同步电机电机调试前期准备:1, 通过SMC204 4.3 3X520 sensor syatemTable A-SX520 arftcodter 钾 am im«rfacaPinSignal narneTAchnicail s-pecrfiEatiors*:1P enebrierEncode” p<swEr sun ply2M *ncDcforGround for euod r power supply3AIncr'fri'nental m 肿席旨 4.4IrrAerss inreraAnsnial signal A5GroLindGround ifor internal shieldi6eIncroiYifiintal Bignal B7BjInverse i昭申臂1色言午t剑ag件al BECr&LindGroundl *far in3«mal shield')9Resetsd, dQ not use1 :ClockClock, EnDat intarfAcA, SSl ulouk11ResarvadL da nfft use12Clock*Invertsd 亡 Io 亡和 EnDat interface, inverted SSI clock13+ TempMotor tennpersture m&asuremefiit KTYB4-1C130 (KTY+JTemperature sensor KTYB4-1C13D J PTC1-A senseSense input encocer power supplyISDataData EADat Htsrface SSI data16M i>.n4Ground cent* inpyt ncodvr pow«r supp y17RRefs rant* signa l RILRIn/erseeAerence signal R19cAbwlut* “2 柚 rdl C2QcInverted Bbl&Jute tradt signal C21DAbspddt# track Signal D22丁In -'erAi? absQ ute tr(ck signs 023A®ln /«r$* datjir ErnDat int*rfac* |nv«o* SSI data2-Ground<3Qund i for irn<ernal shield i25-TempKlotorfne«$ureirient KTYS4-1C130(KTY.JT«mpar«bjr« lanivr KTYB4-1C13D FTC2CA31 电缆园光栅查询:28000线28个参考点名义增量值25.714 (两参考点之间度数)栅格距离为25.714/2000=0.012857利用starter配置同步电机参数Control structure:Control type: 21 Speed control (with encoder) Power unit component: Component name: Motor_Module_5 Component type: Single motor module Order no.: 6SL3120-1TE28-5Axx Rated power: 45.6 kW Rated current: 85 AMotor:Motor name: Motor_18 Motor type: 2 Synchronous motor (rotating, permanentmagnet)Motor data: p3050: Rated motor current 84.00 Arms p3110: Rated motor speed 1100.0 rpm p3140: Motor pole pair number 4 p3160: Motor torque constant 3.33 Nm/A p3220: Maximum motor speed 3500.0 rpm p3230: Maximum motor current 155.00 Arms p3380: Motor limit current 164.00 Arms p3410: Motor moment of inertia 0.330000 kgm2 p3500: Motor stator resistance, cold 0.08300 Ohm p3560: Motor stator leakage inductance 3.95300 mH p3070: Rated motor power 32.00 kW p3270: Optimum motor load angle 90.0 ° p3280: Motor reluctance torque constant 0.00 mHEquivalent Circuit Diagram Data: p3120: Rated motor torque 277.80 Nm p3170: Motor voltage constant 236.0 Vrms p3180: Motor stall current 59.00 Arms p3190: Motor stall torque 0.00 Nm p3200: Motor rated magnetizing current/short-circuit current 0.000 Arms p3260: Motor stall torque correction factor 60 % p3290: Motor pole position identification current 50.00 Arms p3480: Speed at the start of field weakening Vdc = 600 V 3500.0 rpm p3530: Motor series inductance 0.000 mHp3910: Current controller adaptation, starting point KP 0.00 Arms p3920:Current controller adaptation, starting point KP adapted 0.00 Arms p3930: Current controller adaptation p gain adaptation 100.00 % Calculation of the Motor/Controller Data:Complete calculation without equiv. circuit diag. data Motor holding brake: Motor holding brake: Not availableEncoder:Encoder evaluation name 1: SM_16Name Encoder 1: Encoder_17Encoder type Encoder 1: User-definedOrder no. encoder 1: XExxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxDrive functions:Technological application: 101 Feed drive (limit current limitation)Process data exchange (drive):PROFIBUS PZD message frame: 116 SIEMENS telegram 116, PZD-11/19 二 换 向角的识别方法第一步:Rotor position ID驱动识别方式P1980=1 (基于电流)NCK复位1.基于电流(旋转同步电机)10基于运动(直线电机)第二步:1990=10:不激活1 :开始识别建义做驱动器保存'但不需重新上电第三步:加上使能,手动开动轴运动,换 向角度自动写到P431中,并且变为第四步.NCK复位如果报207995换向角识别错误1,说明换向角电流太小1990=0增加P329 (默认329他的数值约为电机额定电流的15%)从新测试S120 611DP1980 MD1075P1990 MD1017P0431 MD1016P0329 MD1019P0113 MD1100P0305 MD1103P0323 MD1104P0316 MD1113P317 MD1114 350-1115358-1116 341-1117318-1118 348-1142322-1146311-1400604- 1602605- -1607314-1112408-1005338-1122注意事项:1、选择PE主轴参数设置2、P340完全计算3、精同步测不设置。以前默认为:距离码4、配置时选择“主轴驱动”20120309 sp1 DRIVE 参数Control structure:Control type: 21 Speed control (with encoder)Power unit component:Component name: Motor_Module_5Component type: Single motor moduleRated power: 45.6 kWRated current: 85 AMotor:Motor name: Motor_20Motor type: 2 Synchronous motor (rotating, permanent-magnet)Motor data:p3050: Rated motor current 84.00 Armsp3110: Rated motor speed 1100.0 rpmp3140: Motor pole pair number 4p3160: Motor torque constant 3.33 Nm/Ap3220: Maximum motor speed 3500.0 rpmp3230: Maximum motor current 155.00 Armsp3380: Motor limit current 164.00 Armsp3410: Motor moment of inertia 0.330000 kgm2p3500: Motor stator resistance, cold 0.08300 Ohmp3560: Motor stator leakage inductance 3.95300 mHp3070: Rated motor power 32.00 kWp3270: Optimum motor load angle 90.0°p3280: Motor reluctance torque constant 0.00 mHEquivalent Circuit Diagram Data:p3120: Rated motor torque 277.80 Nmp3170: Motor voltage constant 236.0 Vrmsp3180: Motor stall current 59.00 Armsp3190: Motor stall torque 277.00 Nmp3200: Motor rated magnetizing current/short-circuit current0.000 Armsp3260: Motor stall torque correction factor 60 %p3290: Motor pole position identification current 50.00 Armsp3480: Speed at the start of field weakening Vdc = 600 V3500.0 rpmp3530: Motor series inductance 0.000 mHp3910: Current controller adaptation, starting point KP 0.00Armsp3920: Current controller adaptation, starting point KP adapted0.00 Armsp3930: Current controller adaptation p gain adaptation100.00 %Calculation of the Motor/Controller Data:Complete calculation without equiv. circuit diag. data Motorholding brake:Motor holding brake: Not availableEncoder:Encoder evaluation name 1: SM_18Encoder type Encoder 1: User-definedOrder no. encoder 1: XExxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxDrive functions:Technological application: 102 Spindle drive (rated current limitation)Process data exchange (drive):PROFIBUS PZD message frame: 116 SIEMENS telegram 116,PZD-11/19SP2 DRIVE 20120309Control structure:Control type: 21 Speed control (with encoder)Power unit component:Component name: Motor_Module_6Component type: Single motor moduleOrder no.: 6SL3120-1TE26-0AxxRated power: 32.2 kWRated current: 60 AMotor:Motor name: Motor_17Motor type: 2 Synchronous motor (rotating, permanent-magnet)Motor data:p3050: Rated motor current 51.00 Armsp3110: Rated motor speed 1600.0 rpmp3140: Motor pole pair number 3p3160: Motor torque constant 2.04 Nm/Ap3220: Maximum motor speed 6000.0 rpmp3230: Maximum motor current 151.00 Armsp3380: Motor limit current 115.00 Armsp3410: Motor moment of inertia 0.037529 kgm2p3500: Motor stator resistance, cold 0.04081 Ohmp3560: Motor stator leakage inductance 2.22222 mH EquivalentCircuit Diagram Data:p3120: Rated motor torque 104.00 Nmp3170: Motor voltage constant 142.0 Vrmsp3180: Motor stall current 36.00 Armsp3190: Motor stall torque 104.00 Nmp3200: Motor rated magnetizing current/short-circuitcurrent 0.000 Armsp3260: Motor stall torque correction factor 60 %p3290: Motor pole position identification current 8.00 Armsp3480: Speed at the start of field weakening Vdc = 600 Vp3530: Motor series inductance 0.000 mHp3910: Current controller adaptation, starting point KP0.00 Armsp3920: Current controller adaptation, starting point KPadapted 0.00 Armsp3930: Current controller adaptation p gain adaptation 100.00 %Calculation of the Motor/Controller Data:No calculationMotor holding brake:Motor holding brake: Not availableEncoder:Encoder evaluation name 1: SM_15Name Encoder 1: Encoder_16 Encoder type Encoder 1: User-definedOrder no. encoder 1: XExxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxDrive functions:Technological application: 102 Spindle drive (rated currentlimitation)Process data exchange (drive):PROFIBUS PZD message frame: 116 SIEMENS telegram 116,