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    Gradualness,作者:丰子恺译者:张培基,渐,使人生圆滑进行的微妙的要素,莫如“渐”;造物主骗人的手段,也莫如“渐”。在不知不觉之中,天真烂漫的孩子“渐渐”变成野心勃勃的青年;慷慨豪侠的青年“渐渐”变成冷酷的成人;血气旺盛的成人“渐渐”变成顽固的老头子。因为其变更是渐进的,一年一年地、一月一月地、一日一日地、一时一时地、一分一分地、一秒一秒地渐进,犹如从斜度极缓的长远的山坡上走下来,使人不察其递降的痕迹,不见其各阶段的境界,而似乎觉得常在同样的地位,恒久不变,又无时不有生的意趣与价值,于是人生就被确实肯定,而圆滑进行了。故可知人生是由“渐”维持的。这在女人恐怕尤为必要:歌剧中,舞台上的如花的少女,就是将来火炉旁边的老婆子,这句话,骤听使人不能相信,少女也不肯承认,实则现在的老婆子都是由如花的少女“渐渐”变成的。,The subtle factor that makes life endurable is“gradualness”.It is by this“gradualness”that the Creator deceives all humans.Through the process of imperceptible gradual change,innocent kids become ambitious youths,chivalrous youths become unfeeling grownups,aggressive grownups become mulish old fogeys.,Gradualness,Since the change takes place by slow degrees-year by year,month by month,day by day,hour by hour,minute by minute,second by second,you feel as if you were permanently your same old self always seeing much fun and meaning in life,like one,walking a long,long way down an extremely gentle mountain slope,hardly perceives its degree of incline or notices the altered scenes as he moves along.You thus take a positive view of life and find it endurable.Suppose a kid suddenly became a young man overnight,or a young man suddenly became an old man in a matter of hours from dawn till dusk,you would definitely feel astonished,emotionally stirred and sad,or lose any interest in life due to its transience.The gradualness is particularly crucial to women.Beautiful young ladies starring in an opera or stage show will someday end up becoming grannies moping their remaining years away around a fire.This may at first sound incredible and young ladies may refuse to accept it as true.Fact is,however,all aged women you meet today have without exception gradually evolved from beautiful young ladies of yesterday.,渐Gradualness,“渐”也可译为gradual change,现 译为gradualness 与原文形式一致,并用了英语里的名词化现象:“gradual gradualness”突出作者此篇散文的正式(formal)文体,较gradual change 更简洁、庄重。,使人生圆滑进行的微妙的要素,莫如“渐”;造物主骗人的手段,也莫如“渐”。The subtle factor that makes life endurable is“gradualness”.It is by this“gradualness”that the Creator deceives all humans.,渐,非基本主题语篇中心主题:“渐(Gradualness)”,使人生圆滑进行的微妙的要素,莫如“渐”;造物主骗人的手段,也莫如“渐”。The subtle factor that makes life endurable is“gradualness”.It is by this“gradualness”that the Creator deceives all humans.点评:很好!有自己的判断与创见。不过英语译文可修订为smoothly endurable,渐,莫如(被译为“is”)暗含一种强调与比较关系,译为nothing but 或no more than 比较好。,圆滑进行:结合上下文来理解,圆滑大体上指,“使人感到,人生在世,日子还算好过。”但圆滑又有顺利、平缓进行下去的意思,因此建议修改为smooth and endurable.,造物主骗人的手段,也莫如“渐”。It is by this“gradualness”that the Creator deceives all humans.译者用强调句在这里突出了原文中的“莫如”,如果加上“also”,就照应上文,更凸显了主题gradualness.,在不知不觉之中,天真烂漫的孩子“渐渐”变成野心勃勃的青年;慷慨豪侠的青年“渐渐”变成冷酷的成人;血气旺盛的成人“渐渐”变成顽固的老头子。Through the process of imperceptible gradual change,innocent kids become ambitious youths,chivalrous youths become unfeeling grownups,aggressive grownups become mulish old fogeys.,渐,次级主题1:人生渐变四部曲:,次级主题的渐变体现了语篇中心主题“渐”的制约性,在不知不觉之中,天真烂漫的孩子“渐渐”变成野心勃勃的青年;慷慨豪侠的青年“渐渐”变成冷酷的成人;血气旺盛的成人“渐渐”变成顽固的老头子。Through the process of imperceptible gradual change,innocent kids become ambitious youths,chivalrous youths become unfeeling grownups,aggressive grownups become mulish old fogeys.,渐,改译为:innocent carefree,改译为:generous chivalrous,改译为:vigorous aggressive,形容词体现的渐变:,形容词的渐变体现了语篇中心主题“渐”的制约性,在不知不觉之中,天真烂漫的孩子“渐渐”变成野心勃勃的青年;慷慨豪侠的青年“渐渐”变成冷酷的成人;血气旺盛的成人“渐渐”变成顽固的老头子。Through the process of imperceptible gradual change,innocent kids become ambitious youths,chivalrous youths become unfeeling grownups,aggressive grownups become mulish old fogeys.,渐,改译为:grow up into(长大为)(become sth gradually with the passage of time),可理解为:成熟为改译为:mature into,可理解为:衰退为改译为:deteriorate into,咬文嚼字,顽固:Stubborn:determined not to give way Obstinate:refusing to change ones opinion or chosen course of actionHeadstrong:determined to do things in ones own way without listening to others Mulish:as stubborn as a mule分析:选择mulish修饰the old man,不仅突出了老人的极度顽固,而且更加形象,生动,使读者产生联想而忍俊不禁同时又觉无可奈何。点评:以上三组词的对比分析与创见性修改译文体现出你们已经领会主题关联性对词语意义的影响。,因为其变更是渐进的,一年一年地、一月一月地、一日一日地、一时一时地、一分一分地、一秒一秒地渐进,Since the change takes place by slow degrees-year by year,month by month,day by day,hour by hour,minute by minute,second by second,渐,犹如从斜度极缓的长远的山坡上走下来,使人不察其递降的痕迹,不见其各阶段的境界,而似乎觉得常在同样的地位,恒久不变,又无时不有生的意趣与价值,于是人生就被确实肯定,而圆滑进行了。you feel as if you were permanently your same old self always seeing much fun and meaning in life,like one,walking a long,long way down an extremely gentle mountain slope,hardly perceives its degree of incline or notices the altered scenes as he moves along.You thus take a positive view of life and find it endurable.,渐,simile,作者的措词要受到语篇中心主题“渐”的制约,渐,假如昨夜的孩子今朝忽然变成青年;或朝为青年而夕暮忽成老人,人一定要惊讶、感慨、悲伤、或痛感人生的无常,而不乐为人了。Suppose a kid suddenly became a young man overnight,or a young man suddenly became an old man in a matter of hours from dawn till dusk,you would definitely feel astonished,emotionally stirred and sad,or lose any interest in life due to its transience.,这里作者刻画了忽变,以及人们对于突变的态度,用语和渐进形成强烈对比,In contrast with gradualness,Your reactions,Lose interest,Suddenly became,A kid a young manovernight,A young man an old manin a few hours,Feel astonished,Feel emotionallystirred,Feelsad,咬文嚼字,或痛感人生的无常,而不乐为人了。无常:一指变化不定 二婉称人死 三佛教指世间万物都不能久住,都处在生灭成毁之中 四指迷信中勾魂的鬼结合上下文语境和作者的背景(弘一法师也对丰子恺佛教思想起着举足轻重的影响。丰子恺不同于一般作家艺术家的世界观与艺术观,他时时以宗教的心眼去看待人生、对待艺术,佛教的“大慈大悲”是他精髓。)来分析,取释义“三”较为恰当,形容人生的转瞬即逝。转瞬即逝:transienttransient:lasting for only a short time,brief,fleeting the transience of human life 人生之短暂,语篇翻译时词义的选择要受到语篇中心主题及语境的制约,故可知人生是由“渐”维持的。这在女人恐怕尤为必要:Hence it is evident that life is sustained by“gradualness”.The gradualness is particularly crucial to women.,渐,以the gradualness 作为主语,体现了英语的形合特点。同时又与主题“渐”产生关联。,歌剧中,舞台上的如花的少女,就是将来火炉旁边的老婆子,Beautiful young ladies starring in an opera or stage show will someday end up becoming grannies moping their remaining years away around a fire.,渐,渐变,歌剧中,舞台上的如花的少女,就是将来火炉旁边的老婆子,改译:Beautiful young ladies starring in an opera or stage show will someday end up becoming grannies moping their remaining years away around a fire.,渐,稍有增译,更好地表达出了老婆子衰老无力的样子。,“歌剧中,舞台上”不是指两个供选择的独立的概念,而是“上演歌剧的舞台上”。尤其考虑到作者创作此文的时代背景,主要是歌剧流行。因此建议修改为:In an opera,beautiful young ladies starring on the stage,渐,这句话,骤听使人不能相信,少女也不肯承认,实则现在的老婆子都是由如花的少女“渐渐”变成的。This may at first sound incredible and young ladies may refuse to accept it as true.Fact is,however,all aged women you meet today have without exception gradually evolved from beautiful young ladies of yesterday.,画蛇添足,属冗余成分,应删除,原文已有“all”,应删除,evolve已有此意,evolve:develop naturally and(usually)gradually,


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