中国神经再生研究:英文版一、发表说明本团队专注于论文写作与发表服务,擅长案例分析、编程仿真、图表绘制、理论分析等,论文写作、发表300起, 具体价格信息联系:本团队并非任何杂志编辑中心,本中心是专业代发论文的机构,与各个杂志社具有长期良好的合作关系,也就是我们通过我们的特殊渠道将论文送给杂志社我们特定的内部人处理论文,保证较高的上稿率,以解决投稿人投稿后焦急的等待与石沉大海的结局。通过我们可以较为容易达到发表的目地,当然,论文的质量也是重要的基础。二、期刊简介如下本刊系卫生部主管,中国康复医学会、中国神经再生研究(英文版)Nerve Regeneration Research杂志社主办的国家级学术期刊。本刊为英文版杂志,以国际通用语言研究最前沿、最热点的神经再生问题。创刊起点高,评估论文研究成果的学术标准高,对论文语言表述水平的要求高。本刊关注国际神经再生研究方面的热点和重大应用性课题,跟踪国际神经再生研究方面高科技的前沿成果。本刊以及时报道神经再生研究领域具有前瞻性、创造性和较高学术水平的基础研究、应用基础研究以及相关临床研究为特色。内容突出前瞻性、创新性、科学性,惟能确实反映出该领域研究的最高水平,力求每一篇文章都清楚阐述与他人、他篇的不同之处。本刊工作目标为发稿高质量:以研究原著为主,基金论文率80%,国际论文率40%;审稿高水平:国际专家审稿率30%,大16开月刊,精品印刷;工作高效率:修稿时效快,出版周期为修回稿件后170天。本刊审稿机制规范。投稿同时您可以提出(或不提出)与您文章研究方向相近的审稿专家及需回避的审稿专家各3名,如提供,请介绍其具体信息(投稿后本刊邮箱会回复您具体要求)。投稿20天内由杂志编辑部采用随机盲法抽取评审专家审稿,如符合采用标准,文章进入修稿程序。本刊交组织一支国际化的审稿专家队伍。本刊发稿条件:国家及省部级各项基金资助项目论文。国家及省部级重点科研课题论文。院士及首席科学家项目课题论文。国家及省部级重点科研项目中心及其实验室课题论文。国家及省部级专利技术项目论文。博士后流动站课题,优秀博士答辩论文。经检察证实为国内首发的前瞻性论文。多国家、多项目、多单位联合协作联合资助的课题。前瞻性、多中心的大样本课题。本刊发稿周期:您文章修回至出版时间为170天,如果您的稿件有条件申请"优先发表",稿件修回到出版时间为120天。本刊用国际通用的语言研究最热点的神经再生问题,将出版一本令神经再生研究专业领域感兴趣的杂志,力争2年时间走进SCI队列!中国神经再生研究(英文版)杂志社 地址:沈阳1234邮政信箱 邮编:110004投稿电邮:sjzs101 sjzs102 咨询电邮:sjzs100电话:+86 24 23381085 传真:+86 24 23394178 网址:Connexins in neurons and glia: targets for intervention in disease and injuryEDITORIALLetter from the Editors-in-ChiefINVITEDREVIEWSFat cell-secreted adiponectin mediates physical exercise-induced hippocampal neurogenesis: an alternative anti-depressive treatment?PERSPECTIVESClinical strategies to enhance nerve regenerationSPECIALISSUENeural regeneration after peripheral nerve injury repair is a system remodelling process of interaction between nerves and terminal effectorRESEARCHARTICLES3acterial melanin promotes recovery after sciatic nerve njury in ratsLETTERST0THEEDITORHypersensitivity of vascular alpha-adrenoceptor responsiveness: a possible inducer of pain in neuropathic statesHope on the (fruit) fly: the Drosophila wing paradigm of axon injuryPERSPECTIVESRAFting the rapids of axon regeneration signalingINVITEDREVIEWSTamoxifen and Src kinase inhibitors as neuroprotective/neuroregenerative drugs after spinal cord injuryRESEARCHARTICLESElectroacupuncture in the repair of spinal cord injury: inhibiting the Notch signaling pathway and promoting neural stem cell proliferationIMAGINGINNEURALREGENERATIONAppearance of a neural bypass between injured cingulum and brainstem cholinergic nuclei of a patient with traumatic brain injury on follow-up diffusion tensor tractography imagesREVIEWSWhat drives progressive motor deficits in patients with acute pontine infarction?Structural and functional reorganization of propriospinal connections promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injuryHIGHLIGHTSActive zone stability: insights from fly neuromuscular junctionPERSPECTIVESLesson from the neuromuscular junction: role of pattern and timing of nerve activity in synaptic developmentINVITEDREVIEWSThe p75 neurotrophin receptor: at the crossroad of neural repair and deathRESEARCHARTICLESNeuroprotective effects of ginsenoside Rgl-induced neural stem cell transplantation on hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathyREVIEWLigustrazine monomer against cerebral ischemia/ reperfusion injuryINVITED REVIEWSInhibition of kinesin-5 improves regeneration of injured axons by a novel microtubule-based mechanismHIGHLIGHTSStrategies to avoid a missed diagnosis of co-occurring concussion in post-acute patients having a spinal cord injuryPERSPECTIVESProtein deacetylases and axonal regenerationRESEARCH ARTICLESCellular reprogramming and inherited peripheral neuropathies: perspectives and challengesConnexins in neurons and glia: targets for intervention in disease and injuryEDITORIALLetter from Editors-in-ChiefINVITED REVIEWSenescence in adipose-derived stem cells and its implications in nerve regenerationRESEARCH AND REPORTSAutophaglc induction of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis- linked Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase I G93A mutant in NSC34 cellsTECHNICAL UPDATESA non-invasive, rapid method to genotype late-onset Alzheimers disease-related apolipoprotein E gene polymorphismsREVIEWLipid rafts participate in aberrant degradative autophagic-lysosomal pathway of amyloid-beta peptide in Alzheimers diseaseEVIDENCE-BASEDMEDICINECritical illness polyneuropathy and myopathy: a systematic reviewEDITORIALSpinal root avulsion: an excellent model for studying motoneuron degeneration and regeneration after severe axonal injuryRESEARCH AND REPORTSEffect of type-2 astrocytes on the viability of dorsal root ganglion neurons and length of neuronal processesTECHNICAL UPDATESThe optimal distance between two electrode tips during recording of compound nerve action potentials in the rat median nerveCLINICAL PRACTICEAcupuncture/electroacupuncture enhances anti- depressant effect of Seroxat: the Symptom Checklist-90 scoresBridging the injured spinal cord with neural stem cellsSPECIALISSUENeuronal growth cones and regeneration: gridlock within the extracellular matrixRESEARCHANDREPoRTSRegulatory effects of inhibiting the activation of glial cells on retinal synaptic plasticityTECHNICALUPDATESA novel transgenic mouse model of Chinese CharcotMarie-Tooth disease type 2LCLINICALPRACTICECircadian fluctuations in three types of sensory modules in healthy subjectsIMAGINGINNEURALREGENERATIONPosterior quadrantic disconnection maintains the activity of isolated temporal-parietal-occipital nerve tissue: neuroprotective measures in the surgical treatment of epilepsyPERSPECTIVESTechnical comments on rodent spinal cord injuries modelsCOMMENTARYRepairing the injured spinal cord:sprouting versus regeneration. Is this a realistic match?RESEARCH AND REPORTSApolipoprotein E mimetic peptide protects against diffuse brain injur yIMAGING IN NEURAL REGENERATIONUnusual neural connection between injured cingulum and brainstem in a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhageTECHNICAL UPDATESRecombinant adenovirus-mediated overexpression of 3 -hydroxysteroid-24 reductaseMechanisms of secondary degeneration after partial optic nerve transectionAcrolein as a novel therapeutic target for motor and sensory deficits in spinal cord injurySpinal Cord ContusionABOUT JOURNALABOUT JOURNALABOUT JOURNALEDITORIALCurrent advances in neurotrauma research:diagnosis, neuroprotection, and neurorepairPEPSPECTIVFSStrategies to limit dysmyelination during secondary degeneration following neurotraumaPESEARCH AND REPORTSMelatonin reduces traumatic brain injur y-induced oxidative stress in the cerebral cortex and blood of ratsTECHICAL UPDATESHigh matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression induces angiogenesis and basement membrane degradation in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats after cerebral infarctionNEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH ABOUT JOURNALINVTTD REVIEWStem cell therapy for central nerve system injuries: glial cells hold the keyPERSPECTIVESBeyond taxol: microtubule-based strategies for promoting nerve regeneration after injuryRESEARCH AND REPORTSNeuroprotective effect of the traditional Chinese herbal formula Tongxinluo: a PET imaging study in ratsTECHNICAL UPDATESAutophagy activation aggravates neuronal injury in the hippocampus of vascular dementia ratsIMAGNG IN NEURAL REGENERATONSelective verbal memory impairment due to left fornical crus injury in a patient with intraventricular hemorrhageACADEMlC DISCUSSl0NTargeted thrombolysis strategies for neuroprotective effectCLINCAL PRACTICEChanges in motor function in the unaffected hand ol stroke patients should not be ignoredINVITED REVlEWBridging long gap peripheral nerve injury using skeletal muscle-derived multipotent stem cellsRESEARCH AND REPORTSAn inside-out vein graft filled with. platelet-rich plasma for repair of a short sciatic nerve defect in ratsIMAGING IN NEURAL REGENERATIONUltrasound imaging of chitosan nerve conduits that bridge sciatic nerve defects in ratsCLINICAL PRACTICEAmplitude of sensory nerve action potential in early stage diabetic peripheral neuropathy: an analysis of 500 casesTECHNICAL UPDATESHeat shock protein 72 confers protection in retinal ganglion cells and lateral geniculate nucleus neurons via blockade of the SAPK/JNK pathway in a chronic ocular-hypertensive rat modelINVITED REVIEWDriving neural regeneration through the mammalian target of rapamycinRESEARCH AND REPORTSOptimal therapeutic dose and time window of picroside II in cerebral ischemic injuryTECHNICAL UPDATESA feasible strategy for focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury: remote ischemic postconditioningIMAGING IN NEURAL REGENERATl0NChanges in brain activation in stroke patients after mental practice and physical exercise: a functional MRI studyINVITED REVIEWCervical spinal cord injury: tailoring clinical trial endpoints to reflect meaningful functional improvementsPERSPECTIVESShifting balance from neurodegeneration to regeneration of the brain: a novel therapeutic approach to Alzheimers disease and related neurodegenerative conditionsRESEARCH AND REPORTSTransplantation of neurotrophin-3-transfected bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells for the repair of spinal cord injuryTECHNICAL UPDATESCutaneous sensory nerve as a substitute for auditory nerve in solving deaf-mutes hearing problem: an innovation in multi-channel-array skin-hearing technologyDISCUSSl0NNeuroprotective effects of berry fruits on neurodegenerative diseasesLETTERSTO THEEDITORTelemedicine and digital management in repair and regeneration after nerve injury and in nervous system diseasesINVITED REVIEWExtracellular matrices, artificial neural scaffolds and the promise of neural regenerationRESEARCH AND REPORTSNeuroprotective effects of vagus nerve stimulation on traumatic brain injuryTECHNICAL UPDATESAutophagy occurs within an hour of adenosine triphosphate treatment after nerve cell damage: the neuroprotective effects of adenosine triphosphate against apoptosisCOMMUNICATIONNeuroprotective effects of Buyang Huanwu decoction on cerebral ischemia-induced neuronal damageINVITEDREVIEWDecorin treatment of spinal cord injuryRESEARCHANDREPORTSBone marrow mesenchymal stem cells repair spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury by promoting axonal growth and anti-autophagyTECHNICALUPDATESFactors affecting directional migration of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to the injured spinal cordCOMMUNICATl0NSciatic nerve injury repair: a visualized analysis of research fronts and development trendsMicrofluidic systems for axonal growth and regeneration researchImpact of vasculature damage on the outcome of spinal cord injury: a novel collagenase-induced model may give new insights into the mechanisms involvedNEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH ABOUT JOURNALABOUT JOURNALINVITED REVIEWExtracellular matrix components in peripheral nerve repair:how to affect neural cellular response and nerve regeneration?PERSPECTIVESNew perspectives for investigating respiratory failure induced by cervical spinal cord injuryRESEARCH AND REPORTSDorsal root ganglion-derived Schwann cells combined with poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/chitosan conduits for the repair of sciatic nerve defects in ratsTECHNICAL UPDATESCD93 and GIPC expression and localization during central nervous system inlfammationACADEMIC DISCUSSIONEvaluation of spinal cord injury animal modelsPERSPECTIVESSulindac for stroke treatment: neuroprotective mechanism and therapyMISCELLANEAAcknowledgments to reviewers of Neural Regeneration Research in 2014PERSPECTIVESStandby EMT andimmune cell trapping structure as novel mechanisms for limiting neuronal damage after CNS injuryCOMMENTARIESSodium iodate induced retinal degeneration: new insights from an old modelINVITED REVIEWDynamic reactive astrocytes after focal ischemiaRESEARCH AND REPORTSHuman bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation attenuates axonal injury in stroke ratsTECHNICAL UPDATESLesion localization of global aphasia without hemiparesis by overlapping of the brain magnetic resonance imagesREVIEWNerve transfer helps repair brachial plexus injury by increasing cerebral cortical plasticity