员是国家科学研究院的成员、有十七位是国家工程研究院的成员、有五位 是隶属于国家教育研究院,另外还有九位教职员赢得了国家科学奖章、六位是国家级研究员(Searle Scholars)、还有四位获颁麦克阿瑟研究员基金。该校设有10 0多个本科专业,一半以上可以授予硕士、博士学位,其中新闻学、生物化学、植物学、 化学工程、化学、土木工程、计算机科学、地球科学、英语、地理学、物理学、经济学、德语、历史学、 语言学、数学、工商管理MBA)、微生物学、分子生物学、机械工程、哲学、西班牙语、心理学、政治学、 统计学、社会学、动物学等诸多学科具有相当雄厚的科研和教学实力,大部分在美国大学相应领域排名中 居于前10名。学校本科专业划分African Languages and Literature (LS)Afro-American Studies (LS)Agricultural and Applied Economics (CALS) Agricultural Business Management (CALS)Agricultural Education (CALS)Agricultural Journalism (CALS)Agronomy (CALS)Animal Sciences (CALS)Anthropology (LS)Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics (LS) Art (ED) Art Education (ED) Art History (LS) Asian Studies (LS) Astronomy-Physics (LS) Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (LS) Biochemistry (CALS) Biochemistry (LS) Biological Aspects of Conservation (LS) Biological Systems Engineering (CALS) Biology (ED) Biology (CALS) Biology (LS) Biomedical Engineering (E) Botany (LS) Accounting (BUS) Actuarial Science (BUS) Finance, Investment, and Banking (BUS) Information Systems (BUS) International Business (BUS) Management and Human Resources (BUS) Marketing (BUS)Operations and Technology Management (BUS)Real Estate and Urban Land Economics(BUS)Risk Management and Insurance (BUS)Cartography and Geographic InformationSystems (LS)Chemical Engineering (E)Chemistry (ED)Chemistry (LS)Chemistry Course (LS)Chinese (ED)Chinese (LS)Civil Engineering (E)Classical Humanities (LS)Classics (LS)Clinical Laboratory Science (MED) (no new admissions)Communication Arts (LS)Communicative Disorders (ED)Communicative Disorders (LS)Community and Environmental Sociology (CALS)Community and Nonprofit Leadership(SOHE)Comparative Literature (LS)Computer Engineering (E)Computer Sciences (LS)Consumer Affairs (SOHE)Dairy Science (CALS)Dance (ED)Earth Science (ED)Economics (ED)Economics (LS)Electrical Engineering (E)Elementary Education (ED)Engineering Mechanics (E)Engineering Physics (E)English (ED)English (LS)Entomology (CALS)Family, Consumer and CommunityEducation (SOHE)Food Science (CALS)Forest Science (CALS)French (ED)French (LS)Genetics (CALS)Geography (ED)Geography (LS)Geological Engineering (E)Geology and Geophysics (LS)German (ED)German (LS)Hebrew (ED)Hebrew (LS)History (ED)History (LS)History and History of Science, Medicine, and Technology (LS)History of Science, Medicine, andTechnology (LS)Horticulture (CALS)Human Development and Family Studies(SOHE)Human Ecology (SOHE)Individual Major (CALS)Individual Major (ED)Individual Major (SOHE)Individual Major (LS)Industrial Engineering (E)Interior Design (SOHE)International Studies (LS)Italian (ED)Italian (LS)Japanese (ED)Japanese(LS)Jewish Studies (LS)Journalism (LS)Kinesiology (ED)Landscape Architecture (CALS)Languages and Cultures of Asia (LS)Latin (ED)Latin (LS)Latin American, Caribbean, and IberianStudies (LS)Legal Studies (LS)Linguistics (LS)Materials Science and Engineering (E)Mathematics (ED)Mathematics (LS)Mechanical Engineering (E)Medical Microbiology and Immunology (LS)Medical Science (LS)Microbiology (CALS)Microbiology (LS)Molecular Biology (LS)Music:(B.A./B.S.) (LS)Education (LS)Performance (LS)Natural Science (ED)Naval Science (E)Nuclear Engineering (E)Nursing (NUR)Nutritional Sciences (CALS)Personal Finance (LS)Pharmacology and Toxicology (PH)Philosophy (LS)Physician Assistant (MED) (no new admissions)Physics (ED)Physics (LS)Plant Pathology (CALS)Polish (ED)Polish (LS)Political Science (ED)Political Science (LS)Portuguese (ED)Portuguese (LS)Poultry Science (CALS)Psychology (LS)Recreation Resources Management (CALS) Rehabilitation Psychology (ED) Religious Studies (LS) Retailing (SOHE) Russian (ED) Russian (LS) Scandinavian Studies (LS) Social Studies (ED) Social Welfare (LS) Social Work (LS) Sociology (ED) Sociology (LS) Soil Science (CALS) Spanish (ED) Spanish (LS) Special Education (ED) Statistics (LS) Textile and Apparel Design (SOHE) Theatre and Drama (ED) Theatre and Drama (LS) Wildlife Ecology (CALS) Women's Studies (LS) Return to Top Zoology (LS)国际学生的申请录取要求学习背景要求GPA 3.5Rank Top 10语言要求旧 T80 / IELTS 6,建议 6.5SATI要求提供SATII不需要申请截止日期 秋季12月15日 春季10月1日面试要求不是必须的往年录取学生背景SATI 前2部分 1200-1500What Does UWM Look For?学校要求的学生素质The University of Wisconsin is a world-class university and admission is both competitive and selective.Our admission counselors review each application individually and are looking for students who demonstrate strong academic ability (很强的学术能力),as well as leadership (领导能力),community service (社区服务经历),creativity (创造力),talent, and enthusiasm (热情).We also consider personal characteristics (个人性格)that will contribute to the strength and diversity of our university.Academic Course Preparation (最主要考虑的因素)Academic preparation, and specifically the strength of your high school course work, is the primary consideration for admission. This chart shows our minimum course requirements for application. Students who are most competitive for admission generally meet our typical standards (right column), including 4-5 academic courses each year and AP, IB, and honors courses whenever possible.Minimum for ApplicationTypical for AdmissionEnglish4 years4+ yearsMath*34+Social Studies34+Science34Single Foreign Language24Additional Academic/Fine Arts22+Total Units1722+* Math requirement includes at least one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced math, or an integrated sequence of courses.Academic Performance(学术表现)Applicants are expected to achieve a high level of performance in the course work they pursue. This includes: Rigor of course work(课程成绩).A minimum of the academic courses listed above, including AP,IB, and honors courses as appropriate. Class rank (班级排名).We request class rank and consider rank in addition to all other factors. Academic grade point average (GPA)(平均分).We recalculate GPAs based on unweightedacademic courses only. Grade trends (分数的趋势).An increasingly strong academic record improves likelihood ofadmission; a downward trend diminishes it.Standardized Test Scores (标准化考试成绩)We require results from either the ACT or the SAT, including results from a standardized writing test.This writing requirement must be fulfilled with the ACT Assessment plus the ACT Writing Test or the SAT (critical reading, math, and writing).Students whose native language is not English and who were not educated in an entirely English-speaking country will likely need to submit results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).Nonacademic Qualifications (非学术方面的素质)Numbers alone do not determine admissibility. We look for students with special or unique talents, who give of themselves, and who learn outside the classroom as well as inside. Please remember, however, that while nonacademic indicators will make a good applicant strong, they will never make an academically weak applicant admissible.Some of the nonacademic areas we consider are: Extracurricular activities (课外活动) Leadership experience (领导经历) Community service (社区服务经历) Special talents and abilities (特长) Personal characteristics (个性) Alumni affiliation (校友联系)学校的申请材料要求A complete international application file consists of the following一套完整的国际学生申请材料包括):1. Application for Admission.(填写申请表格)2. Application Fee.(申请费)3. Academic Records.(学业成绩,即官方成绩单)4. Courses in Progress.(正在学的课程)5. ACT and/or SAT Test Scores (freshmen only).6. TOEFL Score.7. Statements.(个人陈述)8. Letters of Recommendations.(推荐信)9. Financial Verification Form and Bank Letter.(银行存款证明)10. Copy of Passport.(护照复印件)Essay Questions 命题作文Write a brief statement on a separate piece of paper regarding your educational plans at UW Madison.Mailing Address材料邮寄地址The University of WisconsinOffice of Admissions,716 Langdon Street,Madison, WI 53706-1481, USA.Phone: 608-262-3961学校的其他特色地理环境威斯康辛州的首都麦迪逊一直是全美评价最适合居住的城市之一。拥有近21万人口的麦迪逊的闹区街 道上商店、咖啡店、餐馆、艺廊、电影院林立绵延约一哩,与UW-Madison主校区Bascom Hill连接,Bascom Hill的建筑多半建造于十九世纪末,典雅的风格通常是人们对UW-Madison校园的第一印象,自此往西或往 南延伸则有其它各式建筑与油绿的草皮、田园与林地景致,常见健行与骑自行车的人们在其间的小径享受 悠闲。麦迪逊位处于Monona与Mendota两大湖间的峡区,气候季节分明,冬季降雪,在早期是美国原住 民的部落所在地,向来以其美丽的景致驰名,拥有五个湖泊区与超过两百座公园,提供了全年的户外休闲 空间,自行车、健行、游泳、划船以及冬天的滑雪溜冰与冰上垂钓等活动都很风行,美式足球则是当地最 狂热的运动,办的各项艺术表演如歌剧及交响乐表演,加上许多当地定期活动与节庆(道地的蔬果市集、 美食节、花车游行),让麦迪逊整年都充满活力。校园环境威斯康辛麦迪逊校区的校园环境,是一等一的好。在邻近威斯康辛州首都的市中心,有一个相当有名 的曼多塔湖(Lake Mendota),而靠着这个湖畔一千英亩的地方,也有不少学生在湖畔进行社团活动或是 小团体的聚会,但大多数都是大学部的学生。不过曼多塔湖的确是所有就读威斯康辛大学麦迪逊校区的学 生最美好的一个回忆,在入学时和毕业后,才能有心情好好的欣赏这片美景,也算是威大学生的幸福。体育威斯康辛大学运动队昵称(幸运物)“獾”(Badger),是美国全国大学体育协会最高级别I-A组和十大联 盟的成员。美式足球队是最受学生和居民支持的运动队,曾获得过1994年,1999年和2000年玫瑰杯冠 军。队中明星Ron Dayne是1999年大学美式足球最佳球员Heisman Trophy的获得者。篮球队曾于1941 年获得NCAA第一级的全美冠军,近年来也有不俗的战绩,2000年进入了大学篮球冠军赛四强。名人录朱文鑫,中国天文学家曹宏威,博士周松岗,港铁行政总裁孔庆殷,前香港商业电台DJ郑同僚,公共电视文化事业基金会董事长诺贝尔奖获得者:Herbert Spencer Gasser,1944 年生理或医学奖约翰巴丁,1956年和1972年物理学奖Edward Lawrie Tatum, 1958 年生理或医学奖Stanford Moore, 1972 年化学奖John H. van Vleck, 1977 年物理学奖Theodore Schultz , 1979 年经济学奖Erwin Neher, 1991年生理或医学奖Paul Boyer, 1997 年化学奖Gunter Blobel, 2000年生理或医学奖Jack Kilby, 2000年物理学奖艾伦麦克迪尔米德,2000年化学奖


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