,词义修辞格主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创造出来的修辞手法,主要包括:simile,metaphor,metonymy,synecdoche,irony,innuendo,sarcasm,antithesis,contrast,parallelism.,Group one simile metaphor metonymy synecdoche,Simile“A simile is an expressed 1ikeness.The simplest and most direct way of connoting an idea with something else is by means of using similes.Simile is the neuter singular of the Latin adjective similes,meaning like.”Simile(明喻)运用广泛,可借以状物、写景、抒情、喻理,使表达生动形象,明白易懂,新鲜有趣。E.g.Resolutely he strode to the stand,carrying a palm fan like a sword to repel his enemies.,MetaphorIt is like a simile which also makes a compariaon between two unlike elements,but unlike a simile,this comparison is implied rather than stated.暗语没有引导词,这是明喻和暗喻在形式上的最大区别。eg.He has a heart of stone.,Metonymy It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another.借喻的重点不是相似而是联想In metonymy,the term“white House”might be used to mean the president of the US or the administrative branch generally.E.g.:The pen is mightier than the sword.Finally she married money.,Synecdoche It involves the substitution to the part for the whole,or the whole for the part.提喻是指用部分代表整体,或用整体代表部分的修辞方法E.g.:The farms were short of hands during the harvest season.(hands=labors)He cannot ride a wheel.(wheel=bicycle),Group two irony innuendo sarcasm,Irony A figure of speech in which the actual intent is expressed in words which carry the opposite meaning.E.g.After a while,it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dare to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.,Innuendo A mild form of irony.Hinging in a rather roundabout way at something disparaging or uncomplimentary to the person or subject mentioned.(是一种温和的反语,用一种比较隐晦曲折的方式表达对所提及的某事物的不一致和不赞赏)E.g.:He must take his reading in a bathroom.,Sarcasm While innuendo is a mild form of irony,satcasm is just the opposite,it attacks in a taunting and bitter manner.(讽刺程度比irony强烈,它是一种以奚落嘲讽为目的的,打击伤害客体感情的一种修辞E.g.Laws are like cobwebs,which may catch small files,but let wasps break through.,ComparisonIrony,innuendo and sarcasm 是三种修辞格,三者有联系也有区别。联系:三者大多数情况下都是以讽刺为目的,只是在强度上有所差异。区别:sarcasm Irony innuendo,Group three antithesis contrast parallelism,Antithesis It is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve emphasis.揭出互相对立的现象,使他们相映相衬,以达到加强文饰的效果。它包括一体两面的对照和两体对照,一体两面的对照:就是把相反的观念同时叙述在一个事物上,由此形成矛盾,并在矛盾上透出事物的特殊本质。E.g.:many scientists have both these qualities,that is,they are both careful and careless.两体对照:就是互相对立的两个事物并列出来,是他们彼此映衬,这样黒者愈黒白者愈白,使人获得鲜明深刻的印象E.g.:Harm set,harm get.,ContrastA rhetorical strategy and method of organization in which a writer identifies the differences between two people,places,ideas,or things.他将两个相反的事物或同一事物的正反两面并列在一起,使之相互衬托,形成鲜明的对比,更加突出的表现事物的本质。,ParallelismA structural arrangement of parts of a sentence,sentences,paragraphs,and larger units of composition by which one element of equal importance with another is similarly developed and phrased.E.g.“There is never a duel with the truth,”he roared.“The truth always wins-and we are not afraid of it.The truth does not need Mr.Bryan.The truth is eternal,immortal,and needs no human agency to support it.”(also:Repetition:a rhetorical device reiterating a word or phrase,or rewording the same idea,to secure emphasis.),Thank you!,